Americans Learning About Gulags


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. If history was taught in the Marxist-occupied government school system, American students would know more about the Democrat's predecessors.
Government school students haven’t been taught about communism because they are taught by communists, and they omit a lot.
Communists….the most prodigious murders of the 20th century….and the Democrat Party has taken on their persona.

2. The Nazis put their citizens in concentration camps....

3. The Bolsheviks put their citizens in concentration camps....

4. "They were forcibly removed to 10 concentration camps. The government officially called them “relocation centers,” but Roosevelt himself used the words “concentration camp” in a recommendation as early as 1936, as did a military proposal in 1942. The occupants were kept behind barbed wire, and armed guards kept them from leaving."
FDR’s concentration camps were a warning, not a model

".....Roosevelt himself used the words “concentration camp” in a recommendation as early as 1936, as did a military proposal in 1942."

Executive Order 9066
was a United States presidential executive order signed and issued during World War II by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19, 1942. This order authorized the Secretary of War to prescribe certain areas as military zones, clearing the way for the incarceration of Japanese Americans, German Americans, and Italian Americans in U.S. concentration camps. Executive Order 9066 - Wikipedia

5. And they're at it again......with hundreds of Americans, Trump supporters, sent to gulags, concentration camps, in solitary confinement, before trial, for terms longer than they would get for trespassing, .....

.....with no bail for non-violent offenses,.....

...having been waved into the Capitol on Jan6 by Capitol police......

.....and peaceably walking around:

“BOMBSHELL VIDEO Emerges of Capitol Police Giving the OK to Enter the Capitol on January 6th

Exclusive video obtained by American Greatness shows USCP officers talking with January 6 protestors inside the building that day, giving the ok to enter and peacefully protest:

Julie Kelly reports: A newly-obtained video shows United States Capitol Police officers speaking with several January 6 protestors—including Jacob Chansley, the so-called “Q shaman”—inside the Capitol that afternoon.

The clip directly contradicts DOJ complaint that claims USCP told this group, which included Jacob Chansley, to leave. Chansley has been in jail for more than 4 months. He’s not accused of assaulting an officer, vandalism, or any serious crime.


Exclusive video obtained by American Greatness shows USCP officers talking with January 6 protestors inside the building that day, giving the ok to enter and peacefully protest.

From @julie_kelly2 @theamgreatness

— SCUBA MIKE🤿 (@scuba2024) May 16, 2021


BOMBSHELL VIDEO Emerges of Capitol Police Giving the OK to Enter the Capitol on January 6th
“EXCLUSIVE: US Capitol Doors on Jan. 6 Were Magnetically Locked – Someone Inside Capitol Security Had to Release the Lock to Open the Doors (VIDEO)

According to this American patriot, who is a US Marine veteran who worked overseas at a US Embassy, the doors on the US Capitol are electronically controlled magnetic locked doors. And someone inside the security booth at the US Capitol opened the doors!

Here is what we were told. We’re on the top level now – about 15 feet from the doors just before they opened up. People are yelling and screaming. Everyone’s cheering, all kind of stuff. It’s chaotic. But we’re just kind of there. And then all of the sudden the doors open up from the inside. I have a picture taken about two seconds before the doors opened. And then I have a picture taken about six seconds later and the doors were open.

Jim Hoft: And they were not opened from the outside?

Retired Marine: They were opened from the inside. Now one of the stories I read recently was that some Marine, some Marine Major, went inside and managed to run around and open up the doors. And I think that was on your website, as well. But here’s what I can tell you about magnetic locks. If a door is locked by a mag lock it cannot be opened from the outside or the inside unless the person controlling that door opens that door by turning off the magnetic lock which those doors according to the photos I took are equipped with.

Jim Hoft: Holy cow! That’s really big news there!

