Am I more like the MAGA supporters than I am willing to admit?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Am I more like the MAGA supporters than I am willing to admit?
I have an issue with the hateful and negative actions MAGA supporter show towards, immigrants, racial minorities, people of a different religion, LGBTQ, liberals, the government, anyone not like them, balanced education and so much more. They appear to be riddled with fear towards all these groups.

I realize that I have those same negative feelings toward the MAGA minions. I do not fear them but I fear what they could do toward our country.

But no, there is no way I am like the MAGA minions.
I fully respect other people, religions and cultures. That is why I am a nationalist, I believe all people should have their own nation if they are big enough and capable enough to sustain it.

What is dumb is believing people of different cultures can live peacefully together in one country.
We are witnessing the abject failure of multiculturalism in America and the West due to ridiculous immigration policies that have destroyed the national identities of them.

You white liberals claim you don’t fear “people of color”, yet the vast majority of white liberals don’t want to live in a black neighborhood.

By the way, lefties are not more educated than “MAGA” types. The black people that vote Dem are the most uneducated group in the nation. So the Democrats actually attract the lowest IQ people.
Am I more like the MAGA supporters than I am willing to admit?
I have an issue with the hateful and negative actions MAGA supporter show towards, immigrants, racial minorities, people of a different religion, LGBTQ, liberals, the government, anyone not like them, balanced education and so much more. They appear to be riddled with fear towards all these groups.

I realize that I have those same negative feelings toward the MAGA minions. I do not fear them but I fear what they could do toward our country.

But no, there is no way I am like the MAGA minions.
I fully respect other people, religions and cultures. That is why I am a nationalist, I believe all people should have their own nation if they are big enough and capable enough to sustain it.

What is dumb is believing people of different cultures can live peacefully together in one country.
We are witnessing the abject failure of multiculturalism in America and the West due to ridiculous immigration policies that have destroyed the national identities of them.

You white liberals claim you don’t fear “people of color”, yet the vast majority of white liberals don’t want to live in a black neighborhood.

By the way, lefties are not more educated than “MAGA” types. The black people that vote Dem are the most uneducated group in the nation. So the Democrats actually attract the lowest IQ people.
Black neighborhoods are centers of poverty and crime thanks to GOP policies and give away to the rich tax rates The last forty years. They've always been against the nonrich so the blacks do worst of all... thanks for the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere, racist dupe...
Black neighborhoods are centers of poverty and crime thanks to GOP policies and give away to the rich tax rates The last forty years. They've always been against the nonrich so the blacks do worst of all... thanks for the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere, racist dupe...
wow ! just wow ! you are completely indoctrinated ! there is no reason to even attempt to enlighten you ... sad ...very very sad indeed .
Am I more like the MAGA supporters than I am willing to admit?
I have an issue with the hateful and negative actions MAGA supporter show towards, immigrants, racial minorities, people of a different religion, LGBTQ, liberals, the government, anyone not like them, balanced education and so much more. They appear to be riddled with fear towards all these groups.

I realize that I have those same negative feelings toward the MAGA minions. I do not fear them but I fear what they could do toward our country.

But no, there is no way I am like the MAGA minions.
Mistrusting actions is not the same as abusing people for who they are.
Am I more like the MAGA supporters than I am willing to admit?
I have an issue with the hateful and negative actions MAGA supporter show towards, immigrants, racial minorities, people of a different religion, LGBTQ, liberals, the government, anyone not like them, balanced education and so much more. They appear to be riddled with fear towards all these groups.

I realize that I have those same negative feelings toward the MAGA minions. I do not fear them but I fear what they could do toward our country.

But no, there is no way I am like the MAGA minions.

MAGA means.......

Not putting up with people shit.
Not allowing yourself to be brainwashed by the Pedocrats and Lunatic Leftards.
Not allowing your children to be indoctrinated into sex with adults, sex clubs, sex organizations, and sex surgeries.
Not believing the mass media lies, and doing your own research to find the TRUTH.
Not cowering down to ANY race or color, for the sake of their whining, snivelling, and violent tantrums, so they can get something for FREE without EVER having to WORK for it.
LEARNING THE WRITTEN LAWS, so YOU can put these pieces of mentally unhinged and dangerous pieces of garbage in their place when they want to "talk" to you.
Not putting up with imbeciles that think THEY can tell everybody elsle how to live, but do as THEY PLEASE, and then throw a tantrum when you call them a HYPOCRITE!
Being at least PARTIALLY patriotic to the country that allows you to have lived here the way YOU want.......But the Pedocrats and Lunatic Leftards are changing that if WE don't fight back!!
And MAGA means calling out BULLSHIT when the leftoids and Pedocrats spew out complete and utter bullshit, and throw a tantrum and threaten you with DEATH when you ask for PROOF of what they claim!!

I fully respect other people, religions and cultures. That is why I am a nationalist, I believe all people should have their own nation if they are big enough and capable enough to sustain it.

What is dumb is believing people of different cultures can live peacefully together in one country.
We are witnessing the abject failure of multiculturalism in America and the West due to ridiculous immigration policies that have destroyed the national identities of them.

You white liberals claim you don’t fear “people of color”, yet the vast majority of white liberals don’t want to live in a black neighborhood.

