Americans Like To Watch Trash!


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Most of the new shows created now days are crappy reality shows. Why do Americans like to watch stuff like this? Can't we have a serious show for once? I would like a show that involves these serious themes.

-political intrigue
-political corruption
-any serious topic

I really liked the Clone Wars. Even for a franchise as big as Star Wars the Clone Wars cartoon was aimed at an older audience. It was on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. There were even episodes that involved political corruption.


That's why the Gorilla from Wasilla is so poular. It really is like driving past a car accident and not wanting to look but OMG, did you see what she's done now? Except for sarah, I don't watch cartoons and I've never played even one video game. Well, there was that one night when I played Pac Man for about 4 minutes.

Seriously, I agree. Our TV really is a Vast wasteland of reality shows and the WWW. Movies suck. The most popular TV show is nothing but the very same story every single week with lots of bloody whacking of the "walking dead".

Whatever happened to a good story, solid acting and a real plot?
Most of the new shows created now days are crappy reality shows. Why do Americans like to watch stuff like this? Can't we have a serious show for once? I would like a show that involves these serious themes.

-political intrigue
-political corruption
-any serious topic

I really liked the Clone Wars. Even for a franchise as big as Star Wars the Clone Wars cartoon was aimed at an older audience. It was on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. There were even episodes that involved political corruption.


yeah its sad to see that society has gotten so corrupt that trash like the simpsons is on prime time for children to see.
I guess that's why they call it "trash TV". Considering the fact that 40 million Americans are barely literate or completely illiterate, Hollywood is just appealing to its audience. "Fight choreographers" make more money than screen writers. Just make sure early on in your "script", that the main protagonist says something like, "I'm gwine kung-fu de asses" and you've got a big hit, maybe even a blockbuster.

The average age of movie goers today is 17. That's who populates our movie theaters: high school kids. That's why the average scene in a Hollywood "action" film is no more than 17 seconds. That's the average attention span of a kid that age. And dialog? Forget it. Pyrotechnics and other iterations of loudness along with endless violence is what it takes to get brain-dead American's attention these days.
TV has gone to shit. All I watch these days is the news,football and c-span.
Use to like the discovery channel but we all know what that turned into.
I've yet to understand the fascination with realty TV.
I mean who wants to watch a bunch of people scheme and back stab?
I guess that's why they call it "trash TV". Considering the fact that 40 million Americans are barely literate or completely illiterate, Hollywood is just appealing to its audience. "Fight choreographers" make more money than screen writers. Just make sure early on in your "script", that the main protagonist says something like, "I'm gwine kung-fu de asses" and you've got a big hit, maybe even a blockbuster.

The average age of movie goers today is 17. That's who populates our movie theaters: high school kids. That's why the average scene in a Hollywood "action" film is no more than 17 seconds. That's the average attention span of a kid that age. And dialog? Forget it. Pyrotechnics and other iterations of loudness along with endless violence is what it takes to get brain-dead American's attention these days.

Go see The Drop.

In theatres now.
There are loads of good television to be found. The trick is finding them of course.
"Television" and "trash" are inseparable. It's the nature of the medium. A two dimensional box that tells you to "sit down, shut up, and now I'm going to fill your mind with impressions I dictate". This is to make your mind jello so it's nice and vulnerable to watch a commercial to sell you Jello. Trash has always been an integral part of TV and always will be. It's incapable of honesty or deep thought or anything subtle. It's capable of sensual imagery and completely superficial emotionally-based bullshit, and that's it.

Walk into a room where people are watching TV sometime and instead of joining them looking at the screen, watch the watchers. Notice what you see: hypnotized drones sitting back, passive sponges, obediently ingesting whatever the box tells them. Knowing that, the producers of the content will contrive the cheapest, least informative, most emotional bullshit htey can hook you with, because the whole purpose of TV is a propaganda tool to sell you commercials, which in turn are propanganda to incite you to go out and buy shit you don't need (nobody has to tell you what you do need).


