Amending the 2nd Amendment, why impoverish left-wingers shouldn't be allowed to own guns


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
The beauty of the Constitution, is that no matter the particular interpretive philosophy, is that the specific amemdents can be changed.

As of late, I'd venture there is a sound argument to be made for preventing left-wingers or Democratic voters from being able to own guns, and limiting legal firearm purchases in all states only to registered members of the Republican party, or other parties deemed by conservative political philosophy not a threat against society, the state, and so on:

1. What we don't need is childish little white, male left-wingers acting out juvenile, anarchist fantasies, such as shooting up a crowd of people and fantasizing he is killing imaginary "Nazis" or "Fascists", and so forth, when in his deranged mind, 99.99% of the real world, as does reality in general, have and possess a "rich heterosexual white Christian male supremacist bias".

2. By the virtue of the inherent degeneracy, archaism, anti-intellectual, rot, and anarchic and anti-Republican rhetoric and fitlh, to which the left, generally composed of the worst and lowest common denominators of society, whether intellect, creativity, literacy morality, or other socially desirable attributes in men and women of a conservative persuasion, whether Russel Kirk, Leo Strauss, Margaret Thatcher, or other social exemplars; such rabble runs the gamut from registered sex offenders, anarchist and terrorist wannabes, chemically imbalanced individuals who identify as at least 50 of whatever 500 or so unrecognized and concocted gender "identities", each of which more likely coincides with a particular 'hard' drug of choice rather than anything else.

Such rabble and degenerates, who all 1st world systems of "Democratic" or "Democratic Republican" design, rightfully intended to prevent having any more of a say in the or in societies affairs than absolutely necessary; with our wonderful institutions such as elected representatives and electoral colleges rightfully acting as systems of checks and balances to prevent, dissuade, and guard against leftist and wannabe Jacobin mob rule.


So no, we should no longer extend the pretense of "equality" and "rights" applying to the worst adherents and identifiers with the radical leftist fringe, but rather do everything we can to strip them of that mythical notion, both in theory and in practice, starting with removing their rights to bear arms, as I most certainly do not believe that a group of said leftists and anarchists qualifies as a "well-regulated militia" in any sense of the word to begin with; their worthless ideologies being predicated on nothing more than the most anti-intellectual, feral, bestial, and regressive sentiments known to man or womankind, such as revenge, victimhood, persecution, any and all gamut of conspiracy theories someone involving a cabal of rich, cis white, right-wing males, and so on and so forth, all cyclically reinforced via echochambering and self-medicating on the irrational and antisocial basis of said axioms like any members of a cult and the very types of degenerate and worthless behaviors and ideologies by which said definition is based upon, wordplay and equivocative fallacies and their associated lies, falsehoods and dishonesties, aside, whether coming from sheer stupidity or intentionally lying.
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The beauty of the Constitution, is that no matter the particular interpretive philosophy, is that the specific amemdents can be changed.

As of late, I'd venture there is a sound argument to be made for preventing left-wingers or Democratic voters from being able to own guns, and limiting legal firearm purchases in all states only to registered members of the Republican party, or other parties deemed by conservative political philosophy not a threat against society, the state, and so on:

1. What we don't need is childish little white, male left-wingers acting out juvenile, anarchist fantasies, such as shooting up a crowd of people and fantasizing he is killing imaginary "Nazis" or "Fascists", and so forth, when in his deranged mind, 99.99% of the real world, as does reality in general, have and possess a "rich heterosexual white Christian male supremacist bias".

2. By the virtue of the inherent degeneracy, archaism, anti-intellectual, rot, and anarchic and anti-Republican rhetoric and fitlh, to which the left, generally composed of the worst and lowest common denominators of society, whether intellect, creativity, literacy morality, or other socially desirable attributes in men and women of a conservative persuasion, whether Russel Kirk, Leo Strauss, Margaret Thatcher, or other social exemplars; such rabble runs the gamut from registered sex offenders, anarchist and terrorist wannabes, chemically imbalanced individuals who identify as at least 50 of whatever 500 or so unrecognized and concocted gender "identities", each of which more likely coincides with a particular 'hard' drug of choice rather than anything else.

Such rabble and degenerates, who all 1st world systems of "Democratic" or "Democratic Republican" design, rightfully intended to prevent having any more of a say in the or in societies affairs than absolutely necessary; with our wonderful institutions such as elected representatives and electoral colleges rightfully acting as systems of checks and balances to prevent, dissuade, and guard against leftist and wannabe Jacobin mob rule.


