Air force or Marines?

Tsk tsk ... probably shouldn't have gone to FMF Corpsman school. Don't know, but there IS a clue in the title.:lol:

Now this is no shit...

My whole lifetime the Marine Corps' slogan had been: " The Marine Corps is looking for some good men"

So there I am, a highly medically trained Navy HM3, a four-oh sailor with 2.5 years under my salty belt, one feeling slightly betrayed to have been assigned into this boy scout troop that as far as I could tell didn't really have any adult supervision.

So I'm standing in line in FMS in my recently issued Marine Greens, getting still another USMC approved hair cut, one designed to make me look even more like a freaking leatherhead instead of that beautiful sailor I really was, when they deliver our mail.

And I get this poster sent to me by my sister, see?

So I open it up and what is it? It's the new Marine Corps recruiting poster.

And what does the Corps' new recruiting poster now say?

"The Marine Corps is STILL looking for some good men"

Let's me tell you, lads, my feelings were more than just a little hurt. They had the best the NAV had to offer and still they're whining?​

But you know, eventually I grew to love those last 18 month of my tour of duty.​

Sure I was humping the hills of SoCA with a bunch of Leatherheads, the hours sucked, food sucked, we slept in the dirt and we seldom bathed. But I got a chance to do more medicine, more honest stand up independent duty field medicine than I'd ever have had the chance to do in the NAV.​

I wouldn't trade that experience or knowing those Marines for anything.​

The Marines were okay, folks.​

They're a strange lot, really. Given to high incidences of asthema, they were as puny and sickly a lot of GI issues as I'd ever seen. How most of them even got into the service to begin with, I surely do NOT know.​

I found that your average Gi-reen was an overcompensating nitwit. He who was determined to hump up those god damned Californian hills even if his asthematic lungs burst out of his scrawny chest, because his fellow marines were humping it, and he'd be damned if was going to let his comrades and his unit down.

The Corps had no shortage of good men, folks, I can tell you that.​

I don't think they had the best equipment. I doubt they had the best training. I'm damned sure they didn't have the best officer corps, either.​

But those grunts had heart, folks.​

Or in the venacular of that time, those leatherheads I served with had beaucoup espirit de corps.
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You made the right choice kid, just go enlisted and stay enlisted don't be an officer. Mr Bass is an AF officer and if he had to do it again he would have went in enlisted as opposed to dealing with all these snobbish, uppity officers who take credit when its the NCOs who actually run things. We'e supposed to sign paperwork and support the NCOs, not tell them how to do their job.

I also think i have made the right choice. Thanks for the support
That's ANY service's officers. It's devalued the enlisted rank structure.

Can't believe we agree on something, Charles.

However, if I had it to do again knowing what I know now, I think I'd go for one of the several opportunities I passed to become an officer since I spent most of my 20 carrying one around on my back. If I'm going to do his job, might as well get paid for it.

Oh, and did you miss the part where your boy's in the USMC DEP? :lol:

Yeah i'm not in the USMC DEP anymore. My recruiter got my letter of discharge yesterday.
The guys I thought had it made were the Warrent Officers.

Most of the ones I knew didn't do jack.

Basically, the pay and perks of an officer but didn't have to deal with the troops.
Warrant Officers are good at their jobs and thats what they are paid to do. Be field experts.
The guys I thought had it made were the Warrent Officers. It's Warrant Officer.

Most of the ones I knew didn't do jack. That is either because they had good enlisted folks, were on a CO's staff, or were not Marines and Army.

Basically, the pay and perks of an officer but didn't have to deal with the troops. Your ignorance is showing. Best to quit now before anyone notices.

Warrant Officers are good at their jobs and thats what they are paid to do. Be field experts. Yep.

