

Someone told me that according to Judaism, human beings are the only conscious beings in the universe. Is there any basis to this?

Certainly not! ...


Sources in Torah

The Lubavitcher Rebbe pointed out that there is support in Torah for the notion that life exists on other planets. Furthermore, we can know something about that life through deduction from what the Torah tells us. Here is his argument:

In the Book of Judges (5:23), Deborah the prophetess sings about the victory of Barak over Sisera. In her song, she says, “Cursed be Meroz! Cursed, cursed be its inhabitants, says the angel of G‑d!”

Where is Meroz, and who are its inhabitants? The Talmud gives two explanations, one of them being that Meroz is a star or planet. The heavenly bodies had also come to help the Israelites, as Deborah stated just one verse earlier, “From the heavens they fought, the stars from their orbits . . .” This star, however, which was the dominant star of Sisera, apparently did not come to their aid. And so, General Barak penalized Meroz—and its inhabitants."

Is There Life on Other Planets - The Jewish view on UFOs aliens and extraterrestrial intelligence - Questions Answers

I totally believe there just HAS to be life on some other planet somewhere in the universe.

Someone told me that according to Judaism, human beings are the only conscious beings in the universe. Is there any basis to this?

Certainly not! ...


Sources in Torah

The Lubavitcher Rebbe pointed out that there is support in Torah for the notion that life exists on other planets. Furthermore, we can know something about that life through deduction from what the Torah tells us. Here is his argument:

In the Book of Judges (5:23), Deborah the prophetess sings about the victory of Barak over Sisera. In her song, she says, “Cursed be Meroz! Cursed, cursed be its inhabitants, says the angel of G‑d!”

Where is Meroz, and who are its inhabitants? The Talmud gives two explanations, one of them being that Meroz is a star or planet. The heavenly bodies had also come to help the Israelites, as Deborah stated just one verse earlier, “From the heavens they fought, the stars from their orbits . . .” This star, however, which was the dominant star of Sisera, apparently did not come to their aid. And so, General Barak penalized Meroz—and its inhabitants."

Is There Life on Other Planets - The Jewish view on UFOs aliens and extraterrestrial intelligence - Questions Answers

I totally believe there just HAS to be life on some other planet somewhere in the universe.

Especially since we already know the universe gives rise to planets where life occurs. As it did here. Every star we examine, or very nearly, has planets around it. Planets in orbit around a star seems the rule, not the exception. And free-roaming planets not orbiting stars are thought to outnumber those around stars. With so many stars and so many planets, if life can develop on 1 planet around 1 star, why is it unreasonable to assume that life's occured more than only once? Nothing in the universe is unique, perhaps not even the universe itself. So why with such a big universe, with so much complexity and wonder would it give rise to life only once?

Someone told me that according to Judaism, human beings are the only conscious beings in the universe. Is there any basis to this?

Certainly not! ...


Sources in Torah

The Lubavitcher Rebbe pointed out that there is support in Torah for the notion that life exists on other planets. Furthermore, we can know something about that life through deduction from what the Torah tells us. Here is his argument:

In the Book of Judges (5:23), Deborah the prophetess sings about the victory of Barak over Sisera. In her song, she says, “Cursed be Meroz! Cursed, cursed be its inhabitants, says the angel of G‑d!”

Where is Meroz, and who are its inhabitants? The Talmud gives two explanations, one of them being that Meroz is a star or planet. The heavenly bodies had also come to help the Israelites, as Deborah stated just one verse earlier, “From the heavens they fought, the stars from their orbits . . .” This star, however, which was the dominant star of Sisera, apparently did not come to their aid. And so, General Barak penalized Meroz—and its inhabitants."

Is There Life on Other Planets - The Jewish view on UFOs aliens and extraterrestrial intelligence - Questions Answers

I totally believe there just HAS to be life on some other planet somewhere in the universe.

Especially since we already know the universe gives rise to planets where life occurs. As it did here. Every star we examine, or very nearly, has planets around it. Planets in orbit around a star seems the rule, not the exception. And free-roaming planets not orbiting stars are thought to outnumber those around stars. With so many stars and so many planets, if life can develop on 1 planet around 1 star, why is it unreasonable to assume that life's occured more than only once? Nothing in the universe is unique, perhaps not even the universe itself. So why with such a big universe, with so much complexity and wonder would it give rise to life only once?

And didn't they already discover life on Mars, a bacteria or something? Not intelligent life, but it counts as life. :)

Someone told me that according to Judaism, human beings are the only conscious beings in the universe. Is there any basis to this?

Certainly not! ...


Sources in Torah

The Lubavitcher Rebbe pointed out that there is support in Torah for the notion that life exists on other planets. Furthermore, we can know something about that life through deduction from what the Torah tells us. Here is his argument:

In the Book of Judges (5:23), Deborah the prophetess sings about the victory of Barak over Sisera. In her song, she says, “Cursed be Meroz! Cursed, cursed be its inhabitants, says the angel of G‑d!”

