Alan Turing's Manuscript on Foundations of Mathematics and Computer Science Sold for $1,025,000



It was among the papers left by Turing in his will to his close friend and fellow mathematician, Robin Gandy. Turing committed suicide in 1954 as a consequence of the hormone treatment to 'cure' his homosexuality which he was undergoing as an alternative to imprisonment.

Alan Turing (1912-1954) was a British mathematician and computer scientist widely considered to be the father of modern computing. During World War II, Turing did crucial work at Bletchley Park breaking the German Enigma Code.

Alan Turing s Manuscript on Foundations of Mathematics and Computer Science Sold for 1 025 000

The gay man who saved probably hundreds of thousands of lives during WWII and then was tortured and pushed to suicide by conservative policies of hate and violence. One of the most brilliant men ever. Destroyed by the most ignorant of policies. Unfortunately, conservatives of today haven't really changed much.

sad that rw'ers/repub-voting, drones have so much hate balled-up inside them :( CrusaderFrank
Alan Turing wasn't even American and yet he did more for this country than any Republican alive today. And if they could, they would push him to suicide all over again. Republicans have become such hateful and dirty people. And the whole hiding behind religious to spread hate is so nasty and disgusting. And when they say we aren't all like that, then why belong to a party where the majority is?

In fact, I went to a business lunch and there was this woman sitting there eating a shrimp salad and a pork chop for lunch. Wearing a silk/linen looking blouse and a dark wool looking skirt and nylon hose talking about how gays are against the Bible. I innocently ask her if she had a problem eating shrimp and pork. She said no of course not, why would she?

Leviticus 11:7-8
And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.

Isaiah 66:17
“Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating pig's flesh and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, declares the Lord.

Leviticus 19:19
You must keep my rules. Do not crossbreed your livestock, do not plant your field with two kinds of seed, and do not wear clothes made from two kinds of material.

Fucking right wingers know nothing about their own damn religion. Yet they use it as a club in a terrible attempt to hurt other people.
sad that rw'ers/repub-voting, drones have so much hate balled-up inside them :( CrusaderFrank
Alan Turing wasn't even American and yet he did more for this country than any Republican alive today. And if they could, they would push him to suicide all over again. Republicans have become such hateful and dirty people. And the whole hiding behind religious to spread hate is so nasty and disgusting. And when they say we aren't all like that, then why belong to a party where the majority is?

In fact, I went to a business lunch and there was this woman sitting there eating a shrimp salad and a pork chop for lunch. Wearing a silk/linen looking blouse and a dark wool looking skirt and nylon hose talking about how gays are against the Bible. I innocently ask her if she had a problem eating shrimp and pork. She said no of course not, why would she?

Leviticus 11:7-8
And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.

Isaiah 66:17
“Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating pig's flesh and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, declares the Lord.

Leviticus 19:19
You must keep my rules. Do not crossbreed your livestock, do not plant your field with two kinds of seed, and do not wear clothes made from two kinds of material.

Fucking right wingers know nothing about their own damn religion. Yet they use it as a club in a terrible attempt to hurt other people.
thats the truth
What a useless loss of a genius.
so many of the brilliant actually reach their peak late in life because the years of gathering knowledge are important. Every so often, brilliance just shows up. Alan Turing was one of those.
You can't find that kind of brilliance among conservative right wingers. Brilliance among their ilk is smothered early.
Medical officialdom, at the time Turing's death, genuinely believed that homosexuality was a "condition" (as opposed to a disease?) that could be treated and overcome with hormone injections.

They believed that as sincerely as many today believe the planet can be saved by starving it of carbon dioxide.

Well, almost as sincerely.......
It was among the papers left by Turing in his will to his close friend and fellow mathematician, Robin Gandy. Turing committed suicide in 1954 as a consequence of the hormone treatment to 'cure' his homosexuality which he was undergoing as an alternative to imprisonment.

Alan Turing (1912-1954) was a British mathematician and computer scientist widely considered to be the father of modern computing. During World War II, Turing did crucial work at Bletchley Park breaking the German Enigma Code.

Alan Turing s Manuscript on Foundations of Mathematics and Computer Science Sold for 1 025 000

The gay man who saved probably hundreds of thousands of lives during WWII and then was tortured and pushed to suicide by conservative policies of hate and violence. One of the most brilliant men ever. Destroyed by the most ignorant of policies. Unfortunately, conservatives of today haven't really changed much.


Were several notable figures in WWII without which they woulda lost the war modern conservatives say they rather be without. Be a very different world without the various "undesireables."
It was among the papers left by Turing in his will to his close friend and fellow mathematician, Robin Gandy. Turing committed suicide in 1954 as a consequence of the hormone treatment to 'cure' his homosexuality which he was undergoing as an alternative to imprisonment.

Alan Turing (1912-1954) was a British mathematician and computer scientist widely considered to be the father of modern computing. During World War II, Turing did crucial work at Bletchley Park breaking the German Enigma Code.

Alan Turing s Manuscript on Foundations of Mathematics and Computer Science Sold for 1 025 000

The gay man who saved probably hundreds of thousands of lives during WWII and then was tortured and pushed to suicide by conservative policies of hate and violence. One of the most brilliant men ever. Destroyed by the most ignorant of policies. Unfortunately, conservatives of today haven't really changed much.


Were several notable figures in WWII without which they woulda lost the war modern conservatives say they rather be without. Be a very different world without the various "undesireables."
Nazi's were the ultimate conservatives.
Considering that man's contribution to the war, probably saving Britain with his work, you'd think some dude would have had a quiet work in the right ear, and told the cops to drop the charges.
OK, his work was secret at that time, but a quiet "Drop it" would have saved the bloke a load of hassle.

Imagine if this great man had been arrested before the war. The world might very well have been singing Nazi songs for a very long time.
Considering that man's contribution to the war, probably saving Britain with his work, you'd think some dude would have had a quiet work in the right ear, and told the cops to drop the charges.
OK, his work was secret at that time, but a quiet "Drop it" would have saved the bloke a load of hassle.

Imagine if this great man had been arrested before the war. The world might very well have been singing Nazi songs for a very long time.
Look at right wingers in this country. They vote Republican and screwed over by their party's policies again and again. Imagine getting poor people who get sick and go bankrupt that's better than "socialistic health care". Imagine getting people to applaud their leadership who sent their children off to war for no good reason. The list is very long. And yet there they are. Calling others who point out the fact they are getting abused liars.
I never understand people who hang on the extremes of politics, never really understanding, and always excluding the good other opinions bring.
Yes, I hate US foreign policy, but I don't reject everything American because of it.
I reject socialism, seeing Proudhon as a dick of the worst sort, but a few of their ideas have merit.
I reject the teaching of the extreme right, but support firing squads for drug dealers.

All sides offer something, even when most of their ideas are total crap.

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