Almost Too Stupid To Be True - Kamala Harris: 'I will PROSECUTE Trump'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

'Kamala Harris vows to prosecute Trump if she wins in 2020,
echoing Pelosi’s jail-to-the-chief call'

Well, it is OBVIOUS that this Bimbo SLEPT her way to the top in politics and that it had nothing to do with 'intellect'...

Setting aside the FACT that after 3+ years, 4 investigations, ZERO evidence of any crime / any crime committed by President Trump warranting even 1 investigation, and ZERO indictments / convictions of President Trump or anyone associated with him for 'illegal collusion' / obstruction...

Harris is apparently completely IGNORANT of what powers a United States President has according to the United States Constitution. As President, God forbid, Harris could NOT PROSECUTE a JAY WALKER!

Is she CONFUSED, believing she is running for the US AG job, or is she just STUPID?


Kamala Harris: If elected, my DOJ would have 'no choice' but to prosecute Trump

Perhaps, while sleeping her way to the top in politics, those who she slept with eventually 'F*ed Her Brains Out', which would account for her being stupid now...


I'm wondering just exactly the stupid bitch will prosecute Trump for??

She can't be very bright to make a statement like that.

You can't cure dumbass.
Well, can't argue with what she is saying. Once the President is out of office, he can be "prosecuted" for any crimes that any Federal or State prosecutor believes he committed while in office (or prior). That doesn't mean the prosecution will go very far.

And we know from past experience that Democrat Presidents weaponize the Justice Department, so this could be expected.

Dems, keep this in mind when you vote in the coming primaries. If this is the sort of governance you want, go for it!
Well, can't argue with what she is saying

Ummm...YES YOU CAN. She just said SHE was going to prosecute President Trump when he leaves office. Again, as President, SHE could NOT prosecute ANYONE.

And we know from past experience that Democrat Presidents weaponize the Justice Department, so this could be expected. Dems, keep this in mind when you vote in the coming primaries. If this is the sort of governance you want, go for it!

Barak Obama and his criminal mafia he called an administration illegally spied on American citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, Republican Presidential Candidates, and even Presidents. Barry weaponized the IRS against American citizens who legally opposed his re-election. They worked with ex-foreign spies who were working with the Russians, worked with corrupt Ukrainians, and other foreign Intel services, and intentionally violated US laws (FISA Court abuses & Perjury before Congress) to attempt a failed coup.

The Obama administration was the most corrupt / criminal Presidential administration in US history...and it is STILL embroiled in scandal as its crimes are STILL being exposed

'Kamala Harris vows to prosecute Trump if she wins in 2020,
echoing Pelosi’s jail-to-the-chief call'

Well, it is OBVIOUS that this Bimbo SLEPT her way to the top in politics and that it had nothing to do with 'intellect'...

Setting aside the FACT that after 3+ years, 4 investigations, ZERO evidence of any crime / any crime committed by President Trump warranting even 1 investigation, and ZERO indictments / convictions of President Trump or anyone associated with him for 'illegal collusion' / obstruction...

Harris is apparently completely IGNORANT of what powers a United States President has according to the United States Constitution. As President, God forbid, Harris could NOT PROSECUTE a JAY WALKER!

Is she CONFUSED, believing she is running for the US AG job, or is she just STUPID?


Kamala Harris: If elected, my DOJ would have 'no choice' but to prosecute Trump


Next thing you know they will be chanting “lock him up” at her rallies...

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The fatal flaw in her plan is that she doesn't stand a snowball's chance of getting elected.
...followed by the fact that as President she would have no such powers, as per the Constitution. Unfortunately for her the office of the President is not one of her usual political ambitions / goals she can achieve by sleeping with someone...
She means to say I’ll suck his cock if he promotes me to a cabinet position lol

'Kamala Harris vows to prosecute Trump if she wins in 2020,
echoing Pelosi’s jail-to-the-chief call'

Well, it is OBVIOUS that this Bimbo SLEPT her way to the top in politics and that it had nothing to do with 'intellect'...

Setting aside the FACT that after 3+ years, 4 investigations, ZERO evidence of any crime / any crime committed by President Trump warranting even 1 investigation, and ZERO indictments / convictions of President Trump or anyone associated with him for 'illegal collusion' / obstruction...

Harris is apparently completely IGNORANT of what powers a United States President has according to the United States Constitution. As President, God forbid, Harris could NOT PROSECUTE a JAY WALKER!

Is she CONFUSED, believing she is running for the US AG job, or is she just STUPID?


Kamala Harris: If elected, my DOJ would have 'no choice' but to prosecute Trump


Next thing you know they will be chanting “lock him up” at her rallies...

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Well, Dems yell “impeach!” at theirs, without an iota of evidence against him. It was proven fact Hillary was grossly negligent with classified information.
Nothing is too stupid for dimocrap scum.

They're not a political party, they're a freak show
The fatal flaw in her plan is that she doesn't stand a snowball's chance of getting elected.
...followed by the fact that as President she would have no such powers, as per the Constitution. Unfortunately for her the office of the President is not one of her usual political ambitions / goals she can achieve by sleeping with someone...
That was probably taken too literally, as to her meaning she would personally lock him up.
I can’t stand it when others take Trump literally either, when it is pretty assured it was not meant that way.

'Kamala Harris vows to prosecute Trump if she wins in 2020,
echoing Pelosi’s jail-to-the-chief call'

Well, it is OBVIOUS that this Bimbo SLEPT her way to the top in politics and that it had nothing to do with 'intellect'...

Setting aside the FACT that after 3+ years, 4 investigations, ZERO evidence of any crime / any crime committed by President Trump warranting even 1 investigation, and ZERO indictments / convictions of President Trump or anyone associated with him for 'illegal collusion' / obstruction...

Harris is apparently completely IGNORANT of what powers a United States President has according to the United States Constitution. As President, God forbid, Harris could NOT PROSECUTE a JAY WALKER!

Is she CONFUSED, believing she is running for the US AG job, or is she just STUPID?


Kamala Harris: If elected, my DOJ would have 'no choice' but to prosecute Trump


Abuse of powers grounds for impeachment...

She stupid.


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