African American Voting Patterns


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
To anyone with even a modicum of intelligence, the uniformity of Black support for Democrat politicians is perverse beyond belief, and calls for an explanation beyond policy and personal preferences.

Certainly, it is common among self-identified racial and ethnic groups to have a general tendency in one political direction or another, but 90+%??? Election after election?? Ridiculous. Some polls give Trump 1% support at present! Whose announced policies will promote better life results for the majority of American Blacks? There is really no question about it.

There is something going on there that is not explainable by policy positions or personalities.

Consider: A large portion of the Black community is anti-abortion, considering it a serious moral evil. A large proportion of the Black community is DIRECTLY harmed by the limitless, irrational immigration policies that Democrats openly profess. The inner-cities where most Black people live are characterized by (A) generations of single-party-Democrat rule, and (B) horrific crime rates, (C) terrible schools, (D) crumbling infrastructure, (E) badly deteriorating neighborhoods, and so on.

How can any group of people who have been so manifestly abused, neglected, and wronged for such a long time, not even CONSIDER trying another course (voting Republican)?

And although I don't want this to turn into a Trump thread, would somebody please point out a single example where Donald J. Trump has either done anything or said anything that was anti-Black? As a businessman, he has been responsible for the hiring of thousands of Blacks AT ALL LEVELS in his developments, companies. casinos, and so on.

What has Hillary Rodham Clinton ever done - really - for any Black person? Facilitated an abortion? Seriously.

Blacks appear to be relying on the talking heads in the Democrat Party and in the mainstream media who TELL THEM that Trump is a racist, without a shred of evidence to back it up!

Is there any rational explanation for Blacks' near unanimous support for Democrat politicians?
To anyone with even a modicum of intelligence, the uniformity of Black support for Democrat politicians is perverse beyond belief, and calls for an explanation beyond policy and personal preferences.

Certainly, it is common among self-identified racial and ethnic groups to have a general tendency in one political direction or another, but 90+%??? Election after election?? Ridiculous. Some polls give Trump 1% support at present! Whose announced policies will promote better life results for the majority of American Blacks? There is really no question about it.

There is something going on there that is not explainable by policy positions or personalities.

Consider: A large portion of the Black community is anti-abortion, considering it a serious moral evil. A large proportion of the Black community is DIRECTLY harmed by the limitless, irrational immigration policies that Democrats openly profess. The inner-cities where most Black people live are characterized by (A) generations of single-party-Democrat rule, and (B) horrific crime rates, (C) terrible schools, (D) crumbling infrastructure, (E) badly deteriorating neighborhoods, and so on.

How can any group of people who have been so manifestly abused, neglected, and wronged for such a long time, not even CONSIDER trying another course (voting Republican)?

And although I don't want this to turn into a Trump thread, would somebody please point out a single example where Donald J. Trump has either done anything or said anything that was anti-Black? As a businessman, he has been responsible for the hiring of thousands of Blacks AT ALL LEVELS in his developments, companies. casinos, and so on.

What has Hillary Rodham Clinton ever done - really - for any Black person? Facilitated an abortion? Seriously.

Blacks appear to be relying on the talking heads in the Democrat Party and in the mainstream media who TELL THEM that Trump is a racist, without a shred of evidence to back it up!

Is there any rational explanation for Blacks' near unanimous support for Democrat politicians?
Not to mention blacks hate gays almost as much as Muslims do.
To anyone with even a modicum of intelligence, the uniformity of Black support for Democrat politicians is perverse beyond belief, and calls for an explanation beyond policy and personal preferences.

Certainly, it is common among self-identified racial and ethnic groups to have a general tendency in one political direction or another, but 90+%??? Election after election?? Ridiculous. Some polls give Trump 1% support at present! Whose announced policies will promote better life results for the majority of American Blacks? There is really no question about it.

There is something going on there that is not explainable by policy positions or personalities.

Consider: A large portion of the Black community is anti-abortion, considering it a serious moral evil. A large proportion of the Black community is DIRECTLY harmed by the limitless, irrational immigration policies that Democrats openly profess. The inner-cities where most Black people live are characterized by (A) generations of single-party-Democrat rule, and (B) horrific crime rates, (C) terrible schools, (D) crumbling infrastructure, (E) badly deteriorating neighborhoods, and so on.

How can any group of people who have been so manifestly abused, neglected, and wronged for such a long time, not even CONSIDER trying another course (voting Republican)?

And although I don't want this to turn into a Trump thread, would somebody please point out a single example where Donald J. Trump has either done anything or said anything that was anti-Black? As a businessman, he has been responsible for the hiring of thousands of Blacks AT ALL LEVELS in his developments, companies. casinos, and so on.

What has Hillary Rodham Clinton ever done - really - for any Black person? Facilitated an abortion? Seriously.

Blacks appear to be relying on the talking heads in the Democrat Party and in the mainstream media who TELL THEM that Trump is a racist, without a shred of evidence to back it up!

Is there any rational explanation for Blacks' near unanimous support for Democrat politicians?
The GOP pretty openly mocks and demonizes black people, and nobody in the party tries to correct them. This isn't much of a mystery.

If a few republicans start standing up for black people there will be a flood of them turning republican. Not over night, but quicker than you'd think.

Unfortunately there are literally zero republicans making themselves heard who will speak up or fight for black people.
Even more interesting questions: why do Republicans still keep trying to win them over. Why does even one white person vote Democrat.

But yes, I would say blacks vote Democrat out of pure tribalism now. In the old days, it was because Democrats were the party of civil rights. But now, it's just a reflex for these black people.
The Republican Party has NO FORMAL POLICY that would confer any benefit on any "Black" person because of his (her) race.

Indeed, Republicans recoil at "identity politics" which confers benefits on any group because of its gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and so on.

So is it merely, "If you provide no goodies for Black People - as such - then you get zero Black votes"?

Gimme, gimme, gimme.

And yet, Republicans espouse policies that are at least intended to create a more fertile job market (e.g., by removing 20 million or so illegals from it) that would help to elevate the status of millions of Blacks.

Again, this argument may not be compelling to a MAJORITY of Blacks, but it should make sense to SOME Blacks. And yet it never does. Black Republicans are way out on the margins of Black voters.

I hate to go there, but when you combine a tendency toward tribalism with an average IQ of 85...the voting pattern is not so inexplicable, is it?
It's just not very smart for 90+% of blacks to vote dimocratic. By doing so they have zero leverage as the party takes their ballot box support completely for granted.

The smart thing to do would be to organize and challenge both parties to compete for their support. Either a large bloc should sit it out one election or vote Republican instead and let them know their support or lack of it next go-round will be determined by what each party does for them in the next four years. Forcing a party to earn their future votes can only work in their interests. But not doing anything simply guarantees the status quo from the dims and negates the power they could be wielding for their own benefit.

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