America is a leaderless country


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
  1. After years of bad leadership from Trump, we're learning what it's like to have no leadership at all -- and during a deadly pandemic killing thousands every day, a botched vaccine rollout, sniveling about the 2020 election, and an attempt to overthrow the government, by inciting goon squads to attack our capital building, kill our citizens, and destroy government property; all while little Donnie sits back and watches, detached, and bored with the duties of being President.

    Fortunately, In addition to our legal system, Wall Street is moving to curb Trump's means to communicate his baseless lies, and bring in cash. He's lost a major golf tournament, banks will no longer lend him money, and his recent actions have only added to his multitude of legal woes.

    This is Donald Trump's political legacy, and a reminder of what happens when we elect a spoiled child in an old mans body, who thinks only of himself

    Then I'll get on my knees and pray; we don't get fooled again
    - The Who
Post Reply
  1. After years of bad leadership from Trump, we're learning what it's like to have no leadership at all -- and during a deadly pandemic killing thousands every day, a botched vaccine rollout, sniveling about the 2020 election, and an attempt to overthrow the government, by inciting goon squads to attack our capital building, kill our citizens, and destroy government property; all while little Donnie sits back and watches, detached, and bored with the duties of being President.

    Fortunately, In addition to our legal system, Wall Street is moving to curb Trump's means to communicate his baseless lies, and bring in cash. He's lost a major golf tournament, banks will no longer lend him money, and his recent actions have only added to his multitude of legal woes.

    This is Donald Trump's political legacy, and a reminder of what happens when we elect a spoiled child in an old mans body, who thinks only of himself

    Then I'll get on my knees and pray; we don't get fooled again
    - The Who
Post Reply
We'll be okay in eight days, unless Trump's Jihadis can somehow stop it.
  1. After years of bad leadership from Trump, we're learning what it's like to have no leadership at all -- and during a deadly pandemic killing thousands every day, a botched vaccine rollout, sniveling about the 2020 election, and an attempt to overthrow the government, by inciting goon squads to attack our capital building, kill our citizens, and destroy government property; all while little Donnie sits back and watches, detached, and bored with the duties of being President.

    Fortunately, In addition to our legal system, Wall Street is moving to curb Trump's means to communicate his baseless lies, and bring in cash. He's lost a major golf tournament, banks will no longer lend him money, and his recent actions have only added to his multitude of legal woes.

    This is Donald Trump's political legacy, and a reminder of what happens when we elect a spoiled child in an old mans body, who thinks only of himself

    Then I'll get on my knees and pray; we don't get fooled again
    - The Who
Post Reply

Well for a "poor" leader Trump did pretty damned good for America. Before this very convenient Chines virus America was doing great. UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. Not bad for a poor leader.

You voted for Biden and that jack ass has a list of things he wants to do. Google it and get ready to pay for his list. Hope you enjoy cause no one else will.
  1. After years of bad leadership from Trump, we're learning what it's like to have no leadership at all -- and during a deadly pandemic killing thousands every day, a botched vaccine rollout, sniveling about the 2020 election, and an attempt to overthrow the government, by inciting goon squads to attack our capital building, kill our citizens, and destroy government property; all while little Donnie sits back and watches, detached, and bored with the duties of being President.

    Fortunately, In addition to our legal system, Wall Street is moving to curb Trump's means to communicate his baseless lies, and bring in cash. He's lost a major golf tournament, banks will no longer lend him money, and his recent actions have only added to his multitude of legal woes.

    This is Donald Trump's political legacy, and a reminder of what happens when we elect a spoiled child in an old mans body, who thinks only of himself

    Then I'll get on my knees and pray; we don't get fooled again
    - The Who
Post Reply
We'll be okay in eight days, unless Trump's Jihadis can somehow stop it.

As usual, your terminology is all wrong.
  1. After years of bad leadership from Trump, we're learning what it's like to have no leadership at all -- and during a deadly pandemic killing thousands every day, a botched vaccine rollout, sniveling about the 2020 election, and an attempt to overthrow the government, by inciting goon squads to attack our capital building, kill our citizens, and destroy government property; all while little Donnie sits back and watches, detached, and bored with the duties of being President.

    Fortunately, In addition to our legal system, Wall Street is moving to curb Trump's means to communicate his baseless lies, and bring in cash. He's lost a major golf tournament, banks will no longer lend him money, and his recent actions have only added to his multitude of legal woes.

    This is Donald Trump's political legacy, and a reminder of what happens when we elect a spoiled child in an old mans body, who thinks only of himself

    Then I'll get on my knees and pray; we don't get fooled again
    - The Who
Post Reply

Here's a transcript of what Trump told his Berzerkers before they attacked the Capitol.

