Allen West: Tired of Obama’s ‘Marxist Rhetoric’

^ You clearly did not watch the speech. You are just repeating what other people have told you about it. Watch it from front to back and then tell me again that Obama did not lay out a budget proposal in it. You are so wrong it hurts to talk to you.

You've got to love these liberal idiots..Obama puts out a budget with tons more spending, then Ryan comes out with his budget to cut spending in turn Obama purposes another fake ass budget and he is a genius in the minds of the libs. Obama the deficit hawk:cuckoo:
Wait a second. So did Obama not put out a budget or did he put out a budget with extra spending? You guys should get in a huddle and figure out how to present a united front. It doesn't make much sense to insult me for not agreeing with you, when you disagree with each other too.

But at any rate, you're both wrong. He proposed a budget that cuts $3 trillion in spending over 12 years.

But y'know, I really think you're lowering the discourse by calling me a liberal idiot for no reason. I'm not a liberal, and I'm not an idiot. Jester, would you please help me explain to Jroc that we're both really offended by useless insults when we're trying to have a policy debate?
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Wait a second. So did Obama not put out a budget or did he put out a budget with extra spending?

Or maybe you're both wrong, and he proposed a budget that cuts $3 trillion in spending over 12 years.

But y'know, I really think you're lowering the discourse by calling me an idiot for no reason. Jester, would you please help me explain to Jroc that we're both really offended by useless insults when we're trying to have a policy debate?

Nope your an idiot becouse Obama changed his budget as a becouse of Paul Ryan, not the other way around. Obama is a follower not a leader get clue will you?
There's so much empty rhetoric in your post, it's hard to believe that you're really speaking out against empty rhetoric. I refuse to believe that you watched that speech and didn't see a budget proposal.

You would have written the entire above post before his speech. You're not discussing his speech, and you're not discussing the budget. You're using the discussion as an opportunity to attack Obama.
Yeah, you're right. I would have said the exact same things about Obama before that substance lacking, lil' hissyfit of a speech.......The man is a failure. The man is not a leader. The man is in way over his head. And that was true long before that ridiculous speech that laid out no proposal whatsoever.

So tell, what is his exact proposal?.......Give us the numbers that HE DID NOT lay out.

What those of you who continue to shill for this failure are not seeing, is what happened to his poll numbers after that ridiculous speech.....They dropped like a rock.....People saw that almost a half million more people applied for unemployment benefits right before that speech.....Those polls are clearly showing that people are tired. People are angry, People understand that this great country is moving in the wrong direction under his failed leadership. And those numbers include a huge number of those who voted for him. They are no longer buying his empty rhetoric, that is nothing more than attacks, and lame attempts to defend his abject failing. They are tired of his petty lil' games of trying to demean people like Ryan who are actually coming up with plans.
Wait a second. So did Obama not put out a budget or did he put out a budget with extra spending?

Or maybe you're both wrong, and he proposed a budget that cuts $3 trillion in spending over 12 years.

But y'know, I really think you're lowering the discourse by calling me an idiot for no reason. Jester, would you please help me explain to Jroc that we're both really offended by useless insults when we're trying to have a policy debate?

Nope your an idiot becouse Obama changed his budget as a becouse of Paul Ryan, not the other way around. Obama is a follower not a leader get clue will you?

Indeed. 2 Trllion less than Ryan, and two years longer to accomplish. Oh, and Ryan is NOT talking about taking away Medicare...unlike the LIE Obama is spouting.
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Wait a second. So did Obama not put out a budget or did he put out a budget with extra spending?

Or maybe you're both wrong, and he proposed a budget that cuts $3 trillion in spending over 12 years.

But y'know, I really think you're lowering the discourse by calling me an idiot for no reason. Jester, would you please help me explain to Jroc that we're both really offended by useless insults when we're trying to have a policy debate?

Nope your an idiot becouse Obama changed his budget as a becouse of Paul Ryan, not the other way around. Obama is a follower not a leader get clue will you?

Indeed. 2 Trllion less than Ryan, and two years longer to accomplish. Oh, and Ryan is NOT talking about taking away Medicare...unlike the LIE Obama is spouting.
No shit brother!

