African-Americans Haven't Progressed Due to Culture, Not Racism & Slavery

I do think that it is the so called Ghetto culture that is hurting not just the Black Community but all communities in general, i used to go to school in a Black college town the college itself was fine for the most part but further out from the College you went the worse things got, the people out the outskirts of the College seem to stick their noses up at the people at the College, it was like their were two Communities rather than just one an Inner Community and a Outer Community. But i can also understand not wanting to give your Culture up.

So you think black ghetto culture is worth saving?

From a Sociological standpoint i don't think it is but thats not really up to me, im just saying i can understand wanting to keep your Culture because whether good or bad its part of who you are.

Ghetto culture was induced by democrats in the early's hardly cemented into black culture.
I do think that it is the so called Ghetto culture that is hurting not just the Black Community but all communities in general, i used to go to school in a Black college town the college itself was fine for the most part but further out from the College you went the worse things got, the people out the outskirts of the College seem to stick their noses up at the people at the College, it was like their were two Communities rather than just one an Inner Community and a Outer Community. But i can also understand not wanting to give your Culture up.

So you think black ghetto culture is worth saving?

From a Sociological standpoint i don't think it is but thats not really up to me, im just saying i can understand wanting to keep your Culture because whether good or bad its part of who you are.

Ghetto culture was induced by democrats in the early's hardly cemented into black culture.

At the heart its not really about Black Culture or White Culture or whatever race you happen to be but more about the Culture you grow up with and whether or not your willing to accept new things, so called Ghetto culture is often stagnant because for the most part its not willing to accept anything new.
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I recently read the book Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell which emphasized that african americans in the US have been unable to achieve similar success relative to other race not because of slavery or racism, but due to the culture they picked up from the southern plantation owners which has now morphed into ghetto culture. I was wondering if anyone else had an input on this subject or agreed with his thesis?

I put my review of the book up as well in case anyone is interested in watching it.

That might be true, but Blacks have never thrived anywhere. Africa has always been the basket-case of the world, where genocide, famine and one brutal corrupt government after another are the norm. South Africa is it's shining example, yet they were provided a 1st world industrialize country by the Boers and they squandered it. They slipped back to a 3rd world shit hole, that is the rape, BABY rape, AIDS, murder and car-jacking capital of the world. As some Latin American countries start to take some nice strides, African countries remain at the bottom with very little progress. This is despite the fact that Africa is RICH in natural resources.

Then you take countries in the West that are run by African descendants and you have more of the same. Haiti and Jamaica are FAR behind every other Latin America country, despite the fact that Haiti was the second country in the Western hemisphere to receive it's independence.

What are the answer? As I am already considered a racist here, I will just say it, while we are all human beings, the races have different characteristics. Some help and some hurt the specific race.
I do think that it is the so called Ghetto culture that is hurting not just the Black Community but all communities in general, i used to go to school in a Black college town the college itself was fine for the most part but further out from the College you went the worse things got, the people out the outskirts of the College seem to stick their noses up at the people at the College, it was like their were two Communities rather than just one an Inner Community and a Outer Community. But i can also understand not wanting to give your Culture up.

So you think black ghetto culture is worth saving?

From a Sociological standpoint i don't think it is but thats not really up to me, im just saying i can understand wanting to keep your Culture because whether good or bad its part of who you are.

Ghetto culture was induced by democrats in the early's hardly cemented into black culture.

At the heart its not really about Black Culture or White Culture or whatever race you happen to be but more about the Culture you grow up with and whether or not your willing to accept new things, so called Ghetto culture is often stagnant because for the most part its not willing to accept anything new.

So you want to call personal responsibility new?
White America has been living by that rule for for hundreds of years.
Black culture lived by it before democrats convinced them they could live off of white guilt.
I recently read the book Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell which emphasized that african americans in the US have been unable to achieve similar success relative to other race not because of slavery or racism, but due to the culture they picked up from the southern plantation owners which has now morphed into ghetto culture. I was wondering if anyone else had an input on this subject or agreed with his thesis?

I put my review of the book up as well in case anyone is interested in watching it.

