American Terrorism

But there are International Laws that prevent countries from invading other countries. We are a rogue state because we do not care what the rest of the world says. We do as we say and what we say goes.

That is a dangerous toy and the wrong man is in charge of that now. In fact we have been steered in the wrong direction for decades, so my contention is that it is not the president that actually calls the shots. The Banks, the Pentagon, the CIA, and the military industrial complex pretty much steer policy. Lobbies for the big industries also control our legislative branches.

This is a fiefdom. I guess that once you graduate, you will either open your own business or work for some company that is not connected to the CIA/Pentagon/Banks/Military Industrial complex or any other industry that has lobbiests. Good for you!
The witness was the neice of the ambassador. It was a fix. She lied for the Kuwaiti royal family.

Why did Saddam invade Kuwait? Do you know? Because of an ongoing border disagreement. Kuwait believed that they owned a larger patch of land than Saddam was contending. I don't know who is right or wrong on that, but the two countries had been claiming and reclaiming that land for years, sometimes militarily.

Saddam was doing what he always did, forcibily taking back what he believed was his. I don't condone Saddam. He was a monster and I am glad he is dead. But his death left his country in a vacuum because we had no contingency plan. We destroyed the infrastructure and now we are hostile occupiers.

So Saddam was demonized - The Kuwaiti's had a royal family member lie to Congress, Bush declared Saddam a demon and we wen to war without UN approval.

Perhaps the alleged witness lied. Perhaps the invasion of Kuwait was not very bloody. Answer me yes-or-no: All things considered, do you think that America was justified in helping free Kuwait from Iraq?

There's no point in even asking him that. His entire argument is based on a mistake. The UN authorized the first gulf war. I don't know why Taomon thinks they didn't. Probably the same reason he thought BP owned 50% of KPC at the time.
What do you call the West Bank and the Gaza strip? These vets are brainwashed. They believe anything the Commander in Chief tells them because that is what the military conditioned them to do.

Smarten up dude.

College students are conditoned to be liberal. They will believe anything their professors tell's what college conditions them to do.
The witness was the neice of the ambassador. It was a fix. She lied for the Kuwaiti royal family.

Why did Saddam invade Kuwait? Do you know? Because of an ongoing border disagreement. Kuwait believed that they owned a larger patch of land than Saddam was contending. I don't know who is right or wrong on that, but the two countries had been claiming and reclaiming that land for years, sometimes militarily.

Saddam was doing what he always did, forcibily taking back what he believed was his. I don't condone Saddam. He was a monster and I am glad he is dead. But his death left his country in a vacuum because we had no contingency plan. We destroyed the infrastructure and now we are hostile occupiers.

So Saddam was demonized - The Kuwaiti's had a royal family member lie to Congress, Bush declared Saddam a demon and we wen to war without UN approval.

I am not the niece of anybody, jerkoff, and I know what I saw and STILL see in the middle of the freakin' night, jackass. Do tell us what it was you saw with your own two eyes ....

Do you know ANYTHING? Saddam invade Kuwait because he claimed the oil Kuwait was pumping came from an oil field in Iraq, and that Kuwait was a historic province of Iraq.

Saddam demonized himself by invading an "arab brother" and getting the other Arab nations up in arms over his actions.