So no, we should no longer extend the pretense of "equality" and "rights" applying to the worst adherents and identifiers with the radical leftist fringe, but rather do everything we can to strip them of that mythical notion, both in theory and in practice, starting with removing their rights to bear arms, as I most certainly do not believe that a group of said leftists and anarchists qualifies as a "well-regulated militia" in any sense of the word to begin with.

And let's go after the 1st amendment as well. Outlaw all Asians from driving. Require all Asians to have to hire an Arab to drive them wherever they wish to go.
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The beauty of the Constitution, is that no matter the particular interpretive philosophy, is that the specific amemdents can be changed.

As of late, I'd venture there is a sound argument to be made for preventing left-wingers or Democratic voters from being able to own guns, and limiting legal firearm purchases in all states only to registered members of the Republican party, or other parties deemed by conservative political philosophy not a threat against society, the state, and so on:

1. What we don't need is childish little white, male left-wingers acting out juvenile, anarchist fantasies, such as shooting up a crowd of people and fantasizing he is killing imaginary "Nazis" or "Fascists", and so forth, when in his deranged mind, 99.99% of the real world, as does reality in general, have and possess a "rich heterosexual white Christian male supremacist bias".

2. By the virtue of the inherent degeneracy, archaism, anti-intellectual, rot, and anarchic and anti-Republican rhetoric and fitlh, to which the left, generally composed of the worst and lowest common denominators of society, whether intellect, creativity, literacy morality, or other socially desirable attributes in men and women of a conservative persuasion, whether Russel Kirk, Leo Strauss, Margaret Thatcher, or other social exemplars; such rabble runs the gamut from registered sex offenders, anarchist and terrorist wannabes, chemically imbalanced individuals who identify as at least 50 of whatever 500 or so unrecognized and concocted gender "identities", each of which more likely coincides with a particular 'hard' drug of choice rather than anything else.

Such rabble and degenerates, who all 1st world systems of "Democratic" or "Democratic Republican" design, rightfully intended to prevent having any more of a say in the or in societies affairs than absolutely necessary; with our wonderful institutions such as elected representatives and electoral colleges rightfully acting as systems of checks and balances to prevent, dissuade, and guard against leftist and wannabe Jacobin mob rule.


So no, we should no longer extend the pretense of "equality" and "rights" applying to the worst adherents and identifiers with the radical leftist fringe, but rather do everything we can to strip them of that mythical notion, both in theory and in practice, starting with removing their rights to bear arms, as I most certainly do not believe that a group of said leftists and anarchists qualifies as a "well-regulated militia" in any sense of the word to begin with.

And let's go after the 1st amendment as well. Outlaw all Asians from driving. Require all Asians to have to hire an Arab to drive them wherever they wish to go.
I'm in favor of amending the 1st Amendment in such a way as to effectively prohibit and ban any and all left-wing "freez peach" from social media and our public and private universities and campuses, if even so much as hints at or hinges on anything which, either by state or federal law, we could argue is actually "not" protected speech, but rather rabble rousing, riot inciting, and so forth.

I'm sure that if federal or local polices made full use of information technology, and used it in confiscation of the IP addresses of suspected left-wingers on social media and whatnot, it would be quite easy to enforce, and for them to be profiled and effectively "excommunicated" as a group from our universities, social media, and perhaps even our archaic dinosaur medias, that are TV, cable, radio, and so on and so forth, regardless of the supposed "politics" delived at that low and anti-intellectual level of discourse.

As far as "Asians" go, I'm tempted to think that those of a more 'conservative' persuasion may be a welcome asset to our culture, and wonderful ally in the impending annihilation of the left and its affiliated degeneracies.

I'm not cultural guru, but I would venture that even a "conservative Muslim" would be adamantly against toleration or normalization of 'pedophlia', wheras on what could only otherwise be described as the 'fringe left', we have groups such as NAMBLA and ILGA attempting to have "pedophiles" and wannabe child rapists identified as a "sexual" minority, or 'pedophilia' merely only being "socially unaccepted", as opposed to innately and inherently abominable, as per the philosophy of our Common Law and Justice system.