And it was quite entertaining watching Brent Bozell on Hannity the other night, clearly exposing the lies by the liberal talking heads like Madcow, Shultz, Mathews, Bashir, and several others who are BSing their lil' followers about Medicare.
Obumba can thank God that the tele-prompter was invented. Can you imagine him yapping away without it. "Change" He is just a puppet of the left and he is George Soros's little bitch and a big disappointment and embarrassment to the left. Actually, thank God Odumbo was elected, it shows what a mess "they" make of everything.

Florida GOP Rep. Allen West says he stands by his statement that President Barack Obama exhibited “Third World dictator-like arrogance” in his speech last week on the budget and America’s skyrocketing debt, and he is sick and tired of the president’s “Marxist demagogic rhetoric.”

“I do stand by those words — and perhaps one of the things that many people need to understand is that the truth needs to be said,” West Thursday said on Fox News, referring to a comment he made Tuesday on Laura Ingraham’s radio show. “When I go around and I talk to people down here in my district, and we get phone calls, that speech that was given last week Wednesday was absolutely beneath the statesmanship, or the atmosphere, or the aura of the personality that the president should show.

“I am sick and tired of this class warfare — this Marxist demagogic rhetoric that is coming from the president of the United States of America,” he told Greta Van Susteren. “It is not helpful for this country, and it’s not going to move the ball forward as far as rectifying the economic situation in our country — and I’m not going to back away from telling what the truth is.”

West said it is time to “stop playing games” when it comes to discussing America’s deteriorating fiscal situation.

“I don't think it's very presidential when Barack Hussein Obama refers to my colleague, [House Budget Committee Chairman] Paul Ryan, as a simple little accountant, either,” he said. “So I think that when you look at what a community organizer [Obama] is turning out to be, it does seem to be like a low-level socialist agitator.

Allen West: Tired of Obama
another repig trying to gain in his party of whiners , the party of no can't take no .
Allen West is a disgraced officer who brags how he stayed with his men? He was forced to retire. It was either that or a courts martial.

Isn't this the same idiot who said he had a higher security clearance than Obama? This fool needs to just shut up and understand he is not in the house, he is still in the field. Go kiss Ingrams ass again fetchit. Your an embarrassment to every single service member in history.
Nope your an idiot becouse Obama changed his budget as a becouse of Paul Ryan, not the other way around. Obama is a follower not a leader get clue will you?

Indeed. 2 Trllion less than Ryan, and two years longer to accomplish. Oh, and Ryan is NOT talking about taking away Medicare...unlike the LIE Obama is spouting.
No shit brother!

And it was quite entertaining watching Brent Bozell on Hannity the other night, clearly exposing the lies by the liberal talking heads like Madcow, Shultz, Mathews, Bashir, and several others who are BSing their lil' followers about Medicare.

Then why is he being boo'd by repuplicans? Why is it, 70% of tea baggers dont want this idiot to mess with medicare?

This is so going to bite the republicans in the ass. You guys ran on Obama is taking 500 billion out of medicare now, lets just get rid of medicare.

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Allen West is a disgraced officer who brags how he stayed with his men? He was forced to retire. It was either that or a courts martial.

Isn't this the same idiot who said he had a higher security clearance than Obama? This fool needs to just shut up and understand he is not in the house, he is still in the field. Go kiss Ingrams ass again fetchit. Your an embarrassment to every single service member in history.

Read the whole thread loon, you might learn something about what you speak.

Here's a hero of the left in action...

[ame=]YouTube - Harry Reid: Iraq War Is Lost[/ame]
Indeed. 2 Trllion less than Ryan, and two years longer to accomplish. Oh, and Ryan is NOT talking about taking away Medicare...unlike the LIE Obama is spouting.
No shit brother!

And it was quite entertaining watching Brent Bozell on Hannity the other night, clearly exposing the lies by the liberal talking heads like Madcow, Shultz, Mathews, Bashir, and several others who are BSing their lil' followers about Medicare.

Then why is he being boo'd by repuplicans? Why is it, 70 of tea baggers dont want this idiot to mess with medicare?

This is so going to bite the republicans in the ass. You guys ran on Obama is taking 500 billion out of medicare now, lets just get rid of medicare.


How about lets save Medicare..Boy you're clueless:eusa_eh:
Nope your an idiot becouse Obama changed his budget as a becouse of Paul Ryan, not the other way around. Obama is a follower not a leader get clue will you?

Indeed. 2 Trllion less than Ryan, and two years longer to accomplish. Oh, and Ryan is NOT talking about taking away Medicare...unlike the LIE Obama is spouting.
No shit brother!

