Airspace over Lake Michigan Shut Down

You are having a good time because you are a Democrat, but you have to ignore all the bad about the Democrat's just to mentally have a good time. Trump set the tempo in America for the best recovery after previous administration's tried and failed for decades. The Biden and Chinese connection's need to be exposed, and a trial should take place putting Biden and his families activities on display, and in the most transparent way possible, otherwise if they were criminal activities that worked to undermine this COUNTRY, and had worked to weaken it in the eye's of our enemies here and abroad.
I'm no Democrat, having vote Republican as often as not, depending on the candidate, not the party. Trump just continued the momentum. Look at any economic graph you like. My last economic pain was during and immediately after the Bush crash of 2008/2009. I may have lost big, percentagewise, and jobwise as the corporation I worked for, shut down the branch I gave 23 years to, and thought I would pickup and move to the East Coast operations, leaving my daughter, grand kids, and a paid off home behind to take a new life in my 50s. I didn't have to. I did fine going back to work locally and the Obama years let me put my retirement back together. You may have suffered. I really didn't and don't plan to, no matter who is in office, or what party controls Congress. Politics is interesting and all, but not worth suffering for, if you depend on yourself.

I hear that so-and-so, or this party or that, has undermined the country since I was in the 5th or 6th grade. It's bullsht, and is every 4 years. I suspect it always has been. You need to get hold of yourself, take responsibility for taking care of yourself, your family and helping the community around you and take a more optimistic view point or get back on your meds.
I'm no Democrat, having vote Republican as often as not, depending on the candidate, not the party. Trump just continued the momentum. Look at any economic graph you like. My last economic pain was during and immediately after the Bush crash of 2008/2009. I may have lost big, percentagewise, and jobwise as the corporation I worked for, shut down the branch I gave 23 years to, and thought I would pickup and move to the East Coast operations, leaving my daughter, grand kids, and a paid off home behind to take a new life in my 50s. I didn't have to. I did fine going back to work locally and the Obama years let me put my retirement back together. You may have suffered. I really didn't and don't plan to, no matter who is in office, or what party controls Congress. Politics is interesting and all, but not worth suffering for, if you depend on yourself.

I hear that so-and-so, or this party or that, has undermined the country since I was in the 5th or 6th grade. It's bullsht, and is every 4 years. I suspect it always has been. You need to get hold of yourself, take responsibility for taking care of yourself, your family and helping the community around you and take a more optimistic view point or get back on your meds.
You and the golfing gator coming on here to fight against conservatism with every fiber of your beings, but yet you vote republican, and you aren't Democrat's ??? Yeah OK.... ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣
You and the golfing gator coming on here to fight against conservatism with every fiber of your beings, but yet you vote republican, and aren't Democrat's ??? Yeah OK.... ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣
I like conservative. I wish there were still some in the Republican Party. Nothing but culture warriors and "whatabout bastards" in that party now, if you listen to its leaders. I miss the conservatives. Best you can do is hunt for a centrist, these days that says he wants to govern and lead for all, whether true or not. Then depend on yourself. It worked for me. It turns out, all that stuff about self-reliance and work and personal effort, handling your responsibilities and treating others as you want to be treated, from my parents and grandparents was right. How bout that? Glad I listened.

Then again, you can follow the pizza parlor child trafficking, Jewish space lasers, all Dems are nazis, stories and whine about how bad you got it, while I keep having a good time and doing OK no matter which party is in power. It's up to you.
I like conservative. I wish there were still some in the Republican Party. Nothing but culture warriors and "whatabout bastards" in that party now, if you listen to its leaders. I miss the conservatives. Best you can do is hunt for a centrist, these days that says he wants to govern and lead for all, whether true or not. Then depend on yourself. It worked for me. It turns out, all that stuff about self-reliance and work and personal effort, handling your responsibilities and treating others as you want to be treated, from my parents and grandparents was right. How bout that? Glad I listened.

Then again, you can follow the pizza parlor child trafficking, Jewish space lasers, all Dems are nazis, stories and whine about how bad you got it, while I keep having a good time and doing OK no matter which party is in power. It's up to you.
Your first part was good, your second part destroyed your first part because you like projecting to much... Get a grip fella, and stop playing on both sides.
Your first part was good, your second part destroyed your first part because you like projecting to much... Get a grip fella, and stop playing on both sides.
Get a grip, fella. The importance of politics on the average citizen ain't all you crack it up to be. Lots of people knew and know. Somehow, you just missed it.
Listen, after the hell we've been through with the Biden's and China's COVID, you don't think that either of them deserve scrutiny at the highest levels ??? It's time for the ace kissing to stop, and it's time we got answer's, but in the meantime I'd be readying this NATION for war regardless of it ever happening or not.
America is always either in a war or readying for the next one.
I was at a store today, and I was looking at some fence panels, so when i looked at the label it said "made in China".