That might be true, but Blacks have never thrived anywhere. Africa has always been the basket-case of the world, where genocide, famine and one brutal corrupt government after another are the norm. South Africa is it's shining example, yet they were provided a 1st world industrialize country by the Boers and they squandered it. They slipped back to a 3rd world shit hole, that is the rape, BABY rape, AIDS, murder and car-jacking capital of the world. As some Latin American countries start to take some nice strides, African countries remain at the bottom with very little progress. This is despite the fact that Africa is RICH in natural resources.

Then you take countries in the West that are run by African descendants and you have more of the same. Haiti and Jamaica are FAR behind every other Latin America country, despite the fact that Haiti was the second country in the Western hemisphere to receive it's independence.

What are the answer? As I am already considered a racist here, I will just say it, while we are all human beings, the races have different characteristics. Some help and some hurt the specific race.

During World War I, Black Northern Soldiers tested with a much higher IQ then white southern soldiers. Also as someone who has worked in Africa I disagree. Africa simply pursued a tribal way of life similar to the native americans. Due to imperialism and now globalization we are asking africans to develop to our level in the span of a couple hundred years when it took thousands of years for europeans to get to this level of success in cultured civilization. If Africans came to Britain in the 1800's and said you will live our lifestyle, we would've been fucked. It's simply a matter of perspective in terms of time frames. A lot of the africans I worked with were simply brilliant, corruption is just absolutely horrific over there.
I do think that it is the so called Ghetto culture that is hurting not just the Black Community but all communities in general, i used to go to school in a Black college town the college itself was fine for the most part but further out from the College you went the worse things got, the people out the outskirts of the College seem to stick their noses up at the people at the College, it was like their were two Communities rather than just one an Inner Community and a Outer Community. But i can also understand not wanting to give your Culture up.

So you think black ghetto culture is worth saving?

From a Sociological standpoint i don't think it is but thats not really up to me, im just saying i can understand wanting to keep your Culture because whether good or bad its part of who you are.

Ghetto culture was induced by democrats in the early's hardly cemented into black culture.

At the heart its not really about Black Culture or White Culture or whatever race you happen to be but more about the Culture you grow up with and whether or not your willing to accept new things, so called Ghetto culture is often stagnant because for the most part its not willing to accept anything new.

So you want to call personal responsibility new?
White America has been living by that rule for for hundreds of years.
Black culture lived by it before democrats convinced them they could live off of white guilt.

I think your missing the perspective of the other side its not just about taking personal responsibility its also about feeling like your giving up your identity.
lol, I was going to warn you to put on your flame suit.

You can't discuss black people on this board without the leftist snobs going ape shit

but they'll post a nice little picture of a toothless redneck no problems. talk about crackers all you want. black people and homosexuals are OFF LIMITS. they'll want you hung from the highest tree

Did you notice before Stephanies cryfest here that no one did anything like what she is describing? She did her passive aggressive PC act of crying for help before an injury
It's fun to blame immeasurable things like "culture". See, if Sowell used real metrics he would see that Jim Crow had a definite mesuarable effect on someone's lives, that the lack of a GI bill ONLY FOR BLACKS was a definite measurable thing that effected blacks ability to own property.

That owning property us a definite measurable way to build wealth. That wealth is a definite measurable things that doesn't guarantee success but that does ASSIST in it.

But Sowell likes to ignore the measurable and instead blame an invisible thing like culture.

So your criticism to Sowell's assessment is he can't back it up using "real metrics"? Wow that's pretty feeble.

Not metrics...I clearly said measurable things that has like, yanno numbers and shit like that. Instead its easy to blame invisible feelings like "culture" or "low amounts of give a dam" and other silly stuff.

Now I'll end my last statement with WOW because you seem to believe that WOW means something. WOW!
I actually lean left... I do hate how a lot of extreme liberals just like to sniff the own smell of their flatulence sometimes and just call racism when discussing cultural groups in this country, it's in my mind what's exacerbating the problem. They use no facts whatsoever, just a bunch of nice sounding rhetoric that carries no substance. I actually want to see all ethnicities prosper as much as possible, some of my old students were great kids. It's clear that the system in place just isn;t working, and hasn't been working for fifty years.
Wow, nice to know I'm not alone. When an individual -- skin color irrelevant -- is conditioned from the day they're born to believe that they are a victim, that people are out to get them, that they need the government to improve their lives, that others are going to ignore their bad behaviors, that others are going to lower standards and expectations for them, that others will not expect them to look in the mirror, it's predictable that they are largely, ultimately going to under-perform.

