Alabama attorney general says women could be prosecuted over abortion pills


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
I believe this is a substantial step beyond where most abortion laws are now.
Alabama AG says taking antiabortion pills could result in criminal charges.
Alabama’s attorney general has said women who use pills to induce abortion could be prosecuted, citing a law first passed to protect children from meth lab fumes. His warning comes after the federal government’s recent move to ease access to medication abortion from retail pharmacies.

While Alabama has a near-total abortion ban that took effect after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June, that legislation targets abortion providers and exempts the people receiving abortions from liability. However, Attorney General Steve Marshall’s office said women could still face consequences under the state’s “chemical endangerment of a child” statute.

“The Human Life Protection Act targets abortion providers, exempting women ‘upon whom an abortion is performed or attempted to be performed’ from liability under the law,” Marshall said in an emailed statement Wednesday. “It does not provide an across-the-board exemption from all criminal laws, including the chemical-endangerment law — which the Alabama Supreme Court has affirmed and reaffirmed protects unborn children.”
I'm hoping every pregnant woman in Alabama is claiming her fetus on her tax returns. Pregnant woman can use the deductions.
I'm hoping every pregnant woman in Alabama is claiming her fetus on her tax returns. Pregnant woman can use the deductions.
I remember when you frequently and unironically claimed you weren’t pro-abort filth.

At least the mask is off now.
What do you do to support born children in need? Anything?
Oh, this old canard again.

It’s the internet, I could say anything. So the correct thing to say is to note that your question is useless and irrelevant and my donations of time / money are my business and none of yours, trash.

It is already very illegal to attack and kill born humans. Making it equally illegal to kill the rest of humanity does not engender some additional obligation. Charity is not obligatory, that’s why it is good. The suggestion to the contrary confirms that you and those like you are utterly brainless.
Oh, this old canard again.

It’s the internet, I could say anything. So the correct thing to say is to note that your question is irrelevant and my donations of time / money are my business and none of yours, trash.

It is already very illegal to attack and kill born humans. Making it equally illegal to kill the rest of humanity does not engender some additional obligation. The suggestion to the contrary confirms that you and those like you are utterly brainless.
So you think taking care of children AFTER they are born is an "old canard"? Very telling. You just want to con-trol women's bodies. VERY telling.
So you think taking care of children AFTER they are born is an "old canard"? Very telling. You just want to con-trol women's bodies. VERY telling.

And you want to Con-trol men's wallets, also very telling.
So you think taking care of children AFTER they are born is an "old canard"? Very telling. You just want to con-trol women's bodies. VERY telling.
Cease your inane retardation.

“Children after they are born” are already protected by laws against manslaughter, attempted murder, and every degree of murder, as well as assault, battery, neglect, abuse…. That is how they are “taken care of” by the government, by law. All humans should have this protection, the protection of personhood.

Your goalpost fallacy bullshit is pathetic, and you are not capable of having this discussion on even the most basic intellectual level. You are too inferior. You are a liar or a useless sap, a patsy parroting the propaganda of others… or both.
I remember when you frequently and unironically claimed you weren’t pro-abort filth.

At least the mask is off now.

I am pro life..100%. That's why I want to see pregnant women get the deductions.

Are you really unable to grasp this? Alabama is saying this is a child. I agree. Give women that are pregnant the deduction.
I am pro life..100%. That's why I want to see pregnant women get the deductions.

Okay, you’re going with saying you weren’t being sarcastic. I have seen such comments made sarcastically so very often that the possibility didn’t even parse. Sure, I’ll play along.

To be fair, taxes are stupidly complicated and too high, deductions are not the best way to handle that, but okay, sure. If we’re giving deductions for being a mom with a kid, pregnant women are mothers, they have a kid, in all senses such things should apply even if the more ideal fix would be to lower and simplify taxes and eliminate deductions.

Of course, with you downvoting putting killers and all accessories in prison for life for their murder of innocent human beings, your “100%” claim there is still unabashed bullshit.

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