What then, does that say about the fringe of the fringe "left", when even a Moslem immigrant whom may would presume to be bringing "3rd world values" with them, would not even stoop to something that truly abyssal?
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Ideally and eventually, all "white" or racial or other identitarian groups would and should most definitely be banned, given that they're all the anathema of a viable conservative platform and actionable means or plan of implanting it.

As per the example I gave, Muslims of a 'conservative' persuasion could and would be useful allies in a campaign against left-wing terrorist, anarchist, the other scourge and barely literate rabble that comprise their primary demographics and voterbases; for example, a mutual conservative alliance between "Asians" and Americans or Euros of the conservative kind, against left-wing degeneracy and lowest common denominator rot, such as a mutual agreement that pedophilia is inherently abominable, not simply "socially unaccepted", nor something worthy of being recognized as a "sexual" minority.

This of course, could easily be a force for uniting potentially billions of people against a common social enemy and human scourge; wheras the "white supremacist" or other identitarian idiots and anime-addicted. sexually-archaic, poorly raised or maturated, consumer-fetishizing filth, who have more in common with the moral nihilism and other degenerate persuasion with the radical and barely "human" 'left' to begin with, by virtue of their own worthless and physical, intellectual, creative, and aesthetic decay and inferiority, would sadly be nothing more than a thorn in the side of anotherwise actually elaborate and socially viable plan of unitedness against human sourge and refuse.
The beauty of the Constitution, is that no matter the particular interpretive philosophy, is that the specific amemdents can be changed.

As of late, I'd venture there is a sound argument to be made for preventing left-wingers or Democratic voters from being able to own guns, and limiting legal firearm purchases in all states only to registered members of the Republican party, or other parties deemed by conservative political philosophy not a threat against society, the state, and so on:

1. What we don't need is childish little white, male left-wingers acting out juvenile, anarchist fantasies, such as shooting up a crowd of people and fantasizing he is killing imaginary "Nazis" or "Fascists", and so forth, when in his deranged mind, 99.99% of the real world, as does reality in general, have and possess a "rich heterosexual white Christian male supremacist bias".

2. By the virtue of the inherent degeneracy, archaism, anti-intellectual, rot, and anarchic and anti-Republican rhetoric and fitlh, to which the left, generally composed of the worst and lowest common denominators of society, whether intellect, creativity, literacy morality, or other socially desirable attributes in men and women of a conservative persuasion, whether Russel Kirk, Leo Strauss, Margaret Thatcher, or other social exemplars; such rabble runs the gamut from registered sex offenders, anarchist and terrorist wannabes, chemically imbalanced individuals who identify as at least 50 of whatever 500 or so unrecognized and concocted gender "identities", each of which more likely coincides with a particular 'hard' drug of choice rather than anything else.

Such rabble and degenerates, who all 1st world systems of "Democratic" or "Democratic Republican" design, rightfully intended to prevent having any more of a say in the or in societies affairs than absolutely necessary; with our wonderful institutions such as elected representatives and electoral colleges rightfully acting as systems of checks and balances to prevent, dissuade, and guard against leftist and wannabe Jacobin mob rule.


So no, we should no longer extend the pretense of "equality" and "rights" applying to the worst adherents and identifiers with the radical leftist fringe, but rather do everything we can to strip them of that mythical notion, both in theory and in practice, starting with removing their rights to bear arms, as I most certainly do not believe that a group of said leftists and anarchists qualifies as a "well-regulated militia" in any sense of the word to begin with; their worthless ideologies being predicated on nothing more than the most anti-intellectual, feral, bestial, and regressive sentiments known to man or womankind, such as revenge, victimhood, persecution, any and all gamut of conspiracy theories someone involving a cabal of rich, cis white, right-wing males, and so on and so forth, all cyclically reinforced via echochambering and self-medicating on the irrational and antisocial basis of said axioms like any members of a cult and the very types of degenerate and worthless behaviors and ideologies by which said definition is based upon, wordplay and equivocative fallacies and their associated lies, falsehoods and dishonesties, aside, whether coming from sheer stupidity or intentionally lying.


The beauty of the Constitution, is that no matter the particular interpretive philosophy, is that the specific amemdents can be changed.

As of late, I'd venture there is a sound argument to be made for preventing left-wingers or Democratic voters from being able to own guns, and limiting legal firearm purchases in all states only to registered members of the Republican party, or other parties deemed by conservative political philosophy not a threat against society, the state, and so on:

1. What we don't need is childish little white, male left-wingers acting out juvenile, anarchist fantasies, such as shooting up a crowd of people and fantasizing he is killing imaginary "Nazis" or "Fascists", and so forth, when in his deranged mind, 99.99% of the real world, as does reality in general, have and possess a "rich heterosexual white Christian male supremacist bias".

