All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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A couple of observations:

  • Palestinians on the West Bank are not “deprived.” Bartlett’s use of language is simply embellished.
  • Other teenagers do not take a trip to the beach for granted. Like most other world towns and cities, Bethlehem is not located on the coast and Israel has no obligation to allow unfettered freedom for non-Israelis to cross into the country and travel to the beach.
  • There is nothing to stop Palestinians from going to one of several movie theaters in Bethlehem to watch a movie.
  • Bartlett never mentions why there are Israeli checkpoints and the security barrier. Rather than preventing Palestinian children from going to the beach, these measures are there to prevent Palestinian terrorists from carrying out attacks against Israeli civilians.

We then see the Palestinian son “confined to the streets of Bethlehem” kicking a football, while the Jewish settler son is playing basketball on a modern court as he is able “to do as he pleases.” The entire focus on a Palestinian and an Israeli teen is deliberately meant to highlight the supposed differences in lifestyle, playing into a narrative of Palestinian victimhood. In fact, Bethlehem is under the control of the Palestinian Authority, which has the ability to build infrastructure, including leisure facilities for its youth if it so wished.

Seven minutes in, Bartlett heads to Hebron where he introduces his guide Yehuda Shaul as “a former Israeli soldier…who has turned and become an advocate for the Palestinians. This has made him a traitor to the Israeli settlers. They despise him.”

What Bartlett fails to mention is that Shaul is not an ordinary guy who happens to disagree with Israeli policies. Shaul is a founder of Breaking the Silence, a highly politicized organization that collects anonymous testimonies of Israeli soldiers of alleged and most often unsubstantiated misdemeanors or “war crimes” that it presents to a mainly foreign audience as a means of fighting Israel’s “occupation.”

(full article online)

Settlements Are the Only Issue for 60 Minutes | HonestReporting
Michael Bolton performed in Lebanon on Wednesday night at the Jounieh Summer Festival.

Lebanon has literally passed laws to ensure that Palestinians can't own land, can't get many jobs, can't go to university and can't build even within their overcrowded camps.

Some two thirds of Lebanese Palestinians live under the poverty line.

Lebanon built a wall around one of those camps, complete with watchtowers. Lebanese police don't get involved as rival terror groups shoot at each other in these camps,often with fatal results both to each other and to residents there.

Lebanon had rejected the idea of granting citizenship to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who have lived there for decades. Nor do their children have any rights.

Lebanon accepts hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees - but turns back any who are Palestinian.

By any objective measure, Lebanon is a far worse place for Palestinians to live than the West Bank is.

Yet no one went on Bolton's Facebook page and demanded that he cancel the concert in solidarity with the Palestinians who are being oppressed, by law, every day in Lebanon.

(full article online)

Why didn't anyone protest Michael Bolton for performing in Lebanon? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Lebanon did not invade or colonize a foreign land, nor has it evicted the native people of a foreign land. A poor country, it has generously allowed a large population of refugees to live in Lebanon.

Israel's founders invaded and colonized a foreign land (invading from another continent) and evicted the native people of the land they invaded, creating the refugee problem.

That's the difference.
There was some exaggeration here; not all of the Allies shared the same understanding of the policy or saw the “actual wording.” But Lloyd George pointed to the forgotten truth that I sought to resurrect through my essay. In 1917, there was not yet a League of Nations or a United Nations. But, in the consensus of the Allies, there was the nucleus of a modern international order. The Balfour Declaration had the weight of this consensus behind it, before Balfour signed it. This international buy-in is also why the Balfour Declaration entered the mandate for Palestine, entrusted to Britain by the League of Nations. Those who now cast the Balfour Declaration as an egregious case of imperial self-dealing simply don’t know its history (or prefer not to know it).

(full article online)

The Balfour Declaration Was More than the Promise of One Nation
The problem with the Balfour Declaration is that Britain never had title to that land. They had no say in what happened in that land.
Michael Bolton performed in Lebanon on Wednesday night at the Jounieh Summer Festival.

