African American Naming Protocols


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Whilst reading the newspaper this morning, I happened upon a sad tale of credit card fraud, the details of which are not relevant to my posting.

The co-criminals were named, "U-Majesty Williams," and "Quinyahta Rochelle." It will surprise no reader out there that the two ladies were African American.

What. The. Fuck?

If there is an African American out there who can 'splain to me why so many African American women choose to name their children with these hideous excuses for names, I will appreciate the information or insight.

As an Old White Man, I must acknowledge that first names for people in my circle are trending to the "unusual," and have been for many years. Often, the name is just a word that seems to give the parents a warm, fuzzy feeling: Autumn, London, Flower. Sometimes, it is a surname that dates back somewhere in the blood line: Winston, Baker.

But at least these are NAMES, and not made-up words. They are spell-able, pronounceable, real names, if unusual.

I pity the poor Kindergarten teachers who have to restrain themselves from laughing, then try to remember these monstrosities of names without mangling the pronunciation and giving offense.

What is the thinking behind these bizarre, made-up names?
i don't know , my REAL full name is Historic and Western and i'm glad that it is . Same for my boy / man kid . Quite often people comment that they very rarely hear my name anymore and that their Dad or Uncle was named the same first name . Course i like my REAL name but i believe that it is dying out and will only be used by the Distinguished in the future . ------------------ sorry , might be off topic comment .
Whilst reading the newspaper this morning, I happened upon a sad tale of credit card fraud, the details of which are not relevant to my posting.

The co-criminals were named, "U-Majesty Williams," and "Quinyahta Rochelle." It will surprise no reader out there that the two ladies were African American.

What. The. Fuck?

If there is an African American out there who can 'splain to me why so many African American women choose to name their children with these hideous excuses for names, I will appreciate the information or insight.

As an Old White Man, I must acknowledge that first names for people in my circle are trending to the "unusual," and have been for many years. Often, the name is just a word that seems to give the parents a warm, fuzzy feeling: Autumn, London, Flower. Sometimes, it is a surname that dates back somewhere in the blood line: Winston, Baker.

But at least these are NAMES, and not made-up words. They are spell-able, pronounceable, real names, if unusual.

I pity the poor Kindergarten teachers who have to restrain themselves from laughing, then try to remember these monstrosities of names without mangling the pronunciation and giving offense.

What is the thinking behind these bizarre, made-up names?


You want them to have Bible names so you can figure it out....

Zhou, a Chinese surname probably gives more problems, or even Juan or something from Spanish.

Zhou is said like Joe more or less. Juan often gets changed to "one" in English which is ridiculous.
another thing i like about my Real names is that they can be traced back for a thousand or more years and both first and last names are Famous and Historic Western names that have meaning .
Whilst reading the newspaper this morning, I happened upon a sad tale of credit card fraud, the details of which are not relevant to my posting.

The co-criminals were named, "U-Majesty Williams," and "Quinyahta Rochelle." It will surprise no reader out there that the two ladies were African American.

What. The. Fuck?

If there is an African American out there who can 'splain to me why so many African American women choose to name their children with these hideous excuses for names, I will appreciate the information or insight.

As an Old White Man, I must acknowledge that first names for people in my circle are trending to the "unusual," and have been for many years. Often, the name is just a word that seems to give the parents a warm, fuzzy feeling: Autumn, London, Flower. Sometimes, it is a surname that dates back somewhere in the blood line: Winston, Baker.

But at least these are NAMES, and not made-up words. They are spell-able, pronounceable, real names, if unusual.

I pity the poor Kindergarten teachers who have to restrain themselves from laughing, then try to remember these monstrosities of names without mangling the pronunciation and giving offense.

What is the thinking behind these bizarre, made-up names?
Whenever I hear this NFL player’s name on the tube I wonder how many times in life he’s had to spell out or correct the pronunciation of the idiocy his momma hung on him?...Ndamukong Suh
Normal names like mine, Fumihiro Uziah Huffnagle, better lend themselves to sensible nicknames.

For example, people just call me F U for short, I've noticed.
I'm not talking about FOREIGN names...Chinese, Arabic, or whatever. I'm talking about AMERICANS naming their kids with ridiculous, made-up names.

As for FOREIGNERS, I used to work for a Korean company, and the Koreans who came over here to work were encouraged to adopt American nicknames (Wookhak became Harry, Wang became Wayne). It worked out fine, and made it easier for their American co-workers to remember their names and relate to them. I think that's a good idea for foreigners with unpronounceable names.
Another dumb, white created, racist troll thread.
What is the thinking behind these bizarre, made-up names?

#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

What is the thinking behind these bizarre, made-up names?

Hello, DGS. I believe we need to keep in mind many of the teen girls and women assigning what they believe are African-centered first names to children, belong to a large population of American females who most all of President Barack "My Brother's Keeper" and Mrs. Michelle "Girl Power" Obama's American urban story-TRUTH-teller friends and WH guests HATEFULLY denigrate as less than human *itches and *hores or 'hoes' undeserving of being treated with basic human respect.

In my opinion the odd sounding names result from HATE embraced by teen girls and women choosing to distance themselves from white anglo Americans they ignorantly believe are racist minded Americans.

The same white Americans who far too many unskilled, SELFISH, immature black American teen girls and women turn to when asking for financial aid and other support to help raise, nurture and socialize the children they choose to introduce to a #Fatherless, UNHEALTHY, traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood and teen upbringing fraught with Struggles, PAIN, Hardships, COMMUNITY FEAR, Frustrations, Uncertainty, Depression, Sorrow, Sadness, Torment, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, HATE and COMMUNITY VIOLENCE!

"Mental illness in Black Communities" Published on Nov 10, 2010 www dawsondenise com

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

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