Amanpour rudely interviews pro-Brexit Daniel Hannnan and he tells her, in so many words, to piss off

I've heard Hannan interviewed on numerous occasions. He's amazing.
Journalists who work for media corporations controlled by the international globalist elite that is screwing us cannot be trusted to report the truth on Brexit, or any effort to throw off the yoke of the elite.
I've heard Hannan interviewed on numerous occasions. He's amazing.
He's is often on Washington Journal on C-Span when the Senate or House is not in session. People calling in have asked him why he doesn't immigrate to America and run for Congress. He says he would probably be run out of town.
What do you expect from CNN ? the dinosaur media par excellence?

And Ms Amanpour......the Iranian one?

I's obvious isn't it? :dunno:
What do you expect from CNN ? the dinosaur media par excellence?

And Ms Amanpour......the Iranian one?

I's obvious isn't it? :dunno:
I liked her when she was a war corespondent and gave good insight into mid-East affairs but now she is on the dark side and is too self important. Pity.
What do you expect from CNN ? the dinosaur media par excellence?

And Ms Amanpour......the Iranian one?

I's obvious isn't it? :dunno:
I liked her when she was a war corespondent and gave good insight into mid-East affairs but now she is on the dark side and is too self important. Pity.

She is undiluted scum now.
I hate to say this but there is only one way to talk to 'liberals' and that is to tell them to fuck off.
What do you expect from CNN ? the dinosaur media par excellence?

And Ms Amanpour......the Iranian one?

I's obvious isn't it? :dunno:
I liked her when she was a war corespondent and gave good insight into mid-East affairs but now she is on the dark side and is too self important. Pity.
I saw the same in Katy Couric and I see it in Megyn Kelly. They get noticed by the boss for being an advocate for the left. Most of the time when they're hammering the opposition they're just visualizing how rich this is going to make them.
Journalists who work for media corporations controlled by the international globalist elite that is screwing us cannot be trusted to report the truth on Brexit, or any effort to throw off the yoke of the elite.
Can the politicians who take millions from those same international globalist elite and nations that sponsor terrorism, oppress / mutilate / murder women and gays be trusted to run this country?

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