Lebanon has literally passed laws to ensure that Palestinians can't own land, can't get many jobs, can't go to university and can't build even within their overcrowded camps.

Some two thirds of Lebanese Palestinians live under the poverty line.

Lebanon built a wall around one of those camps, complete with watchtowers. Lebanese police don't get involved as rival terror groups shoot at each other in these camps,often with fatal results both to each other and to residents there.

Lebanon had rejected the idea of granting citizenship to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who have lived there for decades. Nor do their children have any rights.

Lebanon accepts hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees - but turns back any who are Palestinian.

By any objective measure, Lebanon is a far worse place for Palestinians to live than the West Bank is.

Yet no one went on Bolton's Facebook page and demanded that he cancel the concert in solidarity with the Palestinians who are being oppressed, by law, every day in Lebanon.

(full article online)

Why didn't anyone protest Michael Bolton for performing in Lebanon? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Palestinian refugees are foreigners in Lebanon. They are not Lebanon's responsibility.

The UN has multiple resolutions addressing that problem. Those resolutions have all been violated.
Michael Bolton performed in Lebanon on Wednesday night at the Jounieh Summer Festival.

Lebanon has literally passed laws to ensure that Palestinians can't own land, can't get many jobs, can't go to university and can't build even within their overcrowded camps.

Some two thirds of Lebanese Palestinians live under the poverty line.

Lebanon built a wall around one of those camps, complete with watchtowers. Lebanese police don't get involved as rival terror groups shoot at each other in these camps,often with fatal results both to each other and to residents there.

Lebanon had rejected the idea of granting citizenship to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who have lived there for decades. Nor do their children have any rights.

Lebanon accepts hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees - but turns back any who are Palestinian.

By any objective measure, Lebanon is a far worse place for Palestinians to live than the West Bank is.

Yet no one went on Bolton's Facebook page and demanded that he cancel the concert in solidarity with the Palestinians who are being oppressed, by law, every day in Lebanon.

(full article online)

Why didn't anyone protest Michael Bolton for performing in Lebanon? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Lebanon did not invade or colonize a foreign land, nor has it evicted the native people of a foreign land. A poor country, it has generously allowed a large population of refugees to live in Lebanon.

Israel's founders invaded and colonized a foreign land (invading from another continent) and evicted the native people of the land they invaded, creating the refugee problem.

That's the difference.

Why do surrounding Arab countries so hate the Palestinians?

Arab Countries Are Forcing Palestinian Exiles Back Into Syria
Michael Bolton performed in Lebanon on Wednesday night at the Jounieh Summer Festival.

Lebanon has literally passed laws to ensure that Palestinians can't own land, can't get many jobs, can't go to university and can't build even within their overcrowded camps.

Some two thirds of Lebanese Palestinians live under the poverty line.

Lebanon built a wall around one of those camps, complete with watchtowers. Lebanese police don't get involved as rival terror groups shoot at each other in these camps,often with fatal results both to each other and to residents there.

Lebanon had rejected the idea of granting citizenship to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who have lived there for decades. Nor do their children have any rights.

Lebanon accepts hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees - but turns back any who are Palestinian.

By any objective measure, Lebanon is a far worse place for Palestinians to live than the West Bank is.

Yet no one went on Bolton's Facebook page and demanded that he cancel the concert in solidarity with the Palestinians who are being oppressed, by law, every day in Lebanon.

(full article online)

Why didn't anyone protest Michael Bolton for performing in Lebanon? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Lebanon did not invade or colonize a foreign land, nor has it evicted the native people of a foreign land. A poor country, it has generously allowed a large population of refugees to live in Lebanon.

Israel's founders invaded and colonized a foreign land (invading from another continent) and evicted the native people of the land they invaded, creating the refugee problem.

