All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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[The other "Occupied Territories]

We are asking the wrong questions. Spain’s foreign policy shows that we cannot stop terrorism by changing our behavior. In the mind of the Muslim extremists, Spain is not Spain, but al-Andalus, part of a Muslim empire that lasted in Spain for 700 years. Today’s Spain is considered to be “occupied land” that must be liberated. . . .

(full article online)

Terror Will Continue until Muslims Reject the Idea of the Caliphate
During the Gulf war, the 400,000 Palestinian residents of Kuwait fled or were forced to leave because they were fans of Saddam Hussein.

For some reason this event isn't described as a "naqba" or by any other similar name.

Now, 25 years later, Kuwait is allowing a trickle to come back - because it needs teachers. And it is downplaying its human rights violations, just like Palestinians themselves have.

" Palestinian teachers are returning to Kuwait, ending an absence that spanned over a quarter of a century, to join their counterparts from Kuwait and other nationalities to contribute to the development of education. The government of Kuwait agreed to re-hire Palestinian teachers, many of whom left the country during Iraq’s 1990-91 invasion and occupation of Kuwait, thus paving the way for the Ministry of Education to contact the Palestinian embassy to recruit the teachers."
All is forgiven! I mean, you know, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forced to leave and there was no compensation or apology. But since it all came from fellow Arab, it's just one of those things.

(full article online)

Kuwaitis allowing a few dozen Palestinians to work after expelling 200,000 in 1991 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
During the Gulf war, the 400,000 Palestinian residents of Kuwait fled or were forced to leave because they were fans of Saddam Hussein.

For some reason this event isn't described as a "naqba" or by any other similar name.

Now, 25 years later, Kuwait is allowing a trickle to come back - because it needs teachers. And it is downplaying its human rights violations, just like Palestinians themselves have.

" Palestinian teachers are returning to Kuwait, ending an absence that spanned over a quarter of a century, to join their counterparts from Kuwait and other nationalities to contribute to the development of education. The government of Kuwait agreed to re-hire Palestinian teachers, many of whom left the country during Iraq’s 1990-91 invasion and occupation of Kuwait, thus paving the way for the Ministry of Education to contact the Palestinian embassy to recruit the teachers."
All is forgiven! I mean, you know, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forced to leave and there was no compensation or apology. But since it all came from fellow Arab, it's just one of those things.

(full article online)

Kuwaitis allowing a few dozen Palestinians to work after expelling 200,000 in 1991 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

It's quite a bit different to be expelled from a country hosting you and providing work opportunities and being expelled from your ancestral home by colonists from another continent. But you would not understand, it's too logical.
It's quite a bit different to be expelled from a country hosting you and providing work opportunities and being expelled from your ancestral home by colonists from another continent. But you would not understand, it's too logical.

The irony completely escapes you, doesn't it?
It's quite a bit different to be expelled from a country hosting you and providing work opportunities and being expelled from your ancestral home by colonists from another continent. But you would not understand, it's too logical.

The irony completely escapes you, doesn't it?

What escapes you is logic. The ancestral home of European converts to Judaism cannot, by definition, be on a continent other than Europe.
Oh sure. Very logical. An entire culture can be magically transferred to millions and millions of people without any relationship with people from the originating culture. You are full of it.
Oh sure. Very logical. An entire culture can be magically transferred to millions and millions of people without any relationship with people from the originating culture. You are full of it.

Judaism is a religion. A Chinese Jew, and there are Chinese Jews, are culturally Chinese. They have no ancestral ties to a place on another continent. Italian Jews and Christians are culturally Italian. It doesn't matter that their religions originated in Palestine. Neither would have the right to claim the land there over the native rights of the indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinians. Try to use some logic. Your position is absurd to any neutral observer.
Oh sure. Very logical. An entire culture can be magically transferred to millions and millions of people without any relationship with people from the originating culture. You are full of it.

Judaism is a religion. A Chinese Jew, and there are Chinese Jews, are culturally Chinese. They have no ancestral ties to a place on another continent. Italian Jews and Christians are culturally Italian. It doesn't matter that their religions originated in Palestine. Neither would have the right to claim the land there over the native rights of the indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinians. Try to use some logic. Your position is absurd to any neutral observer.

When you cut and paste your usual slogans about the "indigenous Pal'istanians", any neutral observer would ask how European Christian Crusaders / invaders, Turk colonists and land grabbers from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon magically became "indigenous Pal'istanians"
The tinfoil turbans in the PA are getting quite desperate.