Yeah no one cares about the army.

t_samford, are you always prone to making comments like that or was this just a random attack of stupid? For someone who made a commitment and then broke it in favor of another service you are talking like an old salt. Son you need to at least graduate recruit training and earn a uniform before you make that kind of comment. Interservice rivalry is alright amongst those who've been there and done that. You are still sitting on the outside looking in. I guess I am kind of glad that in the end you and Bass will be drinking buddies.

Look, I am glad you chose to enlist. That speaks volumes about your character. But, civilians don't have a monopoly on stupid. Fair warning, if you make those comments to someone in a club who may be prior service your mouth might be writing a check your ass cannot cash.

Good Luck, and in spite of the above, I wish you all the success you can reach out and grab hold of.
I found that your average Gi-reen was an overcompensating nitwit. He who was determined to hump up those god damned Californian hills even if his asthematic lungs burst out of his scrawny chest, because his fellow marines were humping it, and he'd be damned if was going to let his comrades and his unit down.

There's another way?:confused:
I am all for people being proud of their respective branches and such, as everything you have accomplished is worthwhile.

However there is a difference between pride and what I have read on this thread.

I am a 20 year old looking to join the military, trying to decide for myself, and seeing people who obviously see themselves as the best thing since sliced bread discourages me further from joining their branch of the military.

I do have to say that the best way to choose is comparing the positives of all, not the negative. Justifying the Marines over the AF because the AF are "Pussies" is not a constructive way to help someone choose where to go. Because if he/she follows that advice, he/she may join the Marines to keep from being a pussy, and if that is the case, he/she is not going to end up choosing based on they want. Which is going a huge mistake as there is a good chance they won't get what THEY want out of it.

Granted, in the end a few people being undesirable won't really affect where I go, I think it is pretty ridiculous. You all are serving the same country, so I don't see where the problem is.

First post.:)

And this is obviously a revival post, but I found it while doing research and felt compelled to post.
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It all depends on what you want out of your experience in the sevice. If you are merely looking for an education and some travel maybe the Air Force is for.

Both the USMC and the Air Force have thier own Jets and all that goes with flying.

The big difference is if you want a true military experience. If you like the idea of the military code of conduct, that you plan on doing your best to gain rank If your plan is to go on and get rank and have the respect of command you must be a United States Marine. The Air Force although the military is very loose compared to the Marine Corp. My brother was in the Air Force and as an E-6 he says if he gave an order and the person did not want to do it he just told my brother to screw off.

In the Marine Corp that will not happen, it can happen but in the corp under good commanders that will not happen and if it does you have the privilege to run the up on charges, office hours, the first step in kicking some shit bag out. Actually that is not the first step, at the platoon level I would order people to give me 20, "get down and give me 20", thats push-ups. One guy did not like it, got in my face, said I could not talk to him that way, I could not make him do push-ups, I reminded him that he was not in boot camp and that I could talk any damned well way I pleased to him. I ran him up on charges, the most clever one I pulled out of the book was, "provoking speeches and gestures".

So Air Force for fun and education.

The United States Marine Corp, for a rich history of tradition, customs, respect and a real military experience.

in the corp you get to jump out of helicopters, go on night swims in the pacific, shoot machine guns, hit bullseyes from 500 meters, polish your boots and say yes sir.
It all depends on what you want out of your experience in the sevice. If you are merely looking for an education and some travel maybe the Air Force is for.

Both the USMC and the Air Force have thier own Jets and all that goes with flying.

The big difference is if you want a true military experience. If you like the idea of the military code of conduct, that you plan on doing your best to gain rank If your plan is to go on and get rank and have the respect of command you must be a United States Marine. The Air Force although the military is very loose compared to the Marine Corp. My brother was in the Air Force and as an E-6 he says if he gave an order and the person did not want to do it he just told my brother to screw off.

