After Weeks of Silence, CNN finally covers Biden's sexual Assault Allegation

  1. Joe is forced to drop out under bad press and they bring Hillary back to be beaten worse by DJT?
  2. Joe succumbs to coronavirus and is forced to drop out so they can bring Hillary back so she can be schlomelled by DJT?
  3. Joe beats the rap, the accuser disappears or succumbs to a bad traffic accident and Joe runs to make a total ass of himself and lose to DJT?

4. Trump runs against Biden, loses by a landslide, Trump gets indicted on his way out by NY State.
  1. Joe is forced to drop out under bad press and they bring Hillary back to be beaten worse by DJT?
  2. Joe succumbs to coronavirus and is forced to drop out so they can bring Hillary back so she can be schlomelled by DJT?
  3. Joe beats the rap, the accuser disappears or succumbs to a bad traffic accident and Joe runs to make a total ass of himself and lose to DJT?

4. Trump runs against Biden, loses by a landslide, Trump gets indicted on his way out by NY State.
Trump wins, arrests you for treason, hangs you.
Biden, as a candidate for President, is difficult to defend (and that goes for Trump, as well). But this bovine fertilizer of dragging up unsubstantionable accusations from decades ago that are founded on latter day definitions of social norms has got to stop. Any male over 30 could be charged by these 'standards'.
What might happen to creepy Joe?

Here’s a theory...The elites in the D party including Ears, covertly use these rape charges to undermine Sniffy, forcing him to resign. Then, they pick the nominee.
bill clinton.gif
Biden, as a candidate for President, is difficult to defend (and that goes for Trump, as well). But this bovine fertilizer of dragging up unsubstantionable accusations from decades ago that are founded on latter day definitions of social norms has got to stop. Any male over 30 could be charged by these 'standards'.
IF Trump is difficult for you to defend, then dont, why bother?

But I totally agree that these Bovinekaka accusations from nowhere that slander a man on the basis of ones word against another is just 100% unjust.

But conservatives using the tactic legitimizes it for later use by Wokesters again down the road.
  1. Joe is forced to drop out under bad press and they bring Hillary back to be beaten worse by DJT?
  2. Joe succumbs to coronavirus and is forced to drop out so they can bring Hillary back so she can be schlomelled by DJT?
  3. Joe beats the rap, the accuser disappears or succumbs to a bad traffic accident and Joe runs to make a total ass of himself and lose to DJT?

4. Trump runs against Biden, loses by a landslide, Trump gets indicted on his way out by NY State.
Trump wins, arrests you for treason, hangs you.
Man, you tiny brained people really love some authoritarianism.
I really think it is unwise for trump supporters to try making this an issue.

I disagree, I think that Vice President Biden should be treated exactly like Justice Kavanaugh was, or the Duke Lacrosse boys. The libs made it an issue when others were accused of the same, they should INSIST on equal treatment for Sleepy Joe.

BTW, Biden isn't going to go to prison over this, so what's the big deal? He's obviously an incompetent , senile old man right now who has endured several brain surgeries. No one is going to put him in a chain gang.
Biden, as a candidate for President, is difficult to defend (and that goes for Trump, as well). But this bovine fertilizer of dragging up unsubstantionable accusations from decades ago that are founded on latter day definitions of social norms has got to stop. Any male over 30 could be charged by these 'standards'.

Yep. Pretty much.
4. Trump runs against Biden, loses by a landslide, Trump gets indicted on his way out by NY State.

I don't really think Trump has much to worry about with Biden being the dem nominee as it stands right now.

If Justin makes a third party run it might get interesting, though. He's tossing the idea around. He certainly won't win. But he'll definitely toss a monkey wrench into things. Especially if he manages to get on the debate stage.
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“This is an active, ongoing investigation, and there are no further details to provide at this time.”
-- Metropolitan Police Department spokesperson

"Biden’s camp denies this ever happened, however Joe Biden still has not released a comment on the matter.

A couple weeks ago, Tara Reade filed a formal criminal complaint against Joe Biden, however she has no plans to sue him.

The media has barely mentioned the sexual assault allegations against Biden; in contrast, there was 24/7 wall-to-wall coverage on the bogus allegations against Brett Kavanaugh."

Should EVERY woman be believed...or only ones who accuse Republicans / Conservatives?

'Equal Justice' / 'Equal Media Attention' Non-Existent

Media protects another criminal Democrat candidate heading into a Presidential Election


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