All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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It's quite a bit different to be expelled from a country hosting you and providing work opportunities and being expelled from your ancestral home by colonists from another continent. But you would not understand, it's too logical.

The irony completely escapes you, doesn't it?

What escapes you is logic. The ancestral home of European converts to Judaism cannot, by definition, be on a continent other than Europe.
"Ancestral home of European converts to Judaism"?!

Ha ha ha. More comedy please.

Where do you think the ancestral home of Europeans is? China?

Genes Of Most Ashkenazi Jews Trace Back To Indigenous Europe, Not Middle East

Genes Of Most Ashkenazi Jews Trace Back To Indigenous Europe, Not Middle East
Fake news. And yet, all that bullshit still doesn't negate the fact that Israel has been the religious, cultural, and ancestral homeland of the Jews for the last 4000 years. And will remain so.
Oh sure. Very logical. An entire culture can be magically transferred to millions and millions of people without any relationship with people from the originating culture. You are full of it.

Judaism is a religion. A Chinese Jew, and there are Chinese Jews, are culturally Chinese. They have no ancestral ties to a place on another continent. Italian Jews and Christians are culturally Italian. It doesn't matter that their religions originated in Palestine. Neither would have the right to claim the land there over the native rights of the indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinians. Try to use some logic. Your position is absurd to any neutral observer.
And Israel is the religious, cultural, and ancestral homeland of Jews worldwide. Has been for the last 4000 years, will always be.

Hard to accept? Tough.

What's hard to understand is why the Jews are making the same mistakes the Rhodesians made instead of looking to the South Africa model.

You might want to pass that on to your heroes in any of the Islamic paradises across the Islamic middle east where competing religions have largely been purged.
Oh sure. Very logical. An entire culture can be magically transferred to millions and millions of people without any relationship with people from the originating culture. You are full of it.

Judaism is a religion. A Chinese Jew, and there are Chinese Jews, are culturally Chinese. They have no ancestral ties to a place on another continent. Italian Jews and Christians are culturally Italian. It doesn't matter that their religions originated in Palestine. Neither would have the right to claim the land there over the native rights of the indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinians. Try to use some logic. Your position is absurd to any neutral observer.
And Israel is the religious, cultural, and ancestral homeland of Jews worldwide. Has been for the last 4000 years, will always be.

Hard to accept? Tough.

What's hard to understand is why the Jews are making the same mistakes the Rhodesians made instead of looking to the South Africa model.
What's hard to understand is you keep trying to apply this South Africa model to Israel, of which there is no comparison, since Israel has about two million Arab Muslim citizens which have the same rights as the Jews.

But, maybe if you close your eyes and say "Israel South Africa, Israel SouthAfrica" a thousand more times, a genie might appear and make your wish come true. In the meantime, the people that are truly practicing apartheid today are, like I said, Muslims. Any objective person can see that.
Oh sure. Very logical. An entire culture can be magically transferred to millions and millions of people without any relationship with people from the originating culture. You are full of it.

Judaism is a religion. A Chinese Jew, and there are Chinese Jews, are culturally Chinese. They have no ancestral ties to a place on another continent. Italian Jews and Christians are culturally Italian. It doesn't matter that their religions originated in Palestine. Neither would have the right to claim the land there over the native rights of the indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinians. Try to use some logic. Your position is absurd to any neutral observer.
And Israel is the religious, cultural, and ancestral homeland of Jews worldwide. Has been for the last 4000 years, will always be.

Hard to accept? Tough.

What's hard to understand is why the Jews are making the same mistakes the Rhodesians made instead of looking to the South Africa model.
What's hard to understand is you keep trying to apply this South Africa model to Israel, of which there is no comparison, since Israel has about two million Arab Muslim citizens which have the same rights as the Jews.

But, maybe if you close your eyes and say "Israel South Africa, Israel SouthAfrica" a thousand more times, a genie might appear and make your wish come true. In the meantime, the people that are truly practicing apartheid today are, like I said, Muslims. Any objective person can see that.

Israel is exactly analogous to South Africa as a settler colony, except that the Europeans settled an empty land expelling no one. All objective persons with half a brain agree that Israel practices Apartheid.
Oh sure. Very logical. An entire culture can be magically transferred to millions and millions of people without any relationship with people from the originating culture. You are full of it.

Judaism is a religion. A Chinese Jew, and there are Chinese Jews, are culturally Chinese. They have no ancestral ties to a place on another continent. Italian Jews and Christians are culturally Italian. It doesn't matter that their religions originated in Palestine. Neither would have the right to claim the land there over the native rights of the indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinians. Try to use some logic. Your position is absurd to any neutral observer.
And Israel is the religious, cultural, and ancestral homeland of Jews worldwide. Has been for the last 4000 years, will always be.

