American Introspection


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.You're a government school grad?
Do you know why they didn’t teach you about John Locke, or the truth about the bloodbath called the French Revolution?
Because you might begin to see through the lies proffered by the Democrats/Progressives, that's why.

How can anyone call themselves an American, yet live by the doctrines of Rousseau, Hegel, and Marx rather than Jefferson, Madison and Adams?

2. “The single most important influence that shaped the founding of the United States comes from JOHN LOCKE, a 17th century Englishman who redefined the nature of government.”
Foundations of American Government []

If you studied Locke, as our Founders did, you could not be a collectivist.

3. The proof of the anti-Americanism embedded in government school grads is just how successful the Democrat inspired and authorized ‘Woke Revolution' has been.

“…today, Locke’s ideas are under full-fledged assault. There are many Americans who believe that human beings are not created equal—that we should treat people differently based on their group identity. There are many Americans who believe that rights do not pre-exist government—that government is both our master and protector, granting and withdrawing privileges as it sees fit. And there are many Americans who believe that government should have almost unlimited power.” Ben Shapiro

4.“Primacy of the individual vs that of the collective

Locke: “those for whom individual liberty is their first principle of social ordering.”
Lockeans stress rigorous judicial protection of individual rights, especially those of private property and the freedom of contract, that define and protect the zone of sovereignty within which people are free to act as they please.

A fundamental American political doctrine holds that among the unalienable rights every individual possesses is a right to liberty of contract, which includes the right to freely contact to sell one’s labor or to purchase the labor of others. This right cannot be legislated out of existence for casual or disreputable reasons [as in Lochner, where large unionized bakeries demanded laws that limit the number of hours one can work] even when legislatures cloak their reasons in the language of social betterment. This doctrine is often ignored by Progressives in their desire to support collectivism, majority opinion, in opposition to individualism, and to grow the state’s police powers.

Hobbes: “give priority to the need for government power to provide social order and pursue social ends” even if the rights of individuals must be abridged in order to do so.

All progressives are Hobbesians because they say America is dedicate to a process- to a majoritarian decision-making that legitimates the exercise of government powers that favor majorities.
Hobbesians say the core of American principle is the right of the majority to have its way.

Progressives are committed to broad deference to a government’s definition of the collective good and used it to move forward racial integration. Most Americans agreed with Progressives on this, rather than Goldwater’s principled defense of property rights.”
More in George Will’s “The Conservative Sensibility.”

This is the big picture, not which statues exist or flags, or how many of each race fit into each endeavor.
It's whether America remains the shining city on the hill for all, or we open re-education camps, concentration camps, gulags.
1.You're a government school grad?
Do you know why they didn’t teach you about John Locke, or the truth about the bloodbath called the French Revolution?
Because you might begin to see through the lies proffered by the Democrats/Progressives, that's why.

How can anyone call themselves an American, yet live by the doctrines of Rousseau, Hegel, and Marx rather than Jefferson, Madison and Adams?

2. “The single most important influence that shaped the founding of the United States comes from JOHN LOCKE, a 17th century Englishman who redefined the nature of government.”
Foundations of American Government []

If you studied Locke, as our Founders did, you could not be a collectivist.

3. The proof of the anti-Americanism embedded in government school grads is just how successful the Democrat inspired and authorized ‘Woke Revolution' has been.

“…today, Locke’s ideas are under full-fledged assault. There are many Americans who believe that human beings are not created equal—that we should treat people differently based on their group identity. There are many Americans who believe that rights do not pre-exist government—that government is both our master and protector, granting and withdrawing privileges as it sees fit. And there are many Americans who believe that government should have almost unlimited power.” Ben Shapiro

4.“Primacy of the individual vs that of the collective

Locke: “those for whom individual liberty is their first principle of social ordering.”
Lockeans stress rigorous judicial protection of individual rights, especially those of private property and the freedom of contract, that define and protect the zone of sovereignty within which people are free to act as they please.

A fundamental American political doctrine holds that among the unalienable rights every individual possesses is a right to liberty of contract, which includes the right to freely contact to sell one’s labor or to purchase the labor of others. This right cannot be legislated out of existence for casual or disreputable reasons [as in Lochner, where large unionized bakeries demanded laws that limit the number of hours one can work] even when legislatures cloak their reasons in the language of social betterment. This doctrine is often ignored by Progressives in their desire to support collectivism, majority opinion, in opposition to individualism, and to grow the state’s police powers.

Hobbes: “give priority to the need for government power to provide social order and pursue social ends” even if the rights of individuals must be abridged in order to do so.

All progressives are Hobbesians because they say America is dedicate to a process- to a majoritarian decision-making that legitimates the exercise of government powers that favor majorities.
Hobbesians say the core of American principle is the right of the majority to have its way.

Progressives are committed to broad deference to a government’s definition of the collective good and used it to move forward racial integration. Most Americans agreed with Progressives on this, rather than Goldwater’s principled defense of property rights.”
More in George Will’s “The Conservative Sensibility.”

