Al Gore tries to out-crazy Greta Thunberg

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

Skip to 5:30 and watch Al Gore's epic rant. Can any of you explain any of the scientific evidence for his apocolyptic claims?

He's not even making predictions, anymore. All of his past predictions have turned out to be comically false. Now his strategy seems to be to gaslight us by telling us that the catastrope is happening right now (so don't believe our lying eyes).

"is now trapping as much extra heat as six hundred thousand Hiroshima class atomic bombs exploding every single day?" I'm pretty sure we'd all be dead the first day if that were true.

"boiling oceans"

"atmospheric rivers"

"rain bombs"

Again, he claims these things are happening right now. Is he right? If so, please post some pics of these rain bombs and boiling oceans and atmospheric rivers.

Earlier in the clip, he claims that renewable energy is the cheapest way to generate electricity. If that were true, then all the companies will be switching to renewable energy so why is he worrried?

Skip to 5:30 and watch Al Gore's epic rant. Can any of you explain any of the scientific evidence for his apocolyptic claims?

He's not even making predictions, anymore. All of his past predictions have turned out to be comically false. Now his strategy seems to be to gaslight us by telling us that the catastrope is happening right now (so don't believe our lying eyes).

"is now trapping as much extra heat as six hundred thousand Hiroshima class atomic bombs exploding every single day?" I'm pretty sure we'd all be dead the first day if that were true.

"boiling oceans"

"atmospheric rivers"

"rain bombs"

Again, he claims these things are happening right now. Is he right? If so, please post some pics of these rain bombs and boiling oceans and atmospheric rivers.

Earlier in the clip, he claims that renewable energy is the cheapest way to generate electricity. If that were true, then all the companies will be switching to renewable energy so why is he worrried?

Eh, $2 Million Bucks a month bank, to support the claims many not be scientific, but the math is pretty impressive.
I betcha Greta isn't banking $2 Mil/Month. So, Big Al Wins!

Skip to 5:30 and watch Al Gore's epic rant. Can any of you explain any of the scientific evidence for his apocolyptic claims?

He's not even making predictions, anymore. All of his past predictions have turned out to be comically false. Now his strategy seems to be to gaslight us by telling us that the catastrope is happening right now (so don't believe our lying eyes).

"is now trapping as much extra heat as six hundred thousand Hiroshima class atomic bombs exploding every single day?" I'm pretty sure we'd all be dead the first day if that were true.

"boiling oceans"

"atmospheric rivers"

"rain bombs"

Again, he claims these things are happening right now. Is he right? If so, please post some pics of these rain bombs and boiling oceans and atmospheric rivers.

Earlier in the clip, he claims that renewable energy is the cheapest way to generate electricity. If that were true, then all the companies will be switching to renewable energy so why is he worrried?

Ya can't blame him, he was the point man for global emissions and now has to take a back seat to someone who is clearly his intellectual superior...Greta

His temper and rants show he has been studying her and is now trying to imitate her style that has put all the climate scientists on notice...she is clearly the foremost leading intellectual authority on the subject and Al feels like he has once again been cheated by someone whom he feels he is better's his life story.
He's one of the funniest progponces out there.
His mockumentaries are comedy gold!


Skip to 5:30 and watch Al Gore's epic rant. Can any of you explain any of the scientific evidence for his apocolyptic claims?

He's not even making predictions, anymore. All of his past predictions have turned out to be comically false. Now his strategy seems to be to gaslight us by telling us that the catastrope is happening right now (so don't believe our lying eyes).

"is now trapping as much extra heat as six hundred thousand Hiroshima class atomic bombs exploding every single day?" I'm pretty sure we'd all be dead the first day if that were true.

"boiling oceans"

"atmospheric rivers"

"rain bombs"

Again, he claims these things are happening right now. Is he right? If so, please post some pics of these rain bombs and boiling oceans and atmospheric rivers.

Earlier in the clip, he claims that renewable energy is the cheapest way to generate electricity. If that were true, then all the companies will be switching to renewable energy so why is he worrried?

Oh, it's real. I've seen lots of documentaries & this is happening all the time

Here I am flying my plane through it as LA is leveled

This is me watching the San Andreas fault snap & slide in the ocean

This is me carrying my daughter to safety as the west coast is destroyed

This is when I realized we weren't going to make it

This is a pic I took of the cow fart twisters here in Oklahoma

Skip to 5:30 and watch Al Gore's epic rant. Can any of you explain any of the scientific evidence for his apocolyptic claims?

