Allen West: Tired of Obama’s ‘Marxist Rhetoric’

the system of economic and political thought developed by Karl Marx, along with Friedrich Engels, especially the doctrine that the state throughout history has been a device for the exploitation of the masses by a dominant class, that class struggle has been the main agency of historical change, and that the capitalist system, containing from the first the seeds of its own decay, will inevitably, after the period of the dictatorship of the proletariat, be superseded by a socialist order and a classless society.

Since Obama is an integral member of "the state" (aka Federal Government) how, when and where does he become Stalin? There most definitely is a dominant class (12% of the population that controls 40% of the nation's wealth) exploiting the masses. And if Capitalism isn't decaying, what in the hell is that smell?
Can we stop talking about rhetoric for a second? West is a hypocrite. He complains about "demagogic rhetoric" but he uses so much of it himself! Marxism is such a loaded word. And it lacks any real meaning the way it's being used. Just a rallying cry for people who have already made up their minds.

Let's look at the policy and try to avoid rhetoric. Obama was responding to Ryan's budget proposal, which cuts $5 trillion, but creates an additional trillion dollars worth of tax breaks for the wealthy, creating $4 trillion worth of deficit reduction over 10 years.

Obama responded with his own proposed budget. It would cut spending by only $3 trillion. But it would raise the top marginal tax rate by 3%, to 39%, where it was before Bush II, for an additional trillion dollars. This plan would create a total of $4 trillion worth of deficit reduction over 12 years. Doesn't seem very extremist to me. But if you're a wing nut, than a reasonable budget proposal might sound like an 19th century revolutionary to you.

So the two plans are pretty similar as far as total deficit reduction. The big difference is that Ryan's plan moves $1 trillion towards the rich and makes up for it by gutting services even more, while Obama's plan moves $1 trillion away from the rich and uses it to prevent deeper spending cuts.
Can we stop talking about rhetoric for a second? West is a hypocrite. He complains about "demagogic rhetoric" but he uses so much of it himself! Marxism is such a loaded word. And it lacks any real meaning the way it's being used. Just a rallying cry for people who have already made up their minds.

Let's look at the policy and try to avoid rhetoric. Obama was responding to Ryan's budget proposal, which cuts $5 trillion, but creates an additional trillion dollars worth of tax breaks for the wealthy, creating $4 trillion worth of deficit reduction over 10 years.

Obama responded with his own proposed budget. It would cut spending by only $3 trillion. But it would raise the top marginal tax rate by 3%, to 39%, where it was before Bush II, for an additional trillion dollars. This plan would create a total of $4 trillion worth of deficit reduction over 12 years. Doesn't seem very extremist to me. But if you're a wing nut, than a reasonable budget proposal might sound like an 19th century revolutionary to you.

So the two plans are pretty similar as far as total deficit reduction. The big difference is that Ryan's plan moves $1 trillion towards the rich and makes up for it by gutting services even more, while Obama's plan moves $1 trillion away from the rich and uses it to prevent deeper spending cuts.

The problem is, that most of the people you and Obama attack as the hated "rich" are in fact upper middle class; entrepreneurs, professionals and small businessmen who have worked hard , sometimes for a lifetime, for success. Most are not Wall St. robber barons or corporate CEO's with multimillion dollar annual earnings. A pity you and your socialist pals refuse to recognize that, and choose to make war on achievers. That's who you hate, and really want to destroy; the neighbor who is a little smarter, a little more creative, and thus has a little more than you. Don't hide behind "going after the plutocrats" to attack everyone who makes over 250k a year; you, and your president are lying, when you do that. This is why I hate the democrat party, this is why I despise liberals, and this is why, I would vote for a one-eyed, mangy, filthy, three-legged cur dog, before I would EVER vote for a democrat! ANYTHING is better than a damn democrat, at any level! I'll curse the damn democrat party, with my dying breath! You promote hate, you get hate back!
Can we stop talking about rhetoric for a second? West is a hypocrite. He complains about "demagogic rhetoric" but he uses so much of it himself! Marxism is such a loaded word. And it lacks any real meaning the way it's being used. Just a rallying cry for people who have already made up their minds.

