Americans Supporting ISIS


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
This thread will be about those scum...
Jihadist w/Worst Pizza Place in New York Pleads Guilty to Supporting ISIS
"Nasty, nasty, nasty"
December 22, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Mufid Elfgeeh, a Muslim immigrant operating out of Rochester NY, finally pleaded guilty to providing support to ISIS. Of course it had nothing to do with Islam.

"Elfgeeh stated that a person who helps or sponsors a fighter to engage in violent jihad obtains the same religious rewards from Allah as the fighter himself."

Okay, maybe it had a little something to do with Islam. And he had all sorts of great plans...

"I'm thinking about just go buy a big automatic gun from off the street ... and just put on a vest or whatever and just go around and start shooting," the affidavit states.

In March, Elfgeeh apparently narrowed his plans to killing returning soldiers, authorities allege. Elfgeeh also inquired about prices for hand grenades, "the type that one would throw at someone as you are driving a car."

But while Elfgeeh didn't get to actually kill anyone with a gun, he might have done it with his pizza.

Inspections found that its hygiene level was that of his native Yemen.


And now Mufid is going where he'll never be able to poison anyone for ISIS with bad pizza again.

Jihadist w/Worst Pizza Place in New York Pleads Guilty to Supporting ISIS
Muslims Celebrated 9/11 in USA: "Men Were Dancing. Women Shouting in Arabic"
"I saw it with my own eyes,
December 22, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


It's a whopper. It's ridiculous. It's been fact-checked. It's Islamophobic. The mayor said it never happened.

"Trump is plain wrong, and he is shamefully politicizing an emotionally charged issue," Jersey City Mayor Fulop said in a statement released yesterday morning. "No one in Jersey City cheered on September 11."

It's a lie. It happened.

"When I saw they were happy, I was pissed," said Ron Knight, 56, a Tonnele Avenue resident who said he heard cries of "Allahu Akbar" as he shouldered his way through a crowd of 15 to 20 people on John F. Kennedy Boulevard that morning.

Collectively, the gatherings amounted to dozens of people at the two locations, the witnesses said. Callers also flooded the 911 system with accounts of jubilant Muslims on a rooftop at a third location, three police officers said, but a reporter was unable to find witnesses there 14 years later.

A retired police captain, Peter Gallagher, said he cleared a rooftop celebration of 20 to 30 people at 6 Tonnele Ave., a four-story apartment building with an unobstructed view of Lower Manhattan, in the hours after the second tower fell.

"Some men were dancing, some held kids on their shoulders," said Gallagher, then a sergeant. "The women were shouting in Arabic and keening in the high-pitched wail of Arabic fashion. They were told to go back to their apartments since a crowd of non-Muslims was gathering on the sidewalk below and we feared for their safety."

FBI agents took several residents of the building into custody days later, according to neighbors and an account in The Star-Ledger. It is unclear why they were detained.

Knight was one of two Tonnele Avenue residents who said they witnessed a crowd celebrating on John F. Kennedy Boulevard not far from Masjid Al-Salam, the mosque where Omar Abdel-Rahman, known as the "blind sheikh," preached before the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

Carlos Ferran, 60, who lives in the same building as Knight, said he was on his way to a liquor store to buy beer when he came across the gathering on the sidewalk.

"Some of them had their hands in the air," Ferran said. "They were happy."

Three additional officers who remain on the Jersey City force said they witnessed small groups of Muslim celebrants on Sept. 11, but they would not speak for attribution, citing a department policy that prohibits media interviews.

The officers, including a high-ranking official, said their reluctance to speak publicly also stemmed from concern they would run afoul of Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop, who has repeatedly said celebrations did not take place.

"I saw it with my own eyes," the ranking officer said. "In the end, police officers are professionals, so we just observed that stuff and sucked it up."

Eleven other officers claimed to have been witnesses to celebrations in postings on Facebook after Trump resurrected the issue, but they either declined to speak for attribution or did not return calls seeking comment.

The report attempts to minimize this, but we've gone from "none" to "multiple incidents". And these are the ones that can be gathered from police officers who will talk despite the intimidation. How many smaller celebrations were there that didn't lead to so many 9/11 calls that the police had to intervene to protect the Muslim celebrants from angry Americans?

Those records that survived will likely be purged. Witnesses will die. And history will be rewritten. That's the goal here. It never happened. And if you remember it happened, you're an Islamophobe.


Never forget.

Muslims Celebrated 9/11 in USA: "Men Were Dancing. Women Shouting in Arabic"
Were you cheering, along with the Muslims?
No, I was holding a staff meeting. Life goes on.
Yeah, I'll bet you were.
That would be a good bet then. Unlike most, I don't fear death and I don't panic. 9/11 was long overdue...
You just fear wigets and run like a little girl. What were you so afraid of? Was a big bad wiggie gonna bite you?
My Muslim ex-brother-in-law is an animal who beat my sister repeatedly. She finally left when he threw a vase at her head, causing a wound that needed stiches.

She left her apartment and knocked on her neighbors' doors so she could report it to the police, but none of them would allow her to use their phone. By the way, they were Muslims.

Islam is a wicked religion, and it turns people wicked.

We never know when or where another attack will take place.

We need to stop all immigration from Muslim countries.
This thread will be about those scum...
Jihadist w/Worst Pizza Place in New York Pleads Guilty to Supporting ISIS
"Nasty, nasty, nasty"
December 22, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Mufid Elfgeeh, a Muslim immigrant operating out of Rochester NY, finally pleaded guilty to providing support to ISIS. Of course it had nothing to do with Islam.

"Elfgeeh stated that a person who helps or sponsors a fighter to engage in violent jihad obtains the same religious rewards from Allah as the fighter himself."

Okay, maybe it had a little something to do with Islam. And he had all sorts of great plans...

"I'm thinking about just go buy a big automatic gun from off the street ... and just put on a vest or whatever and just go around and start shooting," the affidavit states.

In March, Elfgeeh apparently narrowed his plans to killing returning soldiers, authorities allege. Elfgeeh also inquired about prices for hand grenades, "the type that one would throw at someone as you are driving a car."

But while Elfgeeh didn't get to actually kill anyone with a gun, he might have done it with his pizza.

Inspections found that its hygiene level was that of his native Yemen.


And now Mufid is going where he'll never be able to poison anyone for ISIS with bad pizza again.

Jihadist w/Worst Pizza Place in New York Pleads Guilty to Supporting ISIS
The POS has explained Jihad well. If you can't / won't fight yourself, giving jihadis money or resources still gets the weasels their 72 revirginated virginss. Little boys, and rivers of wine in Jannah. Pay attention folks, they keep telling you libtards and you refuse to listen :)

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