American's sound and fury on Immigration.


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Four in-depth articles, with qualified experts both pro and con:

PRO and CON. People with credentials to back up their views and analysis, see positives and negatives with illegal undocumented workers.

Reports cited are claimed as vindication by partisans, both sides…

So who wins out when policy choices involve advanced thinking and analysis of incredibly complex and nuanced issues -- not to mention the raw emotional factor -- God threatening to condemn us to hell if we do not care for "the least of these" poor and downtrodden… (how "christians" on the right ignore that, I'l never understand. Not the Catholics, their position is unimpeachable--love and tollerance are absolute.)

I'll tell you who I see winning out… FEAR. Man's most base tribal instincts, us v them. The lights v the darks. "We can't let them near our stuff… or we might lose some of our precious STUFF!!!"

The only thing lost for sure, our souls. The moral character of this country is at an all-time low. Shame on us. France should take the statue back. Or maybe just drop it on Top of Stephen Miller.

Is Illegal Immigration an Economic Burden to America? - Illegal Immigration -

The Con**argument here (illegals not a burden) contains a lot of data, the Pro, arguing that Illigals are a burden contains little or no data… I'm betting some of you don't realize how much they contribute to state and local taxes and amnesty would increase that revenue considerably...

Opinion | What Does Immigration Actually Cost Us?

Benefits of Immigration Outweigh the Costs
Notice how some call it "immigration" while others call it "illegal immigration" and they are both talking about the latter. :lol:

Fucking commies.
The problem with the angry radical left is that they can't seem to get the definition of the word "illegal" clearly in their mind. There is no "sound and fury" on immigration.
Four in-depth articles, with qualified experts both pro and con:

PRO and CON. People with credentials to back up their views and analysis, see positives and negatives with illegal undocumented workers.

Reports cited are claimed as vindication by partisans, both sides…

So who wins out when policy choices involve advanced thinking and analysis of incredibly complex and nuanced issues -- not to mention the raw emotional factor -- God threatening to condemn us to hell if we do not care for "the least of these" poor and downtrodden… (how "christians" on the right ignore that, I'l never understand. Not the Catholics, their position is unimpeachable--love and tollerance are absolute.)

I'll tell you who I see winning out… FEAR. Man's most base tribal instincts, us v them. The lights v the darks. "We can't let them near our stuff… or we might lose some of our precious STUFF!!!"

The only thing lost for sure, our souls. The moral character of this country is at an all-time low. Shame on us. France should take the statue back. Or maybe just drop it on Top of Stephen Miller.

Is Illegal Immigration an Economic Burden to America? - Illegal Immigration -

The Con**argument here (illegals not a burden) contains a lot of data, the Pro, arguing that Illigals are a burden contains little or no data… I'm betting some of you don't realize how much they contribute to state and local taxes and amnesty would increase that revenue considerably...

Opinion | What Does Immigration Actually Cost Us?

Benefits of Immigration Outweigh the Costs

We have taken more than we can handle already.

No more.
Four in-depth articles, with qualified experts both pro and con:

PRO and CON. People with credentials to back up their views and analysis, see positives and negatives with illegal undocumented workers.

Reports cited are claimed as vindication by partisans, both sides…

So who wins out when policy choices involve advanced thinking and analysis of incredibly complex and nuanced issues -- not to mention the raw emotional factor -- God threatening to condemn us to hell if we do not care for "the least of these" poor and downtrodden… (how "christians" on the right ignore that, I'l never understand. Not the Catholics, their position is unimpeachable--love and tollerance are absolute.)

I'll tell you who I see winning out… FEAR. Man's most base tribal instincts, us v them. The lights v the darks. "We can't let them near our stuff… or we might lose some of our precious STUFF!!!"

The only thing lost for sure, our souls. The moral character of this country is at an all-time low. Shame on us. France should take the statue back. Or maybe just drop it on Top of Stephen Miller.

Is Illegal Immigration an Economic Burden to America? - Illegal Immigration -

The Con**argument here (illegals not a burden) contains a lot of data, the Pro, arguing that Illigals are a burden contains little or no data… I'm betting some of you don't realize how much they contribute to state and local taxes and amnesty would increase that revenue considerably...

Opinion | What Does Immigration Actually Cost Us?

Benefits of Immigration Outweigh the Costs
The left are only concerned about statues of dead people and stiletto heels.

