'Afghan Withdrawl 2.0' - Biden Administration Has No Intention Of Helping Americans In Sudan Get Out


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

'See ya - Wouldn't want to be ya!'

'The Biden administration has announced it has no plans to assist U.S. citizens stranded in war-torn Sudan, currently engulfed in civil war.'

Not exactly true.

Embassy personnel were flown-out by three or four choppers (on the ground for a hour) and many Americans and other foreign nationals are in a protected (air cover) convoy from Khartoum to Egypt.

The last I heard the Fuzzy Wuzzies are not interfering.
'See ya - Wouldn't want to be ya!'

'The Biden administration has announced it has no plans to assist U.S. citizens stranded in war-torn Sudan, currently engulfed in civil war.'
I fairness there is rarely any correspondence between what governments say , what they privately plan and what they finally do .

President Piss Pants is simply relaying rehearsed releases and his words should not be given any great attention . Which is usual with this Clown Prince but in this instance good diplomacy and tact are paramount .imo
If sent there for business, the businesses should be on the hook for getting them out. I suppose it would be OK for the government to help as long as the business footed the bill.
Trumpers just can't come to terms with the fact that sleepy Joe had the balls to do what Trump was too afraid to do.......
View attachment 779405
'See ya - Wouldn't want to be ya!'

'The Biden administration has announced it has no plans to assist U.S. citizens stranded in war-torn Sudan, currently engulfed in civil war.'

What happened to personal responsibility?
" the State Department has listed Sudan under its highest-level travel advisory for months, which warns Americans not to journey to the country and advises that if they do, the U.S. government may not be able to provide help in a crisis."

So you want the President to send in troops into Sudan in a war to evacuate people that wouldn't leave voluntary for months?

Have you a list of people who have asked to leave?

Just for your motivation most of the 16,000 US Citizens in Sudan are dual citizens... This would make them black with a African accent in a lot of cases.. So do you still want to send troops?
View attachment 779405
'See ya - Wouldn't want to be ya!'

'The Biden administration has announced it has no plans to assist U.S. citizens stranded in war-torn Sudan, currently engulfed in civil war.'

Hate to break it to you, but if they are not there working for the US Govt, it is not the Govt's job to get them out.

My family lived in Iran while I was growing up. We left about 6 months before the Shah did. We saw the writing on the wall and left. We did not wait for the Govt to swoop in an save us
What happened to personal responsibility?
" the State Department has listed Sudan under its highest-level travel advisory for months, which warns Americans not to journey to the country and advises that if they do, the U.S. government may not be able to provide help in a crisis."

So you want the President to send in troops into Sudan in a war to evacuate people that wouldn't leave voluntary for months?

Have you a list of people who have asked to leave?

Just for your motivation most of the 16,000 US Citizens in Sudan are dual citizens... This would make them black with a African accent in a lot of cases.. So do you still want to send troops?

I have no problem with personL responsibility, but Biden has become the 1st Presidrnt to say 'F* You' to stranded American citizens abroad.

In Afghanistan Biden declared HE WOULD NOT LEAVE UNTIL EVERY AMERICAN WAS OUT ... and he left Americans stranded as he ran from the Taliban.

And don't give us that debunked BS about how he got every American out who wanted to get out, which is a lie.

Private groups were still getting Americans out after Biden ordered the last plane to take off.

This is just another example of how Biden really doesn't give a damn about Americans and how the term 'no one left behind' means nothing to him.

And Blinken, the Sect of State, who should be in jail right now, is as worthless as a screen door on a submarine.
Hate to break it to you, but if they are not there working for the US Govt, it is not the Govt's job to get them out.

So when the President swears an oath to protect Americans he has no obligation to try to help keep safe Americans abroad?

'Sorry, but if you leave our borders you are on your own.'

Then why did he even bother to try to get US citizens out of Afghanistan?

Then why try to bring home Americans kidnapped / held by foreign natins and dictators? Fuck 'em, right?!
So when the President swears an oath to protect Americans he has no obligation to try to help keep safe Americans abroad?

'Sorry, but if you leave our borders you are on your own.'

Then why did he even bother to try to get US citizens out of Afghanistan?

Then why try to bring home Americans kidnapped / held by foreign natins and dictators? Fuck 'em, right?!

It is not the job of the US Govt to keep all Americans safe. I know that you think the Fed Govt should be a nanny and keep everyone safe from their own choices, but that just is not the reality of the situation.

Anyone in Sudan not working for the Fed Govt went there knowing it was unsafe and were told by the US Govt not to do so. Why should we risk the lives of our military to save them from their own choices?
It is not the job of the US Govt to keep all Americans safe. I know that you think the Fed Govt should be a nanny and keep everyone safe from their own choices, but that just is not the reality of the situation.

Anyone in Sudan not working for the Fed Govt went there knowing it was unsafe and were told by the US Govt not to do so. Why should we risk the lives of our military to save them from their own choices?
Why should we risk our lives for the choices of a few partisan, criminal politicians?

If our President is not willing to protect the oives of Americans in harm's way abroad, why are we bothering to do so for non-Americans in Ukraine?
Why should we risk our lives for the choices of a few partisan, criminal politicians?

If our President is not willing to protect the oives of Americans in harm's way abroad, why are we bothering to do so for non-Americans in Ukraine?

Some of us don't support the US doing either.
Why should we risk our lives for the choices of a few partisan, criminal politicians?

The people who work at our embassies are not politicians nor criminals and they come from all political points of view.

our President is not willing to protect the oives of Americans in harm's way abroad, why are we bothering to do so for non-Americans in Ukraine?

Ask your members of Congress that voted for it
Why should we risk our lives for the choices of a few partisan, criminal politicians?
If our President is not willing to protect the lives of Americans in harm's way abroad, why are we bothering to do so for non-Americans in Ukraine?
There are 16,000 Americans in currently Sudan. They got in themselves, they can get out themselves.
Embassy staff are the president's direct reports, he is responsible to keep them safe on the job.

Ukraine was invaded by Russia. NATO should just make Ukraine a member and then the war is over.

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