By the way, lefties are not more educated than “MAGA” types. The black people that vote Dem are the most uneducated group in the nation. So the Democrats actually attract the lowest IQ people.
What is dumb is NOT believing people of different cultures can live peacefully together in one country.
It can be done if people are opened minded, understanding and not a prejudice toward people of other cultures.
Multicultural nations can be stronger than homogenious nations.

Educated people do much better than those less educated in a multicultural nation. That education includes traveling the world and understanding and respecting other cultures.
MAGA means.......

Not putting up with people shit.
Not allowing yourself to be brainwashed by the Pedocrats and Lunatic Leftards.
Not allowing your children to be indoctrinated into sex with adults, sex clubs, sex organizations, and sex surgeries.
Not believing the mass media lies, and doing your own research to find the TRUTH.
Not cowering down to ANY race or color, for the sake of their whining, snivelling, and violent tantrums, so they can get something for FREE without EVER having to WORK for it.
LEARNING THE WRITTEN LAWS, so YOU can put these pieces of mentally unhinged and dangerous pieces of garbage in their place when they want to "talk" to you.
Not putting up with imbeciles that think THEY can tell everybody elsle how to live, but do as THEY PLEASE, and then throw a tantrum when you call them a HYPOCRITE!
Being at least PARTIALLY patriotic to the country that allows you to have lived here the way YOU want.......But the Pedocrats and Lunatic Leftards are changing that if WE don't fight back!!
And MAGA means calling out BULLSHIT when the leftoids and Pedocrats spew out complete and utter bullshit, and throw a tantrum and threaten you with DEATH when you ask for PROOF of what they claim!!

Definitely sounds like MAGA. Narrow minded, intollerant, stupid individuals.
Am I more like the MAGA supporters than I am willing to admit?
I have an issue with the hateful and negative actions MAGA supporter show towards, immigrants, racial minorities, people of a different religion, LGBTQ, liberals, the government, anyone not like them, balanced education and so much more. They appear to be riddled with fear towards all these groups.

I realize that I have those same negative feelings toward the MAGA minions. I do not fear them but I fear what they could do toward our country.

But no, there is no way I am like the MAGA minions.
Elmo ^ sets up a debate with himself. And he still loses.
Black neighborhoods are centers of poverty and crime thanks to GOP policies and give away to the rich tax rates The last forty years. They've always been against the nonrich so the blacks do worst of all... thanks for the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere, racist dupe...
Since when have tax policies been race based? Whites are taxed at way higher rates and poor blacks taxed nothing. How does taxing people less result in them being kept in poverty? You make absolutely no sense.

The biggest factor in determining anyone’s future prosperity is whether or not they live in a two parent home. That is a FACT no one can dispute. Blacks used to have very low divorce rates, then they started voting for Dems, got on welfare, and black fathers began to disappear. Abandoning their “conservative” values is what keeps them poor. Every other minority in our nation thrives: Asians, Jews, Indians, and Latinos.

There are a lot of factors keeping blacks down, and behind all of them is a Democrat policy.

Demokkkrats want to keep blacks poor, uneducated, and dependent on the government. It is right out of the communist playbook.

Republicans want blacks to be prosperous, low crime, taxpayers who contribute to society, not be a burden on it.
What is dumb is NOT believing people of different cultures can live peacefully together in one country.
It can be done if people are opened minded, understanding and not a prejudice toward people of other cultures.
Multicultural nations can be stronger than homogenious nations.

Educated people do much better than those less educated in a multicultural nation. That education includes traveling the world and understanding and respecting other cultures.
If that is true then why is America so torn apart?
I fully respect other people, religions and cultures. That is why I am a nationalist, I believe all people should have their own nation if they are big enough and capable enough to sustain it.

What is dumb is believing people of different cultures can live peacefully together in one country.
We are witnessing the abject failure of multiculturalism in America and the West due to ridiculous immigration policies that have destroyed the national identities of them.

You white liberals claim you don’t fear “people of color”, yet the vast majority of white liberals don’t want to live in a black neighborhood.

By the way, lefties are not more educated than “MAGA” types. The black people that vote Dem are the most uneducated group in the nation. So the Democrats actually attract the lowest IQ people.
America has always been multicultural. Are you saying it was doomed to failure from the beginning?

As far as your last statement what you said and tell me if your conclusion makes any sense.
Since when have tax policies been race based? Whites are taxed at way higher rates and poor blacks taxed nothing. How does taxing people less result in them being kept in poverty? You make absolutely no sense.

The biggest factor in determining anyone’s future prosperity is whether or not they live in a two parent home. That is a FACT no one can dispute. Blacks used to have very low divorce rates, then they started voting for Dems, got on welfare, and black fathers began to disappear. Abandoning their “conservative” values is what keeps them poor. Every other minority in our nation thrives: Asians, Jews, Indians, and Latinos.

There are a lot of factors keeping blacks down, and behind all of them is a Democrat policy.

Demokkkrats want to keep blacks poor, uneducated, and dependent on the government. It is right out of the communist playbook.

Republicans want blacks to be prosperous, low crime, taxpayers who contribute to society, not be a burden on it.
Do poor whites have their "poor white" tax rate?
America has always been multicultural. Are you saying it was doomed to failure from the beginning?
Possibly. It’s fine for a nation to have a small minority, so long as they can live with each other in peace and if immigrants conform to the dominate culture. The point is there can only be one dominate culture. Without a shared culture, a nation will be torn apart. When people won’t even respect the flag and national anthem, then you’ve got major problems.

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