Almost half of New York Democrats Oppose Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Aliens

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Siena Poll: 6-in-10 New Yorkers Oppose Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Aliens

Immigrants line up after spending the night outside a California Department of Motor Vehicles office to register for drivers licenses in Stanton, Calif., Friday, Jan. 2, 2015.Nick Ut/AP Photo

18 Mar 2019413
More than 6-in-10 New Yorkers say they oppose a plan to give Siena Poll: 6-in-10 New Yorkers Oppose Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Aliens living in the state, a new poll finds.

The latest Siena College Research Institute polling finds that, even in a deep blue state like New York, American voters oppose benefits for illegal aliens.

About 61 percent of voters said they oppose a plan to give state-issued driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. Only 34 percent of voters said they supported the plan and five percent said they were unsure.

Even among Democrats in the state, the plan does not receive resounding majority support. About 49 percent of New York Democrats said they support giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, though 45 of New York Democrats said they oppose such a policy

In the end it wont matter that even half the democrats polled don't want it.
Progressive activists and their allies in the party will push it through somehow and another million will flee the state

Siena Poll: 6-in-10 New Yorkers Oppose Driver's Licenses for Illegal Aliens
Siena Poll: 6-in-10 New Yorkers Oppose Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Aliens

Immigrants line up after spending the night outside a California Department of Motor Vehicles office to register for drivers licenses in Stanton, Calif., Friday, Jan. 2, 2015.Nick Ut/AP Photo

18 Mar 2019413
More than 6-in-10 New Yorkers say they oppose a plan to give Siena Poll: 6-in-10 New Yorkers Oppose Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Aliens living in the state, a new poll finds.

The latest Siena College Research Institute polling finds that, even in a deep blue state like New York, American voters oppose benefits for illegal aliens.

About 61 percent of voters said they oppose a plan to give state-issued driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. Only 34 percent of voters said they supported the plan and five percent said they were unsure.

Even among Democrats in the state, the plan does not receive resounding majority support. About 49 percent of New York Democrats said they support giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, though 45 of New York Democrats said they oppose such a policy

In the end it wont matter that even half the democrats polled don't want it.
Progressive activists and their allies in the party will push it through somehow and another million will flee the state

Siena Poll: 6-in-10 New Yorkers Oppose Driver's Licenses for Illegal Aliens

Immigrants, hell yeah, gimme double, we are running out of ppl in the rust belt.

Illegals, make the ones who are here and want to work legals with all the tax obligations I have. Keep these anti-government capitalists from hiring them for less than minimum wage and circumventing their responsibilities to follow the laws of the United States.

You can build walls to keep the other illegals out if you gimme more legals.
you build me a fuckin wall
throw out criminals

reform who can collect public assistance

ILl even throw in full asylum for everyone if ya cut off all public assistance
that way the bums self deport the others keep on working

its win /win

fuck we got tons of shit jobs

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