America & Nazi Germany

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There was no "official" term limit for president before FDR. We didn't need it. You could say that FDR seized power to run for his 3rd and 4th terms in a similar way that Hitler initially gained power in Germany, with political intimidation, media talkeover and the threat of violence.

No comparison exists between FDR and Hitler. FDR won an open election fair and square.

Political Intimidation and Violence, you fucker? Show me the SA and the SS and the concentration camps and gold stars.

Media takeover, you fucker? Show us the examples, you prick.

You are a fucking fascist of the worst sort who would use nazi tactics against your enemies if you could,.

You can't stand that electoral, constitutional process keeps you out of power, so you act the Big Lie, You are such a prick, whitehall.
Agreed, FDR wasn't a fascist by any stretch of the imagination, however he was a liberal progressive bent on the preservation of the ruling elite at the expense of the middle class. His way of keeping the middle class out of his neighborhood and his clubs. His desire was to keep the disadvantaged in their place by using social pablum (hand outs). He seized the nations food supply and in essence turned those tied to the land in to virtual surfs, providing food to the masses at discounted controlled prices by utilization of farm subsidies and regulation. FDR personified the old adage, a liberal fits one or two definitions, too rich, or too poor.
There was no "official" term limit for president before FDR. We didn't need it. You could say that FDR seized power to run for his 3rd and 4th terms in a similar way that Hitler initially gained power in Germany, with political intimidation, media talkeover and the threat of violence.

No comparison exists between FDR and Hitler. FDR won an open election fair and square.

When he came to power, Hitler was hugely popular in Germany.

And of course he and FDR shared a fondness for concentration camps.
You are projecting, kid.

That's you making no sense again, idiot.

You are projecting your lack of sense, Unkotare.

Just typing words at random doesn't constitute any kind of point, idiot. Repeating the word "projecting" over and over does not make an argument no matter how badly a dimwit like you wants to believe there is some simple pattern you can fall back on when you have nothing to say.
Why don't you go bang some pots and pans together? That's about all you are doing now anyway. Next time mind your own damn business and you won't have to look so stupid (you still will be, but you won't have to look like it).
Projecting again, silly one. Have the last word and we can let this go for tonight.
There was no "official" term limit for president before FDR. We didn't need it. You could say that FDR seized power to run for his 3rd and 4th terms in a similar way that Hitler initially gained power in Germany, with political intimidation, media talkeover and the threat of violence.

No comparison exists between FDR and Hitler. FDR won an open election fair and square.

Political Intimidation and Violence, you fucker? Show me the SA and the SS and the concentration camps and gold stars.

Media takeover, you fucker? Show us the examples, you prick.

You are a fucking fascist of the worst sort who would use nazi tactics against your enemies if you could,.

You can't stand that electoral, constitutional process keeps you out of power, so you act the Big Lie, You are such a prick, whitehall.

Like most ignorant lefties you *KNOCK OFF THE FAMILY REFERENCES*. If you read the post and stayed awake during history 101 you might understand that there were no concentration camps when Hitler seized power. That came later and the camps were ignored by the FDR administration until the war started and the old windbag could gain some political clout by finally denouncing them. We had our own version that kept Americans behind barbed wire so that FDR supporters could steal the property of loyal Japanese American citizens.
I use the fuck word with fuckers like you from the far, far irresponsible left and right who deliberately get history wrong.

So, read this, whitehall: fuck off.

By the way, who told you Hitler seized power?

You are ignoring the SA and SS terrorism of Nazi opponents before Hitler came to power.

Do you know nothing, fuckhead?
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I use the fuck word with fuckers like you from the far, far irresponsible left and right who deliberately get history wrong.

So, read this, whitehall: fuck off.

By the way, who told you Hitler seized power?

You are ignoring the SA and SS terrorism of Nazi opponents before Hitler came to power.

Do you know nothing, fuckhead?

Kids use offensive words to make up for their inability to reason and argue their point and also as a substitute for their limited vocabulary. Personally I respect a person who disagrees with my opinion and can offer an argument. I don't give a flying fuck about anyone else (whoops).
Thank God we used fascism to fight fascism!

The Road To Serfdom

As the FAR right decided to ignore Hitler, FDR was initiating Lend Lease, or perhaps you missed that in your "studies".

That is not exactly how it was.

FDR was pretty much the only who stood up to Congress and the prevailing political view among elected politicians in both parties, but especially in the pro-business pro-eugenics types... that Hitler was the man to back in Europe over the British Empire, which at the time was seen as a threat to the US. At the time, Hitler's policies were closer to the US's own views than that of their "enemy" the British Empire... both economically and socially.

Even among FDRs cabinet there was Hitler supporters who were lobbying FDR not to back the UK up.

Now when I say Hitler supporters.. I dont mean raving NAZI's. The motivation to support Hitler over the UK varied from business (Bush's grandfather for example) to the threat of the British Empire on US aspirations world wide. They simply saw Nazi Germany as the best bet in a war in Europe and the enemy of my enemy... the British Empire.

For that I am thankful. Let the Petains, Quislings, and Bund be damned for eternity.
You just can't get away with saying that "FDR stood up... etc". The phrase "stood up to" is a knee-jerk meaningless defense. The reality is that FDR did little or nothing to stem the tide of Nazism in Germany for his first two terms. As a matter of fact the FDR administration's racist views of Japan clouded realistic assessment of the Japanese threat.
FDR stood up, whitehall, and there is absolutely nothing you can say that can detract from it. Your wild assertions have to basis in fact. You can post evidence if you want, but it will be nonsense and easily blasted out of the water.
This is why history can be misused when trying to prove a political point. It's a form of making history one dimensional, a form of the spyglass approach, as if nothing else was going on at the time. For example, why didn't FDR send the army over to stop Hitler in 1933 or even 1935? Perhaps it was the same reason Chamberlain didn't send the British army over in 1938 to stop Hitler from taking the Sudetenland? If we use hindsight to solve past problems, perhaps we need to have a wider scope of history.
FDR stood up, whitehall, and there is absolutely nothing you can say that can detract from it. Your wild assertions have to basis in fact. You can post evidence if you want, but it will be nonsense and easily blasted out of the water.

My wild assertions are backed by facts. Your knee jerk defense is backed by emotion.
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