That's the difference.

Why do surrounding Arab countries so hate the Palestinians?

Arab Countries Are Forcing Palestinian Exiles Back Into Syria

Permanent resettlement would result in Palestinians losing refugee status, the UNWRA stipend and the right to return to their ancestral homeland pursuant to the UNSC and UNGA resolutions.
Michael Bolton performed in Lebanon on Wednesday night at the Jounieh Summer Festival.

Lebanon has literally passed laws to ensure that Palestinians can't own land, can't get many jobs, can't go to university and can't build even within their overcrowded camps.

Some two thirds of Lebanese Palestinians live under the poverty line.

Lebanon built a wall around one of those camps, complete with watchtowers. Lebanese police don't get involved as rival terror groups shoot at each other in these camps,often with fatal results both to each other and to residents there.

Lebanon had rejected the idea of granting citizenship to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who have lived there for decades. Nor do their children have any rights.

Lebanon accepts hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees - but turns back any who are Palestinian.

By any objective measure, Lebanon is a far worse place for Palestinians to live than the West Bank is.

Yet no one went on Bolton's Facebook page and demanded that he cancel the concert in solidarity with the Palestinians who are being oppressed, by law, every day in Lebanon.

(full article online)

Why didn't anyone protest Michael Bolton for performing in Lebanon? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Lebanon did not invade or colonize a foreign land, nor has it evicted the native people of a foreign land. A poor country, it has generously allowed a large population of refugees to live in Lebanon.

Israel's founders invaded and colonized a foreign land (invading from another continent) and evicted the native people of the land they invaded, creating the refugee problem.

That's the difference.

Gee whiz. Nothing but your usual slogans about some "invasion" your have made up.

Really sweetie, your made up history is a hoot. Your failure to supply a historical (or in your your case, hysterical) reference to your claimed Joooo invasion is pretty typical of your nonsensical claims. As the historical record indicates, the Jews were encouraged to immigrate to the area you mistakenly believe to be your invented "country of Pal'istan".

Secondly, you should learn some relevant history to understand that the "invaders" and colonizers were the invading Islamists. You should take the time to learn of the muhammedan conquest of the area.

Lastly, the Arab-islamist refugee problem was a function of the muhammedan armies crossing the frontier in 1948 as a part of their hoped for Joooo genocide.

Hope that helps.
Michael Bolton performed in Lebanon on Wednesday night at the Jounieh Summer Festival.

Lebanon has literally passed laws to ensure that Palestinians can't own land, can't get many jobs, can't go to university and can't build even within their overcrowded camps.

Some two thirds of Lebanese Palestinians live under the poverty line.

Lebanon built a wall around one of those camps, complete with watchtowers. Lebanese police don't get involved as rival terror groups shoot at each other in these camps,often with fatal results both to each other and to residents there.

Lebanon had rejected the idea of granting citizenship to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who have lived there for decades. Nor do their children have any rights.

Lebanon accepts hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees - but turns back any who are Palestinian.

By any objective measure, Lebanon is a far worse place for Palestinians to live than the West Bank is.

Yet no one went on Bolton's Facebook page and demanded that he cancel the concert in solidarity with the Palestinians who are being oppressed, by law, every day in Lebanon.

(full article online)

Why didn't anyone protest Michael Bolton for performing in Lebanon? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Lebanon did not invade or colonize a foreign land, nor has it evicted the native people of a foreign land. A poor country, it has generously allowed a large population of refugees to live in Lebanon.

Israel's founders invaded and colonized a foreign land (invading from another continent) and evicted the native people of the land they invaded, creating the refugee problem.

That's the difference.

Why do surrounding Arab countries so hate the Palestinians?

Arab Countries Are Forcing Palestinian Exiles Back Into Syria

Permanent resettlement would result in Palestinians losing refugee status, the UNWRA stipend and the right to return to their ancestral homeland pursuant to the UNSC and UNGA resolutions.