This is the big picture, not which statues exist or flags, or how many of each race fit into each endeavor.
It's whether America remains the shining city on the hill for all, or we open re-education camps, concentration camps, gulags.
BLM founders are admitted Marxists. So you don't support BLM?
Government Schools teach that FDR was the greatest modern President.
1.You're a government school grad?
Do you know why they didn’t teach you about John Locke, or the truth about the bloodbath called the French Revolution?
Because you might begin to see through the lies proffered by the Democrats/Progressives, that's why.

How can anyone call themselves an American, yet live by the doctrines of Rousseau, Hegel, and Marx rather than Jefferson, Madison and Adams?

2. “The single most important influence that shaped the founding of the United States comes from JOHN LOCKE, a 17th century Englishman who redefined the nature of government.”
Foundations of American Government []

If you studied Locke, as our Founders did, you could not be a collectivist.

3. The proof of the anti-Americanism embedded in government school grads is just how successful the Democrat inspired and authorized ‘Woke Revolution' has been.

“…today, Locke’s ideas are under full-fledged assault. There are many Americans who believe that human beings are not created equal—that we should treat people differently based on their group identity. There are many Americans who believe that rights do not pre-exist government—that government is both our master and protector, granting and withdrawing privileges as it sees fit. And there are many Americans who believe that government should have almost unlimited power.” Ben Shapiro

4.“Primacy of the individual vs that of the collective

Locke: “those for whom individual liberty is their first principle of social ordering.”
Lockeans stress rigorous judicial protection of individual rights, especially those of private property and the freedom of contract, that define and protect the zone of sovereignty within which people are free to act as they please.

A fundamental American political doctrine holds that among the unalienable rights every individual possesses is a right to liberty of contract, which includes the right to freely contact to sell one’s labor or to purchase the labor of others. This right cannot be legislated out of existence for casual or disreputable reasons [as in Lochner, where large unionized bakeries demanded laws that limit the number of hours one can work] even when legislatures cloak their reasons in the language of social betterment. This doctrine is often ignored by Progressives in their desire to support collectivism, majority opinion, in opposition to individualism, and to grow the state’s police powers.

Hobbes: “give priority to the need for government power to provide social order and pursue social ends” even if the rights of individuals must be abridged in order to do so.

All progressives are Hobbesians because they say America is dedicate to a process- to a majoritarian decision-making that legitimates the exercise of government powers that favor majorities.
Hobbesians say the core of American principle is the right of the majority to have its way.

Progressives are committed to broad deference to a government’s definition of the collective good and used it to move forward racial integration. Most Americans agreed with Progressives on this, rather than Goldwater’s principled defense of property rights.”
More in George Will’s “The Conservative Sensibility.”

This is the big picture, not which statues exist or flags, or how many of each race fit into each endeavor.
It's whether America remains the shining city on the hill for all, or we open re-education camps, concentration camps, gulags.
BLM founders are admitted Marxists. So you don't support BLM?

That's not a serious question, is it?
1.You're a government school grad?
Do you know why they didn’t teach you about John Locke, or the truth about the bloodbath called the French Revolution?
Because you might begin to see through the lies proffered by the Democrats/Progressives, that's why.

How can anyone call themselves an American, yet live by the doctrines of Rousseau, Hegel, and Marx rather than Jefferson, Madison and Adams?

2. “The single most important influence that shaped the founding of the United States comes from JOHN LOCKE, a 17th century Englishman who redefined the nature of government.”
Foundations of American Government []

If you studied Locke, as our Founders did, you could not be a collectivist.

3. The proof of the anti-Americanism embedded in government school grads is just how successful the Democrat inspired and authorized ‘Woke Revolution' has been.

“…today, Locke’s ideas are under full-fledged assault. There are many Americans who believe that human beings are not created equal—that we should treat people differently based on their group identity. There are many Americans who believe that rights do not pre-exist government—that government is both our master and protector, granting and withdrawing privileges as it sees fit. And there are many Americans who believe that government should have almost unlimited power.” Ben Shapiro

4.“Primacy of the individual vs that of the collective

Locke: “those for whom individual liberty is their first principle of social ordering.”
Lockeans stress rigorous judicial protection of individual rights, especially those of private property and the freedom of contract, that define and protect the zone of sovereignty within which people are free to act as they please.

A fundamental American political doctrine holds that among the unalienable rights every individual possesses is a right to liberty of contract, which includes the right to freely contact to sell one’s labor or to purchase the labor of others. This right cannot be legislated out of existence for casual or disreputable reasons [as in Lochner, where large unionized bakeries demanded laws that limit the number of hours one can work] even when legislatures cloak their reasons in the language of social betterment. This doctrine is often ignored by Progressives in their desire to support collectivism, majority opinion, in opposition to individualism, and to grow the state’s police powers.

Hobbes: “give priority to the need for government power to provide social order and pursue social ends” even if the rights of individuals must be abridged in order to do so.