I've read it and it's a psychotic mixture of veiled threats, machismo, false equivalencies and downright lies. He called the press 'the enemy of the people'. My favorite part was when he sent the troops off to march on the Capitol
"and I will go with you". No wonder Ann Coultier called him a "pussy and a liar".

"Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we're going to walk down and I'll be there with you. We're going to walk down--

"We're going to walk down. Anyone you want, but I think right here, we're going to walk down to the Capitol--And we're going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women and we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated. Lawfully slated."

This is what Trump told supporters before many stormed Capitol Hill
  1. After years of bad leadership from Trump, we're learning what it's like to have no leadership at all -- and during a deadly pandemic killing thousands every day, a botched vaccine rollout, sniveling about the 2020 election, and an attempt to overthrow the government, by inciting goon squads to attack our capital building, kill our citizens, and destroy government property; all while little Donnie sits back and watches, detached, and bored with the duties of being President.

    Fortunately, In addition to our legal system, Wall Street is moving to curb Trump's means to communicate his baseless lies, and bring in cash. He's lost a major golf tournament, banks will no longer lend him money, and his recent actions have only added to his multitude of legal woes.

    This is Donald Trump's political legacy, and a reminder of what happens when we elect a spoiled child in an old mans body, who thinks only of himself

    Then I'll get on my knees and pray; we don't get fooled again
    - The Who
Post Reply
We'll be okay in eight days, unless Trump's Jihadis can somehow stop it.

We'll be okay in eight days,

Joe has a magic wand?
  1. After years of bad leadership from Trump, we're learning what it's like to have no leadership at all -- and during a deadly pandemic killing thousands every day, a botched vaccine rollout, sniveling about the 2020 election, and an attempt to overthrow the government, by inciting goon squads to attack our capital building, kill our citizens, and destroy government property; all while little Donnie sits back and watches, detached, and bored with the duties of being President.

    Fortunately, In addition to our legal system, Wall Street is moving to curb Trump's means to communicate his baseless lies, and bring in cash. He's lost a major golf tournament, banks will no longer lend him money, and his recent actions have only added to his multitude of legal woes.

    This is Donald Trump's political legacy, and a reminder of what happens when we elect a spoiled child in an old mans body, who thinks only of himself

    Then I'll get on my knees and pray; we don't get fooled again
    - The Who
Post Reply
We'll be okay in eight days, unless Trump's Jihadis can somehow stop it.

We'll be okay in eight days,

Joe has a magic wand?
Of course not. Why would you think that?

"Magic wand"?
  1. After years of bad leadership from Trump, we're learning what it's like to have no leadership at all -- and during a deadly pandemic killing thousands every day, a botched vaccine rollout, sniveling about the 2020 election, and an attempt to overthrow the government, by inciting goon squads to attack our capital building, kill our citizens, and destroy government property; all while little Donnie sits back and watches, detached, and bored with the duties of being President.

    Fortunately, In addition to our legal system, Wall Street is moving to curb Trump's means to communicate his baseless lies, and bring in cash. He's lost a major golf tournament, banks will no longer lend him money, and his recent actions have only added to his multitude of legal woes.

    This is Donald Trump's political legacy, and a reminder of what happens when we elect a spoiled child in an old mans body, who thinks only of himself

    Then I'll get on my knees and pray; we don't get fooled again
    - The Who
Post Reply
We'll be okay in eight days, unless Trump's Jihadis can somehow stop it.

We'll be okay in eight days,

Joe has a magic wand?
Of course not. Why would you think that?

"Magic wand"?

Your comment, "we'll be okay in eight days".

The only way we'll be okay in eight days, is if Joe has a magic wand.
  1. After years of bad leadership from Trump, we're learning what it's like to have no leadership at all -- and during a deadly pandemic killing thousands every day, a botched vaccine rollout, sniveling about the 2020 election, and an attempt to overthrow the government, by inciting goon squads to attack our capital building, kill our citizens, and destroy government property; all while little Donnie sits back and watches, detached, and bored with the duties of being President.

    Fortunately, In addition to our legal system, Wall Street is moving to curb Trump's means to communicate his baseless lies, and bring in cash. He's lost a major golf tournament, banks will no longer lend him money, and his recent actions have only added to his multitude of legal woes.

    This is Donald Trump's political legacy, and a reminder of what happens when we elect a spoiled child in an old mans body, who thinks only of himself

    Then I'll get on my knees and pray; we don't get fooled again
    - The Who
Post Reply
We'll be okay in eight days, unless Trump's Jihadis can somehow stop it.