PA tries to increase hatred regarding Jerusalem - PMW Bulletins

PA tries to increase hatred regarding Jerusalem
PA: "Jews of high position"
planned arson in Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1969

With Palestinian-Israeli tensions over Jerusalem's Old City and the Temple Mount still simmering, the Palestinian Authority has chosen to intensify Palestinian anger and hate by repeating one of its most dangerous libels - that "senior Jews of high position" planned the arson of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1969. In a documentary broadcast on PA TV, it was presented as fact that not only did Jews plan the arson of the Mosque but also that after the fire started Israel shut off the water supply, preventing fire fighters from efficiently putting out the fire.

Jeff Halper, the head of the Israel Committee Against House Demolitions, writes an op-ed that ends up with perhaps the most antisemitic message ever in that newspaper.

Most of the article is railing against Europe learning lessons on how to protect its citizens from terror attacks - because the expertise they need comes from the evil Israelis. Yes, really, that's his argument:

(full article online)

Haaretz op-ed divides world into privileged "Israeli Jews" and democratic "global Palestinians" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
“The Zionists have used different excuses under the heading of digging operation, conducting destruction operations, and widening or deepening the buildings in the environs of the city, have always sought to impose a Judaized identity upon the holy shrine so far as they have managed so far to divide the Abrahamic venue and convert a big share of the place to synagogue,” underlines the communiqué.Hey, if Iran already thinks there is a synagogue there, then there is no downside to building one!

(Of course, they are referring to the Western Wall, showing how tolerant these Iranians are of Jews.)

“What is clear is that the Zionist regime has always been seeking to erase the image of al-Aqsa Mosque from the mind of the public and that is why whenever local or international media refer to al-Aqsa Mosque, photos of the Dome of the Rock are shown to obfuscate the recognition of the mosque from the dome and reach their goal,” asserts the document.
As I noted last month, about half of the Google Image searches for "Al Aqsa Mosque" show the Dome of the rock. I didn't realize that the Zionists had so thoroughly infiltrated the Arabic speaking world!

(full article online)

Great news! Iran says Israel already has a synagogue at Al Aqsa! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
It's quite a bit different to be expelled from a country hosting you and providing work opportunities and being expelled from your ancestral home by colonists from another continent. But you would not understand, it's too logical.

The irony completely escapes you, doesn't it?

What escapes you is logic. The ancestral home of European converts to Judaism cannot, by definition, be on a continent other than Europe.
"Ancestral home of European converts to Judaism"?!

Ha ha ha. More comedy please.
Oh sure. Very logical. An entire culture can be magically transferred to millions and millions of people without any relationship with people from the originating culture. You are full of it.

Judaism is a religion. A Chinese Jew, and there are Chinese Jews, are culturally Chinese. They have no ancestral ties to a place on another continent. Italian Jews and Christians are culturally Italian. It doesn't matter that their religions originated in Palestine. Neither would have the right to claim the land there over the native rights of the indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinians. Try to use some logic. Your position is absurd to any neutral observer.
And Israel is the religious, cultural, and ancestral homeland of Jews worldwide. Has been for the last 4000 years, will always be.

Hard to accept? Tough.
It's quite a bit different to be expelled from a country hosting you and providing work opportunities and being expelled from your ancestral home by colonists from another continent. But you would not understand, it's too logical.

The irony completely escapes you, doesn't it?

What escapes you is logic. The ancestral home of European converts to Judaism cannot, by definition, be on a continent other than Europe.
"Ancestral home of European converts to Judaism"?!

Ha ha ha. More comedy please.

Where do you think the ancestral home of Europeans is? China?

Genes Of Most Ashkenazi Jews Trace Back To Indigenous Europe, Not Middle East

Genes Of Most Ashkenazi Jews Trace Back To Indigenous Europe, Not Middle East
Oh sure. Very logical. An entire culture can be magically transferred to millions and millions of people without any relationship with people from the originating culture. You are full of it.

Judaism is a religion. A Chinese Jew, and there are Chinese Jews, are culturally Chinese. They have no ancestral ties to a place on another continent. Italian Jews and Christians are culturally Italian. It doesn't matter that their religions originated in Palestine. Neither would have the right to claim the land there over the native rights of the indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinians. Try to use some logic. Your position is absurd to any neutral observer.
And Israel is the religious, cultural, and ancestral homeland of Jews worldwide. Has been for the last 4000 years, will always be.

Hard to accept? Tough.

What's hard to understand is why the Jews are making the same mistakes the Rhodesians made instead of looking to the South Africa model.
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