Let's look at the policy and try to avoid rhetoric. Obama was responding to Ryan's budget proposal, which cuts $5 trillion, but creates an additional trillion dollars worth of tax breaks for the wealthy, creating $4 trillion worth of deficit reduction over 10 years.

Obama responded with his own proposed budget. It would cut spending by only $3 trillion. But it would raise the top marginal tax rate by 3%, to 39%, where it was before Bush II, for an additional trillion dollars. This plan would create a total of $4 trillion worth of deficit reduction over 12 years. Doesn't seem very extremist to me. But if you're a wing nut, than a reasonable budget proposal might sound like an 19th century revolutionary to you.

So the two plans are pretty similar as far as total deficit reduction. The big difference is that Ryan's plan moves $1 trillion towards the rich and makes up for it by gutting services even more, while Obama's plan moves $1 trillion away from the rich and uses it to prevent deeper spending cuts.

:doubt: West was pointing out the "Marxist Rhetoric" Obama is using to divide people. Demonize the other side instead of trying to work with Ryan, he invited him to his speech to impugn and insult him, Obama is pathetic, and weak minded people like you fall for his bullshit.:cuckoo:
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Yesterday, talking about "the rich." when Obama said something like, "Those who have taken from this country need to give back" my ears swiveled forward on my head like a cat's.

Taken? Not earned?

Big problem for me there.

Never heard of corporate loopholes or subsidies like for Oil and Coal?

Never heard of using government policy to make necessary commodities affordable? Remove subsidies and loopholes for oil and coal and drilling and mining will stop or they will double in price.
Please try to grasp the concept that taxes are a business expense that is passed plus a reasonable profit margin, to the consumer.
Yesterday, talking about "the rich." when Obama said something like, "Those who have taken from this country need to give back" my ears swiveled forward on my head like a cat's.

Taken? Not earned?

Big problem for me there.

Never heard of corporate loopholes or subsidies like for Oil and Coal?

Never heard of using government policy to make necessary commodities affordable? Remove subsidies and loopholes for oil and coal and drilling and mining will stop or they will double in price.
Please try to grasp the concept that taxes are a business expense that is passed plus a reasonable profit margin, to the consumer.

But the concept of paying for social net programs that prevent crime and poverty make no sense to you at all do they?

What were those oil company profits again...anyone? The true Welfare Queens in Cadillacs...
Never heard of corporate loopholes or subsidies like for Oil and Coal?

Never heard of using government policy to make necessary commodities affordable? Remove subsidies and loopholes for oil and coal and drilling and mining will stop or they will double in price.
Please try to grasp the concept that taxes are a business expense that is passed plus a reasonable profit margin, to the consumer.

But the concept of paying for social net programs that prevent crime and poverty make no sense to you at all do they?

What were those oil company profits again...anyone? The true Welfare Queens in Cadillacs...
Show me evidence that your "social net programs" have reduced crime or poverty. We've spent trillions on welfare and "The Great Society" since the 60's and yet we have more crime, more poverty.
The federal budget is 32 times what it was under Lyndon Johnson and we have little to show for it. Liberals bitch that the income gap between rich and poor has increased. Yes it has. This shows that if you depend on your own ambition and talent you can do a lot better than if you depend on the government teat.
Aren't we all? He's a "Community Organizer" for God's sake. What did people expect? Make 2012 count people.

Florida GOP Rep. Allen West says he stands by his statement that President Barack Obama exhibited “Third World dictator-like arrogance” in his speech last week on the budget and America’s skyrocketing debt, and he is sick and tired of the president’s “Marxist demagogic rhetoric.”

“I do stand by those words — and perhaps one of the things that many people need to understand is that the truth needs to be said,” West Thursday said on Fox News, referring to a comment he made Tuesday on Laura Ingraham’s radio show. “When I go around and I talk to people down here in my district, and we get phone calls, that speech that was given last week Wednesday was absolutely beneath the statesmanship, or the atmosphere, or the aura of the personality that the president should show.

“I am sick and tired of this class warfare — this Marxist demagogic rhetoric that is coming from the president of the United States of America,” he told Greta Van Susteren. “It is not helpful for this country, and it’s not going to move the ball forward as far as rectifying the economic situation in our country — and I’m not going to back away from telling what the truth is.”

