American Foreign Policy....

NO, that's NOT why, you weak son of a bitch. Take your coward's philosophy and shove it up your worthless ass. YOU are part of the problem.

the fact that you, and people like yourself, can't admit that our foreign policy causes us problems is why we have those problems. put yourself in their shoes for half a second. if somebody came over here and bombed us, or performed a covert operation to take out someone living here, or put up a blockade in our shipping routes, or supplied money to a country that was taking out citizens and nuclear facilities, we would want a pound of flesh. the fact that you guys can't see that is weird.

but like i've said before, all countries will eventually have nukes. and i don't think the crazies will be going after canada first.

So isn't it in our interest to prevent the crazies from getting nukes? Or in your world, would we sit idly by and allow them to take out San Francisco... Scratch San Fran. Would we sit idly by and allow them to take out Dallas?

sure, we can spend a whole lot of time and money preventing other countries from getting nukes. then, at some point in the future, all countries will have nukes. so, which is better?
NO, that's NOT why, you weak son of a bitch. Take your coward's philosophy and shove it up your worthless ass. YOU are part of the problem.

the fact that you, and people like yourself, can't admit that our foreign policy causes us problems is why we have those problems. .

You're a naive fool, and prey animals like you only exist because your betters allow you to remain willfully ignorant of the real world.

did you ever consider the fact that you maybe you're naive for thinking that we can stop other countries from getting nukes forever? and once the crazies do get 'em, who would you bet they use them on first. the people that have stayed out of their business or the people that they're mad at for getting in their business? are you mad right now at canada or norway?

sad thing is, it probably won't be us that will be nuked, it will be our grand kids or great grand kids. maybe you should spend some time explaining to them why it will happen.
While you may not care what the rest of the world thinks, you probably should care what the folks who flew those planes thinks. That was the origin of this thread, after all.
Your problem is cognitive dissonance, which has got you to the point of foaming at the mouth towards me because you can't deal with the FACT that our foreign policy (Fuck with the Arabs over oil) is what's causing all the blowback. You're very bitter and very confused, you really should seek help.

You (AGAIN) completely ignored all that was in the first part you quoted. You're too stupid to even be dishonest successfully.

The rest of your anti-American tirade is nothing but a rehash of your previous hateful, ignorant, naive bullshit comments.

Recognizing that mistakes have been made is not the same as hating America.

I didn't say it was, but that 'Guy' is engaged in the latter.
What do you think?

Being an outsider to the US I can see that your foreign policy is making the World Hate your country. (My country the UK is also hated.) People are fed up with your's and our foreign policy were our governments are are causing hatred towards us:

They Bomb innocent civilians.

We invade countries.

We cause democratic strife in countries through CIA AND Mi6.

We are guilty of economic and trade sanctions which only hurt the innocent and don't effect the governments.

The list goes on.

Here is Ron Paul giving Rudy Giuliani a Reading list On what the CIA call blow back.

Educating Rudy Press Conference - YouTube

The current establishment foreign policy is dangerous to the USA and it is a flawed model that will make your country worse.


You know what, Twinkles? I don't give a fat rat's ass if the "whole world hates us". So long as they respect and fear us, and behave themselves suitably, I'm good to go. Foreign policy ain't a high-school popularity contest.

You know what else I don't give a fat rat's ass about? What some non-American dumbass thinks about who we elect. I won't tell you what a waste of time, space, and money your royal family is, you don't butt into OUR elections, which are really not any of your goddamned business.
it amazes me how most Americans have no idea how our foreign policy affects how people in other countries think of us.

What's 'amazing' is how badly you are missing the point that "most Americans" DON'T FUCKING CARE what people in other countries think of us.

Which is EXACTLY why they fly planes into our skyscrapers, NUMBNUTZ!

No, you uneducated ignoramus, it's NOT why they attack us. If you knew jack shit about the history of the Muslim world before the year 2000 or so, you wouldn't be bothering us with nonsensical, childish crap like, "We MADE them do it".

And by the way, shitstain, if you really think Muslim attacks on us are our fault, and they're just poor little victims being forced into it, may I cordially suggest that you get the FUCK out of the "eeeevil" United States immediately - yesterday would be good - so that you don't have to be associated with us? I can assure you that, given your demonstrated intelligence, education, and patriotism, we don't need you, don't want you, and won't fucking miss you. And no, there's no point in you staying to try to "raise" us to YOUR "high moral standards".
NO, that's NOT why, you weak son of a bitch. Take your coward's philosophy and shove it up your worthless ass. YOU are part of the problem.

Then tell me, O Brilliant One, why DO they fly planes into our buildings?

It isn't because we've intervened to protect Muslims in Kosovo, or delivered humanitarian aid in Somalia.