And it was quite entertaining watching Brent Bozell on Hannity the other night, clearly exposing the lies by the liberal talking heads like Madcow, Shultz, Mathews, Bashir, and several others who are BSing their lil' followers about Medicare.

Indeed. Ryan is talking about getting it under control and getting the programs viable...but it will have to come at a sacrifice of cuts in other areas.
Zona, just a quick question and no need to yell and swear at me in your answer, because that's what Libbie's do best. Don't you feel Obama was the wrong choice? My Libbie friends in Beverly Hills are having second thoughts and I love to rub salt in the wounds. Now please answer me and no profanities....3,2,1, GO.
Allen West is a disgraced officer who brags how he stayed with his men? He was forced to retire. It was either that or a courts martial.

Isn't this the same idiot who said he had a higher security clearance than Obama? This fool needs to just shut up and understand he is not in the house, he is still in the field. Go kiss Ingrams ass again fetchit. Your an embarrassment to every single service member in history.

Read the whole thread loon, you might learn something about what you speak.

Here's a hero of the left in action...

[ame=]YouTube - Harry Reid: Iraq War Is Lost[/ame]

What exactly is wrong about that statement?

What did we win by going into Iraq?
So what is it now Jester? Obama didn't present a plan? Or you don't like it? I'm not going to bother finding the specific points in his speech where he lays out his plan. You seem to be able to discuss it well enough to at least realize that it exists. But you still haven't shown me where he insulted anyone. The only insults I see here are flying in the other direction.

That's right. Obama's plan cuts $3 trillion in spending, $2 trillion less than Ryan's plan does. But Obama's plan adds $1 trillion in taxes, while Ryan's plan cuts taxes by another $1 trillion. Both proposals end up with $4 trillion in deficit reduction, although Obama's plan takes 12 years instead of Ryan's 10.

The difference is pretty stark. $2 trillion dollars in spending cuts vs. $2 trillion in taxes. Simple to understand. No reason to call Obama a socialist. No reason to say he doesn't have a plan. No reason to say the he insulted anyone. There's a lot of hot air around here.
Allen West is a disgraced officer who brags how he stayed with his men? He was forced to retire. It was either that or a courts martial.

Isn't this the same idiot who said he had a higher security clearance than Obama? This fool needs to just shut up and understand he is not in the house, he is still in the field. Go kiss Ingrams ass again fetchit. Your an embarrassment to every single service member in history.
How did he embarrass every single service member in history?

And, he was not forced to resign. Nor was he facing court martial had he decided not to resign.

Do you ever know what the fuck you are talking about Zona, or is winging it how you get through life.


Now, how about we lay out true embarrassment?

Starting ones political career in the home of a non-repentent, anti-american terrorist who tried to kill fellow americans.....Sitting in the church of a racist preacher for twenty years, and then having to throw said preacher under the bus after you got caught trying to lie about it.......Preaching the virtues of a fabian socialist in a book you wrote......Or siiting on the knee of a drunken communist, that you refer to as "uncle''......Or making a complete ass of yourself by falsely accusing an innocent cop with zero facts.......Or insulting Jews during a Passover speech the other day.

Obama is an embarrasment to every citizen of this great country.
So what is it now Jester? Obama didn't present a plan? Or you don't like it? I'm not going to bother finding the specific points in his speech where he lays out his plan. You seem to be able to discuss it well enough to at least realize that it exists. But you still haven't shown me where he insulted anyone. The only insults I see here are flying in the other direction.

That's right. Obama's plan cuts $3 trillion in spending, $2 trillion less than Ryan's plan does. But Obama's plan adds $1 trillion in taxes, while Ryan's plan cuts taxes by another $1 trillion. Both proposals end up with $4 trillion in deficit reduction, although Obama's plan takes 12 years instead of Ryan's 10.

The difference is pretty stark. $2 trillion dollars in spending cuts vs. $2 trillion in taxes. Simple to understand. No reason to call Obama a socialist. No reason to say he doesn't have a plan. No reason to say the he insulted anyone. There's a lot of hot air around here.

:doubt: Obama's original 2012 budget purposed only 1 trillion in cuts over 10yrs get it through your head. He changed his budget after Ryan’s budget came out and even in his new speech he did not address entitlements. Wake up man you're falling into a Obama demagogue haze
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