Hard to accept? Tough.

What's hard to understand is why the Jews are making the same mistakes the Rhodesians made instead of looking to the South Africa model.
What's hard to understand is you keep trying to apply this South Africa model to Israel, of which there is no comparison, since Israel has about two million Arab Muslim citizens which have the same rights as the Jews.

But, maybe if you close your eyes and say "Israel South Africa, Israel SouthAfrica" a thousand more times, a genie might appear and make your wish come true. In the meantime, the people that are truly practicing apartheid today are, like I said, Muslims. Any objective person can see that.

Israel is exactly analogous to South Africa as a settler colony, except that the Europeans settled an empty land expelling no one. All objective persons with half a brain agree that Israel practices Apartheid.
Wrong again. As Israel is home to about two million Arab Muslims with the same rights as Jews. In other words, the Jews are currently hosting far more non Jews proportionally than Muslims are in their countries, and treating them equally.

Now close your eyes and repeat what you just said 999 more times and see if becomes true. :rofl:
Oh sure. Very logical. An entire culture can be magically transferred to millions and millions of people without any relationship with people from the originating culture. You are full of it.

Judaism is a religion. A Chinese Jew, and there are Chinese Jews, are culturally Chinese. They have no ancestral ties to a place on another continent. Italian Jews and Christians are culturally Italian. It doesn't matter that their religions originated in Palestine. Neither would have the right to claim the land there over the native rights of the indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinians. Try to use some logic. Your position is absurd to any neutral observer.
And Israel is the religious, cultural, and ancestral homeland of Jews worldwide. Has been for the last 4000 years, will always be.

Hard to accept? Tough.

What's hard to understand is why the Jews are making the same mistakes the Rhodesians made instead of looking to the South Africa model.
What's hard to understand is you keep trying to apply this South Africa model to Israel, of which there is no comparison, since Israel has about two million Arab Muslim citizens which have the same rights as the Jews.

But, maybe if you close your eyes and say "Israel South Africa, Israel SouthAfrica" a thousand more times, a genie might appear and make your wish come true. In the meantime, the people that are truly practicing apartheid today are, like I said, Muslims. Any objective person can see that.

Israel is exactly analogous to South Africa as a settler colony, except that the Europeans settled an empty land expelling no one. All objective persons with half a brain agree that Israel practices Apartheid.

Yeap, half a brain or less. That is all which is required :)
Apparently someone didn't get the memo that this whole movement boycotting Israel and comparing it to South Africa has failed miserably and not only has the movement "BDS" been banned from American universities and public arenas but the congress is currently taking up legislation to outlaw it.

Can we hear an "Allah Akbar" and "God Bless the USA" from our IslamoNazi apartheid experts on this board?!
A Chinese Jew, and there are Chinese Jews, are culturally Chinese. They have no ancestral ties to a place on another continent.

Oh, please. Let's talk about Chinese Jews. Chinese Jews are culturally Chinese because they LOST their Jewish culture (mostly through intermarriage and just time in a very small community). Had they RETAINED their Jewish culture -- guess what?! They'd still be Jews. (They are not actually considered Jews by the Jewish community because they follow patrilineal rather than matrilineal descent).

How did Jews come to be in China? About a thousand of them moved there at a specific time in history, probably from Persia. They didn't "convert" to Judaism -- they were a community of Jews living in China. They retained their Jewish culture and Jewish customs for hundreds of years. It has only been recently that their Jewish culture has been lost.

Irish people move to Canada, and they still have Irish ancestry. Palestinian people move to Chile and they still have Palestinian ancestry. Jewish people move to China and they have Jewish ancestry. The measurement, in the absence of modern technology, is the retention of a culture that moves with people from place to place.

See how easy this is?
A Chinese Jew, and there are Chinese Jews, are culturally Chinese. They have no ancestral ties to a place on another continent.

Oh, please. Let's talk about Chinese Jews. Chinese Jews are culturally Chinese because they LOST their Jewish culture (mostly through intermarriage and just time in a very small community). Had they RETAINED their Jewish culture -- guess what?! They'd still be Jews. (They are not actually considered Jews by the Jewish community because they follow patrilineal rather than matrilineal descent).

How did Jews come to be in China? About a thousand of them moved there at a specific time in history, probably from Persia. They didn't "convert" to Judaism -- they were a community of Jews living in China. They retained their Jewish culture and Jewish customs for hundreds of years. It has only been recently that their Jewish culture has been lost.