If those magnetic locks had been engaged, in other words, if Capitol Police did not want people opening that door. Now I can understand they might say, “We had police outside so we didn’t want to engage them.” If they did not want those magnetic locks open, there is NOTHING, nothing, no person, no group of people, no hundreds of people who could have opened those doors. No one. Unless the Capitol Police wanted those doors open. As soon as those doors were open, I was lifted off my feet. There was a forward momentum.
5. And they're at it again......with hundreds of Americans, Trump supporters, sent to gulags, concentration camps, in solitary confinement, before trial, for terms longer than they would get for trespassing, ..... .....with no bail for non-violent offenses,..... ...having been waved into the Capitol on Jan6 by Capitol police......

marjorie taylor greene is the only congressman or senator I am aware of to call out this betrayal of justice being waged upon scores of January6 protesters festering in some DC prison of horrible conditions with no access to the outside world or an attorney. . . F.U. democrats and all you passive self-righteous lefties who applaud violent criminals being released from authorities with no bail and open borders with illegals and drugs flooding in, and all the other horrors --- yet look the other way when Communist-like injustices are being exacted upon your political opponents.
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And those Americans thrown in the Democrat's gulags?


"There was no insurrection. Those who entered the Capitol did not have guns. Yes, Trump could be accused of leading a protest, but not a riot, let alone an insurrection. And were Trump to have led this insurrection “literally,” he would have been waving a flag in the front lines and encouraging the armed patriots behind him to storm the Capitol.

The Newsweek columnists insist January 6 was an “armed insurrection,” but they identify not a single person who brought a weapon into the Capitol Building that day, let alone fired it. On January 6, only one bullet was fired either in the building or on the grounds, and that bullet came from the gun of Capitol Police Sgt. Michael Byrd. Byrd shot and killed an unarmed female protestor whose death had less objective justification than even George Floyd’s. Say her name, Ashli Babbitt."

Nazis, Bolsheviks, and Democrats lock up any who don't toe their line.

Who'd you vote for????
The cult wants sex taught to 5 year olds.

I want the history of socialism taught to every child in school.

Take the kids through Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Idi Amin…

Educate the kids on how socialism will always turn into mass executions and stolen wealth.
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Hahahahaha comparing convicted Jan 6th riotous thugs to those imprisoned in Nazi Concentration camps and Soviet Gulags.

You're a hoot.

Lets hope the one who is practically and morally responsible for them being where they are, joins them inside, someday soon.
Tell everybody you know to watch the SOVIET STORY ON U TUBE.
The EU Banned this film as it is so powerful and the Reds were screaming over it.
This version is hard to find with english subtitles
There are some real shockers in this film !!!


"Capitol riot defendant alleges beating by jail guards​

“was severely beaten by correctional officers, [is now] blind in one eye, has a skull fracture and detached retina.”
Sandlin said one of the guards declared, “I hate all white people and your honky religion.”

“There is a pattern of abuse and of targeting of the defendants who are being held pursuant to what happened on Jan. 6,” said Joseph McBride of New York, a defense lawyer for Barnett. “It is targeted. It is ruthless. It is nonstop.”

“I have seen Ryan. He has two black eyes to this day, two weeks later. All the skin is ripped off both wrists, which shows the zip ties and how tight they were,” said Metcalf, also from New York. “Other inmates said his face looked like a tomato that was stomped on.”

....U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Kelly said that so far there appeared to be little evidence that either of the men committed or encouraged violence on Jan. 6 itself.

“The evidence of violence on that day is pretty muted,” Kelly said of Biggs and Nordean."
“Here’s the point: Those regimes led by mass murderers with their gulags, death camps, man-made famines and killing fields were socialist. That’s not slander. It’s what these countries called themselves. USSR stood for the ‘Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.’

“You gotta break millions of eggs with socialism to make the communist omelet. Socialism, you might say, was the necessary evil to reach the bliss where no state would be necessary.”

Yet the lure of socialism continues, getting stronger in the last few years, especially among American youth. Why?"
Michael Brown - 3 Reasons Why So Many Millennials Love Socialism

When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion - when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you - when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - you may know that your society is doomed. -- Ayn Rand (1905-1982) Author
Source: Atlas Shrugged, Francisco's "Money Speech"
It’s what these countries called themselves. USSR stood for the ‘Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.’
So these mass murdering Authoritarians called themselves something they were not? Like Trumpyberra calling himself a man of the people? Or TrumpyPenPal Lll'Kim, does he head a Republic because that's what they call themselves?

Ladies, vote these people out. They think your stupid.

"In video, police wave protesters into Capitol on Jan. 6​


Video broadcast by NewsmaxTV on Thursday showed police removing barricades and waving protesters into the Capitol on Jan. 6.