The description "vast wasteland" was coined in 1961. It's the nature of the beast. It needs to go yesterday.​
That's why the Gorilla from Wasilla is so poular. It really is like driving past a car accident and not wanting to look but OMG, did you see what she's done now? Except for sarah, I don't watch cartoons and I've never played even one video game. Well, there was that one night when I played Pac Man for about 4 minutes.

Seriously, I agree. Our TV really is a Vast wasteland of reality shows and the WWW. Movies suck. The most popular TV show is nothing but the very same story every single week with lots of bloody whacking of the "walking dead".

Whatever happened to a good story, solid acting and a real plot?
The Americans
Chicago Fire
Da Vinci's Demons
the Knick
Masters of Sex
to name a few......
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That's why the Gorilla from Wasilla is so poular. It really is like driving past a car accident and not wanting to look but OMG, did you see what she's done now? Except for sarah, I don't watch cartoons and I've never played even one video game. Well, there was that one night when I played Pac Man for about 4 minutes.

Seriously, I agree. Our TV really is a Vast wasteland of reality shows and the WWW. Movies suck. The most popular TV show is nothing but the very same story every single week with lots of bloody whacking of the "walking dead".

Whatever happened to a good story, solid acting and a real plot?
The Americans
Chicago Fire
Da Vinci's Demons
the Knick
Masters of Sex
to name a few......

Oh I agree and you named a couple I routinely watch.

But still - most American TV is smelly garbage.

It just is.
"Television" and "trash" are inseparable. It's the nature of the medium. A two dimensional box that tells you to "sit down, shut up, and now I'm going to fill your mind with impressions I dictate". This is to make your mind jello so it's nice and vulnerable to watch a commercial to sell you Jello. Trash has always been an integral part of TV and always will be. It's incapable of honesty or deep thought or anything subtle. It's capable of sensual imagery and completely superficial emotionally-based bullshit, and that's it.

Walk into a room where people are watching TV sometime and instead of joining them looking at the screen, watch the watchers. Notice what you see: hypnotized drones sitting back, passive sponges, obediently ingesting whatever the box tells them. Knowing that, the producers of the content will contrive the cheapest, least informative, most emotional bullshit htey can hook you with, because the whole purpose of TV is a propaganda tool to sell you commercials, which in turn are propanganda to incite you to go out and buy shit you don't need (nobody has to tell you what you do need).


The description "vast wasteland" was coined in 1961. It's the nature of the beast. It needs to go yesterday.​

About programming -

- watch a child watch TV. Its scary.

They are big, thirsty sponges and many who gripe about the nanny state let TV do their babysitting.
First of all the cliche "Americans like to watch" is worn out. The highest rated "reality" show is the inane "impractical jokers" which features canned laughter over "jokes" like pulling someone's pants down. It's clearly geared toward the minds of 3-10 year olds.The ratings consider the T.V. audience of about 100 million and an 8.7 (jokers) rating is relatively high but it comes out to 8.7% of 100 million while the population of the U.S. is about 320 million.The point is that Americans really don't like to watch anything in particular. The pop-culture idiots only assume they do.
First off, "The Clone Wars" is a fucking cartoon, asshole. I used to watch it with my son. Now he is 9 and has outgrown it. An adult watching Star Wars cartoons has serious fucking problems.

Secondly, not all of the reality shows suck. I love the gold mining shows, especially Bering Sea Gold. The casts are a bunch of angry misfits. It is fun to watch them flip out and get violent. And who does not love Finding Bigfoot? I mean, 3 retarded assholes and a lesbian biologist running around screaming in the woods at night. Awesome. Mountain Monsters: rednecks with guns running around the woods at night looking for monsters. Did I hear someone say "Emmy"?

There is something for everyone. If you don't like it, then turn the fucking channel. We all have about 300 channels to choose from now. If nothing else, watch a ballgame, the news, or a movie. Whatever, just quit bitching about nothing.

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