After all the black babies getting killed democrats still refuse to Acknowledge issues destroying black community


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2019
The black fatherless rate is destroying the black community.

The racist form welfare system created by LBJ and other Democrats has destroyed the black family

The education system run by Democrats have destroyed the black community.

they deserve every minute of it because they vote for it and actions have consequences..but democrats enough is enough! Give them a chance your years and years of destruction of these people please give them a chance leave the small one year old black babies alone.. At least them back to Africa if you hate them so much
They are animals...we cannot expect them to uphold any kind of standard. We should be promoting and encouraging the subsidization of sterilization in the black community.
18 black KIDS murdered in 4 months !! and no protests--nothing
..good thing they take down statues and arrests cops
..they care about the CRIMINALS--not the kids = they are idiots
Democrats have been ignoring Black on Black murder for 50 years, why would they change now? They get 90% of the Black vote so until Black people change their vote, nothing will change for them.
Where are black babies being killed??? And there are no black fathers? Don't worry about someone of another race. worry about yourself. Why is this about race? If you have ever hit the mother of your children or abandoned your children, be sorry about it. Apologize. Make things right. Remember that we've got a guy in the White House who bragged that he never took care of his own tiny children. He was too proud to change a diaper. He has children, but he never took care of them.

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