Made in America can't compete but Biden can't be told that by those who know the truth. You!
We have gone way over the line to becoming an independent nation that relies on other's that don't have our best interest at heart.
China is no more concerned with your country's interest than you with theirs.
American's that have done this to us for greed and for disgusting wealth and gains at the security of this nation need to be put on trial for treason.
I couldn't agree more! But we might disagree on who those people are?

Disgusting wealth if you mean it the way I see it, then what happened to you lately?
like conservative. I wish there were still some in the Republican Party. Nothing but culture warriors
The culture warriors are on the Democrat side. You don't want any opposition. That's all. Sorry but I will fight the sodomite/trans pervert culture and vote for anyone who reflects my views. That includes NO ONE on the Democult side
The culture warriors are on the Democrat side. You don't want any opposition. That's all. Sorry but I will fight the sodomite/trans pervert culture and vote for anyone who reflects my views. That includes NO ONE on the Democult side
Gee, they haven't shown up in my neighborhood, except for a guy two blocks over on a public list. Would you vote for Santos or Larry Craug the wide stance Idaho Senator guy who was pickin up dudes at the airport, or George Nade, Trumps campaign advisor convicted on pleading guilty to kiddie porn and sex trafficking, State Senator Ralph Shortey convicted of child sex trafficing, all of these being elected republicans.
Are you positive it is just democrats? You need to look at people, not party.
Gee, they haven't shown up in my neighborhood, except for a guy two blocks over on a public list. Would you vote for Santos or Larry Craug the wide stance Idaho Senator guy who was pickin up dudes at the airport, or George Nade, Trumps campaign advisor convicted on pleading guilty to kiddie porn and sex trafficking, State Senator Ralph Shortey convicted of child sex trafficing, all of these being elected republicans.
Are you positive it is just democrats? You need to look at people, not party.
I SAID there are none on the Democrat side I would vote for because they'll ALL support baby killing, homo marriage etc

The ONLY side opposing the slippery slope will be found on the NOT Democrat side.

It is the DEMOCRATS advocating the cultural revolution.

You bitch about us responding
I SAID there are none on the Democrat side I would vote for because they'll ALL support baby killing, homo marriage etc

The ONLY side opposing the slippery slope will be found on the NOT Democrat side.

It is the DEMOCRATS advocating the cultural revolution.

You bitch about us responding
I'm in a great position! I get to laugh like hell at the hard core partisans on both sides, as no party has a lock on my vote. You are limited to repubs or not voting.
I'm in a great position! I get to laugh like hell at the hard core partisans on both sides, as no party has a lock on my vote. You are limited to repubs or not voting.
You and Golfing Gator must love straddling that rail. Can't blame anything on you because you ride that rail. Of course you can't take credit for anything either.
I'm in a great position! I get to laugh like hell at the hard core partisans on both sides, as no party has a lock on my vote. You are limited to repubs or not voting.
Gotta look at it for the numbers... How many on one side or the other reflect your anti-whatever views on the issue's ? Yes their are bad people in both parties (Mitt Romney and etc for example), but do they run the party or influence the party in meaningful ways once exposed ? No they don't, so one can still go straight republican when vote or straight crat, but either way 9 times out of ten you will be represented fairly all depending on what your core beliefs are, and which party will represent those beliefs best.
You and Golfing Gator must love straddling that rail. Can't blame anything on you because you ride that rail. Of course you can't take credit for anything either.
Ah, the joys and tribulations of being independent. If it makes you feel any better, I do get crap from both sides at times.
It's cute that you actually believe that trump had/has ANY influence on China.
The situation with China is like steering a giant container vessel on the ocean. Nobody can just turn it around on a dime. But Trump's policies were beginning to yaw things a little. It would take years of steady enforcement to get there and the Dems and globalists were trying to sabotage everything Trump did, so....

What's cute is that anybody thinks that one president could do it. It would take several cooperative presidencies to undo what several cooperative presidencies have already done. It all started with Nixon opening the door to trade with China. Later we had the Bushs, Clinton and Obama working together to create the economic symbiosis we have with China today. We would need years of Trump-o-nomics spanning several presidencies to get us where we should really be with China.
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