
I agree. Its very unlikely our planet is the only one with life on it. Other life forms will probably not be anything like ours but there's no reason to think they won't be intelligent.

There must be life out there. 2006 astronomers discovered a 460 bllion kilometer long alcohol cloud in our galaxy.

Oh wait, I just see it is methanol.They must be illegal moonshine distillers.
I agree. Its very unlikely our planet is the only one with life on it. Other life forms will probably not be anything like ours but there's no reason to think they won't be intelligent.

There must be life out there. 2006 astronomers discovered a 460 bllion kilometer long alcohol cloud in our galaxy.

Oh wait, I just see it is methanol.They must be illegal moonshine distillers.

Human body produces some kind of alcohol post-mortem. :)
Simple deductive reasoning supports there being aliens..

Simple deductive reasoning is something for philosophers, not scientists.

The first question is. what do we consider life if we are discussing extraterretrial life forms?
If we say: everything organic and self replicating, it is quite sure that the universe is full of it.
If we say: aliens humming around with spaceships,, the number of possibilities will fall dramatically.
Never forget the Drake equatation.

At least we know that there is actually in our time nothing like that in a distance of around 100 lightyears.
Otherwise we would have detected some signals.
There was obviously also nothing around in a distance of a few hundredthousand lightyears, say the same hundredthousands of years ago. Their signals would have reached us in the meantime.
Given the fact that we result merely from an asteroid accident that wiped out thee pretty dumb dinosaurs which didn't discover fire in a few hundred million years, and that we as thechnology developing life form exist only a few thousand years, the time window to discover extraterrestrial life under comparable conditions becomes even smaller.

So, maybe there were civilisations which disappeared and their signals have passed us before we were able to detect them. Or we have to wait a few million years or more to see aliens who exist parallel to us. Maybe we have disappeared before their signals reach us.

The odds are, we will possibly never know.
I don't think in the since that we think of them, Aliens that is, can an Angel be classified as that. Angels are God's "assistants" for lack of a better term, they help him carry out tasks that he himself may not be able to do. He isn't able to do this because in the Bible it says that the only way someone can see God is they are dead. So since he doesn't want people to keep dying he sends Angels instead. Angels at least to our knowledge don't live on another planet and have their own colony. They don't come to "explore" us. They come when God wills them to come. I don't want to sound mean I just think that sometimes people are unsure of the purpose of Angels and how God uses them. And again all of the information I just stated is all of what we currently know about Angels and their function as it pertains to us.
Well, we know life is possible. We have a single data point on the subject, but it's enough to prove that life can exist. We have a pretty good understanding of biochemistry, evolution, how life interacts with geologic systems, and we keep finding extremophiles in places we couldn't even imagine just a few years ago (e.g. around hot smoker vents and in the driest of conditions, and underground lakes). Life finds a way to exist even in the harshest of conditions it seem.

Given the sheer size of the universe (hundreds of billions of galaxies each with hundreds of billions of stars) the surprise wouldn't be finding life out there, but not finding life out there.
Simple deductive reasoning supports there being aliens. Where ever life can exist, as here on Earth, is does exist, and in such variety and often in such unlikely places, that because other planets have conditions similar to where we find 'extremophiles' here on Earth, that such life may exist there is likely.

We're beginning to find organisms which can even survive in space (albeit inside meteors and such.)

"Tardigrades can survive in extreme environments. For example, they can withstand temperatures from just above absolute zero to well above the boiling point of water (100°C), pressures about six times greater than those found in the deepest ocean trenches, ionizing radiation at doses hundreds of times higher than the lethal dose for a human, and the vacuum of outer space."
Tardigrade - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

There's even been discussion about extracting tardigrades' DNA for transplantation and genetic engineering in humans for a better spacefarer person.

Don't know why I never thought of that. If I started a college the tardigrade would be my mascot. If it can be imagined it can be done. My grandma said that.

Someone told me that according to Judaism, human beings are the only conscious beings in the universe. Is there any basis to this?

Certainly not! ...


Sources in Torah

The Lubavitcher Rebbe pointed out that there is support in Torah for the notion that life exists on other planets. Furthermore, we can know something about that life through deduction from what the Torah tells us. Here is his argument:

In the Book of Judges (5:23), Deborah the prophetess sings about the victory of Barak over Sisera. In her song, she says, “Cursed be Meroz! Cursed, cursed be its inhabitants, says the angel of G‑d!”

