Almost Too Stupid To Check: Dems Says Trump Using Court System Is Obstruction

Of course not. The accountability pieces are working as they were designed, to let both accuser and defender have their say. It's not just an avenue for democrats to attack, you know. At any rate, Trump will be gone by 2025. Just hold on until then.

This is definitely not how it was “designed”. No one intended the president to obstruct any effort at congressional oversight. It was not designed to allow the president to stall for years to avoid accountability.

He's not stalling anything. He's using our judicial system for what it was specifically designed to do. The commies believe that the executive branch is beholden to jump on their commands. That's not what separation of powers means. The President has the right to isolate the executive from the legislative attacks, specifically when the legislative becomes tyrannical.

This is not about misdemeanors, high crimes, or Trump doing anything wrong. This is about making attempts to remove him so they stand a chance at winning the next election, because they know they can't beat him at the polls.

Trump’s legal theories are ludicrous and have no merit. Isolating himself from legislative attacks, otherwise known as oversight removes the ability for the legislative branch to carry out a constitutional process of impeachment.

The commies forbade the Republicans from bringing in their witnesses to testify. What we have here is an impeachment based on testimony of hand picked witnesses that more or less support their accusation. Do you think that's American?

But in spite of it being totally one sided, the Democrats are crying it isn't one sided enough. They need even more weight on their side of the scale.

In our system of justice, the accused has the right to face his or her accuser. Not in this case. The accuser is hidden not only from the accused, but the public as well.

Republicans should call some actual witnesses. After complaining that the whistleblower has no first hand information, for some reason they want him to testify? It’s a sham. Hunter Biden is the least relevant person to the impeachment effort. He would not be able to produce any relevant information.

Republicans aren’t making a serious effort here.
Republicans should be able to call the witnesses they choose. That's how due process works.
This is definitely not how it was “designed”. No one intended the president to obstruct any effort at congressional oversight. It was not designed to allow the president to stall for years to avoid accountability.

He's not stalling anything. He's using our judicial system for what it was specifically designed to do. The commies believe that the executive branch is beholden to jump on their commands. That's not what separation of powers means. The President has the right to isolate the executive from the legislative attacks, specifically when the legislative becomes tyrannical.

This is not about misdemeanors, high crimes, or Trump doing anything wrong. This is about making attempts to remove him so they stand a chance at winning the next election, because they know they can't beat him at the polls.

Trump’s legal theories are ludicrous and have no merit. Isolating himself from legislative attacks, otherwise known as oversight removes the ability for the legislative branch to carry out a constitutional process of impeachment.

The commies forbade the Republicans from bringing in their witnesses to testify. What we have here is an impeachment based on testimony of hand picked witnesses that more or less support their accusation. Do you think that's American?

But in spite of it being totally one sided, the Democrats are crying it isn't one sided enough. They need even more weight on their side of the scale.

In our system of justice, the accused has the right to face his or her accuser. Not in this case. The accuser is hidden not only from the accused, but the public as well.

Republicans should call some actual witnesses. After complaining that the whistleblower has no first hand information, for some reason they want him to testify? It’s a sham. Hunter Biden is the least relevant person to the impeachment effort. He would not be able to produce any relevant information.

Republicans aren’t making a serious effort here.
Republicans should be able to call the witnesses they choose. That's how due process works.

I don’t know. If someone were being prosecuted for robbing a bank, could they call their wife to the stand and ask if her she cheated on him under oath?

I’m not a lawyer but I think they’re a way to keep irrelevant witnesses out.
He's not stalling anything. He's using our judicial system for what it was specifically designed to do. The commies believe that the executive branch is beholden to jump on their commands. That's not what separation of powers means. The President has the right to isolate the executive from the legislative attacks, specifically when the legislative becomes tyrannical.

This is not about misdemeanors, high crimes, or Trump doing anything wrong. This is about making attempts to remove him so they stand a chance at winning the next election, because they know they can't beat him at the polls.

Trump’s legal theories are ludicrous and have no merit. Isolating himself from legislative attacks, otherwise known as oversight removes the ability for the legislative branch to carry out a constitutional process of impeachment.

The commies forbade the Republicans from bringing in their witnesses to testify. What we have here is an impeachment based on testimony of hand picked witnesses that more or less support their accusation. Do you think that's American?

But in spite of it being totally one sided, the Democrats are crying it isn't one sided enough. They need even more weight on their side of the scale.

In our system of justice, the accused has the right to face his or her accuser. Not in this case. The accuser is hidden not only from the accused, but the public as well.

Republicans should call some actual witnesses. After complaining that the whistleblower has no first hand information, for some reason they want him to testify? It’s a sham. Hunter Biden is the least relevant person to the impeachment effort. He would not be able to produce any relevant information.

Republicans aren’t making a serious effort here.
Republicans should be able to call the witnesses they choose. That's how due process works.

I don’t know. If someone were being prosecuted for robbing a bank, could they call their wife to the stand and ask if her she cheated on him under oath?

