After Comments- Obama's Approval Ratings Continue The Slide to 47%

Slide? :lol:

From what - 49% to 47%?

That's quite a slide.


At least it's going in the right direction.


Well, statistically it's going in no direction. But the fact that you would prefer to see the POTUS lose approval from the nation says more about you than anything else.

What do you think that says about him because I think you are taking that the entirely wrong way? I would be WORRIED if he thought any different. I want the same thing. I would be much more pleased if the ratings were in the single digits.

That is usually because you want YOUR opinions to be popular because that is how you effect change – through popular acceptance of your view and therefore gaining votes and representative that will effect that change.

If you believe that the president is not doing what is best for this nation then you are damn well going to want his APPROVAL ratings to be low. Realize this has nothing to do with failing or doing worse as a nation but simple popular support for your positions.

To the OP – popularity polls are rather meaningless atm as there is no election on the horizon. You did not that in the graph posted earlier in this thread there was a HUGE jump right around election time when disagreement actually mattered. It is easy to say I don’t like the president when you are not casting a vote because that statement is completely empty. When you have to DO something about it (aka vote) then people start actually thinking about the question and results change dramatically.
At least it's going in the right direction.


Well, statistically it's going in no direction. But the fact that you would prefer to see the POTUS lose approval from the nation says more about you than anything else.

What do you think that says about him because I think you are taking that the entirely wrong way? I would be WORRIED if he thought any different. I want the same thing. I would be much more pleased if the ratings were in the single digits.

That is usually because you want YOUR opinions to be popular because that is how you effect change – through popular acceptance of your view and therefore gaining votes and representative that will effect that change.

If you believe that the president is not doing what is best for this nation then you are damn well going to want his APPROVAL ratings to be low. Realize this has nothing to do with failing or doing worse as a nation but simple popular support for your positions.

To the OP – popularity polls are rather meaningless atm as there is no election on the horizon. You did not that in the graph posted earlier in this thread there was a HUGE jump right around election time when disagreement actually mattered. It is easy to say I don’t like the president when you are not casting a vote because that statement is completely empty. When you have to DO something about it (aka vote) then people start actually thinking about the question and results change dramatically.

And in this case, I feel the downward trend indicates negative consequences for those seeking election based on a platform entrenched in socialism

Well, statistically it's going in no direction. But the fact that you would prefer to see the POTUS lose approval from the nation says more about you than anything else.

What do you think that says about him because I think you are taking that the entirely wrong way? I would be WORRIED if he thought any different. I want the same thing. I would be much more pleased if the ratings were in the single digits.

That is usually because you want YOUR opinions to be popular because that is how you effect change – through popular acceptance of your view and therefore gaining votes and representative that will effect that change.

If you believe that the president is not doing what is best for this nation then you are damn well going to want his APPROVAL ratings to be low. Realize this has nothing to do with failing or doing worse as a nation but simple popular support for your positions.

To the OP – popularity polls are rather meaningless atm as there is no election on the horizon. You did not that in the graph posted earlier in this thread there was a HUGE jump right around election time when disagreement actually mattered. It is easy to say I don’t like the president when you are not casting a vote because that statement is completely empty. When you have to DO something about it (aka vote) then people start actually thinking about the question and results change dramatically.

And in this case, I feel the downward trend indicates negative consequences for those seeking election based on a platform entrenched in socialism


One can only hope but I am pessimistic in that regard. The 2012 election proved that as nonsense to me.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports?

I love it. Finally people are starting to wake up to this guy. He has done more damage to this great nation than possibly imagined.

Now down to 47%.

They must be counting all the dead folk in the grave yards because who could be that stupid to approve of a cancer?


41% approve 50% disapprove.
Gallup tracks daily the percentage of Americans who approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as president. Daily results are based on telephone interviews with approximately 1,500 national adults; Margin of error is ±3 percentage points.

Compared to when he started Jan 2009 - 66% approval 16% disapproval.
Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports?

I love it. Finally people are starting to wake up to this guy. He has done more damage to this great nation than possibly imagined.

Now down to 47%.

They must be counting all the dead folk in the grave yards because who could be that stupid to approve of a cancer?


What is the breakdown of people who disapprove of Obama because they don't like what he's doing, versus the breakdown of people who disapprove because he's not going farther in what he's doing?

That's the source of any disapproval I have:

  • stopping with ObamaCare instead of Single Payer
  • not prosecuting any Wall Streeters
  • compromising on ending the Bush Tax Cuts
  • not using his executive authority to close GTMO
  • in fact, not using his executive authority for a whole host of issues

So polls like this are always uninformative.

But thanks for being a partisan hack! :lol:
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports?

I love it. Finally people are starting to wake up to this guy. He has done more damage to this great nation than possibly imagined.

Now down to 47%.

They must be counting all the dead folk in the grave yards because who could be that stupid to approve of a cancer?


What is the breakdown of people who disapprove of Obama because they don't like what he's doing, versus the breakdown of people who disapprove because he's not going farther in what he's doing?

That's the source of any disapproval I have:

  • stopping with ObamaCare instead of Single Payer
  • not prosecuting any Wall Streeters
  • compromising on ending the Bush Tax Cuts
  • not using his executive authority to close GTMO
  • in fact, not using his executive authority for a whole host of issues

So polls like this are always uninformative.