Where is Meroz, and who are its inhabitants? The Talmud gives two explanations, one of them being that Meroz is a star or planet. The heavenly bodies had also come to help the Israelites, as Deborah stated just one verse earlier, “From the heavens they fought, the stars from their orbits . . .” This star, however, which was the dominant star of Sisera, apparently did not come to their aid. And so, General Barak penalized Meroz—and its inhabitants."

Is There Life on Other Planets - The Jewish view on UFOs aliens and extraterrestrial intelligence - Questions Answers

I totally believe there just HAS to be life on some other planet somewhere in the universe.

Especially since we already know the universe gives rise to planets where life occurs. As it did here. Every star we examine, or very nearly, has planets around it. Planets in orbit around a star seems the rule, not the exception. And free-roaming planets not orbiting stars are thought to outnumber those around stars. With so many stars and so many planets, if life can develop on 1 planet around 1 star, why is it unreasonable to assume that life's occured more than only once? Nothing in the universe is unique, perhaps not even the universe itself. So why with such a big universe, with so much complexity and wonder would it give rise to life only once?
Because that's what our ancient ancestors believed now who are you to question their authority? Do you want to go to hell? Keep it up smart guy. You fucking science types think you're smarter than my pastor or the lord?
I see a lot of alien gibberish on this section.
Stop watching history channels "ancient aliens". Like everything else on that station, it's conspiracy theory garbage.
We are alone because the Holy Bible doesn't mention space invaders. The earth is unique

There's millions of planets with life on them. Were just too far away to find them. The men who wrote the bible didn't know this. They were stupid but they had an excuse. What's yours?
I agree with this and I like your stance on the topic. At the end of the day the guys who wrote the bible weren't stupid. I mean they didn't know as much as we do now a days but they were after all the one's who wrote the gospels and started the church that we know and follow today. They were some of the strongest and smartest men that have ever lived. They went through so much and were still able to produce the texts that we use as a basis for the life of Jesus Christ.
I see a lot of alien gibberish on this section.
Stop watching history channels "ancient aliens". Like everything else on that station, it's conspiracy theory garbage.
We are alone because the Holy Bible doesn't mention space invaders. The earth is unique

There's millions of planets with life on them. Were just too far away to find them. The men who wrote the bible didn't know this. They were stupid but they had an excuse. What's yours?
I agree with this and I like your stance on the topic. At the end of the day the guys who wrote the bible weren't stupid. I mean they didn't know as much as we do now a days but they were after all the one's who wrote the gospels and started the church that we know and follow today. They were some of the strongest and smartest men that have ever lived. They went through so much and were still able to produce the texts that we use as a basis for the life of Jesus Christ.

Long after Homer wrote his masterpieces.
I see a lot of alien gibberish on this section.
Stop watching history channels "ancient aliens". Like everything else on that station, it's conspiracy theory garbage.
We are alone because the Holy Bible doesn't mention space invaders. The earth is unique

There's millions of planets with life on them. Were just too far away to find them. The men who wrote the bible didn't know this. They were stupid but they had an excuse. What's yours?
I agree with this and I like your stance on the topic. At the end of the day the guys who wrote the bible weren't stupid. I mean they didn't know as much as we do now a days but they were after all the one's who wrote the gospels and started the church that we know and follow today. They were some of the strongest and smartest men that have ever lived. They went through so much and were still able to produce the texts that we use as a basis for the life of Jesus Christ.

Long after Homer wrote his masterpieces.
I see a lot of alien gibberish on this section.
Stop watching history channels "ancient aliens". Like everything else on that station, it's conspiracy theory garbage.
We are alone because the Holy Bible doesn't mention space invaders. The earth is unique

There's millions of planets with life on them. Were just too far away to find them. The men who wrote the bible didn't know this. They were stupid but they had an excuse. What's yours?
I agree with this and I like your stance on the topic. At the end of the day the guys who wrote the bible weren't stupid. I mean they didn't know as much as we do now a days but they were after all the one's who wrote the gospels and started the church that we know and follow today. They were some of the strongest and smartest men that have ever lived. They went through so much and were still able to produce the texts that we use as a basis for the life of Jesus Christ.