2. By the virtue of the inherent degeneracy, archaism, anti-intellectual, rot, and anarchic and anti-Republican rhetoric and fitlh, to which the left, generally composed of the worst and lowest common denominators of society, whether intellect, creativity, literacy morality, or other socially desirable attributes in men and women of a conservative persuasion, whether Russel Kirk, Leo Strauss, Margaret Thatcher, or other social exemplars; such rabble runs the gamut from registered sex offenders, anarchist and terrorist wannabes, chemically imbalanced individuals who identify as at least 50 of whatever 500 or so unrecognized and concocted gender "identities", each of which more likely coincides with a particular 'hard' drug of choice rather than anything else.

Such rabble and degenerates, who all 1st world systems of "Democratic" or "Democratic Republican" design, rightfully intended to prevent having any more of a say in the or in societies affairs than absolutely necessary; with our wonderful institutions such as elected representatives and electoral colleges rightfully acting as systems of checks and balances to prevent, dissuade, and guard against leftist and wannabe Jacobin mob rule.


So no, we should no longer extend the pretense of "equality" and "rights" applying to the worst adherents and identifiers with the radical leftist fringe, but rather do everything we can to strip them of that mythical notion, both in theory and in practice, starting with removing their rights to bear arms, as I most certainly do not believe that a group of said leftists and anarchists qualifies as a "well-regulated militia" in any sense of the word to begin with; their worthless ideologies being predicated on nothing more than the most anti-intellectual, feral, bestial, and regressive sentiments known to man or womankind, such as revenge, victimhood, persecution, any and all gamut of conspiracy theories someone involving a cabal of rich, cis white, right-wing males, and so on and so forth, all cyclically reinforced via echochambering and self-medicating on the irrational and antisocial basis of said axioms like any members of a cult and the very types of degenerate and worthless behaviors and ideologies by which said definition is based upon, wordplay and equivocative fallacies and their associated lies, falsehoods and dishonesties, aside, whether coming from sheer stupidity or intentionally lying.

Not all impoverished left-wingers are white. If you look at cities like Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, Memphis, etc., the majority of gun crimes and gun murders are being committed by blacks or Hispanics.

In virtually every case, those criminals are living a liberal lifestyle and when thy do vote, they vote for Democrats. Many of them are felons or drug-users, which either of those would be a person who is prohibited from even owning a firearm.
I want all politicians from the Boomers through the next two generations to keep their excrement-encrusted fingers off the Constitution.

Fuck that.

Repeal that 16th Amendment. It was passed under fishy circumstances and is the cause of the destruction of the nation since it had been passed.

. . . you don't think the Founders gave careful consideration to how they wanted to tax and run things in the first place?

. . . . but no, once they were long dead, and their progeny had taken freedom for granted? Well. . . let the corporate and aristocratic elites come back in and enslave them all. :badgrin:

Now we don't have a Constitution, we have a suicide pact.
I want all politicians from the Boomers through the next two generations to keep their excrement-encrusted fingers off the Constitution.

Fuck that.

Repeal that 16th Amendment. It was passed under fishy circumstances and is the cause of the destruction of the nation since it had been passed.

. . . you don't think the Founders gave careful consideration to how they wanted to tax and run things in the first place?

. . . . but no, once they were long dead, and their progeny had taken freedom for granted? Well. . . let the corporate and aristocratic elites come back in and enslave them all. :badgrin:

Now we don't have a Constitution, we have a suicide pact.

not arguing with your premise but could you explain how we can maintain a STRONG MILITARY capable of keeping the russians, iranians, n koreans, chinese (and soon; venezuela and the philipines) from invading our shores and slaughtering most of us without LOTS of federal taxes?

bake sales?
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I want all politicians from the Boomers through the next two generations to keep their excrement-encrusted fingers off the Constitution.

Fuck that.

Repeal that 16th Amendment. It was passed under fishy circumstances and is the cause of the destruction of the nation since it had been passed.

. . . you don't think the Founders gave careful consideration to how they wanted to tax and run things in the first place?

. . . . but no, once they were long dead, and their progeny had taken freedom for granted? Well. . . let the corporate and aristocratic elites come back in and enslave them all. :badgrin:

Now we don't have a Constitution, we have a suicide pact.