Pelosi, Booker push for removal of Capitol’s Confederate statues
Four in-depth articles, with qualified experts both pro and con:

PRO and CON. People with credentials to back up their views and analysis, see positives and negatives with illegal undocumented workers.

Reports cited are claimed as vindication by partisans, both sides…

So who wins out when policy choices involve advanced thinking and analysis of incredibly complex and nuanced issues -- not to mention the raw emotional factor -- God threatening to condemn us to hell if we do not care for "the least of these" poor and downtrodden… (how "christians" on the right ignore that, I'l never understand. Not the Catholics, their position is unimpeachable--love and tollerance are absolute.)

I'll tell you who I see winning out… FEAR. Man's most base tribal instincts, us v them. The lights v the darks. "We can't let them near our stuff… or we might lose some of our precious STUFF!!!"

The only thing lost for sure, our souls. The moral character of this country is at an all-time low. Shame on us. France should take the statue back. Or maybe just drop it on Top of Stephen Miller.

Is Illegal Immigration an Economic Burden to America? - Illegal Immigration -

The Con**argument here (illegals not a burden) contains a lot of data, the Pro, arguing that Illigals are a burden contains little or no data… I'm betting some of you don't realize how much they contribute to state and local taxes and amnesty would increase that revenue considerably...

Opinion | What Does Immigration Actually Cost Us?

Benefits of Immigration Outweigh the Costs
The left are only concerned about statues of dead people and stiletto heels.

Pelosi, Booker push for removal of Capitol’s Confederate statues
the last thing they want is something for an american citizen. just ask them
Four in-depth articles, with qualified experts both pro and con:

PRO and CON. People with credentials to back up their views and analysis, see positives and negatives with illegal undocumented workers.

Reports cited are claimed as vindication by partisans, both sides…

So who wins out when policy choices involve advanced thinking and analysis of incredibly complex and nuanced issues -- not to mention the raw emotional factor -- God threatening to condemn us to hell if we do not care for "the least of these" poor and downtrodden… (how "christians" on the right ignore that, I'l never understand. Not the Catholics, their position is unimpeachable--love and tollerance are absolute.)

I'll tell you who I see winning out… FEAR. Man's most base tribal instincts, us v them. The lights v the darks. "We can't let them near our stuff… or we might lose some of our precious STUFF!!!"

The only thing lost for sure, our souls. The moral character of this country is at an all-time low. Shame on us. France should take the statue back. Or maybe just drop it on Top of Stephen Miller.

Is Illegal Immigration an Economic Burden to America? - Illegal Immigration -

The Con**argument here (illegals not a burden) contains a lot of data, the Pro, arguing that Illigals are a burden contains little or no data… I'm betting some of you don't realize how much they contribute to state and local taxes and amnesty would increase that revenue considerably...

Opinion | What Does Immigration Actually Cost Us?

Benefits of Immigration Outweigh the Costs

I thank you for the thread, but think the links paint with too broad a brush. First of all, the Dreamers. By definition, these people must all have HS diplomas, their equivalents, or be working on them. I would think they'd be motivated. They don't have families to tie them to a location, nor do they have familial support to get to live at home. I don't see the empirical support to say they are "low skilled." Some would be of course. Not all are blessed with brains. But they share in common taking a hard road in a foreign country without family.

Secondly, we don't lack jobs right now. In fact all the data I see is that lower wage earners who are motivated are working two three jobs. NPR just had a piece on homeless college students, and the avg is they work 20 hrs a week while in school.

The gop wants to end immigration tied to uniting families and push letting in only skilled workers. YET, those guys would be in direct competition with college grads. Fuck that. Wages go up when employers have to look for people with skills. We shouldn't let people in who can compete with college grads unless employers show they can't fill a need.

Lastly, if we are letting in lower skilled workers who have family ties, their families will typically help them find jobs. If they want better lives for their kids, they aren't going to be on welfare for generations.

No doubt illegal immigration leads to more comeptetion for lower pay. But more illegal immigrants are leaving than are coming right now. I'm all for making it harder to come here illegally, btw, but a wall is just bullshit.
Four in-depth articles, with qualified experts both pro and con:

PRO and CON. People with credentials to back up their views and analysis, see positives and negatives with illegal undocumented workers.