West said it is time to “stop playing games” when it comes to discussing America’s deteriorating fiscal situation.

“I don't think it's very presidential when Barack Hussein Obama refers to my colleague, [House Budget Committee Chairman] Paul Ryan, as a simple little accountant, either,” he said. “So I think that when you look at what a community organizer [Obama] is turning out to be, it does seem to be like a low-level socialist agitator.

Allen West: Tired of Obama

LOL and you quote Ronalda reagan ? that idiot ? that B actor ?

but really who the hell is west ?

Iraq interrogation incidentWhile serving in Taji, Iraq, West received information from an intelligence specialist about a reported plot to ambush him and his men.[11] The alleged plot reportedly involved Yahya Jhodri Hamoodi, a civilian Iraqi police officer.[11] West, who was not responsible for conducting interrogations in Iraq and had never conducted or witnessed one, had his men detain Hamoodi.[11] Hamoodi was beaten by four of his soldiers from the 220th Field Artillery Battalion on the head and body.[12] West then fired his pistol near Hamoodi's head.[11] Hamoodi then provided West with names and information, what Hamoodi later described as "meaningless information induced by fear and pain."[11] At least one suspect was arrested as a result, but no plans for attacks or weapons were found.[11] West said "At the time I had to base my decision on the intelligence I received. It's possible that I was wrong about Mr. Hamoodi."[11]

West was charged with violating articles 128 (assault) and 134 (general article) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. During a hearing held as part of an Article 32 investigation in November 2003, West stated, "I know the method I used was not right, but I wanted to take care of my soldiers."[citation needed] The charges were ultimately referred to an Article 15 proceeding rather than court-martial, at which West was fined $5,000.[11] LTC West accepted the judgment and retired with full benefits in the summer of 2004. Asked if he would have act differently if under similar circumstances again, West testified, "If it's about the lives of my soldiers at stake, I'd go through hell with a gasoline can."[13]
So, clinton found guilty of lying to grand jury while in office and still kept office. Idiot lefties.
even this guy has baggage folks.

You will have to keep looking for you dream Ronnie
Ronnie was better than anything you guys have ever thrown in the fight. When you admit obamaturd is a socialist you will finally show some smarts, until then, stop.

Iraq interrogation incidentWhile serving in Taji, Iraq, West received information from an intelligence specialist about a reported plot to ambush him and his men.[11] The alleged plot reportedly involved Yahya Jhodri Hamoodi, a civilian Iraqi police officer.[11] West, who was not responsible for conducting interrogations in Iraq and had never conducted or witnessed one, had his men detain Hamoodi.[11] Hamoodi was beaten by four of his soldiers from the 220th Field Artillery Battalion on the head and body.[12] West then fired his pistol near Hamoodi's head.[11] Hamoodi then provided West with names and information, what Hamoodi later described as "meaningless information induced by fear and pain."[11] At least one suspect was arrested as a result, but no plans for attacks or weapons were found.[11] West said "At the time I had to base my decision on the intelligence I received. It's possible that I was wrong about Mr. Hamoodi."[11]

West was charged with violating articles 128 (assault) and 134 (general article) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. During a hearing held as part of an Article 32 investigation in November 2003, West stated, "I know the method I used was not right, but I wanted to take care of my soldiers."[citation needed] The charges were ultimately referred to an Article 15 proceeding rather than court-martial, at which West was fined $5,000.[11] LTC West accepted the judgment and retired with full benefits in the summer of 2004. Asked if he would have act differently if under similar circumstances again, West testified, "If it's about the lives of my soldiers at stake, I'd go through hell with a gasoline can."[13]
So, clinton found guilty of lying to grand jury while in office and still kept office. Idiot lefties.

wow your stupid , one guy lies about screwing around on his wife , the other lies about WMDs , one cost irritation in his marriage the other cost lives ,
and you bitch about a little pussy ? how small are you ?
All Community Organizers are Marxists. West is right to be tired of all the Marxist rhetoric. Many Americans are with him on that. I know i am.

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