Where is Meroz, and who are its inhabitants? The Talmud gives two explanations, one of them being that Meroz is a star or planet. The heavenly bodies had also come to help the Israelites, as Deborah stated just one verse earlier, “From the heavens they fought, the stars from their orbits . . .” This star, however, which was the dominant star of Sisera, apparently did not come to their aid. And so, General Barak penalized Meroz—and its inhabitants."

Is There Life on Other Planets - The Jewish view on UFOs aliens and extraterrestrial intelligence - Questions Answers

I totally believe there just HAS to be life on some other planet somewhere in the universe.

Especially since we already know the universe gives rise to planets where life occurs. As it did here. Every star we examine, or very nearly, has planets around it. Planets in orbit around a star seems the rule, not the exception. And free-roaming planets not orbiting stars are thought to outnumber those around stars. With so many stars and so many planets, if life can develop on 1 planet around 1 star, why is it unreasonable to assume that life's occured more than only once? Nothing in the universe is unique, perhaps not even the universe itself. So why with such a big universe, with so much complexity and wonder would it give rise to life only once?

And didn't they already discover life on Mars, a bacteria or something? Not intelligent life, but it counts as life. :)

Jury's still out on that. :) Not well-versed in that incident beyond having seen a doc or two mentioning it and showing the images.

I'd actually bet there's simple life right here in this solar system. Mars, one or more moons of Jupiter, Venus possibly.

Someone told me that according to Judaism, human beings are the only conscious beings in the universe. Is there any basis to this?

Certainly not! ...


Sources in Torah

The Lubavitcher Rebbe pointed out that there is support in Torah for the notion that life exists on other planets. Furthermore, we can know something about that life through deduction from what the Torah tells us. Here is his argument:

In the Book of Judges (5:23), Deborah the prophetess sings about the victory of Barak over Sisera. In her song, she says, “Cursed be Meroz! Cursed, cursed be its inhabitants, says the angel of G‑d!”

Where is Meroz, and who are its inhabitants? The Talmud gives two explanations, one of them being that Meroz is a star or planet. The heavenly bodies had also come to help the Israelites, as Deborah stated just one verse earlier, “From the heavens they fought, the stars from their orbits . . .” This star, however, which was the dominant star of Sisera, apparently did not come to their aid. And so, General Barak penalized Meroz—and its inhabitants."

Is There Life on Other Planets - The Jewish view on UFOs aliens and extraterrestrial intelligence - Questions Answers

I totally believe there just HAS to be life on some other planet somewhere in the universe.

Especially since we already know the universe gives rise to planets where life occurs. As it did here. Every star we examine, or very nearly, has planets around it. Planets in orbit around a star seems the rule, not the exception. And free-roaming planets not orbiting stars are thought to outnumber those around stars. With so many stars and so many planets, if life can develop on 1 planet around 1 star, why is it unreasonable to assume that life's occured more than only once? Nothing in the universe is unique, perhaps not even the universe itself. So why with such a big universe, with so much complexity and wonder would it give rise to life only once?

And didn't they already discover life on Mars, a bacteria or something? Not intelligent life, but it counts as life. :)

Jury's still out on that. :) Not well-versed in that incident beyond having seen a doc or two mentioning it and showing the images.

I'd actually bet there's simple life right here in this solar system. Mars, one or more moons of Jupiter, Venus possibly.

This is what I was talking about.

UCSB Science Line sqtest

There is no evidence that there is currently life on Mars. Some scientists think that they have found evidence that there WAS life on Mars at some time in the past. The evidence that they found is fossilized bacteria (3.6 billion year old dead bacteria) on a meteor from Mars that struck Antarctica 13,000 years ago. We know the meteor is from Mars because it contains traces of the Martian atmosphere. The scientists found evidence of small round objects that look like bacteria on Earth, plus organic molecules and minerals that they think were made by the bacteria. There is also evidence that there may have been water on Mars a long time ago. Most scientists believe that water is necessary for life. The pictures of Mars relayed to Earth by the Mars Observer show signs of dried up lake beds, past floods and old river channels. Scientists do not know for sure, however, if there really was water on Mars in the past. There is no water on the surface of Mars right now.
Nope, just stating that creating life once 6000 years ago does not imply 12 eyed green men with tentacles from pluto
NO WHERE in the entire Bible does God say He created Earth 6000 years ago, stop telling this lie....

Sorta. Hebrew calendar has the year at 5775. But what we should ask is who was around at year 1 to start counting years? Adam and Eve? No mention they started the calendar. So if someone did later on, how did they figure out how much time had elapsed since the Garden?
Nope, just stating that creating life once 6000 years ago does not imply 12 eyed green men with tentacles from pluto
NO WHERE in the entire Bible does God say He created Earth 6000 years ago, stop telling this lie....

