Africa is Rising

Another made up number
Another example of white psychosis.

Untold Story Of King Leopold Who Killed Over 10 Million Africans​

Today, we're going to talk about the notorious King Leopold the Second of Belgium and his brutal rule over the Congo Free State.Now, some of you may think that history can be dry and boring, but the story we're about to unfold is anything but that. This is a story of a king who was driven by his insatiable lust for power and wealth, and who saw an entire nation as nothing more than a resource to be exploited.

Under Leopold's rule, the Congo Free State became a hell on earth for the local population. Millions of Congolese people were forced into labor camps and subjected to brutal working conditions, while others were killed or maimed for resisting or failing to meet the king's quotas. The exploitation was so severe that the population of the Congo fell from 20 million to 10 million during Leopold's reign.
And yet, this dark chapter in history is still not widely known. Many people have never even heard of King Leopold the Second, let alone the atrocities he committed in the Congo. But as we'll see today, the legacy of his reign is still felt in the Congo and throughout the world. It is a story that deserves to be told."

The Chinese people have at least treated the Africans with respect and fairness. That's more than we can say about the French and the Western powers---they enslaved the Africans and stole their resources too.

You really should learn things before flapping your chicken eaters. Notice the last video says FORCED LABOR CAMPS. now obviously you're a Smaht lady explain what forced labor is
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That’s so contradictory. A Tamil is a Tamil. An Algerian is an Algerian. But then you lump a whole bunch of other Africans into “Negro”? Not Ghanan, Hutu, or such.
You all Lump all white people as white. Doesn't matter if they're Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Swede, Italian etc
Another example of white psychosis.

Untold Story Of King Leopold Who Killed Over 10 Million Africans​

Today, we're going to talk about the notorious King Leopold the Second of Belgium and his brutal rule over the Congo Free State.Now, some of you may think that history can be dry and boring, but the story we're about to unfold is anything but that. This is a story of a king who was driven by his insatiable lust for power and wealth, and who saw an entire nation as nothing more than a resource to be exploited.

Under Leopold's rule, the Congo Free State became a hell on earth for the local population. Millions of Congolese people were forced into labor camps and subjected to brutal working conditions, while others were killed or maimed for resisting or failing to meet the king's quotas. The exploitation was so severe that the population of the Congo fell from 20 million to 10 million during Leopold's reign.
And yet, this dark chapter in history is still not widely known. Many people have never even heard of King Leopold the Second, let alone the atrocities he committed in the Congo. But as we'll see today, the legacy of his reign is still felt in the Congo and throughout the world. It is a story that deserves to be told."

That's great do the true story of the Woman King next

Russia never colonized any African country. Russia treats the African citizens with courtesy and respect---that's something France and the Western powers have NEVER done.
I think everything is going to turn out OK. It seems like France and the Western powers are jealous of the good relationship between Russia and the African countries. :beer:

You really don't know what's going on in Africa, do you?

Tell me, which countries is Wagner in in Africa?
Europeans create boundaries that didn't exist before and changed what the original boundaries were. This was the beginning of the problem. Africans need to be left alone to re establish the original national boundaries.
Show me a map drawn up by Negros, (before the Arabs and Europeans came) showing their respective "original" tribal and kingdom borders.
Again you simply poof to be a pure ignorant and uneducated racist moron.

If not for European researchers, archeologists and historians - Negros wouldn't even know as to what ethnicity, language group and family they derive from - nor as to where the respective tribes, settling in certain areas in e.g. 1700 A.D. - originally even came from.

If one would take the "original" kingdoms zone of influence (again deriving entirely from European knowledge) of e.g. Dahomey - it's size would be less then 20% of today's Benin. Taking the other tribes of Benin into account (suppressed and in constant war with Dahomey) - Benin would consist of a round 8-10 different tribes aka independent States. - and not a single one of those countries would be able to survive on it's own.


As for your Congo "genocide story" - you were already informed by me, in another thread, that the figures are a pure guess - since no one bothered to report/document these figures. That Congo's estimated population at the time was around 20 million people, - "controlled" via 10,000 Belgian/Negro militia.

Therefore it necessitated the total support by Congo Negros and their respective tribes and chieftains to "control" such a huge swath of territory - who factually exploited and killed off their own enslaved workers, within their own respective tribal areas. No doubt that the mines themselves were run by a handful of Belgians, since Congo Negros didn't know how to operate mining.
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You all Lump all white people as white. Doesn't matter if they're Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Swede, Italian etc
I do? Depends on what you are talking about racial issues, then you reference races not ethnic groups, nationalities etc. Of course they aren’t all the same nor have I ever said so. Lumping all the cultures and ethnic groups of Europe under one entity, “European” is as stupid as lumping all the ethnic groups of Africa into one entity “African”, or as another has done, stick sub Saharan Africans into one stereotype labeled “negro”. Or lumping the diverse Asian peoples together.

If you think I lump all “white” people into one ethnic category…show me where I have.
If not for European researchers, archeologists and historians - Negros wouldn't even know as to what ethnicity, language group and family they derive from - nor as to where the respective tribes, settling in certain areas in e.g. 1700 A.D. - originally even came from.
I don’t think they need Europeans to tell them who they are.
I do? Depends on what you are talking about racial issues, then you reference races not ethnic groups, nationalities etc. Of course they aren’t all the same nor have I ever said so. Lumping all the cultures and ethnic groups of Europe under one entity, “European” is as stupid as lumping all the ethnic groups of Africa into one entity “African”, or as another has done, stick sub Saharan Africans into one stereotype labeled “negro”. Or lumping the diverse Asian peoples together.

