American Jan 6 Traitor Will Serve 7 Years. Sentenced to 6 Years

You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right?

This guy -- Julian Khater of Somerset, N.J -- is a traitor

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"In court Friday, Sicknick's mother, Gladys Sicknick, told Khater, "You attacked my son like he was an animal. You are the animal, Mr. Khater. ... How does it feel to be headed to jail for a bald-faced lie?""

He’s not going to prison for being a “traitor”, he is going for assaulting an officer.

I like the precedent it sets, now we can throw Antifa fags and BLM thugs in prison for assaulting police.
So where is this link where Trump has been found guilty of tax fraud. No mention of him being found guilty in your article.
Trump is Trump Org. Do you think he let his cokehead son run it? Or the dumb one?
The same retards who whine that Trump Org being guilty isn't the same as Trump being guilty are the same retards who scream about the Clinton Foundation.
Notice how the CF crashed and burned when Hillary wasn't available for pay to play access anymore?
Was Trump charged? That is the key.
That's odd, Mueller found no evidence of criminal conspiracy of Trump or His campaign.
What do these words mean? "The investigation "identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump campaign", and determined that the Trump campaign "expected it would benefit electorally" from Russian hacking efforts".
What do these words mean? "The investigation "identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump campaign", and determined that the Trump campaign "expected it would benefit electorally" from Russian hacking efforts".
What do these words mean? "The investigation "identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump campaign", and determined that the Trump campaign "expected it would benefit electorally" from Russian hacking efforts".


"The special counsel's investigation was long, thorough and conclusive: There was no collusion. There is no constitutional crisis," Collins added. "As the report states, 'the evidence does not establish that the president was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference.' "


"The special counsel's investigation was long, thorough and conclusive: There was no collusion. There is no constitutional crisis," Collins added. "As the report states, 'the evidence does not establish that the president was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference.' "
But he knew what the Russians were giving his campaign and did nothing about. Certainly Paul Manafort did. Nice try but your guy is a guilty as hell.
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What did Manafort do?
You can't be serious, Manafort was Trump's campaign manager and actively colluded with Kilimnik who was a Russian agent.
You can't be serious, Manafort was Trump's campaign manager and actively colluded with Kilimnik who was a Russian agent.
Manafort was also an independent operator, and someone that didn't have just loyalties to Donald Trump, otherwise he had other dealings for making his money for an income in life, and this along his many avenues that he traveled down in his professional career in life.

Make the direct connections that ties Trump to Russia or just shut up already.
You can't be serious, Manafort was Trump's campaign manager and actively colluded with Kilimnik who was a Russian agent.
LOL....he gave the Rusky's some polling data, which had people scratching their heads as why, and it wasn't a violation of any laws.

From your earth shattering article:

But Mueller’s team said it couldn’t “reliably determine” Manafort’s purpose in sharing it, nor assess what Kilimnik may have done with it — in part due to questions over Manafort’s credibility. The Senate committee also came up empty, though its report drew attention for its characterization of Kilimnik as a Russian intelligence officer.

Manafort got popped over it because he lied about doing it to the Feds, known as a process crime. He actually lied over not breaking any laws.

Beyond that Manafort wasn't with the campaign very long.

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