Oh, my. The arabs-moslems masquerading as "Pal'istanians" would stand to lose billions of kuffar dollars in their dedicated UN welfare fraud. Their invented "refugee" status is too good to give up.
A couple of observations:

  • Palestinians on the West Bank are not “deprived.” Bartlett’s use of language is simply embellished.
  • Other teenagers do not take a trip to the beach for granted. Like most other world towns and cities, Bethlehem is not located on the coast and Israel has no obligation to allow unfettered freedom for non-Israelis to cross into the country and travel to the beach.
  • There is nothing to stop Palestinians from going to one of several movie theaters in Bethlehem to watch a movie.
  • Bartlett never mentions why there are Israeli checkpoints and the security barrier. Rather than preventing Palestinian children from going to the beach, these measures are there to prevent Palestinian terrorists from carrying out attacks against Israeli civilians.

We then see the Palestinian son “confined to the streets of Bethlehem” kicking a football, while the Jewish settler son is playing basketball on a modern court as he is able “to do as he pleases.” The entire focus on a Palestinian and an Israeli teen is deliberately meant to highlight the supposed differences in lifestyle, playing into a narrative of Palestinian victimhood. In fact, Bethlehem is under the control of the Palestinian Authority, which has the ability to build infrastructure, including leisure facilities for its youth if it so wished.

Seven minutes in, Bartlett heads to Hebron where he introduces his guide Yehuda Shaul as “a former Israeli soldier…who has turned and become an advocate for the Palestinians. This has made him a traitor to the Israeli settlers. They despise him.”

What Bartlett fails to mention is that Shaul is not an ordinary guy who happens to disagree with Israeli policies. Shaul is a founder of Breaking the Silence, a highly politicized organization that collects anonymous testimonies of Israeli soldiers of alleged and most often unsubstantiated misdemeanors or “war crimes” that it presents to a mainly foreign audience as a means of fighting Israel’s “occupation.”

(full article online)

Settlements Are the Only Issue for 60 Minutes | HonestReporting
What are the facts on the ground about Bethlehem?

Grassroots Governing in Bethlehem: A Talk with Mayor Vera Baboun

Michael Bolton performed in Lebanon on Wednesday night at the Jounieh Summer Festival.

Lebanon has literally passed laws to ensure that Palestinians can't own land, can't get many jobs, can't go to university and can't build even within their overcrowded camps.

Some two thirds of Lebanese Palestinians live under the poverty line.

Lebanon built a wall around one of those camps, complete with watchtowers. Lebanese police don't get involved as rival terror groups shoot at each other in these camps,often with fatal results both to each other and to residents there.

Lebanon had rejected the idea of granting citizenship to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who have lived there for decades. Nor do their children have any rights.

Lebanon accepts hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees - but turns back any who are Palestinian.

By any objective measure, Lebanon is a far worse place for Palestinians to live than the West Bank is.

Yet no one went on Bolton's Facebook page and demanded that he cancel the concert in solidarity with the Palestinians who are being oppressed, by law, every day in Lebanon.

(full article online)

Why didn't anyone protest Michael Bolton for performing in Lebanon? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Lebanon did not invade or colonize a foreign land, nor has it evicted the native people of a foreign land. A poor country, it has generously allowed a large population of refugees to live in Lebanon.

Israel's founders invaded and colonized a foreign land (invading from another continent) and evicted the native people of the land they invaded, creating the refugee problem.

That's the difference.

Gee whiz. Nothing but your usual slogans about some "invasion" your have made up.

Really sweetie, your made up history is a hoot. Your failure to supply a historical (or in your your case, hysterical) reference to your claimed Joooo invasion is pretty typical of your nonsensical claims. As the historical record indicates, the Jews were encouraged to immigrate to the area you mistakenly believe to be your invented "country of Pal'istan".