If you think I lump all “white” people into one ethnic category…show me where I have.
When I said you here I definitely meant left leaners. And please don't tell me you all dont cause that's laughable and a straight up lie
I don’t think they need Europeans to tell them who they are.
Again you think wrongly - Negros NEVER had a written language with which they could have recorded/documented anything - their "knowledge" is entirely based on verbal/story accounts. As such they know the name of their own tribe and those in their vicinity that they kept suppressing and slaughtering of during their never ending migrations in the past 2000+years. UNTIL TODAY. Including their own tribes-folk and those with a common ethnicity.

As for Europeans - look onto a map if you don't know who belongs to Europe and as such is a European. The only races - rather ethnicity - of European's comes down to four groups - Romanic, Germanic, Celtic and Slavic. No one (aside archeologists) could be bothered as to who were, and as to where the "original" inhabitants of Europe were, or came from 3500+ years ago.

That there are physical and cultural distinctions between those four groups is known - therefore Europe is primarily distinguished between Western-Europeans, Central Europeans, Southern Europeans (e.g. Iberian/Italy) and Eastern-Europeans. Zelensky is obviously an Eastern-European - whilst Putin is obviously a Western European, Trump is a Central-European and Sylvester Stallone is obviously a Southern-European. And ALL four are Europeans.

Now check out the photos of 4 African Head of States
Which ones are West, South or an Eastern Negros?, and which one is an Eastern-African of Arabic heritage?


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You really should learn things before flapping your chicken eaters. Notice the last video says FORCED LABOR CAMPS. now obviously you're a Smaht lady explain what forced labor is
Can't see the video - but I guess you are referring to Xinjiang. Europeans, or the USA simply make war and slaughter off Muslim terrorists and innocent civilians - aka "collateral damage" - and totally destroy these countries see. Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria etc.
China tackles the problem at it's roots - which is low to no education - infiltrate/manipulated by radical Imams and subjected to their "interpretation" of the Koran. Not enough jobs - therefore prone to poverty and radicalism.

If it takes 500,000 weirdo Muslims to be imprisoned and "reeducated" and 2.5 million to get a school education and learn a trade - then that is just fine with me - and way better then to just kick off wars and civil wars - that don't help to change the issue - but only make the situation worse. I know personally about a dozen Xinjiangnese aka Uighur's - All of them are decent and hard working people - they are Muslims and pray as the Koran tells them - and none of them objects towards Beijing's policy - but clearly are in support - just as the other 15 million Uighur's who want to live in peace and prosperity - and not being afraid of terrorist actions and bombings as in the period 1995 - 2015.

If e.g. Israel or e.g. Jordan would use the same approach - there wouldn't be a Palestinian issue anymore.

As for Africa:
Have you been to Africa - especially the Southern Part and observed Chinese people there?
I have, in many Negro countries - my neighbor (Shanghai) is actually running a business in Rwanda (you should listen to his "verdict" about Negros.

Those Chinese "entrepreneurs" are treating Negros the same way as Europeans did. Segregating themselves from Negros and calling them thieves and dumb people.

You need to differentiate between China Political (trying to gain political influence, sympathy and natural resources)
And Chinese business and Chinese farmer folks running their own business in Africa.
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Nonsense - the fabrication of textiles in India factually destroyed the own British textile industry. Read up some history.

You read up on it.

Since the Negro qualification towards producing anything was beyond acceptance - no one bothered to set up manufacturing plants in any significant numbers. Read up some history
The same happened to the Dutch with their textile plants in Indonesia. Americans invested heavily into the international concessions in China - setting up cotton processing plants - and thereby successfully undercutting the own cotton industry in the States. Read up some history.
Maybe…again…you should read up some history.

Most of Africa was under colonial rule for two or more generations which retarded development, disrupted or destroyed traditional cultures, relationships, law, and trade. It significantly retarded economic development. You have wonder how their trajectories would have without colonialism.

Colonialism destroyed native industries and cultures, disrupted traditional trade and trade routes and effectively stunted development for years to come. Extractive type colonialism forced natives to work in the mines, often under threats of violence, to extract material that was then sent elsewhere. Planter colonialism created a system mono cultural crops such as cotton and rubber supplanted subsistance crops. And then they were exported, made in to a finished product that was in part back to the natives who then had to buy it instead making themselves. That’s grossly oversimplified and different parts of Africa have different cultures, experiences and potentials.
Again you think wrongly - Negros NEVER had a written language with which they could have recorded/documented anything - their "knowledge" is entirely based on verbal/story accounts. As such they know the name of their own tribe and those in their vicinity that they kept suppressing and slaughtering of during their never ending migrations in the past 2000+years. UNTIL TODAY. Including their own tribes-folk and those with a common ethnicity.

I wouldn’t discount oral traditions. A lot of information is passed down in that manner.

Aside from that, ”Negros” do indeed have written scripts.

Medu Neter

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