Long after Homer wrote his masterpieces.
I'm at outback. Do I really need to spell it out?

"Laugh and have merriment while you can Earthlings. Soon you will be assimilated into the collective and be assigned tasks. We've been funding your banks and can no longer afford to do so. Oh, and we've been probing Al Gore. Jesus, he really is a gas bag."
it is a big place

they are out there but unlikely we will ever know it

the blue dot is how far radio has traveled

about 200 light years across

I see a lot of alien gibberish on this section.
Stop watching history channels "ancient aliens". Like everything else on that station, it's conspiracy theory garbage.
We are alone because the Holy Bible doesn't mention space invaders. The earth is unique

There's millions of planets with life on them. Were just too far away to find them. The men who wrote the bible didn't know this. They were stupid but they had an excuse. What's yours?
I agree with this and I like your stance on the topic. At the end of the day the guys who wrote the bible weren't stupid. I mean they didn't know as much as we do now a days but they were after all the one's who wrote the gospels and started the church that we know and follow today. They were some of the strongest and smartest men that have ever lived. They went through so much and were still able to produce the texts that we use as a basis for the life of Jesus Christ.

Long after Homer wrote his masterpieces.
OK I'm back. Man was very inventive long before the moses story. But the jews lied and said he wrote it 3600 years ago. Now most scholars agree it was written 500 BC. After homer. Oh and bibles started popping up. What were they before religion? Just con men.
it is a big place

they are out there but unlikely we will ever know it

the blue dot is how far radio has traveled

about 200 light years across


Where we are relative to the galaxy is the 'goldlilocks' zone of spiral galaxies. Not so close to the center novas and other star-phenomenae make life difficult if not impossible, not so far too little material exists to form stars and planets. So chances are, where life occured in this galaxy is where lots of life occured. And will occur in similar galaxies.

What happened in this solar system giving rise to life was very improbable (interplanet collisions and debris going from one planet to another.) Yet life sprang up anyway. So where 'normal' formation of stars and planets occurs, life is actually more likely, not less likely.

And yes, the galaxy is a big place, and just 1 of a hundred-billion or so others. And yes, radio hasn't travelled very far. But travelling at light-speed wont be how spacefaring civilizations get around. Even with relativisitc time dilation you're not gonna get very far in any reasonable amount of time (plus if you hit something, which is likely, you're all done, the kinetic energy of a single carbon atom hitting your ship at c isn't gonna be pretty.) Warp travel and other possibilities is gonna be the only way to do it. If we don't wipe ourselves out, I'm sure we'll develop warp drive or some other FTL technology to get around. And when we can do that, we'll be able to do it with communications too (probably do the communications first being easier.)
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it is a big place

they are out there but unlikely we will ever know it

the blue dot is how far radio has traveled

about 200 light years across


Where we are relative to the galaxy is the 'goldlilocks' zone of spiral galaxies. Not so close to the center novas and other star-phenomenae make life difficult if not impossible, not so far too little material exists to form stars and planets. So chances are, where life occured in this galaxy is where lots of life occured. And will occur in similar galaxies.

What happened in this solar system giving rise to life was very improbable (interplanet collisions and debris going from one planet to another.) Yet life sprang up anyway. So where 'normal' formation of stars and planets occurs, life is actually more likely, not less likely.

And yes, the galaxy is a big place, and just 1 of a hundred-billion or so others. And yes, radio hasn't travelled very far. But travelling at light-speed wont be how spacefaring civilizations get around. Even with relativisitc time dilation you're not gonna get very far in any reasonable amount of time (plus if you hit something, which is likely, you're all done, the kinetic energy of a single carbon atom hitting your ship at c isn't gonna be pretty.) Warp travel and other possibilities is gonna be the only way to do it. If we don't wipe ourselves out, I'm sure we'll develop warp drive or some other FTL technology to get around. And when we can do that, we'll be able to do it with communications too (probably do the communications first being easier.)

if aliens are so advanced as to figure out how to travel those distances relatively quickly

we would be of little or no interest to them
On some distant planet people, if there are any, may just now be tuning into and enjoying old broadcasts of Amos 'n Andy.

For that reason we must seek them out and kill all those friggin RACISTS!

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