All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

Protest against Netanyahu shuts down Champs-Élysées

Hundreds of protesters shut down the Champs-Élysées on Tuesday evening to protest President Emmanuel Macron’s gala welcome for Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Israeli leader was in Paris for the official inauguration of the Saison France-Israël – or France-Israel Season – a series of propaganda events backed by both countries to boost Israel’s image.

Protest against Netanyahu shuts down Champs-Élysées

Video here.
Sihame Assbague @s_assbague
Any reason is a good reason for Muhammud (swish) worshippers to make themselves revolting.

Those happy-fun Death Cultists in the alternate reality called “Islam” are looking to instill that religious spirit of self-destruction and death within the vacant minded islamo-yutes.

In case anyone is a bit fuzzy on the details of Islamic dogma, it is this dogma driving the insensate hatred for non-Islamics held by the good ummah’ists. As is always the case with the continuing madness of Islamic terrorism, we’re left to question why the two true monotheistic Abrahamic faiths and why other religions don’t produce the legions of mass murderers that rise from the ranks of Islamism.

Maybe the following will shed some light.

PA's worship of Martyrs' blood
and promotion of Martyrdom continue

PA's worship of Martyrs' blood - now on game show - PMW Bulletins

- now on game show

"A thousand blessings to the souls of our heroic Martyrs
who water the land of Palestine with their blood every day"
- PA TV game show host

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

In a game show to entertain Palestinians during Ramadan, the Palestinian Authority TV host glorified the Palestinian ideal of Martyrdom-death. Welcoming viewers to The Box, the host opened at least twice with praise for the "heroic Martyrs," emphasizing that they "water the land of Palestine with their blood":

Official PA TV host: "A thousand blessings always to the souls of our heroic Martyrs who water the land of Palestine with their blood every day, until the independent State of Palestine whose capital is Jerusalem arises. Whoever doesn't like it - let them bang their head against the iron of the Damascus Gate."
[Official PA TV, The Box, May 28, 2018]
Bernie Sanders’ Criticism Of Israel Is Radical. And He’s Taking It Mainstream

Last month, Sanders crossed one of the red lines demarcating politically acceptable Washington discourse about Israel. He organized the first letter written by multiple senators criticizing Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip. Then, last week, he raced past that line again with a video that is unlike anything I’ve ever seen from an American senator.
Read more: Opinion | Bernie Sanders’ Criticism Of Israel Is Radical. And He’s Taking It Mainstream

Bernie Sanders’ Criticism Of Israel Is Radical. And He’s Taking It Mainstream

Last month, Sanders crossed one of the red lines demarcating politically acceptable Washington discourse about Israel. He organized the first letter written by multiple senators criticizing Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip. Then, last week, he raced past that line again with a video that is unlike anything I’ve ever seen from an American senator.
Read more: Opinion | Bernie Sanders’ Criticism Of Israel Is Radical. And He’s Taking It Mainstream

This is excellent. I wholeheartedly agree we should be listening to the people of Gaza. What do the people of Gaza want? Electricity. Jobs. The ability to travel and return. Peace. A future.

Do you know what absolutely none of them said? What none of them want? A GREAT RETURN. Not one.
Bernie Sanders’ Criticism Of Israel Is Radical. And He’s Taking It Mainstream

Last month, Sanders crossed one of the red lines demarcating politically acceptable Washington discourse about Israel. He organized the first letter written by multiple senators criticizing Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip. Then, last week, he raced past that line again with a video that is unlike anything I’ve ever seen from an American senator.
Read more: Opinion | Bernie Sanders’ Criticism Of Israel Is Radical. And He’s Taking It Mainstream

Meet the Hamas billionaires - Globes
Bernie Sanders’ Criticism Of Israel Is Radical. And He’s Taking It Mainstream

Last month, Sanders crossed one of the red lines demarcating politically acceptable Washington discourse about Israel. He organized the first letter written by multiple senators criticizing Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip. Then, last week, he raced past that line again with a video that is unlike anything I’ve ever seen from an American senator.
Read more: Opinion | Bernie Sanders’ Criticism Of Israel Is Radical. And He’s Taking It Mainstream

If only their government cared more about their people instead of tunnels, rockets and murder.
The Hudna May be over.

It’s been just a bit more than a decade since the the competing tribes of Islamic terrorists were gee-had’en the bejeezus out of each other in their very nasty civil war. Because Islamic terrorism knows no passage of time or geographic boundaries, these retrogrades from the 7th century have held a grudge that has not diminished over time.

It won’t take much to again ease these angry tribesmen into an all out shooting war. Especially now, with their welfare fraud entitlement losing funding, the competition for the remaining kuffar dollars will be intense.

Campaign In West Bank Against Palestinian Authority's Sanctions On Gaza

On June 10, a mass protest was held at Ramallah's Al-Manara Square. The protesters chanted calls against 'Abbas, and held up signs rejecting the PA's excuses for its nonpayment of salaries, and emphasizing the Gazan victims of the March of Return events at the Israel-Gaza border. It was reported that the PA security apparatuses had been instructed not to interfere with the demonstration, but Fatah activists confronted the demonstrators and hung up banners with anti-Hamas messages, such as "The [2007] Hamas coup is the reason for all the disasters [in Gaza]," and "During the years since [the 2007] coup, the PA has invested $17 billion in the Gaza Strip."[14]

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