I’m not a lawyer but I think they’re a way to keep irrelevant witnesses out.
No, he couldn't call her. She has to be sworn in on the witness stand, you fucking moron. haven't you ever watched a trial on TV before?

If they defended wants to call someone that doesn't help his case, that's his business.
He's not stalling anything. He's using our judicial system for what it was specifically designed to do. The commies believe that the executive branch is beholden to jump on their commands. That's not what separation of powers means. The President has the right to isolate the executive from the legislative attacks, specifically when the legislative becomes tyrannical.

This is not about misdemeanors, high crimes, or Trump doing anything wrong. This is about making attempts to remove him so they stand a chance at winning the next election, because they know they can't beat him at the polls.

Trump’s legal theories are ludicrous and have no merit. Isolating himself from legislative attacks, otherwise known as oversight removes the ability for the legislative branch to carry out a constitutional process of impeachment.

The commies forbade the Republicans from bringing in their witnesses to testify. What we have here is an impeachment based on testimony of hand picked witnesses that more or less support their accusation. Do you think that's American?

But in spite of it being totally one sided, the Democrats are crying it isn't one sided enough. They need even more weight on their side of the scale.

In our system of justice, the accused has the right to face his or her accuser. Not in this case. The accuser is hidden not only from the accused, but the public as well.

Republicans should call some actual witnesses. After complaining that the whistleblower has no first hand information, for some reason they want him to testify? It’s a sham. Hunter Biden is the least relevant person to the impeachment effort. He would not be able to produce any relevant information.

Republicans aren’t making a serious effort here.
Republicans should be able to call the witnesses they choose. That's how due process works.

I don’t know. If someone were being prosecuted for robbing a bank, could they call their wife to the stand and ask if her she cheated on him under oath?

I’m not a lawyer but I think they’re a way to keep irrelevant witnesses out.

Bad comparison, so let me make a better one:

If a somebody were being prosecuted for robbing a bank, and the defense wanted to call his wife to the stand to testify he was with her at the time the robbery, she should not be allowed to testify on his behalf?
According to the latest Liberal Trump-hating 'genius', an American who uses the Justice System's courts to defend themselves from unfair, Un-Constitutional, and / or illegal targeting and attack from others is committing the crime of 'Obstruction of Justice'.

Specifically, in this case, the President of the United States, who did NOT forfeit his Rights as an American citizen when he won the Presidency, is committing the crime of 'Obstruction' by using the court systems to halt the continued targeting of the President to engage in political 'fishing expeditions' in an attempt to find anything they can use to remove him from office.

'The President is attempting to use the US Legal System to stop us from engaging in yet another 'fishing trip'-driven political coup attempt. We think his legal attempt to stop us from undermining his Presidency and plotting and affecting his removal from office should be / is a crime.'


Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D., Wash.) argued Friday that President Donald Trump seeking legal recourse in U.S. courts amounts "in and of itself [to] obstruction of justice."

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D., Wash.) argued Friday that President Donald Trump seeking legal recourse in U.S. courts amounts "in and of itself [to] obstruction of justice."

Another Democrat lost to 'Terminal TDS'...


Dem Rep: Trump 'Trying to Use the Court System' Is 'Obstruction of Justice'
That isn’t what is happening lowlife
Trump’s legal arguments are not made in good faith. It’s merely an attempt to run out the clock.
Counts as obstruction if you ask me.
You mean like EVERY SINGLE argument made by the Democrats since Al Gore's hanging chads?
Really SUCKS when a Republican beats you at your own game you thought you OWNED, eh?
According to the latest Liberal Trump-hating 'genius', an American who uses the Justice System's courts to defend themselves from unfair, Un-Constitutional, and / or illegal targeting and attack from others is committing the crime of 'Obstruction of Justice'.

Specifically, in this case, the President of the United States, who did NOT forfeit his Rights as an American citizen when he won the Presidency, is committing the crime of 'Obstruction' by using the court systems to halt the continued targeting of the President to engage in political 'fishing expeditions' in an attempt to find anything they can use to remove him from office.

'The President is attempting to use the US Legal System to stop us from engaging in yet another 'fishing trip'-driven political coup attempt. We think his legal attempt to stop us from undermining his Presidency and plotting and affecting his removal from office should be / is a crime.'


Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D., Wash.) argued Friday that President Donald Trump seeking legal recourse in U.S. courts amounts "in and of itself [to] obstruction of justice."

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D., Wash.) argued Friday that President Donald Trump seeking legal recourse in U.S. courts amounts "in and of itself [to] obstruction of justice."

Another Democrat lost to 'Terminal TDS'...


Dem Rep: Trump 'Trying to Use the Court System' Is 'Obstruction of Justice'

Wait till the Democrats wake up on Thanksgiving Morning and Discover the Appeals Court just put a stay on the
McGahn ruling, by the District Court Judge that he must comply with The subpoena from Congress.

Appeals court stays ruling that former White House counsel Donald McGahn must comply with House subpoena | Grand Forks Herald

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