You have got to be one of the most uneducated fruitloops I've ever encountered.
Why did Saddam invade Kuwait? Do you know? Because of an ongoing border disagreement.
No...that is incorrect. You are accepting the Iraqi propaganda the Iraqis put out right after the invasion. There is a book you need to read, written by Middle Easterners, Saddam: A Political Biography. The research shows that it had nothing to do with borders, it had everything to do with money. Kuwait loaned Saddam over six billion dollars to finance his war against Iran. When the war was over he felt since his nation had provided the blood in stopping the Ayatollah from taking over the Gulf and the Gulf states should provide the treasure. He wanted Kuwait to forgive the loan. Not only did Kuwait say no, but they depressed the world price of oil which made it harder for Iraq to rise the funds to pay off the debt. Saddam went nuts and basically decided to rob the bank that give him the loan. So the border stuff is just a ruse that is now often mindlessly repeated.
No...that is incorrect. You are accepting the Iraqi propaganda the Iraqis put out right after the invasion. There is a book you need to read, written by Middle Easterners, Saddam: A Political Biography. The research shows that it had nothing to do with borders, it had everything to do with money. Kuwait loaned Saddam over six billion dollars to finance his war against Iran. When the war was over he felt since his nation had provided the blood in stopping the Ayatollah from taking over the Gulf and the Gulf states should provide the treasure. He wanted Kuwait to forgive the loan. Not only did Kuwait say no, but they depressed the world price of oil which made it harder for Iraq to rise the funds to pay off the debt. Saddam went nuts and basically decided to rob the bank that give him the loan. So the border stuff is just a ruse that is now often mindlessly repeated.

With friends like the Kuwaitis, who needs enemies...
With friends like the Kuwaitis, who needs enemies...
What do you know about the Kuwaitis? Have you ever met a Kuwaiti, have you been there? I have on both cases. Americans trapped in Kuwait City were protected by Kuwaitis, they provided important Intel and many Kuwaitis resisted the invasion at the great risk. I'd sit and eat a meal with a Kuwaiti any day of the week and am happy to have several as a friends.
What do you know about the Kuwaitis? Have you ever met a Kuwaiti, have you been there? I have on both cases. Americans trapped in Kuwait City were protected by Kuwaitis, they provided important Intel and many Kuwaitis resisted the invasion at the great risk. I'd sit and eat a meal with a Kuwaiti any day of the week and am happy to have several as a friends.

I wasn't talking about the Kuwaiti people but it's govt. I'd say exactly the same above re everyday Iraqis and Iranians, but not their government.
I know. People sometimes forget Saddam was the West's pitbull..under he outlived his usefulness...Or that the Kuwait/Iraq thang was about one big dictator taking on a little dictator...

C'mon now. Grump ... keep up. We just went through that for a couple of pages. I wouldn't say he was our pitbull, but so long as he was beating on Iran might as well try to help him out.

As the MasterChief pointed out, that was fine until he invaded Kuwait and the situation changed. Once the situation changed, it's only right that we changed as well.

I personally don't know why some act like we were bed-buddies with him while others act like we never gave him a dime. Fact is, he was doing beating up on someone we wanted beat up so we gave him some support. When he went against our interests, we supported what was in our best interest. Common sense.
What do you know about the Kuwaitis? Have you ever met a Kuwaiti, have you been there? I have on both cases. Americans trapped in Kuwait City were protected by Kuwaitis, they provided important Intel and many Kuwaitis resisted the invasion at the great risk. I'd sit and eat a meal with a Kuwaiti any day of the week and am happy to have several as a friends.

While I agree with you mostly, I have to draw the line with the royals. I never cared too much for them, but I can say the same for the royals in all Arab nations.
C'mon now. Grump ... keep up. We just went through that for a couple of pages. I wouldn't say he was our pitbull, but so long as he was beating on Iran might as well try to help him out.

As the MasterChief pointed out, that was fine until he invaded Kuwait and the situation changed. Once the situation changed, it's only right that we changed as well.

I personally don't know why some act like we were bed-buddies with him while others act like we never gave him a dime. Fact is, he was doing beating up on someone we wanted beat up so we gave him some support. When he went against our interests, we supported what was in our best interest. Common sense.

