Amazon to remain Proudly Scab


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
Initial reports show that the workers are rejected the La Cosa Nostra's offer of "union protection" by a 2 to 1 margin.

Libs are having a conniption, but the "Secret Ballot" is the key to Bezos' victory here IMHO.

Few will openly state publicly they oppose the wiseguys, but if people are confident that the ballots will be secret, their real intent will be heard.

Amazon supports the struggle to create the socialist workers' paradise -- unless, of course, it cuts into their bottom line.
Initial reports show that the workers are rejected the La Cosa Nostra's offer of "union protection" by a 2 to 1 margin.

Libs are having a conniption, but the "Secret Ballot" is the key to Bezos' victory here IMHO.

Few will openly state publicly they oppose the wiseguys, but if people are confident that the ballots will be secret, their real intent will be heard.

unlike the union of the pigs to serve and protect the La Costra Nostra.
With ninety percent of the non-government workforce solidly in the non-union camp, how is it that Lefties are totally befuddled when a company's employees choose not to organize?

Do they not notice that the ONLY PLACE where unions are winning is in GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT, where both sides of the negotiating table are populated by the same team? And no foolish contract will result in bankrupting the employer?
With ninety percent of the non-government workforce solidly in the non-union camp, how is it that Lefties are totally befuddled when a company's employees choose not to organize?

Do they not notice that the ONLY PLACE where unions are winning is in GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT, where both sides of the negotiating table are populated by the same team? And no foolish contract will result in bankrupting the employer?

Traders on Wall Street were apparently expecting this result. Virtually no change in the price of AMZN, the negative results for the goombas were already baked into the price.
unlike the union of the pigs

Soviet Union of the Pigs?

I stopped buying from Amazon because they jacked up their prices during the pandemic and much is not free shipping anymore.
Watching Billionaire liberals stiff-arm unions is worth the box of popcorn. Unions think Republicans are their obstacle?
Initial reports show that the workers are rejected the La Cosa Nostra's offer of "union protection" by a 2 to 1 margin.

Libs are having a conniption, but the "Secret Ballot" is the key to Bezos' victory here IMHO.

Few will openly state publicly they oppose the wiseguys, but if people are confident that the ballots will be secret, their real intent will be heard.

This is what happens when Amazon refused mail in voting.

I say we move the All Star game from Amazon headquarters!
How can Bezos claim to be a Dem. and then reject unions for slave labor? That's easy, it's all about the Benjamins.
Watching Billionaire liberals stiff-arm unions is worth the box of popcorn. Unions think Republicans are their obstacle?

Big Labor never had a chance with Bezos anyhow. He lives in a highly fortified estate with a wall and armed bodyguards. How would they be able to get a horse's head into his bed and force him to sign a contract?
How can Bezos claim to be a Dem. and then reject unions for slave labor? That's easy, it's all about the Benjamins.

Easy. Democrats know that Unions will vote for them no matter what. It is obvious that there are higher priorities for Democrats these days. Much like the Black vote, Democrats don’t need to work that hard for Union votes. Just like the Black vote, recycle some recycled fear,uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) from the 1960s and throw them an occasional bone, they’ll keep the vote.
How can Bezos claim to be a Dem. and then reject unions for slave labor? That's easy, it's all about the Benjamins.

Easy. Democrats know that Unions will vote for them no matter what. It is obvious that there are higher priorities for Democrats these days. Much like the Black vote, Democrats don’t need to work that hard for Union votes. Just like the Black vote, recycle some recycled fear,uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) from the 1960s and throw them an occasional bone, they’ll keep the vote.
I agree 100% but I doubt that they would be able to own either of these groups without the help of the crooked MSM. They are the ultimate enabler for the Democrat party.
Years ago I got a temp job at Amazon, thought it would be fun to go crazy with extra money for Christmas presents. terrible place to work. I quit, & did Christmas anyway.

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