Reports cited are claimed as vindication by partisans, both sides…

So who wins out when policy choices involve advanced thinking and analysis of incredibly complex and nuanced issues -- not to mention the raw emotional factor -- God threatening to condemn us to hell if we do not care for "the least of these" poor and downtrodden… (how "christians" on the right ignore that, I'l never understand. Not the Catholics, their position is unimpeachable--love and tollerance are absolute.)

I'll tell you who I see winning out… FEAR. Man's most base tribal instincts, us v them. The lights v the darks. "We can't let them near our stuff… or we might lose some of our precious STUFF!!!"

The only thing lost for sure, our souls. The moral character of this country is at an all-time low. Shame on us. France should take the statue back. Or maybe just drop it on Top of Stephen Miller.

Is Illegal Immigration an Economic Burden to America? - Illegal Immigration -

The Con**argument here (illegals not a burden) contains a lot of data, the Pro, arguing that Illigals are a burden contains little or no data… I'm betting some of you don't realize how much they contribute to state and local taxes and amnesty would increase that revenue considerably...

Opinion | What Does Immigration Actually Cost Us?

Benefits of Immigration Outweigh the Costs

I thank you for the thread, but think the links paint with too broad a brush. First of all, the Dreamers. By definition, these people must all have HS diplomas, their equivalents, or be working on them. I would think they'd be motivated. They don't have families to tie them to a location, nor do they have familial support to get to live at home. I don't see the empirical support to say they are "low skilled." Some would be of course. Not all are blessed with brains. But they share in common taking a hard road in a foreign country without family.

Secondly, we don't lack jobs right now. In fact all the data I see is that lower wage earners who are motivated are working two three jobs. NPR just had a piece on homeless college students, and the avg is they work 20 hrs a week while in school.

The gop wants to end immigration tied to uniting families and push letting in only skilled workers. YET, those guys would be in direct competition with college grads. Fuck that. Wages go up when employers have to look for people with skills. We shouldn't let people in who can compete with college grads unless employers show they can't fill a need.

Lastly, if we are letting in lower skilled workers who have family ties, their families will typically help them find jobs. If they want better lives for their kids, they aren't going to be on welfare for generations.

No doubt illegal immigration leads to more comeptetion for lower pay. But more illegal immigrants are leaving than are coming right now. I'm all for making it harder to come here illegally, btw, but a wall is just bullshit.
bendog, someone here illegal is not an immigrant. sorry to burst your bubble. they are not immigrants, they are illegals. I wish fks like you would know the difference. You insult every immigrant when you fk it up.
Just for the RWNJs who say they know exactly what "illegal immigration" is.

I'll tell you who I see winning out… FEAR. Man's most base tribal instincts, us v them. The lights v the darks. "We can't let them near our stuff… or we might lose some of our precious STUFF!!!"
To bad the darks can't make a country as nice as the lights
On June 15, 2012, President Obama created a new policy calling for deferred action for certain undocumented young people who came to the U.S. as children. Applications under the program which is called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (“DACA”) began on August 15, 2012.

We put together the following FAQ to help answer questions about what this all means, who is eligible, and what eligible youth can do next.

What does “deferred action” mean?
Deferred action is a discretionary, limited immigration benefit by DHS. It can be granted to individuals who are in removal proceedings, who have final orders of removal, or who have never been in removal proceedings. Individuals who have deferred action status can apply for employment authorization and are in the U.S. under color of law. However, there is no direct path from deferred action to lawful permanent residence or to citizenship. And, it can be revoked at any time.

Who is eligible for DACA relief?
Individuals who meet the following criteria can apply for deferred action for childhood arrivals:

  • are under 31 years of age as of June 15, 2012;
  • came to the U.S. while under the age of 16;
  • have continuously resided in the U.S. from June 15, 2007 to the present. (For purposes of calculating this five year period, brief and innocent absences from the United States for humanitarian reasons will not be included);
  • entered the U.S. without inspection or fell out of lawful visa status before June 15, 2012;
  • were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012, and at the time of making the request for consideration of deferred action with USCIS;
  • are currently in school, have graduated from high school, have obtained a GED, or have been honorably discharged from the Coast Guard or armed forces;
  • have not been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor, or more than three misdemeanors of any kind; and
  • do not pose a threat to national security or public safety.
Applicants have to provide documentary evidence of the above criteria. In addition, every applicant must complete and pass a biographic and biometric background check.

DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) - Immigration Equality

"Nobody knows about it, nobody talks about it, but under Obama, millions of people have been moved out of this country, they've been deported."

Donald Trump on Wednesday, October 19th, 2016 in the third presidential debate

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President
U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he has "great heart" for illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children and he wants Congress to produce a legislative solution for them.

"I have a great heart for the folks we’re talking about, a great love for them," Trump said after his administration announced earlier Tuesday it was phasing out a program that protects the so-called Dreamers from deportation.

"I can tell you in speaking to members of Congress they want to be able to do something and do it right and really we have no choice," Trump told reporters.

Trump Says He Has 'Great Heart' for Immigrant 'Dreamers'
Four in-depth articles, with qualified experts both pro and con:

PRO and CON. People with credentials to back up their views and analysis, see positives and negatives with illegal undocumented workers.

Reports cited are claimed as vindication by partisans, both sides…

So who wins out when policy choices involve advanced thinking and analysis of incredibly complex and nuanced issues -- not to mention the raw emotional factor -- God threatening to condemn us to hell if we do not care for "the least of these" poor and downtrodden… (how "christians" on the right ignore that, I'l never understand. Not the Catholics, their position is unimpeachable--love and tollerance are absolute.)

I'll tell you who I see winning out… FEAR. Man's most base tribal instincts, us v them. The lights v the darks. "We can't let them near our stuff… or we might lose some of our precious STUFF!!!"

The only thing lost for sure, our souls. The moral character of this country is at an all-time low. Shame on us. France should take the statue back. Or maybe just drop it on Top of Stephen Miller.

Is Illegal Immigration an Economic Burden to America? - Illegal Immigration -

The Con**argument here (illegals not a burden) contains a lot of data, the Pro, arguing that Illigals are a burden contains little or no data… I'm betting some of you don't realize how much they contribute to state and local taxes and amnesty would increase that revenue considerably...

Opinion | What Does Immigration Actually Cost Us?

Benefits of Immigration Outweigh the Costs
This is like arguing that India is a better place to live than Switzerland because India's GDP is far, far greater and they rake in more in taxes. It's just stupid.
On June 15, 2012, President Obama created a new policy calling for deferred action for certain undocumented young people who came to the U.S. as children. Applications under the program which is called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (“DACA”) began on August 15, 2012.

We put together the following FAQ to help answer questions about what this all means, who is eligible, and what eligible youth can do next.

What does “deferred action” mean?
Deferred action is a discretionary, limited immigration benefit by DHS. It can be granted to individuals who are in removal proceedings, who have final orders of removal, or who have never been in removal proceedings. Individuals who have deferred action status can apply for employment authorization and are in the U.S. under color of law. However, there is no direct path from deferred action to lawful permanent residence or to citizenship. And, it can be revoked at any time.

Who is eligible for DACA relief?
Individuals who meet the following criteria can apply for deferred action for childhood arrivals:

  • are under 31 years of age as of June 15, 2012;
  • came to the U.S. while under the age of 16;
  • have continuously resided in the U.S. from June 15, 2007 to the present. (For purposes of calculating this five year period, brief and innocent absences from the United States for humanitarian reasons will not be included);
  • entered the U.S. without inspection or fell out of lawful visa status before June 15, 2012;
  • were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012, and at the time of making the request for consideration of deferred action with USCIS;
  • are currently in school, have graduated from high school, have obtained a GED, or have been honorably discharged from the Coast Guard or armed forces;
  • have not been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor, or more than three misdemeanors of any kind; and
  • do not pose a threat to national security or public safety.
Applicants have to provide documentary evidence of the above criteria. In addition, every applicant must complete and pass a biographic and biometric background check.

DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) - Immigration Equality

"Nobody knows about it, nobody talks about it, but under Obama, millions of people have been moved out of this country, they've been deported."

Donald Trump on Wednesday, October 19th, 2016 in the third presidential debate

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President
funny, obummer manipulates a law that opens the borders and then deports most of those who aren't MS-13s. wow, his tactical exposure to creating violence within the borders of our country are finally highlighted.
political grandstanding, pandering to the idiot base... the art of the trumpet squeal!


full of sound and fury, signifying nothing!

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