After Three Coronavirus Stimulus Packages, Congress Already Prepping No. 4

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
One question hanging over what is already being called “Phase Four” is whether that spirit of urgency and compromise can continue as the downturn advances.

Continued - After Three Coronavirus Stimulus Packages, Congress Already Prepping No. 4

What that means, made country simple, is that the question is really how long the governors can keep arbitrarily shutting down infrastructure and civil liberties and how long the mass media can run interference for them and getting away with it in order to justify keeping the Fed's printing press going. The federal government is basically encouraging them to do so by waving around these rewards.

This will no doubt have even more pork in it. And given the mass hysteria, the duopoly will surely try to ram it through again. The duopoly got away with not having a recorded vote with corona 3.0 via some underhanded shenanigans in order to thwart Rep. Thomas Massie, the lone dissenter, who demanded a roll call by rule. So ultimately their names weren't attached to what became a voice vote rather than a roll call on what was the largest spending bill in the history of man. Clearly this was done in order to protect themselves from any accountabiity.
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One question hanging over what is already being called “Phase Four” is whether that spirit of urgency and compromise can continue as the downturn advances.

Continued - After Three Coronavirus Stimulus Packages, Congress Already Prepping No. 4

What that means, made country simple, is that the question is really how long the governors can keep arbitrarily shutting down infrastructure and civil liberties and how long the mass media can run interference for them and getting away with it in order to justify keeping the Fed's printing press going. The federal government is basically encouraging them to do so by waving around these rewards.

This will no doubt have even more pork in it. And given the mass hysteria, the duopoly will surely try to ram it through again. The duopoly got away with not having a recorded vote with corona 3.0 via some underhanded shenanigans in order to thwart Rep. Thomas Massie, the lone dissenter, who demanded a roll call by rule. So ultimately their names weren't attached to what became a voice vote rather than a roll call on what was the largest spending bill in the history of man. Clearly this was done in order to protect themselves from any accountabiity.
Trump will put US back on the Gold Standard and pay off everyone's mortgages. The Fed will fall. Ha Ha!!
Pelosi aims to move fast on next rescue package

“As I said, all three of our bills have been bipartisan.''

“I do think that it is really important that as soon as we are here, we are ready to pass legislation,” Pelosi said.


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One question hanging over what is already being called “Phase Four” is whether that spirit of urgency and compromise can continue as the downturn advances.

Continued - After Three Coronavirus Stimulus Packages, Congress Already Prepping No. 4

What that means, made country simple, is that the question is really how long the governors can keep shutting things down and how long the mass media can keep people in perpetual fear and getting away with it in order to justify keeping the Fed's printing press going. The federal government is basically encouraging them to do so by waving around these rewards.
Trump today said stay home until April 30th. Maybe you ought to listen to The experts because you people are getting people killed. Trump screwed this all up. 170000 dead instead of 140000...

From which experts are you getting those numbers??????

Currently worldwide there aren't that many deaths, much less the US alone. Wanna explain how Trump is responsible for the GLOBAL number of deaths from this 'pandemic', that hasn't even happened yet???????
Welcome to the real world. Will be lucky to have that few....
Reviving the economy is going to be as important if not more. Most people do not want to die. But it is part of life. And frankly, Progs support it and use it for their power agendas.
Federal Reserve busy these days.............gonna get a blister on their finger from hitting the enter button.

Poor they gonna finish off the dollar quick.......and collapse the Reserve..........Cause a Depression .........WWII so we are too busy to kill the bankers.....who are taking everyone's real value.......not the monopoly money........and then go to ELECTRONIC CURRENCY.........only way to SAVE THE PLANET.....sniff sniff.

Are we there yet Op? I was kinda hoping that I'd be gone before that happened........LOL
After Three Coronavirus Stimulus Packages, Congress Already Prepping No. 4

I’m still waiting for the first one to arrive at my door?

This meeting just happened...

The room was full of oil executives taking turns groveling and giving bleeding heart stories.

From the sound of it, Trump was keen on an 'infrastrcture package'

It'll likely come packed inside corona 4.0.

So, next up on the bailout list are the oil companies, it looks like.

Top conservatives in the House are cautioning President Trump against rushing to support a fourth coronavirus relief package, expressing concern additional stimulus legislation could have a detrimental impact on the nation’s debt and deficit.

Now that the CARES Act has been signed into law, we urge you to stand against the additional requests that are already circulating for a rushed fourth and fifth phase of relief,” they wrote.

...the group argued the long-term consequences on the nation’s debt could prove to be a more difficult challenge to overcome down the road.

“...while our nation will win the war against the coronavirus, it may not win the war against our mounting debt. Even before the CARES Act was signed into law, the national debt stood at $23.6 trillion, which equates to nearly $73,000 for every citizen — man, woman, and child. Now we will add at least $2 trillion to this already unsustainable sum. Every dollar we add to the debt today makes it increasingly less likely that we will be able to provide even the basic services our citizens have come to expect in the decades to come.”
Could someone tell me why the banks couldn't suspend mortgage payments
for 5 months during the bailout like they are now
No one I know is taking advantage of this because the banks will charging interest on the principal amount.
How do I know this for a fact?
At least 10 people I know have called and said, "Screw that!".
Massie Hammers Congressional Leadership on Twitter...

Congress is the most dysfunctional enterprise I’ve ever seen.

There are genuinely qualified members from all walks of life, from both sides of aisle, who could help form rational policy.

But power has been consolidated at the top with the most incompetent and power hungry.

The fact that leadership won’t even allow remote voting is indicative of their desire to keep all power to themselves.

The fact that they can’t even hold hearings via teleconference demonstrates their incompetence.

I’m talking about both sides of the aisle.

So now they’ve defaulted to Congressional paralysis.

They will try to tell us to stay home for the next vote as well.

Like the governors who are wrecking our economy, the top folks in Congress need replaced when this is over.

Never again should they be called “leaders.”

Can we put the earmarks, the ass kissing, the cronyism, and the partisan crap aside until this is over?

If Congress won’t meet in person, let’s use a modicum of technology to get all of congress working on this problem.

The alternative is unconstitutional and dangerous.
I seriously doubt they'll stop at 4 and probably already drawing up #5 and maybe 6. Like all this spending is going to really help anything. Short term maybe, but not in the long term :banghead:
Yeah well all great and wonderful... but where is the first stimulus?
I operate a B2B, I know many, many small-med businesses... more than a few have applied for the grants including the payroll protection. I know of not a single one that has received a dime.
A lot of talk about all this money going out.... but... I don't know anyone who has received any.
I supported the initial offer Trump made that I believe was $350bn...that ballooned, ballooned again...ballooned again and now talk of more. I do not support the $1200/adult money. That is ludicrous. Bribery...nothing but hush money.
And the additional $600 on TOP of state unemployment...also ludicrous. Who would have thought that in just the first week - problems are already happening across the country as people making less than $23/hr realized they can get on the gravy train just by quitting their job. What a dumbass idea.
But the small business bailouts... I support it. Without it sooooo many will go under and that will create a looong term effect on th eeconomy.
The country has bee sold to the banks.

The WEAK Corona virus was incapable to kill millions and millions of people, but Congress was capable to kill the hope for the US government to finally be free of debt.

Banks used "conventional" wars to make the US fall in billions dollars more debt each time, and banks have found the "war against the Corona virus" as the faster way to make the US falling in trillions dollars greater debt. Lol.

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