In the Marine Corp that will not happen, it can happen but in the corp under good commanders that will not happen and if it does you have the privilege to run the up on charges, office hours, the first step in kicking some shit bag out. Actually that is not the first step, at the platoon level I would order people to give me 20, "get down and give me 20", thats push-ups. One guy did not like it, got in my face, said I could not talk to him that way, I could not make him do push-ups, I reminded him that he was not in boot camp and that I could talk any damned well way I pleased to him. I ran him up on charges, the most clever one I pulled out of the book was, "provoking speeches and gestures".

So Air Force for fun and education.

The United States Marine Corp, for a rich history of tradition, customs, respect and a real military experience.

in the corp you get to jump out of helicopters, go on night swims in the pacific, shoot machine guns, hit bullseyes from 500 meters, polish your boots and say yes sir.

I would submit that your brother was a weak NCO if he let an Airman or a Staff get away with that kind of insubordination.

An Air Force Officer and a Marine were in the bathroom at the urinal. The Marine finished first, washed his hands, and was drying them when the AF Officer finished, zipped up, and started to walk out of the bathroom.

The Marine said to the Airman, "You know, in the Marines they teach us to wash our hands after going to the bathroom."

The Airman smiled over his shoulder and replies, "You know, in the Air Force they teach us not to piss on our hands."

My little boy Johnny was on his way with his ma to see me, Johnny is big boy so he went into the bathroom by himself. An Air Force flyboy came in wearing his uniform which impressed my boy Johnny so Johnny asked the flyboy if he could wear his cover (hat). So the Airman gives his hat to Johnny, Johnny looks himself in the mirror, likes it than goes to the urinal to piss. In walks a Squid (navy scum), looks at Johnny and says, "hey, can I hold your dick?". Johnny says, "no, I am not really in the Air Force, I am just wearing this Flyboys cover".

Article 15, I would submit you were not thier so you do not know what the hell you are talking about. Each command is different and to make a presumptous statement is not a sign of intelligence.
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It depends almost entirely on what you are looking for. If you want to see combat jon the Marines. If you want to fly air planes you can join either one as the Marines have there own semi private airforce.

If you want to put in your twenty draw your retirement and get out with a whole skin join the airfoce. Note there are MOS' (Military occupational specialties) in every branch that will all but guarantee that you'll never be in position to get shot at but most all of them have a ceiling beyond which you won't ever get rank wise.
George Carlin on Dennis Miller's show summing this subject up in his own classic way, great clip.

I am all for people being proud of their respective branches and such, as everything you have accomplished is worthwhile.

However there is a difference between pride and what I have read on this thread.

I am a 20 year old looking to join the military, trying to decide for myself, and seeing people who obviously see themselves as the best thing since sliced bread discourages me further from joining their branch of the military.

I do have to say that the best way to choose is comparing the positives of all, not the negative. Justifying the Marines over the AF because the AF are "Pussies" is not a constructive way to help someone choose where to go. Because if he/she follows that advice, he/she may join the Marines to keep from being a pussy, and if that is the case, he/she is not going to end up choosing based on they want. Which is going a huge mistake as there is a good chance they won't get what THEY want out of it.

Granted, in the end a few people being undesirable won't really affect where I go, I think it is pretty ridiculous. You all are serving the same country, so I don't see where the problem is.

First post.:)

And this is obviously a revival post, but I found it while doing research and felt compelled to post.

You felt compelled to post your ignorance, huh? Let me add a little context for you: interservice rivalry amounts to little more than talking smack to each other. It's tongue-in-cheek. We have even been known to engage in fisticuffs over the matter and a couple of beers. True, there may be those extremists who actually believe the crap, but the only REAL attacks I ever see come from outside, not from within.

If your "research" took you to more than one thread, you'd find the quickest way to get us to close ranks is for some knucklehead to come along and bash the military. It's that "little brother" thing. We can fuck with each other. YOU don't rate to fuck with us.

You stuck your nose in a game you have no clue about.

Common sense and logic dictates that we each joined a branch of the service for a reason. Why would you expect that anyone would CHOOSE what they thought was not the best? That's nonsense.

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