Trust no one.
I want all politicians from the Boomers through the next two generations to keep their excrement-encrusted fingers off the Constitution.

Fuck that.

Repeal that 16th Amendment. It was passed under fishy circumstances and is the cause of the destruction of the nation since it had been passed.

. . . you don't think the Founders gave careful consideration to how they wanted to tax and run things in the first place?

. . . . but no, once they were long dead, and their progeny had taken freedom for granted? Well. . . let the corporate and aristocratic elites come back in and enslave them all. :badgrin:

Now we don't have a Constitution, we have a suicide pact.
I think that conservative elites, do and should naturally rule and dominate those who aren't, and whom by virture of their very inferiority and sub-humanity have no qualm nor claim toward any Christian notion of humanism or "human" rights to begin with, being worth little more than a slave or chattle, having a right to "exist" all is a blessing which they barely even deserve, let alone having the same merit or right to a superior, whether intellectually, morally, creatively, aesthetically or otherwise.

The Founders were a bit too generous in their extentions of mythical 'rights' to the evil and undeserving, and the superiors should do everything in their good, true, and beautiful might to rectify this.
The beauty of the Constitution, is that no matter the particular interpretive philosophy, is that the specific amemdents can be changed.

As of late, I'd venture there is a sound argument to be made for preventing left-wingers or Democratic voters from being able to own guns, and limiting legal firearm purchases in all states only to registered members of the Republican party, or other parties deemed by conservative political philosophy not a threat against society, the state, and so on:

1. What we don't need is childish little white, male left-wingers acting out juvenile, anarchist fantasies, such as shooting up a crowd of people and fantasizing he is killing imaginary "Nazis" or "Fascists", and so forth, when in his deranged mind, 99.99% of the real world, as does reality in general, have and possess a "rich heterosexual white Christian male supremacist bias".

2. By the virtue of the inherent degeneracy, archaism, anti-intellectual, rot, and anarchic and anti-Republican rhetoric and fitlh, to which the left, generally composed of the worst and lowest common denominators of society, whether intellect, creativity, literacy morality, or other socially desirable attributes in men and women of a conservative persuasion, whether Russel Kirk, Leo Strauss, Margaret Thatcher, or other social exemplars; such rabble runs the gamut from registered sex offenders, anarchist and terrorist wannabes, chemically imbalanced individuals who identify as at least 50 of whatever 500 or so unrecognized and concocted gender "identities", each of which more likely coincides with a particular 'hard' drug of choice rather than anything else.

Such rabble and degenerates, who all 1st world systems of "Democratic" or "Democratic Republican" design, rightfully intended to prevent having any more of a say in the or in societies affairs than absolutely necessary; with our wonderful institutions such as elected representatives and electoral colleges rightfully acting as systems of checks and balances to prevent, dissuade, and guard against leftist and wannabe Jacobin mob rule.


So no, we should no longer extend the pretense of "equality" and "rights" applying to the worst adherents and identifiers with the radical leftist fringe, but rather do everything we can to strip them of that mythical notion, both in theory and in practice, starting with removing their rights to bear arms, as I most certainly do not believe that a group of said leftists and anarchists qualifies as a "well-regulated militia" in any sense of the word to begin with; their worthless ideologies being predicated on nothing more than the most anti-intellectual, feral, bestial, and regressive sentiments known to man or womankind, such as revenge, victimhood, persecution, any and all gamut of conspiracy theories someone involving a cabal of rich, cis white, right-wing males, and so on and so forth, all cyclically reinforced via echochambering and self-medicating on the irrational and antisocial basis of said axioms like any members of a cult and the very types of degenerate and worthless behaviors and ideologies by which said definition is based upon, wordplay and equivocative fallacies and their associated lies, falsehoods and dishonesties, aside, whether coming from sheer stupidity or intentionally lying.
Amendments can’t be ‘amended’ – the Constitution can only be amended to repeal an Amendment.

The thread premise is just as ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.
The beauty of the Constitution, is that no matter the particular interpretive philosophy, is that the specific amemdents can be changed.