All progressives are Hobbesians because they say America is dedicate to a process- to a majoritarian decision-making that legitimates the exercise of government powers that favor majorities.
Hobbesians say the core of American principle is the right of the majority to have its way.

Progressives are committed to broad deference to a government’s definition of the collective good and used it to move forward racial integration. Most Americans agreed with Progressives on this, rather than Goldwater’s principled defense of property rights.”
More in George Will’s “The Conservative Sensibility.”

This is the big picture, not which statues exist or flags, or how many of each race fit into each endeavor.
It's whether America remains the shining city on the hill for all, or we open re-education camps, concentration camps, gulags.
BLM founders are admitted Marxists. So you don't support BLM?

That's not a serious question, is it?
5. “We need to reintroduce John Locke and his ideas to a nation that has become increasingly blind to fundamental elements of its own history and character. Because if we lose Locke, we lose America.

[In] Thomas Jefferson’s draft of the Declaration of Independence, [the Founders] undoubtedly recognized two things: Jefferson’s peerless prose, and the political wisdom of the 17th-century English thinker, John Locke.”

Jefferson took Locke’s arguments to justify the American Revolution: there were three.

Number one: All men are created equal.
Locke starts this argument at a very basic level—namely, that human beings were created equal by God. We’re all part of the same species. We’re all capable of doing human things. In that sense, we are equal—not in qualities or outcome, but in rights. As John Locke wrote, “Creatures of the same species...born to all the same advantages of nature, and the use of the same faculties, should also be equal...without subordination or subjection.”
Ben Shapiro

Today’s mandated schooling teaches children to see religion as superstition, and to ridicule beliefs, ‘else how could they be persuaded that government tells what rights we have.

“…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, or vice versa?” Ben Shapiro
6. “Number two: Certain basic rights exist independent of government.

Locke believed that it was man’s natural state to be free. Therefore, freedom pre-exists government. That is, freedom came first; government came later. One hears this thinking expressed in Jefferson’s famous phrase, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…”

Here’s how Locke put it: “The natural [state] of man is to be free from any superior power on earth. And not to be under the will or legislative authority [of a government] …” As rational human beings, Locke contended, we have the liberty—whether king or commoner— to think and act as we wish so long as we harm no one else.” Ben Shapiro

You can see where the first amendment came from, and should be able to see what is wrong with government banning certain words, or preventing pastors from making political endorsements.
7. The only thing that makes our government legitimate is that it secures those natural rights from our Creator, and that said government continues to be regularly validated by consent of the governed.

As the first Republican President put it, government of, by, and for the people.

Government proves it is for the people as long as it secures those natural rights.

Progressives do not adhere to these beliefs: Democrat Woodrow Wilson said that we must ignore the preamble of the Declaration. “Consider the American Declaration of Independence. We see in the Preamble a statement about the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” from which we derive our unalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. These rights are immutable; they transcend history; they are higher than the laws of the State.”

This is why Democrat Woodrow Wilson famously said to study the Declaration of Independence but not the preamble.
8. The primacy of the individual, armored with his natural rights, is baked into the creation of Western Civilization. Three millennia ago, the idea was authorized in Genesis.

So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Genesis 1:27

In 1215, the Magna Carta underscored the premise with this language:
“Know ye, that we, in the presence of God, and for the salvation of our soul, and the souls of all our ancestors and heirs,…. TO ALL FREE MEN OF OUR KINGDOM we have also granted, for us and our heirs for ever, all the liberties written out below, to have and to keep for them and their heirs, of us and our heirs:”
1215: Magna Carta - Online Library of Liberty

“This expansion of liberty by an act of the sovereign’s grace was progress and was followed by other incremental gains….Then, however, came 1776. Writing in 1792, James Madison said, ‘In Europe, charters of liberty have been granted by power. America has set the example…of power granted by liberty.
Rather than rights being granted by government
to set people increasingly at liberty, people who are born free to exercise their freedom create a government for their convenience, and particularly to secure their natural rights that pre-exist government.” George Will, “Conservative Sensibility”

This view is fundamental to conservatism.
In their attempt to reverse this idea, Progressive's aim is to return society to feudalism, with citizens as serfs.
9. “Number three: Government exists to protect those rights.

For Locke, the purpose of government was to protect the individual’s freedom and to protect the property (the land and material goods) he lawfully acquired.
The last thing Locke wanted was to give the government the power to take away that liberty or undermine those property rights. If government couldn’t provide those protections, or if it abused its power, it didn’t deserve to exist. “The end of law,” he wrote, “is not to abolish or restrain [freedom], but to preserve and enlarge freedom.”

Boiled down into a revolutionary slogan, we might summarize Locke’s three-pronged philosophy this way: “Don’t tread on me.” Can’t get much more American than that.”
Ben Shapiro

You can see how Progressive government, and their arm, government school, works to undermine the idea of a Creator, of unalienable rights, of individualism.

And…..looking at the riots in our streets…..the Left is winning.


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