Secondly, you should learn some relevant history to understand that the "invaders" and colonizers were the invading Islamists. You should take the time to learn of the muhammedan conquest of the area.

Lastly, the Arab-islamist refugee problem was a function of the muhammedan armies crossing the frontier in 1948 as a part of their hoped for Joooo genocide.

Hope that helps.
Lastly, the Arab-islamist refugee problem was a function of the muhammedan armies crossing the frontier in 1948 as a part of their hoped for Joooo genocide.
This is Israeli bullshit, of course. 300,000 Palestinians became refugees before the 1948 war.

The plan of the Zionist invasion was to replace the Palestinians with foreign settlers. The facts on the ground affirm that plan.
Arab-Palestinian Leader Anwar Nusseibeh was no friend of Israel, but in the documentary Pillar of Fire (which I posted about yesterday here), he admitted that right after World War I, there was no separate “palestinian” identity – they were just part of Syria.

  • Palestinians on the West Bank are not “deprived.” Bartlett’s use of language is simply embellished.
  • Other teenagers do not take a trip to the beach for granted. Like most other world towns and cities, Bethlehem is not located on the coast and Israel has no obligation to allow unfettered freedom for non-Israelis to cross into the country and travel to the beach.
The teenagers in Saskatchewan will be very pleased to hear that the US is obligated to provide them with access to California beaches.
Just like Apartheid South Africa had no obligation to allow citizens of the Republic of Bophuthatswana access to South African beaches. This is very familiar.
As a group, Arabs-Moslems seem especially fantasy prone. The subset of that group, the Arabs-Moslems masquerading as "Pal'istanians" seems to be forever addled by their own fears, superstitions and paranoid delusions.

PA libel: Israel uses drugs in war against Palestinians - PMW Bulletins

PA libel: Israel uses drugs in war against Palestinians

Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Discussing the war on drugs in Jerusalem, a Palestinian Authority TV host stated that Israel is deliberately targeting young Palestinians with drugs. The Palestinian coordinator of a UNDP-sponsored campaign against drugs, Isaam Jweihan, endorsed this PA libel, stating that Israel uses drugs as "an unconventional weapon" to "empty Jerusalem of Arabs:"
Just like Apartheid South Africa had no obligation to allow citizens of the Republic of Bophuthatswana access to South African beaches. This is very familiar.

That sounds a lot like the apartheid mini-caliphate of Gaza'istan. How many non-Islamics are allowed access to those Islamic paradise beaches?
  • Recently, Chinese, Japanese and other educators have found that rote learning and endless drills produce high achievers without creativity, originality, or the ability to think for themselves. Western academic standards of rationality and objectivity have been behind most of the West's achievements.

  • "The campus has three mosques with a fourth one planned, but no bookstore. No Pakistani university, including QAU, allowed Abdus Salam to set foot on its campus, although he had received the Nobel Prize in 1979 for his role in formulating the standard model of particle physics." — Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy, commenting on Quaid-i-Azam University in Islamabad, Pakistan, the second-best university among the 57 Muslim states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

  • The very thought that "Islamic science" has to be different from "Western science" suggests the need for a radically different way of thinking. Scientific method is scientific method and rationality is rationality, regardless of the religion practiced by individual scientists.

    (full article online)

What Might be Missing in the Muslim World?
Israeli Arab Students Strip-searched in Airport Check Sue El Al and Arkia

The three plaintiffs, Arabs from northern Israel, are suing the airlines for over $100,000 over the humiliating treatment they went through before boarding a return flight from Belgrade, Serbia

The lawsuit alleges that at the airport for their return flight to Israel, the women were separated from the other Israelis in the tour group for special scrutiny that lasted more than two hours, during which they were forced to undress and underwent humiliating, intrusive body searches as well as a search of a cellphone. They alleged that they were also under constant guard during the remainder of their time at the airport.

read more: Israeli Arab students strip-searched in airport check sue El Al and Arkia
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