Ah shucks maybe the vaccines don't work


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Or rather, sorta work. Go figure the old saying there's no cure for the "common cold" (Coronavirus). Yet in less than a year the world figured out they could with sweet magical vaccination. Or maybe not.

Just heard a report today for what its worth (which is probably nothing) that covid new infections are dropping fast in CA...the doctors believe we may be hitting herd immunity in the nation...
British strain, South African strain, California strain. What's the original strain then? Oh, the Wuhan virus.
Until and unless we discover a different origin than Wuhan, the virus should be appropriately named as Wuhan Virus as you've correctly used. There is nothing racist with identifying location of origin, yet there are those who cry foul upon hearing the name of the city in connection with SARS-CoV-2's origin lol

Following an investigation by WHO members, this statement was made "Some scientists have suggested that while the investigative team has the expertise to trace the natural origins, it may not have the expertise for an investigation into a possible laboratory origin." Well, that seems to be a crucial aspect that needs to be addressed if factual. It will be interesting to see if they drop the ball completely or if another team will follow-up on the lab theory as thoroughly as they should do.
Or rather, sorta work. Go figure the old saying there's no cure for the "common cold" (Coronavirus). Yet in less than a year the world figured out they could with sweet magical vaccination. Or maybe not.

The New Norm. Infinite “variations” of the WuFlu and no end to the lockdowns. These people want to destroy the middle class and nothing is going to stop them.
#5: the reverse is true. The sequence does not show evidence of deliberate manipulation against human ACE2. The virus evolved from the culinary promiscuity of a communist Chinese populatiopn.
Or rather, sorta work. Go figure the old saying there's no cure for the "common cold" (Coronavirus). Yet in less than a year the world figured out they could with sweet magical vaccination. Or maybe not.

Well....you need two shots....and they won't stop you from spreading the virus....and you'll still have to wear a mask.....but the virus won't make you as sick as it would have if you didn't get the shots. So wear 3 masks and lose your job working in the food industry.....and REMEMBER TO KEEP VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS....BECAUSE THEY ARE THE REASON ALL OF THIS SHIT HAPPENED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!
British strain, South African strain, California strain. What's the original strain then? Oh, the Wuhan virus.
Or rather, sorta work. Go figure the old saying there's no cure for the "common cold" (Coronavirus). Yet in less than a year the world figured out they could with sweet magical vaccination. Or maybe not.

The New Norm. Infinite “variations” of the WuFlu and no end to the lockdowns. These people want to destroy the middle class and nothing is going to stop them.

It's more than middle class I think......Resources controlled by a few. Prefer you stay home than go out. Prefer you play the victim card than work. Get high. If you go out be isolated. Safe spaces, cancel culture, 24/7 misinformation, puppet POTUS.

The elite who the Democrats & medias work for have up to this for a long while.
British strain, South African strain, California strain. What's the original strain then? Oh, the Wuhan virus.
Until and unless we discover a different origin than Wuhan, the virus should be appropriately named as Wuhan Virus as you've correctly used. There is nothing racist with identifying location of origin, yet there are those who cry foul upon hearing the name of the city in connection with SARS-CoV-2's origin lol

Following an investigation by WHO members, this statement was made "Some scientists have suggested that while the investigative team has the expertise to trace the natural origins, it may not have the expertise for an investigation into a possible laboratory origin." Well, that seems to be a crucial aspect that needs to be addressed if factual. It will be interesting to see if they drop the ball completely or if another team will follow-up on the lab theory as thoroughly as they should do.

The NY Times once called it the Wuhan virus.

Or rather, sorta work. Go figure the old saying there's no cure for the "common cold" (Coronavirus). Yet in less than a year the world figured out they could with sweet magical vaccination. Or maybe not.

Vaccines do work about 95-99% of the time.
British strain, South African strain, California strain. What's the original strain then? Oh, the Wuhan virus.
Or rather, sorta work. Go figure the old saying there's no cure for the "common cold" (Coronavirus). Yet in less than a year the world figured out they could with sweet magical vaccination. Or maybe not.

The New Norm. Infinite “variations” of the WuFlu and no end to the lockdowns. These people want to destroy the middle class and nothing is going to stop them.

It's more than middle class I think......Resources controlled by a few. Prefer you stay home than go out. Prefer you play the victim card than work. Get high. If you go out be isolated. Safe spaces, cancel culture, 24/7 misinformation, puppet POTUS.

The elite who the Democrats & medias work for have up to this for a long while.
This economic hole that the Democrats created in order to cause Trump to lose the election is going to be a hard one to come out of. We are in essence going to have to keep passing stimulus bill after stimulus bill because quite frankly the millions that have lost their jobs and are on unemployment no longer have jobs to go back to. This is how we slowly lose our country and a never ending cycle of govt. dependency and "universal income" based socialistic society. In essence, this is just the beginning of creating an entire class of tens of millions of people on never ending govt. funded "unemployment" that the Democrats will do their very best to increase.
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Or rather, sorta work. Go figure the old saying there's no cure for the "common cold" (Coronavirus). Yet in less than a year the world figured out they could with sweet magical vaccination. Or maybe not.

Vaccines do work about 95-99% of the time.
Yea, except when they kill you by tricking your body to attack itself by giving you ITP.
Or rather, sorta work. Go figure the old saying there's no cure for the "common cold" (Coronavirus). Yet in less than a year the world figured out they could with sweet magical vaccination. Or maybe not.

Vaccines do work about 95-99% of the time.
Yea, except when they kill you by tricking your body to attack itself by giving you ITP.

LOL... Vaccines do work about 95-99% of the time. The times they don't work, you get the disease that the vaccine was supposed to prevent. In a minuscule number of instances, there is a deadly reaction.
#16: your discourse on ITP is misleading the prisoners. You haven’t shown details of any examples to support your information-compromised claim.
#16: your discourse on ITP is misleading the prisoners. You haven’t shown details of any examples to support your information-compromised claim.
I personally know someone that developed ITP after getting the shot. Blood platelets dropped to near zero. He had to get a transfusion and a several other forms of treatment, he recovered and lived through it. But if he had waiting another day before getting checked out, he would be dead.

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