As of late, I'd venture there is a sound argument to be made for preventing left-wingers or Democratic voters from being able to own guns, and limiting legal firearm purchases in all states only to registered members of the Republican party, or other parties deemed by conservative political philosophy not a threat against society, the state, and so on:

1. What we don't need is childish little white, male left-wingers acting out juvenile, anarchist fantasies, such as shooting up a crowd of people and fantasizing he is killing imaginary "Nazis" or "Fascists", and so forth, when in his deranged mind, 99.99% of the real world, as does reality in general, have and possess a "rich heterosexual white Christian male supremacist bias".

2. By the virtue of the inherent degeneracy, archaism, anti-intellectual, rot, and anarchic and anti-Republican rhetoric and fitlh, to which the left, generally composed of the worst and lowest common denominators of society, whether intellect, creativity, literacy morality, or other socially desirable attributes in men and women of a conservative persuasion, whether Russel Kirk, Leo Strauss, Margaret Thatcher, or other social exemplars; such rabble runs the gamut from registered sex offenders, anarchist and terrorist wannabes, chemically imbalanced individuals who identify as at least 50 of whatever 500 or so unrecognized and concocted gender "identities", each of which more likely coincides with a particular 'hard' drug of choice rather than anything else.

Such rabble and degenerates, who all 1st world systems of "Democratic" or "Democratic Republican" design, rightfully intended to prevent having any more of a say in the or in societies affairs than absolutely necessary; with our wonderful institutions such as elected representatives and electoral colleges rightfully acting as systems of checks and balances to prevent, dissuade, and guard against leftist and wannabe Jacobin mob rule.


So no, we should no longer extend the pretense of "equality" and "rights" applying to the worst adherents and identifiers with the radical leftist fringe, but rather do everything we can to strip them of that mythical notion, both in theory and in practice, starting with removing their rights to bear arms, as I most certainly do not believe that a group of said leftists and anarchists qualifies as a "well-regulated militia" in any sense of the word to begin with; their worthless ideologies being predicated on nothing more than the most anti-intellectual, feral, bestial, and regressive sentiments known to man or womankind, such as revenge, victimhood, persecution, any and all gamut of conspiracy theories someone involving a cabal of rich, cis white, right-wing males, and so on and so forth, all cyclically reinforced via echochambering and self-medicating on the irrational and antisocial basis of said axioms like any members of a cult and the very types of degenerate and worthless behaviors and ideologies by which said definition is based upon, wordplay and equivocative fallacies and their associated lies, falsehoods and dishonesties, aside, whether coming from sheer stupidity or intentionally lying.
Don't feed the troll.
What did Bloomberg say? Something about we have a very small percentage of our population demographic committing most of the murders...Aren't they the ones who should not have guns?
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The beauty of the Constitution, is that no matter the particular interpretive philosophy, is that the specific amemdents can be changed.

As of late, I'd venture there is a sound argument to be made for preventing left-wingers or Democratic voters from being able to own guns, and limiting legal firearm purchases in all states only to registered members of the Republican party, or other parties deemed by conservative political philosophy not a threat against society, the state, and so on:

1. What we don't need is childish little white, male left-wingers acting out juvenile, anarchist fantasies, such as shooting up a crowd of people and fantasizing he is killing imaginary "Nazis" or "Fascists", and so forth, when in his deranged mind, 99.99% of the real world, as does reality in general, have and possess a "rich heterosexual white Christian male supremacist bias".

2. By the virtue of the inherent degeneracy, archaism, anti-intellectual, rot, and anarchic and anti-Republican rhetoric and fitlh, to which the left, generally composed of the worst and lowest common denominators of society, whether intellect, creativity, literacy morality, or other socially desirable attributes in men and women of a conservative persuasion, whether Russel Kirk, Leo Strauss, Margaret Thatcher, or other social exemplars; such rabble runs the gamut from registered sex offenders, anarchist and terrorist wannabes, chemically imbalanced individuals who identify as at least 50 of whatever 500 or so unrecognized and concocted gender "identities", each of which more likely coincides with a particular 'hard' drug of choice rather than anything else.

Such rabble and degenerates, who all 1st world systems of "Democratic" or "Democratic Republican" design, rightfully intended to prevent having any more of a say in the or in societies affairs than absolutely necessary; with our wonderful institutions such as elected representatives and electoral colleges rightfully acting as systems of checks and balances to prevent, dissuade, and guard against leftist and wannabe Jacobin mob rule.