Perpetrate that conditioning over generations and you have successfully retarded the natural growth of a large group of people simply because of the color of their skin.

That might be true, but Blacks have never thrived anywhere. Africa has always been the basket-case of the world, where genocide, famine and one brutal corrupt government after another are the norm. South Africa is it's shining example, yet they were provided a 1st world industrialize country by the Boers and they squandered it.

This is simply a lie and pretends that blacks who have a rich fucking history that isnt taught in schools didnt exist

The reason why Africa is a shit hole is because of Europeans rushing to tear it to pieces. Now I get to post this video AGAIN

That might be true, but Blacks have never thrived anywhere. Africa has always been the basket-case of the world, where genocide, famine and one brutal corrupt government after another are the norm. South Africa is it's shining example, yet they were provided a 1st world industrialize country by the Boers and they squandered it.

This is simply a lie and pretends that blacks who have a rich fucking history that isnt taught in schools didnt exist

The reason why Africa is a shit hole is because of Europeans rushing to tear it to pieces. Now I get to post this video AGAIN

Bullshit! Africa was a violent uncivilized shit hole prior to colonization.
That might be true, but Blacks have never thrived anywhere. Africa has always been the basket-case of the world, where genocide, famine and one brutal corrupt government after another are the norm. South Africa is it's shining example, yet they were provided a 1st world industrialize country by the Boers and they squandered it.

This is simply a lie and pretends that blacks who have a rich fucking history that isnt taught in schools didnt exist

The reason why Africa is a shit hole is because of Europeans rushing to tear it to pieces. Now I get to post this video AGAIN

Bullshit! Africa was a violent uncivilized shit hole prior to colonization.

Although your use of profanity and 1 sentence reply is convincing. I'm going to have to go with facts instead.
That might be true, but Blacks have never thrived anywhere. Africa has always been the basket-case of the world, where genocide, famine and one brutal corrupt government after another are the norm. South Africa is it's shining example, yet they were provided a 1st world industrialize country by the Boers and they squandered it.

This is simply a lie and pretends that blacks who have a rich fucking history that isnt taught in schools didnt exist

The reason why Africa is a shit hole is because of Europeans rushing to tear it to pieces. Now I get to post this video AGAIN

Bullshit! Africa was a violent uncivilized shit hole prior to colonization.

Although your use of profanity and 1 sentence reply is convincing. I'm going to have to go with facts instead.

As long as that fact youre going with is "Africa was a violent uncivilized shit hole prior to colonization", because to say otherwise would be an absurd lie.
That might be true, but Blacks have never thrived anywhere. Africa has always been the basket-case of the world, where genocide, famine and one brutal corrupt government after another are the norm. South Africa is it's shining example, yet they were provided a 1st world industrialize country by the Boers and they squandered it.

This is simply a lie and pretends that blacks who have a rich fucking history that isnt taught in schools didnt exist

The reason why Africa is a shit hole is because of Europeans rushing to tear it to pieces. Now I get to post this video AGAIN

Europeans colonized Africa with aims of permanence. Do you honestly think they would rush to tear their own civilizations to pieces?
That might be true, but Blacks have never thrived anywhere. Africa has always been the basket-case of the world, where genocide, famine and one brutal corrupt government after another are the norm. South Africa is it's shining example, yet they were provided a 1st world industrialize country by the Boers and they squandered it.

This is simply a lie and pretends that blacks who have a rich fucking history that isnt taught in schools didnt exist

The reason why Africa is a shit hole is because of Europeans rushing to tear it to pieces. Now I get to post this video AGAIN

Bullshit! Africa was a violent uncivilized shit hole prior to colonization.

Although your use of profanity and 1 sentence reply is convincing. I'm going to have to go with facts instead.

As long as that fact youre going with is "Africa was a violent uncivilized shit hole prior to colonization", because to say otherwise would be an absurd lie.

What you consider uncivilized doesn't matter. Africa's history is well documented by its civilization. You should look it up.

Now if violence is the only standard of what is civilized and uncivilized then that would mean that America is worse than all of them. But you don't mean that tho. Do you?
That might be true, but Blacks have never thrived anywhere. Africa has always been the basket-case of the world, where genocide, famine and one brutal corrupt government after another are the norm. South Africa is it's shining example, yet they were provided a 1st world industrialize country by the Boers and they squandered it.

