Allen West: Tired of Obama’s ‘Marxist Rhetoric’

Never heard of using government policy to make necessary commodities affordable? Remove subsidies and loopholes for oil and coal and drilling and mining will stop or they will double in price.
Please try to grasp the concept that taxes are a business expense that is passed plus a reasonable profit margin, to the consumer.

There are no subsidies for oil and coal. In fact, these industries are taxed heavily and the federal government earns hundreds of billions of dollars from them.
Never heard of corporate loopholes or subsidies like for Oil and Coal?

What "corporate subsidies" or "loopholes" do the oil and coal industries enjoy?

[ame=""]YouTube - Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket[/ame]
But the concept of paying for social net programs that prevent crime and poverty make no sense to you at all do they?

"Social net" programs cause crime and poverty. REcently a study was done that compared the crime rate in a given area with the concentration of Section #8 housing. The correlation was virtually 100%. Also, 75% of the inmates in state and federal penitentiaries are the children of unwed mothers. Translate: welfare mothers.

What were those oil company profits again...anyone? The true Welfare Queens in Cadillacs...

Profits are not welfare. Profits are earned. Welfare is money taken from the people who earned it and given to people who didn't earn it.
But the concept of paying for social net programs that prevent crime and poverty make no sense to you at all do they?

"Social net" programs cause crime and poverty. REcently a study was done that compared the crime rate in a given area with the concentration of Section #8 housing. The correlation was virtually 100%. Also, 75% of the inmates in state and federal penitentiaries are the children of unwed mothers. Translate: welfare mothers.

What were those oil company profits again...anyone? The true Welfare Queens in Cadillacs...

Profits are not welfare. Profits are earned. Welfare is money taken from the people who earned it and given to people who didn't earn it.

Im not surprised his message doesn't resonate with the board progressives, As his name grows the media will seek to "vet " him the way they never vetted anyone before. I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't shot down in the street by some lone "nut".
Never heard of corporate loopholes or subsidies like for Oil and Coal?

Never heard of using government policy to make necessary commodities affordable? Remove subsidies and loopholes for oil and coal and drilling and mining will stop or they will double in price.
Please try to grasp the concept that taxes are a business expense that is passed plus a reasonable profit margin, to the consumer.

But the concept of paying for social net programs that prevent crime and poverty make no sense to you at all do they?

What were those oil company profits again...anyone? The true Welfare Queens in Cadillacs...

Exxon operates on a 8 to 9% profit margin. Microsoft's is about 31%. Who's making too much money?
Never heard of using government policy to make necessary commodities affordable? Remove subsidies and loopholes for oil and coal and drilling and mining will stop or they will double in price.
Please try to grasp the concept that taxes are a business expense that is passed plus a reasonable profit margin, to the consumer.

But the concept of paying for social net programs that prevent crime and poverty make no sense to you at all do they?

What were those oil company profits again...anyone? The true Welfare Queens in Cadillacs...

Exxon operates on a 8 to 9% profit margin. Microsoft's is about 31%. Who's making too much money?

Hey Ernie................

Some on here think that Shaman photoshopped his bike from pink to black. What do you think?:eusa_think:
Never heard of using government policy to make necessary commodities affordable? Remove subsidies and loopholes for oil and coal and drilling and mining will stop or they will double in price.
Please try to grasp the concept that taxes are a business expense that is passed plus a reasonable profit margin, to the consumer.

But the concept of paying for social net programs that prevent crime and poverty make no sense to you at all do they?

What were those oil company profits again...anyone? The true Welfare Queens in Cadillacs...

Exxon operates on a 8 to 9% profit margin. Microsoft's is about 31%. Who's making too much money?

And who's business is it? Government, or the shareholders?:eusa_shhh:

Florida GOP Rep. Allen West says he stands by his statement that President Barack Obama exhibited “Third World dictator-like arrogance” in his speech last week on the budget and America’s skyrocketing debt, and he is sick and tired of the president’s “Marxist demagogic rhetoric.”

“I do stand by those words — and perhaps one of the things that many people need to understand is that the truth needs to be said,” West Thursday said on Fox News, referring to a comment he made Tuesday on Laura Ingraham’s radio show. “When I go around and I talk to people down here in my district, and we get phone calls, that speech that was given last week Wednesday was absolutely beneath the statesmanship, or the atmosphere, or the aura of the personality that the president should show.

“I am sick and tired of this class warfare — this Marxist demagogic rhetoric that is coming from the president of the United States of America,” he told Greta Van Susteren. “It is not helpful for this country, and it’s not going to move the ball forward as far as rectifying the economic situation in our country — and I’m not going to back away from telling what the truth is.”

West said it is time to “stop playing games” when it comes to discussing America’s deteriorating fiscal situation.

“I don't think it's very presidential when Barack Hussein Obama refers to my colleague, [House Budget Committee Chairman] Paul Ryan, as a simple little accountant, either,” he said. “So I think that when you look at what a community organizer [Obama] is turning out to be, it does seem to be like a low-level socialist agitator.

Allen West: Tired of Obama

I don't disagree with anything he said. Obama is a Marxist. It's astonishing to me that there are still people who deny it.

I was saying he's Marxist some two years ago.

I was so wrong.

Obama is full blown commie.
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Ame®icano;3562440 said:

Florida GOP Rep. Allen West says he stands by his statement that President Barack Obama exhibited “Third World dictator-like arrogance” in his speech last week on the budget and America’s skyrocketing debt, and he is sick and tired of the president’s “Marxist demagogic rhetoric.”