So no, we should no longer extend the pretense of "equality" and "rights" applying to the worst adherents and identifiers with the radical leftist fringe, but rather do everything we can to strip them of that mythical notion, both in theory and in practice, starting with removing their rights to bear arms, as I most certainly do not believe that a group of said leftists and anarchists qualifies as a "well-regulated militia" in any sense of the word to begin with; their worthless ideologies being predicated on nothing more than the most anti-intellectual, feral, bestial, and regressive sentiments known to man or womankind, such as revenge, victimhood, persecution, any and all gamut of conspiracy theories someone involving a cabal of rich, cis white, right-wing males, and so on and so forth, all cyclically reinforced via echochambering and self-medicating on the irrational and antisocial basis of said axioms like any members of a cult and the very types of degenerate and worthless behaviors and ideologies by which said definition is based upon, wordplay and equivocative fallacies and their associated lies, falsehoods and dishonesties, aside, whether coming from sheer stupidity or intentionally lying.
Amendments can’t be ‘amended’ – the Constitution can only be amended to repeal an Amendment.

The thread premise is just as ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.
The beauty of the Constitution, is that no matter the particular interpretive philosophy, is that the specific amemdents can be changed.

As of late, I'd venture there is a sound argument to be made for preventing left-wingers or Democratic voters from being able to own guns, and limiting legal firearm purchases in all states only to registered members of the Republican party, or other parties deemed by conservative political philosophy not a threat against society, the state, and so on:

1. What we don't need is childish little white, male left-wingers acting out juvenile, anarchist fantasies, such as shooting up a crowd of people and fantasizing he is killing imaginary "Nazis" or "Fascists", and so forth, when in his deranged mind, 99.99% of the real world, as does reality in general, have and possess a "rich heterosexual white Christian male supremacist bias".

2. By the virtue of the inherent degeneracy, archaism, anti-intellectual, rot, and anarchic and anti-Republican rhetoric and fitlh, to which the left, generally composed of the worst and lowest common denominators of society, whether intellect, creativity, literacy morality, or other socially desirable attributes in men and women of a conservative persuasion, whether Russel Kirk, Leo Strauss, Margaret Thatcher, or other social exemplars; such rabble runs the gamut from registered sex offenders, anarchist and terrorist wannabes, chemically imbalanced individuals who identify as at least 50 of whatever 500 or so unrecognized and concocted gender "identities", each of which more likely coincides with a particular 'hard' drug of choice rather than anything else.

Such rabble and degenerates, who all 1st world systems of "Democratic" or "Democratic Republican" design, rightfully intended to prevent having any more of a say in the or in societies affairs than absolutely necessary; with our wonderful institutions such as elected representatives and electoral colleges rightfully acting as systems of checks and balances to prevent, dissuade, and guard against leftist and wannabe Jacobin mob rule.


So no, we should no longer extend the pretense of "equality" and "rights" applying to the worst adherents and identifiers with the radical leftist fringe, but rather do everything we can to strip them of that mythical notion, both in theory and in practice, starting with removing their rights to bear arms, as I most certainly do not believe that a group of said leftists and anarchists qualifies as a "well-regulated militia" in any sense of the word to begin with; their worthless ideologies being predicated on nothing more than the most anti-intellectual, feral, bestial, and regressive sentiments known to man or womankind, such as revenge, victimhood, persecution, any and all gamut of conspiracy theories someone involving a cabal of rich, cis white, right-wing males, and so on and so forth, all cyclically reinforced via echochambering and self-medicating on the irrational and antisocial basis of said axioms like any members of a cult and the very types of degenerate and worthless behaviors and ideologies by which said definition is based upon, wordplay and equivocative fallacies and their associated lies, falsehoods and dishonesties, aside, whether coming from sheer stupidity or intentionally lying.
Amendments can’t be ‘amended’ – the Constitution can only be amended to repeal an Amendment.

The thread premise is just as ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.
Don't see much of a problem or bulwark here.

We simply repeal the first amendment, and adding a new revised, "freez peach" amendment, in which freedom of "speech" is very clearly and specifically defined as being a 'right' only for those on the 'right' side of history, being effectively denyed to the mouth-breathing blathered, repellence, and rancidity of the left and their intellectually and morally vapid propaganda, not even giving so much the pretense that any nonsense they spout is even worthy of being called and considered "speech" to begin with, akin more to the feral grunts and groanings of a slobbering beast or infant, rather than the good, true and beautiful speech of a superior man or woman, actually worthy of being called 'human' and given any pretense of 'rights' or 'equality' under God, law, philosophy, nation, reason, to begin with...

