Jan. 6, 2021 vs. Jan. 6, 2025: Dems may try to double down on their own crimes

See Post #13.
You assholes keep talking shit and haven't been able to back up one ounce of your lies.

Sit the fuck down.:)
You wish.

I told you from day one we're going to stay in your face FOREVER on this one, because you can't prove even a single one of your miserable lies and 100% of the statistical weight is on our side. Sooner or later someone's going to talk and when that happens you'll be SO fucked.

Nope, no one's sitting down. You're going to deal with President Trump for the next 4 years. Because your best efforts couldn't prevent it. Enjoy.
You should have been taking out Extremist Lefty Mutants one by one , from the moment that the Trumpf landslide was declared .

If , say , Pelosi , Schumer and Schiff had all been! "!disappeared ", the bolshy pack would not have mutinied -- as they surely will now .
Just a few well thought out removals of influencers and a civil war would have been avoided .
You wish.

I told you from day one we're going to stay in your face FOREVER on this one, because you can't prove even a single one of your miserable lies and 100% of the statistical weight is on our side. Sooner or later someone's going to talk and when that happens you'll be SO fucked.

Nope, no one's sitting down. You're going to deal with President Trump for the next 4 years. Because your best efforts couldn't prevent it. Enjoy.
No one gives a shit, son. You and your ilk don't scare anyone. You got lucky in November. Now your boy has to deliver. And he's already falling flat on his face.
As happened the last time, he's going to get a smooth, peaceful transition. When what he really deserves is to be tossed in jail and the key thrown away.

Sit down and shut up! :)
As usual, they have an entire alternate reality set up of what happened on Insurrection Day. How it happened, who planned it, whodunit, the whole thing.

An entirely separate story, a whole movie, start to finish. A to Z.

This stuff is just incredible to watch.
It's terrifying is what it is.

That many people with that little reasoning ability....?
You wish.

I told you from day one we're going to stay in your face FOREVER on this one, because you can't prove even a single one of your miserable lies and 100% of the statistical weight is on our side. Sooner or later someone's going to talk and when that happens you'll be SO fucked.

Nope, no one's sitting down. You're going to deal with President Trump for the next 4 years. Because your best efforts couldn't prevent it. Enjoy.
Bring it, magaturd.
Bring it, magaturd.
They are going to keep trying to re-write history until it gets to the point when they believe trump's insurrectionist mob was actually a bunch of Biden supporters.
Every Trump supporter on here is a MAGA domestic terrorist who can't accept election defeat, as they proved on Jan 6.

They are all mentally disturbed and dangerous and belong in jail. Fuck all of them.
And you as well as your entire Far Left fellow Communists, need to be walked up to the gallows.
Yeah, Democrats are communists....even though the party gets tons of money from billionaires and millionaires.

You is some dirt stupid unsophisticated MAGA white trash.
I am more American than you and Putin is scared shitless of Trump. Putrid loves the far Left scum like Hildebeast, Joe BiDumbfuck, and KUNTmala
Nah...you're MAGA white trash....as proven by what you domestic terrorists did on Jan 6.

Trump is Putin's useful idiot, you hopeless imbecile.

Jan. 6, 2021 vs. Jan. 6, 2025: Dems may try to double down on their own crimes​

28 Dec 2024 ~~ By Victoria White Berger

Comparisons are odious, but Americans are used to that from the failing Democrat party — the party of ‘no apology; no matter what.’
They refuse to acknowledge the ongoing (how long does it take, really?) Republican-led congressional committee hearings that have unearthed tons of evidence regarding the many irregularities of congressional Democrats, RINOs, and associated DOJ and even Department of Defense actors, in concealing, subverting, and burying critical evidence against all those accused of "insurrection" in the Jan. 6 protests.
We are now apprised of the investigative conclusions regarding the riotous Jan. 6, 2021 protests that point, overwhelmingly, to a false, vicious, and planned insurrection orchestrated by, primarily, the Swamp. Yet, no one in or retired from Congress has been prosecuted — yet.
The Department of Defense also recently confirmed that, ahem, (it took them four years!), yes, Donald Trump did request National Guard support days before that Jan. 6 event happened — and was turned down.
That’s just the start of what Defense and the FBI and the Congress have been up to in their rush to political injustice and their protective, self-serving swampiness.
Despite all they haven’t learned, some Dems and RINOs in the House and Senate are scheming for a reboot of Jan. 6.
It's supported by such as The Hill (a media outlet entirely dependent on the favors of a Democrat majority/minority on Capitol Hill).
The Dems aren’t done with us yet. They will not be moved.
Some congressional Democrats and their progressive doppelgangers in the media are, this and last week, calling for a new-and-better congressional insurrection on Jan. 6, 2025: Whereby the members of Congress, by internal, conspiratorial sleight of hand on procedural matters, will deny election certification to Donald Trump, our president-elect who overcame by both electoral and popular vote in a massively successful election with not many publicized claims of voter fraud.
It’s probable that the American people know that justice and fair play in Congress is effectively playing dead in this country -- thanks to the administration still in effect -- and will not be seen in fact again until after Jan. 20, 2025 — when Donald Trump regains the office that was very arguably stolen from him in 2020.
What the American people — reputably turning off the tube at record pace-are wanting now is greatly opposed to any Democrat-inspired reboot of deep, disloyal congressional idiocy and fraud in 2025.
The people have turned off their lefty viewing and are about to, in their many millions, celebrate regained freedoms -- they’re probably saying, “Bring It On, Mr. and Ms. Last Term Congressperson.”
Ready, set, go.

Getting any of this done in four years for a first term POTUS would be almost impossible, but a Lame duck has no chance. Do you know why? There are no term limits so all Congress thinks about is getting re-elected. Instead of doing what's right for our country, it's what can I do to get re-elected. That gives people like Pelosi enormous power and lobbyist have more power than God. Because it is now a career, working for the people is a fantasy.
No one has ever explained how the electronically controlled doors were mysteriously opened from the inside on Jan 6th., or who was the person on the upper staging that was directing the few aggressive rioters to attack the D.C. Police.
Then there's the special treatment give to the murderer of Ashli Babbitt, with a promotion, special housing, etc...

Republicans did, Dems "might".... hmmm and it's Dems being the bad ones because they "might".

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