Ambush style attacks on Police double under Biden.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
..of course --he KNEELS for and HONORS black criminals ..he said FU to the police when that cop SAVED the black girl from being knifed!!!!!!!! Psaki said that proves blacks are shot by cops more!!!!!!!!! =IDIOCY
Welcome to the Democrat's version of the USA, criminals run amok while law and order breaks down. The rate things are deteriorating under Dem rule we'll be back to the wild west soon with everyone packing firearms.
I guess the continued war on law enforcement by the left is causing their base to ambush cops at a record pace.

I don't know if its fair to blame this on the president. If it is from foreign illegals, than you have a case to complain as that is his jurisdiction.

With the Wuhan Virus, BLM, antifa, rage against authority and peoples jobs disappearing, violence and theft as a whole will probably increase.

Add media attention to a few bad cops while often ignoring bad apples who are criminals (or cheering criminal acivity such as illegal entry into America), the young and dumb in particular will play the part of a script written by someone else.
I don't know if its fair to blame this on the president. If it is from foreign illegals, than you have a case to complain as that is his jurisdiction.

With the Wuhan Virus, BLM, antifa, rage against authority and peoples jobs disappearing, violence and theft as a whole will probably increase.

Add media attention to a few bad cops while often ignoring bad apples who are criminals (or cheering criminal acivity such as illegal entry into America), the young and dumb in particular will play the part of a script written by someone else.
Why would it have to be from foreign nationals?

Biden and his party have demonized law enforcement for years. Now their minions are attacking law enforcement in record numbers.
I don't know if its fair to blame this on the president. If it is from foreign illegals, than you have a case to complain as that is his jurisdiction.

With the Wuhan Virus, BLM, antifa, rage against authority and peoples jobs disappearing, violence and theft as a whole will probably increase.

Add media attention to a few bad cops while often ignoring bad apples who are criminals (or cheering criminal acivity such as illegal entry into America), the young and dumb in particular will play the part of a script written by someone else.

Its fair to blame him, maybe not entirely but for a big portion of it most definitely.

He has done or said nothing against BLM and antifas year long destruction. When chauven was on trial for floyds death biden was on twitter BEFORE the trial really even got started saying stuff like he knows the jury will do whats right and bring peace and justice and basically saying he expected a guilty verdict instead of letting it be a fair trial, when floyd was buried he got down on his knees for a black criminal. He has done absolutely nothing to try and stop the pure vile, racism, destruction of black criminals in this country. By not doing or saying a damn thing he condones it.

And lets not forget the illegals you mentioned as where the violence is coming from dont forget, joe biden has been letting those illegals run across our southern border for months. And now he is going to start flying in illegals from the middle east. And he has been shipping them allover the country.

His letting illegals just come running into the country, and his indifference towards any crime or violence that cant paint a black person as a victim and so on is definitely his fault. Even if he would just speak out about it all and encourage others to put a stop that would help, but he doesnt even do that. He is too busy saying trannies should play in womens sports or some other such shit.

A president is supposed to be an upstanding strong decisive person that only cares about the prosperity and welfare of america as a whole. All he does is look for little demographs to try and suck their dick for approval or he just walks off the stage ignoring everyone.

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