Alan Grayson on the Bush Tax Cuts


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Alan Grayson Bush Tax Cuts | Limbuagh Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity | Video | Mediaite

And now on to Newt Gingrich, the man who did such a great job of running America in the 1990’s, he wants a second chance in this decade. Newt if you do to us now what you did to us then, we’ll be in trouble. But Newt Gingrich makes $5 million a year from his punditry, he’ll get an extra quarter million dollars a year. An extra quarter million dollars a year from the Bush tax cuts being extended.

Now let’s go on to the big cheese. George W. Bush himself. The man who got us into two endless war. The man who brought us to the brink of national bankruptcy. The man who gave us $4 a gallon gasoline. George W. Bush makes a cull $4.2 million a year, according to Newsweek. That means that extending the bush tax cuts for George Bush means an extra $187,000 in his pockets every single year.

I have a better idea. Instead of placating these people and letting them spew out onto the airwaves their lies about the Bush tax cut ever revealing the fact that they stand to gain millions, millions of dollars each year from their selfish desire to take advantage of the rest of America, let’s do this. Let’s take that money and create jobs.

All that money that the Bush tax cuts are charging us that can create jobs for three million Americans a year. $30,000 job a fair wage for fair work, a dignified wage for dignified work and a way to — a dignified wage for dignified work and a way to help our economy, a better idea than putting money in the pocks of the rich. The problem is not that the poor have too much money, that’s not the problem at all, it’s that they need jobs. Thank you.

Criminy. Why do we tax them at all? They earned it, they should be able to keep it. That's the logic I'm hearing hereabouts, right? Nobody should be taxed, I'm assuming. Not just the rich. Nobody.

I want to know then - how are you going to run the country.
Alan who?
He's not Alan Enron.

"Enron (which has given $103,250 to Texans for Lawsuit Reform) is now suing its would-be corporate rescuer, Dynegy, even as it faces a slew of investor lawsuits.4

"In the Bush White House, Enron Chair Ken Lay reportedly is the only executive who got a private audience to discuss the administration�s energy policy with Vice President Dick Cheney.

"Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Chair Curt Hebert also resigned shortly after he said that Lay told him that he would lose Enron�s support in the White House if he kept opposing open access to privately owned power lines.

"Bush promptly replaced Hebert with Texas Public Utility Commis-sioner Pat Wood, who had Enron�s blessing.

"Governor Rick Perry, who received the next largest chunk of Enron money, appointed former Enron de Mexico President Mario Max Yzaguirre as Public Utility Commission chair in June 2001."


Planning to vote for Good Hair?
Alan Grayson Bush Tax Cuts | Limbuagh Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity | Video | Mediaite

And now on to Newt Gingrich, the man who did such a great job of running America in the 1990’s, he wants a second chance in this decade. Newt if you do to us now what you did to us then, we’ll be in trouble. But Newt Gingrich makes $5 million a year from his punditry, he’ll get an extra quarter million dollars a year. An extra quarter million dollars a year from the Bush tax cuts being extended.

Now let’s go on to the big cheese. George W. Bush himself. The man who got us into two endless war. The man who brought us to the brink of national bankruptcy. The man who gave us $4 a gallon gasoline. George W. Bush makes a cull $4.2 million a year, according to Newsweek. That means that extending the bush tax cuts for George Bush means an extra $187,000 in his pockets every single year.

I have a better idea. Instead of placating these people and letting them spew out onto the airwaves their lies about the Bush tax cut ever revealing the fact that they stand to gain millions, millions of dollars each year from their selfish desire to take advantage of the rest of America, let’s do this. Let’s take that money and create jobs.

All that money that the Bush tax cuts are charging us that can create jobs for three million Americans a year. $30,000 job a fair wage for fair work, a dignified wage for dignified work and a way to — a dignified wage for dignified work and a way to help our economy, a better idea than putting money in the pocks of the rich. The problem is not that the poor have too much money, that’s not the problem at all, it’s that they need jobs. Thank you.

Criminy. Why do we tax them at all? They earned it, they should be able to keep it. That's the logic I'm hearing hereabouts, right? Nobody should be taxed, I'm assuming. Not just the rich. Nobody.

I want to know then - how are you going to run the country.

Oh boo fucking hoo.... Nobody said that nobody should be taxed. Go drop a few Xanbars and calm the hell down.

Geeze Louise.
All quoting Alan Grayson does is prove beyond all doubt that you're a clueless moron.

Criminy. Why do we tax them at all? They earned it, they should be able to keep it. That's the logic I'm hearing hereabouts, right? Nobody should be taxed, I'm assuming. Not just the rich. Nobody.

I want to know then - how are you going to run the country.
All quoting Alan Grayson does is prove beyond all doubt that you're a clueless moron.

Criminy. Why do we tax them at all? They earned it, they should be able to keep it. That's the logic I'm hearing hereabouts, right? Nobody should be taxed, I'm assuming. Not just the rich. Nobody.

I want to know then - how are you going to run the country.

Indeed... might as well quote Elmer Fudd.
I didn't realize Grayson was still relevant. Isn't he the guy that lost his reelection bid in a landslide after just one embarrassing term?
He's also such an insufferable tool that his constituents threw his ass out of congress last time around.

That wasn't even a good try at deflection, numbnuts.
Just for you:

"Wow. Despite Alan Grayson losing his election last in November, he has not softened up, at all. Case in point, his tour de force on the House floor earlier today. The issue at hand? The Bush Tax Cuts, that Grayson alleges only benefits the wealthiest Americans. The targets? The conservatives talking heads that populate Fox News every evening, often championing the very Bush Tax cuts at hand.

"The strategy?

"Demonstrate just how much each pundit stands to make by the extending of the tax cuts. The result? Brilliant television that is certain to both get attention and rile Grayson’s adversaries. Just what he wants."

Are you riled, richbitch?

Alan Grayson Bush Tax Cuts | Limbuagh Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity | Video | Mediaite

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