Those evil, prehistoric bastards have been rampaging through the world for centuries. We just now twig to that fact in the last decade or so, and want to blame ourselves for it. How clueless can we get?
So, you're some kind of bigot with a beef against all Muslims just because they are Muslim? And you are so completely anti-American that you dismiss all the good that we do in the world? You're an all-around piece of shit alright.

I'm not the one that wants to go around the world killing Muslims, YOU are.

And I don't dismiss or deny that America does a lot of good for a lot of people, Christian, Muslim, Jew or atheist.

Islam is the religion of satanic evil. Studied about the koran since 1983. Their wage of.violent conversion and hate for the infidels is what the koran teaches them.visit - Islam: Making a True Difference in the World
The powerful Global Elite and Military Industrial Complex drive our Foreign Policy. A permanent state of War has always been the MIC's goal. Looks like they've achieved their goal. We've been bombing & killing for the last 70yrs. straight. Bombing & killing is all Americans know now. And that's just the way the Military Industrial Complex likes it.
They will murder women and innocent children,read the canadian headlines. They want the world back to the stone ages. In this country,in MA,irrespective of the laws herr,i saw pne converting a guy as their sponsor,and told him,if you decide to leave islam,it is my duty to kill you.its their cult,they hate equality and freedom.fuckem all.
im sorry to say this,but even after we spared them in kosovo,they helped alqueda and terrorist elements against us. Shoulda let milosovic do his thing.
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Boko harem in nigeria. Killed 500 innocent christians two months.
thailand,muslim groups kill buddists daily.
So you all are ok with them hating us because you hate them. So how can we break this cycle of hatred? Where is it getting us? We hated the germans and they were guilty of horrible atrocities but they are now our allies. We need to find a way to come to the table and resolve our differences.
So you all are ok with them hating us because you hate them. So how can we break this cycle of hatred? Where is it getting us? We hated the germans and they were guilty of horrible atrocities but they are now our allies. We need to find a way to come to the table and resolve our differences.

Heres the issue. We wouldnt even have bothered with these people had they not fucked with us.they have been pirating our tradeships ever since the jefferson administration. Read bill bennetts book on american history. Again,if they just sat there,and killed each other off,thats one thing,but fuck with us,or freedom,well send you back to your allah in a pinebox marked TRASH.SURE AS HELL WASNT IRISH CATHOLICS FLYING PLANES INTO BUILDINGS.
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What's 'amazing' is how badly you are missing the point that "most Americans" DON'T FUCKING CARE what people in other countries think of us.

Which is EXACTLY why they fly planes into our skyscrapers, NUMBNUTZ!

No, you uneducated ignoramus, it's NOT why they attack us. If you knew jack shit about the history of the Muslim world before the year 2000 or so, you wouldn't be bothering us with nonsensical, childish crap like, "We MADE them do it".

And by the way, shitstain, if you really think Muslim attacks on us are our fault, and they're just poor little victims being forced into it, may I cordially suggest that you get the FUCK out of the "eeeevil" United States immediately - yesterday would be good - so that you don't have to be associated with us? I can assure you that, given your demonstrated intelligence, education, and patriotism, we don't need you, don't want you, and won't fucking miss you. And no, there's no point in you staying to try to "raise" us to YOUR "high moral standards".

Now that you've got that out of your system I suggest you shove the whole thing right up your cavernous ass, you moronic, Neanderthal bitch! Who the fuck do you think you are to try and claim the 'moral high ground' when the only thing you want to do is kill hundreds of thousands, maybe even MILLIONS, of innocent, yes I said INNOCENT, people in your deranged desire to get even with an infinitesimal minority of terrorists? Guess what, shit for brains, 17 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis, NOT Iraqis, NOT Afghans, NOT Iranians, but your pandering slut ass has NO DESIRE to go after THEM because they suck up to us to our faces and sell us their oil!

And PLEASE don't question MY Patriotism bitch, what fucking uniform have YOU ever worn?
Sanctimonious XXXX
They are following what their satan told them to do.convert,or will kill you. This is the ottoman empire 21st century. I am a 234th decsendant of vlad the impaler,and have no problem my own this day and age putting their heads on stakea to give a.message. Read the old testament. The cresent moon is the.moon of lucifer.
No,i dont agree with innocents,but,we have to do what we have to do to protect our nation....did the islamics care about the innocents killed on 9/11?no.gazans were cheering out in the streets. how would you feel if you lived in israel,and had rocket attacks and IEDS blow in your face for simply trying to exist?youd get mad as hell and youd fight.these are the same people that obama stole israeli land to give to,and what the NWO and UN are trying to validate as a socalled conglomerate nation.
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