Alan Dershowitz on Trump indictment: "First year law students could get this dismissed”

Think you can still get a taste of Trump's ass thru an orange jumpsuit, pal? But not to fret. If Trump gets house arrest the bracelet fastens to his ankle, not his ass. Relax.
How could anyone get close to his ass--you've lived in it for the past seven years. Got anything besides your normal third grade playground vocabulary? Adults are speaking here and, sorry, you clearly aren't one of them.
^ clap has a lot of disgusting experience with sucking assholes. His breath makes cockroaches puke.
Clap isn't even an American. He is just another commie canuck or Brit in the vein of Donald H or Tommy Tainant. They are anti American and in Claps case he is afraid to admit it. Typical grade schooler.

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