He's not even making predictions, anymore. All of his past predictions have turned out to be comically false. Now his strategy seems to be to gaslight us by telling us that the catastrope is happening right now (so don't believe our lying eyes).

"is now trapping as much extra heat as six hundred thousand Hiroshima class atomic bombs exploding every single day?" I'm pretty sure we'd all be dead the first day if that were true.

"boiling oceans"

"atmospheric rivers"

"rain bombs"

Again, he claims these things are happening right now. Is he right? If so, please post some pics of these rain bombs and boiling oceans and atmospheric rivers.

Earlier in the clip, he claims that renewable energy is the cheapest way to generate electricity. If that were true, then all the companies will be switching to renewable energy so why is he worrried?

Big Daddy Warmbucks
Skip to 5:30 and watch Al Gore's epic rant.
No thanks. I watched the whole thing. Didn't see a rant.
Can any of you explain any of the scientific evidence for his apocolyptic claims?
I think it requires pulling one's head out of one's ass.
He's not even making predictions, anymore. All of his past predictions have turned out to be comically false. Now his strategy seems to be to gaslight us by telling us that the catastrope is happening right now (so don't believe our lying eyes).
It is happening right now. That, I'm afraid, makes YOU the liar.
"is now trapping as much extra heat as six hundred thousand Hiroshima class atomic bombs exploding every single day?" I'm pretty sure we'd all be dead the first day if that were true.
Did it ever occur to you to look this up? Oceans absorbed heat equivalent to seven Hiroshima nuclear explosions every second, expert says
7 x 60 x 60 x 24 = 604,800 Hiroshima bombs every 24 hours
Now don't you feel stupid?
"boiling oceans"
"atmospheric rivers"
See California weather reports for last 3 weeks
"rain bombs"
Again, he claims these things are happening right now. Is he right? If so, please post some pics of these rain bombs and boiling oceans and atmospheric rivers.
See links
Earlier in the clip, he claims that renewable energy is the cheapest way to generate electricity. If that were true, then all the companies will be switching to renewable energy so why is he worrried?
Since 90% of all new electrical capacity started in the last year was renewable, they are switching.

Good post. A perfect Flop.

Skip to 5:30 and watch Al Gore's epic rant. Can any of you explain any of the scientific evidence for his apocolyptic claims?

He's not even making predictions, anymore. All of his past predictions have turned out to be comically false. Now his strategy seems to be to gaslight us by telling us that the catastrope is happening right now (so don't believe our lying eyes).

"is now trapping as much extra heat as six hundred thousand Hiroshima class atomic bombs exploding every single day?" I'm pretty sure we'd all be dead the first day if that were true.

"boiling oceans"

"atmospheric rivers"

"rain bombs"

Again, he claims these things are happening right now. Is he right? If so, please post some pics of these rain bombs and boiling oceans and atmospheric rivers.

Earlier in the clip, he claims that renewable energy is the cheapest way to generate electricity. If that were true, then all the companies will be switching to renewable energy so why is he worrried?

Wow, you weren't kidding. What a loon. What a lying POS.

Or we can just go back to a grade school science class, learn about the 2nd law of thermodynamics, and learn that there is no such thing as "trapping heat" because there is no such thing as a perfect insulator. There is always heat. Heat cannot be trapped.
Wow, you weren't kidding. What a loon. What a lying POS.

Or we can just go back to a grade school science class, learn about the 2nd law of thermodynamics, and learn that there is no such thing as "trapping heat" because there is no such thing as a perfect insulator. There is always heat. Heat cannot be trapped.

He didn't age well, physically or mentally.

Totally whack.

No thanks. I watched the whole thing. Didn't see a rant.
Should have stopped reading right there. If you watched the whole thing, you saw a rant.
I think it requires pulling one's head out of one's ass.

It is happening right now. That, I'm afraid, makes YOU the liar.

Did it ever occur to you to look this up? Oceans absorbed heat equivalent to seven Hiroshima nuclear explosions every second, expert says
7 x 60 x 60 x 24 = 604,800 Hiroshima bombs every 24 hours
Now don't you feel stupid?


See California weather reports for last 3 weeks

See links

Since 90% of all new electrical capacity started in the last year was renewable, they are switching.

Good post. A perfect Flop.
All you did was link me to where Gore gets his crazy fake information.
Regardless of whether he really believes what he's saying or not... The man is clearly desperate. 😆

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