This is simply a lie and pretends that blacks who have a rich fucking history that isnt taught in schools didnt exist

The reason why Africa is a shit hole is because of Europeans rushing to tear it to pieces. Now I get to post this video AGAIN

Europeans colonized Africa with aims of permanence. Do you honestly think they would rush to tear their own civilizations to pieces?

Whatever their aims were doesn't matter. The results are they tore it to shreds.
That might be true, but Blacks have never thrived anywhere. Africa has always been the basket-case of the world, where genocide, famine and one brutal corrupt government after another are the norm. South Africa is it's shining example, yet they were provided a 1st world industrialize country by the Boers and they squandered it.

This is simply a lie and pretends that blacks who have a rich fucking history that isnt taught in schools didnt exist

The reason why Africa is a shit hole is because of Europeans rushing to tear it to pieces. Now I get to post this video AGAIN

Europeans colonized Africa with aims of permanence. Do you honestly think they would rush to tear their own civilizations to pieces?

Whatever their aims were doesn't matter. The results are they tore it to shreds.

Tell us, please, why the Europeans would rush to tear their colonies to pieces while they were packing up to leave them.

How did they benefit from that?
That might be true, but Blacks have never thrived anywhere. Africa has always been the basket-case of the world, where genocide, famine and one brutal corrupt government after another are the norm. South Africa is it's shining example, yet they were provided a 1st world industrialize country by the Boers and they squandered it.

This is simply a lie and pretends that blacks who have a rich fucking history that isnt taught in schools didnt exist

The reason why Africa is a shit hole is because of Europeans rushing to tear it to pieces. Now I get to post this video AGAIN

Bullshit! Africa was a violent uncivilized shit hole prior to colonization.

Although your use of profanity and 1 sentence reply is convincing. I'm going to have to go with facts instead.

As long as that fact youre going with is "Africa was a violent uncivilized shit hole prior to colonization", because to say otherwise would be an absurd lie.

What you consider uncivilized doesn't matter. Africa's history is well documented by its civilization. You should look it up.

Now if violence is the only standard of what is civilized and uncivilized then that would mean that America is worse than all of them. But you don't mean that tho. Do you?

Genocide has been happening since humans we're first born on this planet, but Africa is the only place where it still continues in 2015. Africa is the most awful and violent place on earth, and it has always been that way. Sure Hitler killed a lot of people, but it was done with a few select Nazis. The German people were unaware and wouldn't stand for it if they knew about it. In Africa it's much different. In Africa you find thousands upon thousands of people hacking each other apart with machetes. In Africa the general public is bad; not just the leaders. BIG difference.
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That might be true, but Blacks have never thrived anywhere. Africa has always been the basket-case of the world, where genocide, famine and one brutal corrupt government after another are the norm. South Africa is it's shining example, yet they were provided a 1st world industrialize country by the Boers and they squandered it.

This is simply a lie and pretends that blacks who have a rich fucking history that isnt taught in schools didnt exist

The reason why Africa is a shit hole is because of Europeans rushing to tear it to pieces. Now I get to post this video AGAIN

Bullshit! Africa was a violent uncivilized shit hole prior to colonization.

Although your use of profanity and 1 sentence reply is convincing. I'm going to have to go with facts instead.

America started out as colony of taxing crown. They rebel and it tore the country apart. Not much later they had to fight their second war of independence again British Empire. Less than a half century the country was torn apart by the civil war. Yet with all these challenges America still ascended to the richest country in the world.

All of Europe was engulfed in the two most devastating wars in world history. 60 million people died. Cities were turned to rumble. Yet Europe bounced back from near devastation.

Israel was reborn against genocidal Arab army. They have been under constant attack since. Yet they went from near nothing to a 1st world industrialized country on par with Western Europe!

Eastern European countries colonized and controlled by the USSR. They were devastated like a subjected people. They were provided their independence well after the African countries received theirs. None of these countries are prefect and some are still basket-cases, but all of them have surpassed Africa's best!

Bottom-line: All countries have been hit been hit with huge obstacles, yet many have still moved forward.

Now no African country needs to rise to the level of America or Europe, but maybe half way to even Greece's level for one of them? Yet none have achieved much.

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