Absolutely. You know this. I know this. Politically nobody can say so though because it would go against the "perception" of America being the good guy. So we have to live this little game whereby the politicos pretend it was about something it wasn't etc, etc, which leads to breeding of urban myths and conspiracy theories. Wonder how the public would react if Bush Snr had actually come out and said "Hey, the world oil prices are fucked with this invasion and it is gonna impact on all world economies. We gave this dipshit a helping hand to fight an Islamic state that put egg on our faces a few years back, but now he's gonna stuff it up for everybody so we're gonna kick is butt". See, I could live with that. Honest and open. People can then make their decisions from there. Of course it would give all the peaceniks ammo, but at least it would be a better starting point IMO...
Absolutely. You know this. I know this. Politically nobody can say so though because it would go against the "perception" of America being the good guy. So we have to live this little game whereby the politicos pretend it was about something it wasn't etc, etc, which leads to breeding of urban myths and conspiracy theories. Wonder how the public would react if Bush Snr had actually come out and said "Hey, the world oil prices are fucked with this invasion and it is gonna impact on all world economies. We gave this dipshit a helping hand to fight an Islamic state that put egg on our faces a few years back, but now he's gonna stuff it up for everybody so we're gonna kick is butt". See, I could live with that. Honest and open. People can then make their decisions from there. Of course it would give all the peaceniks ammo, but at least it would be a better starting point IMO...

I really wasn't aware it was believed any differently except by political hacks. We supported Saddam during the Iran-Iraq War. That is fact. We opposed Saddam's invasion of Kuwait because it got all the people that sell us oil upset and he was a threat to our interests in the region.

I have no problem with that and in each case, I believe we did the right thing.
I really wasn't aware it was believed any differently except by political hacks. We supported Saddam during the Iran-Iraq War. That is fact. We opposed Saddam's invasion of Kuwait because it got all the people that sell us oil upset and he was a threat to our interests in the region.

I have no problem with that and in each case, I believe we did the right thing.

Morally you did the right thing by the Kuwaiti people, but what it does bring up is where do you draw the line with regard to peoples' perception of you? I know most military personal don't really give a shit about what hte world things about the US, but a lot of people do
Morally you did the right thing by the Kuwaiti people, but what it does bring up is where do you draw the line with regard to peoples' perception of you? I know most military personal don't really give a shit about what hte world things about the US, but a lot of people do

I don't care what "the world" thinks because all too often "the world" demands, whines and cries (tsunamis come to mind) "what's the US going to do?" but don't DARE let us want something or try to do something on our own. Then we're just "immoral cowboys, warmongerers, etc).

Since removing Saddam from Kuwait was a UN endorsed action, and supported by most Arab states, I would think the workd's perception really should reflect just that.
I don't care what "the world" thinks because all too often "the world" demands, whines and cries (tsunamis come to mind) "what's the US going to do?" but don't DARE let us want something or try to do something on our own. Then we're just "immoral cowboys, warmongerers, etc).

Since removing Saddam from Kuwait was a UN endorsed action, and supported by most Arab states, I would think the workd's perception really should reflect just that.

Thing is Gunny, tonnes of countries help out poorer areas and rarely ask for anything in return. The US gives off the impression people should bow and scrap to them if they help out. You should either help out with no strings or not help out at all.

Also, you can't go around stating you are the paragon of virtue and freedom when you do things that have an adverse affect on people (Chile comes to mind and Central America in the 80s). While you and I know no country is perfect in that regard, from down here, the one country where it is shouted loud and clear the most by all politicians is the USA. We can only go by what you guys say.

BTW, I didn't hear any bitching and moaning from down this way from any country about the US's help with regard to the tsunami. Thought all help was gratefully received.

I think the US is in an unenviable position. Being the biggest kid on the block - a democracy/republic to boot - means you are open to the most criticism. Once your country's time is up (and let's face it, all "empires" eventually decline), it'll be the turn of somebody else (my guess is China or India within the next 150-200 years)..

Off now. Spot you later Gunny.
While I agree with you mostly, I have to draw the line with the royals. I never cared too much for them, but I can say the same for the royals in all Arab nations.
Very true prior to the war, but afterwards they had to liberal up things. And it was very hard for them to say "no" to women asking for more equality when they had fought to liberate the country.

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