Irish people move to Canada, and they still have Irish ancestry. Palestinian people move to Chile and they still have Palestinian ancestry. Jewish people move to China and they have Jewish ancestry. The measurement, in the absence of modern technology, is the retention of a culture that moves with people from place to place.

See how easy this is?
These days it's very easy for hacks to prove any ridiculous claim they want to make. For example, I'm sure if one wanted to prove that the moon is made of Swiss cheese, or that "all Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of converts" I'm sure there would be plenty of articles from sites with official sounding names like "medical daily" to support their claim. :cuckoo:
A Chinese Jew, and there are Chinese Jews, are culturally Chinese. They have no ancestral ties to a place on another continent.

Oh, please. Let's talk about Chinese Jews. Chinese Jews are culturally Chinese because they LOST their Jewish culture (mostly through intermarriage and just time in a very small community). Had they RETAINED their Jewish culture -- guess what?! They'd still be Jews. (They are not actually considered Jews by the Jewish community because they follow patrilineal rather than matrilineal descent).

How did Jews come to be in China? About a thousand of them moved there at a specific time in history, probably from Persia. They didn't "convert" to Judaism -- they were a community of Jews living in China. They retained their Jewish culture and Jewish customs for hundreds of years. It has only been recently that their Jewish culture has been lost.

Irish people move to Canada, and they still have Irish ancestry. Palestinian people move to Chile and they still have Palestinian ancestry. Jewish people move to China and they have Jewish ancestry. The measurement, in the absence of modern technology, is the retention of a culture that moves with people from place to place.

See how easy this is?

"Palestinian people move to Chile and they still have Palestinian ancestry. "

I find it hard to include the new nationality of Palestinians with all others.

Palestinians, Lebanese, etc, if they came from Arabia, they have Arab ancestry from the Peninsula.

Portuguese moved to Brazil, they still have Portuguese ancestry.
The French moved to Canada, they still have French ancestry.
The Spaniards moved to any part of South, Central or North America, they still have Spanish ancestry.

The Jews are a long established religion, people, nation, culture and language. They have moved anywhere in the world, from their original ancestral land, for the past 3000 years and have retained their Jewish religion, culture, etc, therefore they are still Jews.

If they assimilate and leave the Jewish religion, they are not considered to be Jews anymore until they choose to return to the religion, as many have done.
"Palestinian people move to Chile and they still have Palestinian ancestry. "

I find it hard to include the new nationality of Palestinians with all others.

The "Palestinian culture" is bound to be lost almost immediately in the diaspora, since there is none as distinct from Syrian or Jordanian. In ten generations how are they going to know that they are Palestinian, other than family legend?
A Chinese Jew, and there are Chinese Jews, are culturally Chinese. They have no ancestral ties to a place on another continent.

Oh, please. Let's talk about Chinese Jews. Chinese Jews are culturally Chinese because they LOST their Jewish culture (mostly through intermarriage and just time in a very small community). Had they RETAINED their Jewish culture -- guess what?! They'd still be Jews. (They are not actually considered Jews by the Jewish community because they follow patrilineal rather than matrilineal descent).

How did Jews come to be in China? About a thousand of them moved there at a specific time in history, probably from Persia. They didn't "convert" to Judaism -- they were a community of Jews living in China. They retained their Jewish culture and Jewish customs for hundreds of years. It has only been recently that their Jewish culture has been lost.

Irish people move to Canada, and they still have Irish ancestry. Palestinian people move to Chile and they still have Palestinian ancestry. Jewish people move to China and they have Jewish ancestry. The measurement, in the absence of modern technology, is the retention of a culture that moves with people from place to place.

See how easy this is?

"Palestinian people move to Chile and they still have Palestinian ancestry. "

I find it hard to include the new nationality of Palestinians with all others.

Palestinians, Lebanese, etc, if they came from Arabia, they have Arab ancestry from the Peninsula.

Portuguese moved to Brazil, they still have Portuguese ancestry.
The French moved to Canada, they still have French ancestry.
The Spaniards moved to any part of South, Central or North America, they still have Spanish ancestry.

The Jews are a long established religion, people, nation, culture and language. They have moved anywhere in the world, from their original ancestral land, for the past 3000 years and have retained their Jewish religion, culture, etc, therefore they are still Jews.

If they assimilate and leave the Jewish religion, they are not considered to be Jews anymore until they choose to return to the religion, as many have done.
And the amazing thing about the Jewish people is they were able to retain their identity, religion, traditions, and culture throughout the millennia,made spite all the pogroms and ethnic cleansings that took place. Some say that the years in exile hardened them and turned them into one of the few peoples that have survived since ancient times.


