America IS exceptional....


VIP Member
Oct 31, 2015
We are the only country in the world with over 260 shootings by children a year. Careless adults, unlocked guns, casual, blase attitudes. But, hey, 'Murica, that's why.
Who says? What children?
Oh, I don't know...maybe the children you read about everyday in the papers? Perhaps THOSE children? But I suppose you're one of the people who never believe anything you read because the media just makes it all up to support some hidden agenda.
Who says? What children?
Oh, I don't know...maybe the children you read about everyday in the papers? Perhaps THOSE children? But I suppose you're one of the people who never believe anything you read because the media just makes it all up to support some hidden agenda.
you know billy??

Michael Brown, off the top of my head. Most are gangbangers and idiot thugs in their 20s who the Democrats insist upon adding to the numbers of "children".
Freedom isn't free.
I do think that they should stiffen penalties for people that cant keep their guns from curious children.
Michael Brown was not counted as a child that picked up an unsecured gun. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him think.
We are the only country in the world with over 260 shootings by children a year. Careless adults, unlocked guns, casual, blase attitudes. But, hey, 'Murica, that's why.

Perhaps you should move out of our country. We have enough commie gun banners here. 'Tards like you want to impose a ban or extreme controls because a few idiots like yourself cannot be trusted with weapons. Get out. Usually democrats.
If you have no rational argument (and I often wonder what the age is of the responder), then flame out. How do you connect securing guns to banning guns?
Imbecile, it's the path to the same thing. Take your lying commie ass out of here. Domotards Always want to stop something because they don't like it, instead of just not having one, they want EVERYBODY to be a stupid as they are. Demtards know that if they got a gun, they would start killing kids in schools, so they don't want anybody to have one. Oh, tard, I'm 62. So bugger off.

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