As an example, promoting silly conspiracy theories, idle blather, or tin foil hattery about Trump masterminding or being in direct collusion with Russian hackers would be censored or banned for starters and charged as a crime, on either a state or federal level; or preferably both.
The problem with the US Constitution is that it was created AND signed due Fraud.
During this time it was nessicary to give weapons to Americans to defeat the British.
Now you have 10's of Thousands of Sheeple Armed to the teeth. .... forcably making American Leaders draw up laws insuring their own selfish prosperity and happiness. ....... adding to the fact American Leaders were told during this time that their signatures or their guts will be on that paper.
Hell...... if I had that many gun clinging crazies tell me that even I would have signed it out of fear...... thus making the bill of rights / Constitution Null and Void.
Hell...... if I had that many gun clinging crazies tell me that even I would have signed it out of fear...... thus making the bill of rights / Constitution Null and Void.
No. It means that you need to have those "gun clinging crasies" on your side. This is the difference between Greek words "demos" (free armed men), "laos" (population) and "ohlos" (crowd).
Amendments can’t be ‘amended’ – the Constitution can only be amended to repeal an Amendment.
Your response is ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong
An Amendment can say, and thus, do, anything, including change the parts of another amendment - the idea that the constitution can only be amended to REPEAL an existing amendment, like most of your ideas, has no rational basis whatsoever.
The beauty of the Constitution, is that no matter the particular interpretive philosophy, is that the specific amemdents can be changed.

As of late, I'd venture there is a sound argument to be made for preventing left-wingers or Democratic voters from being able to own guns, and limiting legal firearm purchases in all states only to registered members of the Republican party, or other parties deemed by conservative political philosophy not a threat against society, the state, and so on:

1. What we don't need is childish little white, male left-wingers acting out juvenile, anarchist fantasies, such as shooting up a crowd of people and fantasizing he is killing imaginary "Nazis" or "Fascists", and so forth, when in his deranged mind, 99.99% of the real world, as does reality in general, have and possess a "rich heterosexual white Christian male supremacist bias".

2. By the virtue of the inherent degeneracy, archaism, anti-intellectual, rot, and anarchic and anti-Republican rhetoric and fitlh, to which the left, generally composed of the worst and lowest common denominators of society, whether intellect, creativity, literacy morality, or other socially desirable attributes in men and women of a conservative persuasion, whether Russel Kirk, Leo Strauss, Margaret Thatcher, or other social exemplars; such rabble runs the gamut from registered sex offenders, anarchist and terrorist wannabes, chemically imbalanced individuals who identify as at least 50 of whatever 500 or so unrecognized and concocted gender "identities", each of which more likely coincides with a particular 'hard' drug of choice rather than anything else.

Such rabble and degenerates, who all 1st world systems of "Democratic" or "Democratic Republican" design, rightfully intended to prevent having any more of a say in the or in societies affairs than absolutely necessary; with our wonderful institutions such as elected representatives and electoral colleges rightfully acting as systems of checks and balances to prevent, dissuade, and guard against leftist and wannabe Jacobin mob rule.


So no, we should no longer extend the pretense of "equality" and "rights" applying to the worst adherents and identifiers with the radical leftist fringe, but rather do everything we can to strip them of that mythical notion, both in theory and in practice, starting with removing their rights to bear arms, as I most certainly do not believe that a group of said leftists and anarchists qualifies as a "well-regulated militia" in any sense of the word to begin with; their worthless ideologies being predicated on nothing more than the most anti-intellectual, feral, bestial, and regressive sentiments known to man or womankind, such as revenge, victimhood, persecution, any and all gamut of conspiracy theories someone involving a cabal of rich, cis white, right-wing males, and so on and so forth, all cyclically reinforced via echochambering and self-medicating on the irrational and antisocial basis of said axioms like any members of a cult and the very types of degenerate and worthless behaviors and ideologies by which said definition is based upon, wordplay and equivocative fallacies and their associated lies, falsehoods and dishonesties, aside, whether coming from sheer stupidity or intentionally lying.
You sound ridiculous; quite possibly DANGEROUS. I half expect you to show up on the nightly news. I'm glad you have no clout politically, or you might find a way to achieve this alteration of our country's greatest set of laws. P.S. I happen to be a former MENSA member, with a degree in psychology; so when I say someone is "out there" , I can BACK IT UP.

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