It is unbelievable to me that people could still possibly think that. Where do they live? Under a rock or something?
Nope, just stating that creating life once 6000 years ago does not imply 12 eyed green men with tentacles from pluto
NO WHERE in the entire Bible does God say He created Earth 6000 years ago, stop telling this lie....

Sorta. Hebrew calendar has the year at 5775. But what we should ask is who was around at year 1 to start counting years? Adam and Eve? No mention they started the calendar. So if someone did later on, how did they figure out how much time had elapsed since the Garden?

We have been stupefied, and lost the accounting of time.....and in our arrogance, have limited God in our own minds and put Him in a Box....imho....

and yes, I know none of it makes any logical sense.... But I still believe there is God, with my whole heart.... I just do.... it's unexplainable....and illogical to many on this board, including with me... but it just doesn't matter.... I believe in God.... and always will....
Nope, just stating that creating life once 6000 years ago does not imply 12 eyed green men with tentacles from pluto
NO WHERE in the entire Bible does God say He created Earth 6000 years ago, stop telling this lie....

It is unbelievable to me that people could still possibly think that. Where do they live? Under a rock or something?

I've always assumed people who cling to that figure do so because if they didn't, they'd have to acknowledge numerous religions predate their own.
Nope, just stating that creating life once 6000 years ago does not imply 12 eyed green men with tentacles from pluto
NO WHERE in the entire Bible does God say He created Earth 6000 years ago, stop telling this lie....

Sorta. Hebrew calendar has the year at 5775. But what we should ask is who was around at year 1 to start counting years? Adam and Eve? No mention they started the calendar. So if someone did later on, how did they figure out how much time had elapsed since the Garden?

We have been stupefied, and lost the accounting of time.....and in our arrogance, have limited God in our own minds and put Him in a Box....imho....

and yes, I know none of it makes any logical sense.... But I still believe there is God, with my whole heart.... I just do.... it's unexplainable....and illogical to many on this board, including with me... but it just doesn't matter.... I believe in God.... and always will....

I believe being(s) we'd call gods exist. I just don't believe they're as our earthly religions describe them ala all-powerful. Very powerful, but not all-powerful. Finite not eternal. Etc.
I see a lot of alien gibberish on this section.
Stop watching history channels "ancient aliens". Like everything else on that station, it's conspiracy theory garbage.
We are alone because the Holy Bible doesn't mention space invaders. The earth is unique
This is typical of the blind wandering aimlessly spreading the gospel of which there are so many that the truth can never come from a book. "Gibberish" you say? Create the universe in six days, or better yet grow a tomato in six days, walk on water, cure illness by looking at it, and come back to life after you are dead (but make sure no one sees you do that!) I want you to go in to a museum of natural science and give a sermon on God while you are standing under a prehistoric skeleton of a dinosaur.
I see a lot of alien gibberish on this section.
Stop watching history channels "ancient aliens". Like everything else on that station, it's conspiracy theory garbage.
We are alone because the Holy Bible doesn't mention space invaders. The earth is unique

There's millions of planets with life on them. Were just too far away to find them. The men who wrote the bible didn't know this. They were stupid but they had an excuse. What's yours?
I see a lot of alien gibberish on this section.
Stop watching history channels "ancient aliens". Like everything else on that station, it's conspiracy theory garbage.
We are alone because the Holy Bible doesn't mention space invaders. The earth is unique

I don't believe in most of the stuff we hear about extra terrestrial life but your "logic" is sadly lacking.

Your bible doesn't mention computers either but there you are - typing out silly nonsense on one.

And just because aliens never visited doesn't mean they don't exist. We've never visited them does that mean we don't exist?
I see a lot of alien gibberish on this section.
Stop watching history channels "ancient aliens". Like everything else on that station, it's conspiracy theory garbage.
We are alone because the Holy Bible doesn't mention space invaders. The earth is unique
Put down the bible and watch the cosmos series. We are not unique. Your bible is wrong.

Aliens on another planet don't think we exist because we've never visited them.
Simple deductive reasoning supports there being aliens. Where ever life can exist, as here on Earth, is does exist, and in such variety and often in such unlikely places, that because other planets have conditions similar to where we find 'extremophiles' here on Earth, that such life may exist there is likely.

We're beginning to find organisms which can even survive in space (albeit inside meteors and such.)

"Tardigrades can survive in extreme environments. For example, they can withstand temperatures from just above absolute zero to well above the boiling point of water (100°C), pressures about six times greater than those found in the deepest ocean trenches, ionizing radiation at doses hundreds of times higher than the lethal dose for a human, and the vacuum of outer space."
Tardigrade - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

There's even been discussion about extracting tardigrades' DNA for transplantation and genetic engineering in humans for a better spacefarer person.

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