America has grown soft, weak & sissified since 2006.

I don't know when it started...but it has been a steady decline and getting worse.

On tv, they say bitch, whore, slut, fuck, ass. Remember when Lucy and Dezi had separate beds?
No violent video games back then. It was safe to go trick or treat. We wore patent leather shoes and could stay outside to play after it got dark. No drivebys to worry about. Meals consisted of what Ma cooked and one parent worked while the other tried to be June Cleaver.

I think it went downhill when JFK died. At least he had a pair of balls.

I noticed things going kind of crazy after JFK was assassinated. But it wasn't too long after the assassination that drugs became very available also. I never saw a policeman on any school campus in the late 50's or early 60's unless they came to talk about traffic safety. I think it's the drugs and mass immigration of lower class people from the third world that made things crazy here. In the 50's the only foreign students you'd come across now and then would be from Europe, and they'd learn English in a few weeks.
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You're a joke. No wonder America doesn't want Conservatives back in the White House.

They don't fancy Liberals either. The devil you know is just better than the devil you don't. As much as you disliked and hated Bush, even he got two terms.

The American people are too smart to want such stupid idiots back in power. They learned the hard way from the failed Presidency of George W. Bush and its foreign and domestic policy disasters.

Romney was a Conservative? Had me fooled. Could have sworn he spent most of his time convincing the electorate that he was exactly like Obama.

Tell me, did the GOP-led Congress and Bush make any mistakes at all? Any? Can a hack like you bring yourself to admit to any error that they may have made? I'm betting against it.

Congress made the wrong decision to go to war. Congress spent too much and were fiscally irresponsible. Bush should have acknowledge the phony prosperity under the Clinton administration and recognized it for what it was, an asset bubble. But instead decided to paper over the mistake (with his friend and political buddy, Alan Greenspan) and lower interest rates, setting the president for one of the worse financial collapse in history. He was a protectionist and didn't really understand the Free Market very much.

Bush had a ton of economic sins, which are Obama's sins. It's just sad you're playing into their two party pony game.

Some of the mistakes were: Iraq War, not paying for Medicare D and then not forcing drug makers to negotiate prices, the appointment of Brown to FEMA, two sloppy deficit-exploding tax cuts, creation of DHS and TSA. These are just a few. His Presidency was a disaster and its the fault of no one else but Conservatives.
Some of the mistakes were: Iraq War, not paying for Medicare D and then not forcing drug makers to negotiate prices, the appointment of Brown to FEMA, two sloppy deficit-exploding tax cuts, creation of DHS and TSA. These are just a few. His Presidency was a disaster and its the fault of no one else but Conservatives.

The Government brought in more tax revenue than ever before after the second tax cut, so that's not entirely accurate either.

Aside from that, explain why anything you have listed is a sin under Bush, but not a sin Obama. He has pretty much done everything Bush has done, except on a much larger scale.
If they try to KILL YOU to keep their children from starving, yeah, you m ight have a serious concern there.

Let's be honest, guy, our welfare system is designed to keep them out of the streets rioting. Which IS what they were doing in the 1960's.

BS, the rioters of the 1960's were spoiled college kids high on pot. poor people don't riot, they may steal and beg but not riot. rioting takes energy.

Poor folk don't riot?


How quickly people forget even recent history, eh?
....Recent, being a relative-term.....

[ame=]Orangeburg Massacre -- Survivors Tell Their Stories - YouTube[/ame]​
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The Iraq Debacle and Bush Recession were the results of Conservatism, and Obama's election was in reaction to those two massive GOP flops & failures. You conservatives only have yourselves to blame for Obama's two election victories.

I'm not sure if you are aware, but the Housing Bubble and the NASDAQ bubble are the same bubble. Calling it a Bush Recession is not quite accurate...

No, they aren't.

The Tech Bubble burst in 2000. The Housing bubble Burst in 2007.

Now, I think you can give BUsh a pass on the recession that followed the bursting of the Tech Bubble. Although he did apply the totally wrong answer to it.

We have never gotten out of a recession without a major increase in government spending.

That's why this one is dragging on so long. We listened to the Austerity Bullshit.
I don't know when it started...but it has been a steady decline and getting worse.

On tv, they say bitch, whore, slut, fuck, ass. Remember when Lucy and Dezi had separate beds?
No violent video games back then. It was safe to go trick or treat. We wore patent leather shoes and could stay outside to play after it got dark. No drivebys to worry about. Meals consisted of what Ma cooked and one parent worked while the other tried to be June Cleaver.

I think it went downhill when JFK died. At least he had a pair of balls.