We'll be okay in eight days,

Joe has a magic wand?
Of course not. Why would you think that?

"Magic wand"?

Your comment, "we'll be okay in eight days".

The only way we'll be okay in eight days, is if Joe has a magic wand.
In your mind, okay. That's not close to what I meant, but I don't speak Trumpish.
  1. After years of bad leadership from Trump, we're learning what it's like to have no leadership at all -- and during a deadly pandemic killing thousands every day, a botched vaccine rollout, sniveling about the 2020 election, and an attempt to overthrow the government, by inciting goon squads to attack our capital building, kill our citizens, and destroy government property; all while little Donnie sits back and watches, detached, and bored with the duties of being President.

    Fortunately, In addition to our legal system, Wall Street is moving to curb Trump's means to communicate his baseless lies, and bring in cash. He's lost a major golf tournament, banks will no longer lend him money, and his recent actions have only added to his multitude of legal woes.

    This is Donald Trump's political legacy, and a reminder of what happens when we elect a spoiled child in an old mans body, who thinks only of himself

    Then I'll get on my knees and pray; we don't get fooled again
    - The Who
Post Reply
You voted for Biden, Qdog. You're already on your knees.
The duopoly is in firm control, but its conduct could hardly be called "leadership".
  1. After years of bad leadership from Trump, we're learning what it's like to have no leadership at all -- and during a deadly pandemic killing thousands every day, a botched vaccine rollout, sniveling about the 2020 election, and an attempt to overthrow the government, by inciting goon squads to attack our capital building, kill our citizens, and destroy government property; all while little Donnie sits back and watches, detached, and bored with the duties of being President.

    Fortunately, In addition to our legal system, Wall Street is moving to curb Trump's means to communicate his baseless lies, and bring in cash. He's lost a major golf tournament, banks will no longer lend him money, and his recent actions have only added to his multitude of legal woes.

    This is Donald Trump's political legacy, and a reminder of what happens when we elect a spoiled child in an old mans body, who thinks only of himself

    Then I'll get on my knees and pray; we don't get fooled again
    - The Who
Post Reply
We'll be okay in eight days, unless Trump's Jihadis can somehow stop it.

We'll be okay in eight days,

Joe has a magic wand?
Of course not. Why would you think that?

"Magic wand"?

Your comment, "we'll be okay in eight days".

The only way we'll be okay in eight days, is if Joe has a magic wand.
In your mind, okay. That's not close to what I meant, but I don't speak Trumpish.

but I don't speak Trumpish.

I don't either.

but if you think things are going to drastically change because Biden takes the oath, you must think he has a magic wand.
After years of bad leadership from Trump, we're learning what it's like to have no leadership at all -- and during a deadly pandemic killing thousands every day, a botched vaccine rollout,

Stopped reading here.

Nearly every factor involved in the vaccine predate Trump and have little to do with him.

The massive medical r&d industry that created the vaccine in record time, the government and business institutions that are manufacturing and distributing it,

all were there before Trump and will remain there unchanged after Trump.
This is the dualistic thinking that got us where we are. Trump is bad so the "Democrats" are good. "Republicans" are wrong because they support Trump, so "Democrats" are correct. Huge generalizations and no room for nuance. No recognition by either side of its own errors, over reaction and hyperbole every time over the other side's errors. Leadership in this situation is impossible for anyone but a truly superior person, and that person is not in sight.
  1. After years of bad leadership from Trump, we're learning what it's like to have no leadership at all -- and during a deadly pandemic killing thousands every day, a botched vaccine rollout, sniveling about the 2020 election, and an attempt to overthrow the government, by inciting goon squads to attack our capital building, kill our citizens, and destroy government property; all while little Donnie sits back and watches, detached, and bored with the duties of being President.

    Fortunately, In addition to our legal system, Wall Street is moving to curb Trump's means to communicate his baseless lies, and bring in cash. He's lost a major golf tournament, banks will no longer lend him money, and his recent actions have only added to his multitude of legal woes.

    This is Donald Trump's political legacy, and a reminder of what happens when we elect a spoiled child in an old mans body, who thinks only of himself

    Then I'll get on my knees and pray; we don't get fooled again
    - The Who
Post Reply
Biden was not a smart person when he started in the early 1970's. He is still not. What he learned was from osmosis over 47 years. A corrupted hack among many. He is a nothing compared to Trump. Trump was elected because of people like him.
It isn't accurate to view elected officials as our leaders.

They are public servants who are paid to serve their constituents within the bounds of the constitution.
We do have leadership. It's in Beijing.


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