"Amatuer" Community organizer became President, why not Ben Carson????

Bush signs $700 billion financial bailout bill - NBC News
Oct 3, 2008 - President Bush signed into law Friday a historic $700 billion bailout of the financial services industry. ... President promises quick but 'deliberative' action to rescue Wall Street ... Twelve switched votes were needed to pass the bill; in the end, 58 House members signed on, ... Barack Obama, D-Ill., and Sen.
Bailout is law - CNN Money
Oct 3, 2008 - President Bush signs historic $700 billion plan aimed at stemming credit crisis. ... President Bush said the plan would "prevent the crisis on Wall Street" from widening. ... According to voting results, 172 Democrats voted in favor of the bill ... nominee Barack Obama, encouraging them to change their minds
Cruz didnt eff up Libya, didnt lie about an embassay attack, didnt use the IRS to go after his political enemies. didnt create more poverty, didnt create record welfare and food stamps

didnt divide a nation along race and class lines

That did not answer my question, Troll Boi.What legislation has Cruz drafted or co sponsored that has been enacted into law?

Bills passed
Cruz has sponsored only one bill that was passed by the House and Senate and signed into law by President Obama.
In April 2014, Cruz introduced legislation to prevent representatives to the United Nations who are believed to be spies or terrorists from entering the country. It was approved unanimously by the House and Senate, and signed into law only weeks after having been introduced.
My my...what a busy boy he was. Definitely worth what he's paid....tho "Green Eggs and Ham" was awesomer.
Cruz didnt eff up Libya, didnt lie about an embassay attack, didnt use the IRS to go after his political enemies. didnt create more poverty, didnt create record welfare and food stamps

didnt divide a nation along race and class lines

That did not answer my question, Troll Boi.What legislation has Cruz drafted or co sponsored that has been enacted into law?

Bills passed
Cruz has sponsored only one bill that was passed by the House and Senate and signed into law by President Obama.
In April 2014, Cruz introduced legislation to prevent representatives to the United Nations who are believed to be spies or terrorists from entering the country. It was approved unanimously by the House and Senate, and signed into law only weeks after having been introduced.

That's it? One? :lol: Oh, troll boi...you are so precious.

List of bills sponsored by Barack Obama in the United States Senate

Your lame attempts at comparisons are falling flat.
Cruz didnt eff up Libya, didnt lie about an embassay attack, didnt use the IRS to go after his political enemies. didnt create more poverty, didnt create record welfare and food stamps

didnt divide a nation along race and class lines

That did not answer my question, Troll Boi.What legislation has Cruz drafted or co sponsored that has been enacted into law?

Bills passed
Cruz has sponsored only one bill that was passed by the House and Senate and signed into law by President Obama.
In April 2014, Cruz introduced legislation to prevent representatives to the United Nations who are believed to be spies or terrorists from entering the country. It was approved unanimously by the House and Senate, and signed into law only weeks after having been introduced.

That's it? One? :lol: Oh, troll boi...you are so precious.

List of bills sponsored by Barack Obama in the United States Senate

Your lame attempts at comparisons are falling flat.


i notice you arent woman enough to address several of the bills obama voted for i cited that DID pass

lol loser
talk about falling flat?? just because you're too much of a coward to talk about ACTUAL bills that he voted for doesnt mean you're winning anything. y ou want to sit there and post lists because any analysis of them and you lose

ur a joke

keep trying
cried the leftard; straining for relevancy!!

idiots n hypocrites
obama was against raising the debt ceiling before he was for it

idiots and hypocrites
Cruz didnt eff up Libya, didnt lie about an embassay attack, didnt use the IRS to go after his political enemies. didnt create more poverty, didnt create record welfare and food stamps

didnt divide a nation along race and class lines

That did not answer my question, Troll Boi.What legislation has Cruz drafted or co sponsored that has been enacted into law?

Bills passed
Cruz has sponsored only one bill that was passed by the House and Senate and signed into law by President Obama.
In April 2014, Cruz introduced legislation to prevent representatives to the United Nations who are believed to be spies or terrorists from entering the country. It was approved unanimously by the House and Senate, and signed into law only weeks after having been introduced.

That's it? One? :lol: Oh, troll boi...you are so precious.

List of bills sponsored by Barack Obama in the United States Senate

Your lame attempts at comparisons are falling flat.


i notice you arent woman enough to address several of the bills i cited that DID pass

lol loser
talk about falling flat?? just because you're too much of a coward to talk about ACTUAL bills that he voted for doesnt mean you're winning anything. y ou want to sit there and post lists because any analysis of them and you lose

ur a joke

keep trying

You only cited one bill passed by Senator Ted "Green Eggs and Ham" Cruz. Senator Barack Obama had considerably more meaningful legislation passed when he ran for President.

And how come you're deflecting from Ben Carson, the subject of your failed troll thread, troll boi?
obama didnt know how many states there are, or how to pronounce Navy corpsman

keep trying.........................
The Horror! Time to Impeach!
Well, times have changed Dan Quayle, made a much lesser offense we heard about it for years and years. dolt
I know...we impeached him over that....time to Impeach President Obama too.
I never said anything about impeachment, although it could be argued any career politician should be impeached for fraud.
Not a one of them have any competence...

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