Alan Dershowitz Reveals One Motion He Believes Trump’s Lawyers Must File ‘Immediately

Dershowitz has EXCELLENT credentials. Plus he is a Democrat.
He sure doesn't act like one.
I will put more credence in his opinion than I will in yours.
Here is another.
Dershowitz is as nutty as Trump is.

Literally the purpose of a gag order.

Obviously one object of the trail is to keep Trump from campaigning. The problem is Trump is still campaigning and doing well at it.

You're FOS.

Trump knew he was under investigation as far back as 2018, and has been ever since.
Trump is the one who decided to run for president.

Now he whines about it.
Nope, equal, equals equal, Biden can campaign all day everyday which means they are giving Biden an advantage which of course is the entire scheme
It was Trump himself, who gave himself a disadvantage.
If the retard didn't delay his trial, it would have been over by now.
Every case against Trump is being orchestrated by the Biden white house... that use to be highly illegal and a reason for immediate impeachment... but here we are debating defending the borders of other nations while ours is wide open....
The best way to fight this kind of corruption is to Vote For Trump... send DC a message by voting or whom they hate...
Every case against Trump is being orchestrated by the Biden white house... that use to be highly illegal and a reason for immediate impeachment... but here we are debating defending the borders of other nations while ours is wide open....
The best way to fight this kind of corruption is to Vote For Trump... send DC a message by voting or whom they hate...

The State charges are being handled by state officials, and the Federal one is being run by an independent counsel.

That's how our system is supposed to work, actually.
The State charges are being handled by state officials, and the Federal one is being run by an independent counsel.

That's how our system is supposed to work, actually.
We aren't stupid...

Yes, you are. You could have avoided all this drama NOT nominating Trump.
And your party should have gone with RFK Jr because I think he could have beat Trump in a two man race.... but we know Obama wants that 4th term to really bury America and cut us down to size...
And stupid is commenting on a post with links to view and not viewing them...
And your party should have gone with RFK Jr because I think he could have beat Trump in a two man race.... but we know Obama wants that 4th term to really bury America and cut us down to size...
And stupid is commenting on a post with links to view and not viewing them...
I never click on wingnut links.

Biden has done a fantastic job. 15 million new jobs, record GDP Growth, etc.
Yep, it is up to a defendant if he wants to be there daily.

Instead, we have the hack Bragg and the hack judge making a decision that is deliberate attempt to interfere.

PURE election interference. And isn't that the thing they are accusing Trump of having done with the NDA, election interference (Hell, he was the candidate!).


Noted attorney Alan Dershowitz said Monday that attorneys for former President Donald Trump should file a motion to allow Trump to periodically skip court dates during his Manhattan trial.
Judge Juan Merchan threatened Trump with arrest if he did not attend the trial regarding a $130,000 payout to porn star Stormy Daniels as part of a confidentiality agreement during Trump’s successful run for the White House after Trump asked to attend the Supreme Court’s oral arguments on presidential immunity set for April 25. Dershowitz suggested Trump’s attorneys act immediately to address Merchan’s threat, which he viewed as a form of “election interference.”
“I would hope Trump’s lawyers bring a mandamus right now, at the very least, let Trump out of the courtroom, let him campaign,” Dershowitz told Fox Business host Larry Kudlow. “If he makes a decision that he would like to waive the right to be there, there is nothing in the Constitution which gives the prosecution the right to keep him there. It is only a defendant’s right.”


The orange makeup cult leader campaigns by being in court.

He wants the convict vote.

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