American Jan 6 Traitor Will Serve 7 Years. Sentenced to 6 Years

Nothing the leftist can say or do will ever clean up their record of despicable nastyness, otherwise to be found in comparison. Just know this, the leftist won't be done making idiot's of themselves anytime soon. That's a given. The left are their own worst enemies. Fact.

I am NOT a LEFTIST, I am a proud American. I have stated facts, and being the narrow minded Con you are, you choose to ignore them.

I served my county in Viet Nam (The Traitor did not, he is a draft dodger) I stated facts and you engage in name calling.

I wore my country's uniform for 6-years. I am a proud veteran, the Traitor calls the Men and Women Killed In Action while serving in Combat, "Suckers and Losers". I have friends buried in Arlington and at the Punch Bowl in Hawaii.

You cannot argue facts, so you engage in insults because that is all you know.

You are as big a coward of the Traitor.
What's an anti ad campaign?
Campaign ads. Both parties do it, the dems are the cream of the crop exceptionally good at it.

I'm woke, I care about others and try to follow Christ like values.
There is no Christ in the woke arena. Wokies want to sexually mutilate young boys and girls, teach them of sexual perversions instead of basic learning to prepare them for higher education. If they want all the woke perversion, they can make up their own minds as they mature, later in life.

Jesus loves the little children......just the facts jack.
Campaign ads. Both parties do it, the dems are the cream of the crop exceptionally good at it.

There is no Christ in the woke arena. Wokies want to sexually mutilate young boys and girls, teach them of sexual perversions instead of basic learning to prepare them for higher education. If they want all the woke perversion, they can make up their own minds as they mature, later in life.

Jesus loves the little children......just the facts jack.
Interesting how you right wing Trumpers obsess about other people's sexuality, again it's a projection of your own insecurity. No one is forced to be what they aren't but in the very small number if they are different my Catholic values says we're all made in God's image and should accept our differences.
Interesting how you right wing Trumpers obsess about other people's sexuality, again it's a projection of your own insecurity. No one is forced to be what they aren't but in the very small number if they are different my Catholic values says we're all made in God's image and should accept our differences.

No obsession, just we abide by the standard practices and procedure manual.

Catholic values.......your church is racked by all type deviant sexual perversions plus you people worship pagan idols.
No obsession, just we abide by the standard practices and procedure manual.

Catholic values.......your church is racked by all type deviant sexual perversions plus you people worship pagan idols.
Not racked at all but a problem recognised, we could say the same about sexual perverts in the Republican party and no we don't worship idols, that just your limited intellect telling you stories. Anyway here's an idol you do worship.
Not racked at all but a problem recognised, we could say the same about sexual perverts in the Republican party and no we don't worship idols, that just your limited intellect telling you stories. Anyway here's an idol you do worship.
Recognize this and pass the plate:

How Much Has The Catholic Church Paid To Abuse Victims? In total, Catholic dioceses in the United States have paid more than $3 billion in sexual abuse settlements over the course of several decades. Individual settlement amounts range considerably depending on the unique circumstances of each case.
Jan 12, 2022

Praying to the Virgin Mary and Patron Saints is idol worship if you haven't thought about it.
There are people who are easily influenced, the ones likely to be suckered by Trump's lies, they're the ones the Russians targeted in marginal states.
Tell us how Trump's alledged lie's hurt American's, and be honest now.
Recognize this and pass the plate:

How Much Has The Catholic Church Paid To Abuse Victims? In total, Catholic dioceses in the United States have paid more than $3 billion in sexual abuse settlements over the course of several decades. Individual settlement amounts range considerably depending on the unique circumstances of each case.
Jan 12, 2022

Praying to the Virgin Mary and Patron Saints is idol worship if you haven't thought about it.
Not it's not and you obviously don't think and know squat about what you're talking about.
I'm woke, I care about others and try to follow Christ like values. Interesting you anti woke types like the tough guy image, but everyone sees weak limp wrist gutless projection. Hope that helps.
Christ and woke doesn't exist together in the same value of thinking.. Just so you know
I am NOT a LEFTIST, I am a proud American. I have stated facts, and being the narrow minded Con you are, you choose to ignore them.

I served my county in Viet Nam (The Traitor did not, he is a draft dodger) I stated facts and you engage in name calling.

I wore my country's uniform for 6-years. I am a proud veteran, the Traitor calls the Men and Women Killed In Action while serving in Combat, "Suckers and Losers". I have friends buried in Arlington and at the Punch Bowl in Hawaii.

You cannot argue facts, so you engage in insults because that is all you know.

You are as big a coward of the Traitor.
You can cherry pick something to be found in anyone in order to to hate on them, and worse the left attacked Trump for nothing, and did so using the wars and anything else they figured would get an outrageous response out of him in anger of, so ok you all caused him to lash out in ways that was meant to get you angry as Hell over those unprovoked attack's, and he did so for the attack's you leftist (if the shoe fits wear it), had since waged upon him.

It appears it worked, so do you and your party want to go for round 3 ???

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