I noticed things going kind of crazy after JFK was assassinated. But it wasn't too long after the assassination that drugs became very available also. I never saw a policeman on any school campus in the late 50's or early 60's unless they came to talk about traffic safety. I think it's the drugs and mass immigration of lower class people from the third world that made things crazy here. In the 50's the only foreign students you'd come across now and then would be from Europe, and they'd learn English in a few weeks.

In the 1950's, Europe was a wreck and people were trying to get off of it.

The fact Europeans don't come here today means they have surpsassed us.

I think though, these two posts show a lot of "Looking back through rose colored glasses" kind of thinking.

Okay, Lucy and Desi slept in separate beds, but do you think most real married couples did back then?
No, they aren't.

The Tech Bubble burst in 2000. The Housing bubble Burst in 2007.

You really don't understand much about either of those bubbles. All of the liquidity which went into stocks just went into housing prices. As the NASDAQS bubble burst, stocks crashed.


But housing prices didn't. In fact, they soared and kept soaring.


Normally, in a recession housing prices decreases, but it didn't for this particular one. This is because the housing bubble and the tech bubble were the same bubble.

People should really reacquaint themselves with the origins of the Financial collapse. I can't keep doing this for people.

Now, I think you can give BUsh a pass on the recession that followed the bursting of the Tech Bubble. Although he did apply the totally wrong answer to it.

We have never gotten out of a recession without a major increase in government spending.

Really? So we never left the Depression of 1920? Go figure. And I guess all those other recessions which the US has gotten itself out of without stimulus never happened. 1953, 1958, 1981, etc, etc.

That's why this one is dragging on so long. We listened to the Austerity Bullshit.

Not surprising that you're pretty clueless about what Austerity is, too. By all means, please spot the Austerity.


You have graduated from "HOW TO LIE WITH GRAPHS"

Where are the lies? Is it really my fault you cannot understand what you are looking at? It's really not my fault that you don't like the facts as they are.

too bad you didn't have a point.

The point is you really don't have a clue as to what you are talking about, and you're just substituting ignorance for coherency.
yeah actually, I do. and no one really tries to claim the Tech Bubble and the Housing Bubble were the same probelm.

Sure, no one claims that the housing and tech bubble are the same, unless they are clueless about liquidity, monetary policy and the fed funds rate. If you don't understand economics, then you wouldn't make that claim because these terms would be way over your head.

Yeah, record home sales, in the middle of a recession. But no, the NASDAQ bubble and the Housing bubble aren't the same. You can at least educate yourself before going into the deep end of the conversation.
yeah actually, I do. and no one really tries to claim the Tech Bubble and the Housing Bubble were the same probelm.

Sure, no one claims that the housing and tech bubble are the same, unless they are clueless about liquidity, monetary policy and the fed funds rate. If you don't understand economics, then you wouldn't make that claim because these terms would be way over your head.


Dumbass, the ability of people like you to lecture us on how the economy "Works" ended after you crashed it into a wall in September, 2008.
Dumbass, the ability of people like you to lecture us on how the economy "Works" ended after you crashed it into a wall in September, 2008.

People like 'me' crashed the economy? On the contrary. If you must know, I'm a stock broker who deals in wealth management. I saw the activity for what it was, an asset bubble. I was generally the one telling people do not houses. It's a bubble and it's going to burst. Being a stock broker, we work on margins and commissions. People who were generally bullish on the market got richer way after than I did. But I decided to stick to market fundamentals and my clients didn't do as bad as the ones who had big leverage in the market.

Why is this? Because I know how the economy works. You'll never understand any sort of basics aside from your talking points you hear on your favorite prime-time news shows. You cannot discuss things of this magnitude with me. You'll be up way past your bedtime.
Dumbass, the ability of people like you to lecture us on how the economy "Works" ended after you crashed it into a wall in September, 2008.

People like 'me' crashed the economy? On the contrary. If you must know, I'm a stock broker who deals in wealth management. I saw the activity for what it was, an asset bubble. I was generally the one telling people do not houses. It's a bubble and it's going to burst. Being a stock broker, we work on margins and commissions. People who were generally bullish on the market got richer way after than I did. But I decided to stick to market fundamentals and my clients didn't do as bad as the ones who had big leverage in the market.

Why is this? Because I know how the economy works. You'll never understand any sort of basics aside from your talking points you hear on your favorite prime-time news shows. You cannot discuss things of this magnitude with me. You'll be up way past your bedtime.

How about next time we have a crash, we actually prosecute the stockbrokers who cause it.

Then throw them in big-boy jail with the rest of the crooks.

Betcha we don't have any "bubbles" after that.

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