“I do stand by those words — and perhaps one of the things that many people need to understand is that the truth needs to be said,” West Thursday said on Fox News, referring to a comment he made Tuesday on Laura Ingraham’s radio show. “When I go around and I talk to people down here in my district, and we get phone calls, that speech that was given last week Wednesday was absolutely beneath the statesmanship, or the atmosphere, or the aura of the personality that the president should show.

“I am sick and tired of this class warfare — this Marxist demagogic rhetoric that is coming from the president of the United States of America,” he told Greta Van Susteren. “It is not helpful for this country, and it’s not going to move the ball forward as far as rectifying the economic situation in our country — and I’m not going to back away from telling what the truth is.”

West said it is time to “stop playing games” when it comes to discussing America’s deteriorating fiscal situation.

“I don't think it's very presidential when Barack Hussein Obama refers to my colleague, [House Budget Committee Chairman] Paul Ryan, as a simple little accountant, either,” he said. “So I think that when you look at what a community organizer [Obama] is turning out to be, it does seem to be like a low-level socialist agitator.

Allen West: Tired of Obama

I don't disagree with anything he said. Obama is a Marxist. It's astonishing to me that there are still people who deny it.

I was saying he's Marxist some two years ago.

I was so wrong.

Obama is full blown commie.

Lol, and you're a fruitcake.

Never heard of using government policy to make necessary commodities affordable? Remove subsidies and loopholes for oil and coal and drilling and mining will stop or they will double in price.
Please try to grasp the concept that taxes are a business expense that is passed plus a reasonable profit margin, to the consumer.

But the concept of paying for social net programs that prevent crime and poverty make no sense to you at all do they?

What were those oil company profits again...anyone? The true Welfare Queens in Cadillacs...

Exxon operates on a 8 to 9% profit margin. Microsoft's is about 31%. Who's making too much money?
Exxon's profit margin is perfectly in line with all other heavy industry.

Those god damn greedy evil oil companies!:evil:

:doubt: West was pointing out the "Marxist Rhetoric" Obama is using to divide people. Demonize the other side instead of trying to work with Ryan, he invited him to his speech to impugn and insult him, Obama is pathetic, and weak minded people like you fall for his bullshit.:cuckoo:

Wow. Your lack of self awareness is truly stunning. Take a step back for a second and read your own paragraph with a fresh eye. Can you see how little sense you're making? West can say whatever he wants, and as long as he's insulting Obama, he's just "pointing out" what's true. But if Obama disagrees with Ryan's proposal, presents an alternative proposal, and explains what he likes better about his proposal, oh well than he's using Marxist Rhetoric!

Did you even watch the speech? Or did you just watch the pundits discussing the speech? You're not discussing the policy being debated. All you seem to care about is the manner in which those policies are debated. But all you really care about is scoring a cheap point against Obama. And since the point isn't going to be scored in the policy arena, it's all about rhetoric.
Do you think it's possible to argue about whether or not we should have a public safety net, and whether or not corporations should pay taxes, without calling each other names?
:doubt: West was pointing out the "Marxist Rhetoric" Obama is using to divide people. Demonize the other side instead of trying to work with Ryan, he invited him to his speech to impugn and insult him, Obama is pathetic, and weak minded people like you fall for his bullshit.:cuckoo:

Wow. Your lack of self awareness is truly stunning. Take a step back for a second and read your own paragraph with a fresh eye. Can you see how little sense you're making? West can say whatever he wants, and as long as he's insulting Obama, he's just "pointing out" what's true. But if Obama disagrees with Ryan's proposal, presents an alternative proposal, and explains what he likes better about his proposal, oh well than he's using Marxist Rhetoric!

Did you even watch the speech? Or did you just watch the pundits discussing the speech? You're not discussing the policy being debated. All you seem to care about is the manner in which those policies are debated. But all you really care about is scoring a cheap point against Obama. And since the point isn't going to be scored in the policy arena, it's all about rhetoric.
Obama never laid out a proposal in that speech, as many of your beloved left wing talking heads pointed out after said speech.

All it was, was a disgusting display of insults, with zero substance.......You cannot deny that FACT!

Lets just face it......Obama has no proposal. He doesn't have the ability to lay out exacts....He's nothing but rhetoric. And he's been that way since day one.
^ You clearly did not watch the speech. You are just repeating what other people have told you about it. Watch it from front to back and then tell me again that Obama did not lay out a budget proposal in it. You are so wrong it hurts to talk to you.
^ You clearly did not watch the speech. You are just repeating what other people have told you about it. Watch it from front to back and then tell me again that Obama did not lay out a budget proposal in it. You are so wrong it hurts to talk to you.
I did watch the speech. He did no such thing........All he did was insult, and talk in vague terms about some SUPPOSED proposal. Nowhere did he lay out exactly what he was gonna do.

Obama is in so far over his head it's laughable.

From his failed stimulus. To his Cash for Clunkers fiasco. To his help for mortgages BS that has been an absolute disaster, he's fully proven he doesn't have a clue.

The man needs to go. He is far and away the worst leader this country has ever seen. And whether he's replaced from the right or the left, he needs to go!

Anybody voting for this failure in '12, seriously needs to have their damn head examined.
There's so much empty rhetoric in your post, it's hard to believe that you're really speaking out against empty rhetoric. I refuse to believe that you watched that speech and didn't see a budget proposal. Or that you did see a bunch of insults. See, I can specify what the budget proposal is. I can show you the points in the speech where he made them. But I really doubt that you can point out where he insulted Ryan. There's a difference between disagreeing with someone and insulting them.

You would have written the entire above post before his speech. You're not discussing his speech, and you're not discussing the budget. You're using the discussion as an opportunity to attack Obama.
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