But thanks for being a partisan hack! :lol:

Actually, your methodology is that of a hack

We all know what the MAJORITY of those polled responded to, and that is, OVERALL, do you approve or disapprove of the job Obama is doing. And of those answers, all aspects of his job are taken into consideration. Including those such as yourself who feel he is not LEFT enough

There are polls that address specifically your concerns, however, this is not one of them.


BTW- Thanks for the negative pub. Now go play with your crayons.
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Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports?

I love it. Finally people are starting to wake up to this guy. He has done more damage to this great nation than possibly imagined.

Now down to 47%.

They must be counting all the dead folk in the grave yards because who could be that stupid to approve of a cancer?


What is the breakdown of people who disapprove of Obama because they don't like what he's doing, versus the breakdown of people who disapprove because he's not going farther in what he's doing?

That's the source of any disapproval I have:

  • stopping with ObamaCare instead of Single Payer
  • not prosecuting any Wall Streeters
  • compromising on ending the Bush Tax Cuts
  • not using his executive authority to close GTMO
  • in fact, not using his executive authority for a whole host of issues

So polls like this are always uninformative.

But thanks for being a partisan hack! :lol:

Actually, your methodology is that of a hack

We all know what the MAJORITY of those polled responded to, and that is, OVERALL, do you approve or disapprove of the job Obama is doing. And of those answers, all aspects of his job are taken into consideration. Including those such as yourself who feel he is not LEFT enough

There are polls that address specifically your concerns, however, this is not one of them.


BTW- Thanks for the negative pub. Now go play with your crayons.
No, this is a bullshit poll that wants people to think that 47% of the people are against Obama's policies.

That is patently false.

And you can try to excuse your sigline as honoring a distant relative, but we all know you are only interested in promoting your racism.
Do you honestly believe that an approval poll is an accurate assessment of how good or bad a job the President is doing?

Actually no, I rate him ~38%


And who appointed you spokesperson for the American people?
No one! He's just expressing his opinion.

My personal rating of Obama and Company is ZERO! he is a total fucking loser!

Slide? Its been about 47% for awhile now...more lying from the op.

The GOPers around here flock to lies like maggots to dog shit.
A brilliant retort! Simply brilliant!

BTW, it's flies, not maggots that flock to dog shit.
What is the breakdown of people who disapprove of Obama because they don't like what he's doing, versus the breakdown of people who disapprove because he's not going farther in what he's doing?

That's the source of any disapproval I have:

  • stopping with ObamaCare instead of Single Payer
  • not prosecuting any Wall Streeters
  • compromising on ending the Bush Tax Cuts
  • not using his executive authority to close GTMO
  • in fact, not using his executive authority for a whole host of issues

So polls like this are always uninformative.

But thanks for being a partisan hack! :lol:

Actually, your methodology is that of a hack

We all know what the MAJORITY of those polled responded to, and that is, OVERALL, do you approve or disapprove of the job Obama is doing. And of those answers, all aspects of his job are taken into consideration. Including those such as yourself who feel he is not LEFT enough

There are polls that address specifically your concerns, however, this is not one of them.


BTW- Thanks for the negative pub. Now go play with your crayons.
No, this is a bullshit poll that wants people to think that 47% of the people are against Obama's policies.

That is patently false.

And you can try to excuse your sigline as honoring a distant relative, but we all know you are only interested in promoting your racism.

Your right, it gets better. 41% of the people approve of Obama's policies.
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Actually, your methodology is that of a hack

We all know what the MAJORITY of those polled responded to, and that is, OVERALL, do you approve or disapprove of the job Obama is doing. And of those answers, all aspects of his job are taken into consideration. Including those such as yourself who feel he is not LEFT enough

There are polls that address specifically your concerns, however, this is not one of them.


BTW- Thanks for the negative pub. Now go play with your crayons.
No, this is a bullshit poll that wants people to think that 47% of the people are against Obama's policies.

That is patently false.

And you can try to excuse your sigline as honoring a distant relative, but we all know you are only interested in promoting your racism.

Your right, it gets better. 41% of the people approve of Obama's policies.
Because they think his policies are too Liberal or not Liberal enough?
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports?

I love it. Finally people are starting to wake up to this guy. He has done more damage to this great nation than possibly imagined.

Now down to 47%.

They must be counting all the dead folk in the grave yards because who could be that stupid to approve of a cancer?


That's a slide? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Next thread on this topic: "Obama's polls slide to 49%"

For once I agree with you..I thought everyone despised him consistently..
How quickly wingnuts forget how their reliance on the Rasmussen polling kind of screwed them during the last presidential election.

Nate Silver and his polsters had it completely right. Rasmussen was far down on the list when it comes to accuracy.

The 28 polling organizations by the accuracy of their final, national pre-election estimates, via the Fordham University Department of Political Science (updated):

The most accurate polls of 2012 -

1. Ipsos/Reuters
2. YouGov
3. PPP (D)
3. Daily Kos/SEIU/PPP
4. Angus-Reid*
5. ABC/WP*
6. Pew Research*
6. Hartford Courant/UConn*
7. Purple Strategies
8. YouGov/Economist
11. Democracy Corps (D)*
12. Monmouth/SurveyUSA
12. Politico/GWU/Battleground
12. FOX News
12. Washington Times/JZ Analytics
12. Newsmax/JZ Analytics
12. American Research Group
12. Gravis Marketing
13. National Journal*
14. Rasmussen
14. Gallup
15. NPR
16. AP/GfK

Notice Republican favs near the bottom of the heap... So keep on going with Rasmussen, you'll get it wrong all over again.

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