Former Capitol police chief shares thoughts on why officers appeared› news › us-news › former-capitol-police-chief-shares-thoughts-why-officers-appeared-let-n1253273


Former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Terrance Gainer said he wants to give police "the benefit of the doubt" and hopes they were attempting to de-escalate Wednesday's event when they appeared to let pro-Trump rioters inside the legislative building.
Published: July 1, 2021

Video: DC cops wave group of Trump supporters through Capitol› video › news › video-2328024 › Video-DC-cops-wave-group-Trump-supporters-Capitol-barricade.html


Washington DC police were seen to wave a group of Trump supporters through a barricade at the Capitol before riots began.
Published: January 7, 2021

Capitol Police OPEN GATE for Trump Protesters: DC Lockdown RIOT › joseph morris


For more about Police Officers OPEN GATE for Trump Supporters on Capitol Lockdown DC, please read JLD – YouTube Television Series – Pop Culture: Music, Film, Television, Sports, and News - Joseph Morrispolice-officers-open-gate-for-...
Published: January 7, 2021 Views: 384K
I've always said that if you've ever visited the Capitol Building, you would know there's no way in hell anyone gets in there unless they are allowed/let in, especially given there were no weapons at all. It was all a farce and a set up from the beginning, and I feel bad for those people who were arrested and are still being held, but if you had any common sense you would not have entered that building knowing what we know about the left and their media. There's no way, had I been there, that I would have gone into that building, people are very naïve as to what their government is capable of.
Democrats made certain that an incident would occur Jan 6.

1.The Jan6 Commission didn’t begin after the Capitol Farrago. It began well before it, and in preparation for the incident at the Capitol. One indication is this: the Democrats forbid any defense that would have refuted their lies, including the fact that Democrats made certain that National Guard troops were not at the Capitol:

Memo: Trump Pentagon Offered National Guard to Capitol› 2022 › 06 › 10 › memo-trump-pentagon-offered-national-guard-to-capitol-four-days-before-jan-6-riots

June 10, 2022 - 77 WABC New York City, New Jersey, Connecticut News Talk Radio, part of the Red Apple Media Group, Bernie & Sid in the Mornings

Trump says he told the Pentagon 10,000 National Guard troops would› policy › defense-national-security › trump-says-he-told-the-pentagon-10-000-national-guard-troops-would-be-needed-jan-6-but-was-ignored
March 2, 2021 - YES, TRUMP DID CALL FOR 10,000 GUARD TROOPS FOR JAN 6: In some of his first public remarks since losing the November election, former President Donald Trump told Fox News that he warned the Pentagon “days before” that it was not ready for the crowd of Trump backers who would converge on ...

Former Pentagon chief: Trump approved National Guard troops on› en › articles › 2021 › 05 › 13 › mili-m13.html

Testimony from the former heads of the Department of Justice and the Department of Defense exposed the high-level state support for Trump’s attempted coup.

WATCH: Trump confirms he requested 10,000 National Guard troops› trump-to-interviewer-capitol-is-controlled-by-pelosi
March 1, 2021 - Ex-President Donald Trump was being interviewed by Steven Hilton on Fox News on Sunday night. He stated that he requested to have 10,000 National Guard troops at the Capitol on Jan. 6, but that Nancy Pelosi decided against it.

Trump Approves Deployment of National Guard to U.S. › politics › 2021/01/06 › national guard, federal protective services deployed amid chaos at u.s. capitol
January 7, 2021 - Trump requested the deployment of National Guard troops along with other federal protective services amid chaos at the U.S. Capitol Wednesday.

Memo confirms Trump Pentagon offered Guard troops before Jan. 6› articles › memo-confirms-trump-pentagon-offered-guard-troops-before-jan-6
June 9, 2022 - Government memos validate the long-held claim of Trump administration officials that Capitol Police rejected an offer made by the Pentagon four days before the Jan. 6 riot to provide National Guard troops. An official Capitol Police timeline obtained by Just the News records a Jan.


The Evidence Trump Requested 10,000 National Guard Troops on January› the-evidence-trump-requested-10000-national-guard-troops-on-january-6th-that-fact-checkers-are-ignoring
January 27, 2022 - Biden’s DOD inspector general himself said the Trump administration DOD did not delay or obstruct their response to January 6th and Mayor Bowser and the Capitol police repeatedly in writing refused to request the National Guard. And that’s in the report and it’s in the DOD records, and

There’s only one reason extra troops would be refused: so that Democrat agents could commit violence Jan 6.

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