Max I. Dimont

A compelling and readable account of the four thousand year history of a people that spans the globe and transcends the ages. From the ancient and simple faith of a small tribe to a global religion with adherents in every nation, the path of the Jews is traced through countless expulsions and migrations, the great tragedy of the Holocaust, and the joy of founding a homeland in Israel. Putting the struggle of a persecuted people into perspective, Max Dimont asks whether the tragic sufferings of the Jews have actually been the key to their survival, as other nations and races vanished into obscurity. Here is a book for Jews and non-Jews to enjoy, evoking a proud heritage while offering a hopeful vision of the future.
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Judaism is a religion. Only the Nazis were crazy enough to claim that a Russian that practiced Judaism was in any way racially the same as a Moroccan that practiced Judaism. European Jews are descendants of former European Christians or Pagans that converted to Judaism. They are Jews, but have as much an ancestral tie to Palestine as European Christians, that is none.
"Palestinian people move to Chile and they still have Palestinian ancestry. "

I find it hard to include the new nationality of Palestinians with all others.

The "Palestinian culture" is bound to be lost almost immediately in the diaspora, since there is none as distinct from Syrian or Jordanian. In ten generations how are they going to know that they are Palestinian, other than family legend?

Tell that to the fans of the Chilean First Division Club Deportivo Palestino.

Club Deportivo Palestino nace en la ciudad de Osorno, localidad al sur de Chile, capital de la provincia que lleva su nombre. El club nace en unas olimpiadas de colonias, siendo fundado por inmigrantes palestinos el 20 de agosto de 1920.


Historia - Club deportivo Palestino S.A.D.P
And yet, despite that irrelvant baloney, it still doesn't negate the fact that Israel has been the Jewish ancestral, religious, and cultural homeland for the last four thousand years. And the Jews have every right to be there and claim it as their own.
"Palestinian people move to Chile and they still have Palestinian ancestry. "

I find it hard to include the new nationality of Palestinians with all others.

The "Palestinian culture" is bound to be lost almost immediately in the diaspora, since there is none as distinct from Syrian or Jordanian. In ten generations how are they going to know that they are Palestinian, other than family legend?

Tell that to the fans of the Chilean First Division Club Deportivo Palestino.

Club Deportivo Palestino nace en la ciudad de Osorno, localidad al sur de Chile, capital de la provincia que lleva su nombre. El club nace en unas olimpiadas de colonias, siendo fundado por inmigrantes palestinos el 20 de agosto de 1920.


Historia - Club deportivo Palestino S.A.D.P

They all have Arabian Peninsula ancestry, oh Mighty ONE !!!!
Their "Palestinian identity" is but almost 60 years old.

They are Muslims first. Arabs second. Palestinians third.
No fantasy, truth. Jews have been praying towards Zion (Jerusalem) and making oaths towards it in all their religious ceremonies for the last four thousand years. Jerusalem is mentioned over 900 times in the OT.

There is no way no how Jews are going to give the Promised Land up, now that they're back. Deal with it.
"Palestinian people move to Chile and they still have Palestinian ancestry. "

I find it hard to include the new nationality of Palestinians with all others.

The "Palestinian culture" is bound to be lost almost immediately in the diaspora, since there is none as distinct from Syrian or Jordanian. In ten generations how are they going to know that they are Palestinian, other than family legend?

Tell that to the fans of the Chilean First Division Club Deportivo Palestino.

Club Deportivo Palestino nace en la ciudad de Osorno, localidad al sur de Chile, capital de la provincia que lleva su nombre. El club nace en unas olimpiadas de colonias, siendo fundado por inmigrantes palestinos el 20 de agosto de 1920.


Historia - Club deportivo Palestino S.A.D.P

They all have Arabian Peninsula ancestry, oh Mighty ONE !!!!
Their "Palestinian identity" is but almost 60 years old.

They are Muslims first. Arabs second. Palestinians third.
Palestinians are no different than their Arab neighbors both genetically and culturally, in fact they ARE them, even they know it.
Your fantasy world is imaginative, but a fantasy.

Your Christian fantasy world is even more imaginative.

"How to get rid of Jews in any possible way, especially by denying them their identity, their ancient lands, their culture, their religion"

You work very hard at this fantasy of yours which comes from nearly 2000 years of Christian rejectionism of everything remotely connected to Jews and Judaism and especially any rights Jews have as human beings.
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